Translation glossary: Geology DE>EN

Showing entries 351-400 of 6,722
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Anpassung (f)dissoziate 
German to English
German to English
Anreicherung (f)enrichment 
German to English
Anreicherung (f)replenishment 
German to English
Anreicherungszone (f)recharge zone 
German to English
Anreicherungszone (f)zone of accumulation 
German to English
Ansatz (m)scale 
German to English
Ansaugstutzen (m)pump suction nozzle 
German to English
Anschliff (m)polished section 
German to English
Anschwellen (n)swelling 
German to English
Anschwellen (n) des Wasserspiegelsintumescence 
German to English
Anschwellrate (f)swelling rate 
German to English
Anschwellung (f)intumescence 
German to English
Anschwemmfilter (m)precoat filter 
German to English
Anschwemmung (f)silting 
German to English
ansetzenspud in 
German to English
Ansprechzeit (f)response time 
German to English
anstehendes Gestein (n)bedrock 
German to English
ansteigender Hang (m)acclivity 
German to English
Anstieg (m)increase 
German to English
Anstieg (m)rise 
German to English
Anstiegspunkt (m)point of rise 
German to English
Anthracen (n)anthracene 
German to English
German to English
anthropogene Zusatzlast (f)anthropogenic incremental load. 
German to English
Anti-Korrosiva (npl)corrosion inhibitor 
German to English
Anticlinale (f)anticline 
German to English
Antimon (n)antimony 
German to English
Antwort (f)response 
German to English
Antwortzeit (f)response time 
German to English
Anwendung (f)application 
German to English
Anwendungsmethode (f)method of application 
German to English
Anwendungsprogramm (n)application 
German to English
German to English
Anzeigebereich (m)measuring range 
German to English
Anzeigewerk (n)counter 
German to English
äolosche Ablagerungaeolian deposit 
German to English
Apatit (m)apatite 
German to English
German to English
aqatisches Milieu (n)aquatic environment 
German to English
Aquädukt (n)aqueduct 
German to English
aquatische Vegetation (f)aquatic vegetation 
German to English
Aquiclude (m)aquiclude 
German to English
Aquifer (m)aquifer 
German to English
Aquifer (m) mit freiem Grundwasserspiegelwater table aquifer 
German to English
Aquiferstockwerk (n)multilayered aquifer system 
German to English
Aquifersystem (n) mit Inhomogenitätenmulticompartiment aquifer system 
German to English
Aquifertest (m)aquifer test 
German to English
Aquifuge (m)aquifuge 
German to English
Äquipotentiallfläche (f)equipotential surface 
German to English
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