Translation glossary: Plastics processing

Showing entries 51-83 of 83
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Nebenanlagensecondary equipment 
German to English
Nukleiermittelnucleating agent 
German to English
Plastifiziereinheitplasticating unit 
German to English
Raupenabzugcaterpillar haul-off 
German to English
Rüstwagen (Formenwechsel)mold change cart 
German to English
German to English
Rohrkopf (Extruder)pipe die head 
German to English
RTMresin transfer molding 
German to English
R�ckdr�cker (Formenbau)(ejector) return pin 
German to English
Saugförderersuction feeder 
German to English
Schmelzefestigkeitmelt strength 
German to English
Schneckengängescrew flights 
German to English
Schneckenlageregelungscrew position control 
German to English
Schraubdom (Formenbau)screw boss 
German to English
Schreckmarken / Abschreckmarkenchill marks 
German to English
Sichtteilvisible part 
German to English
Spritzlingmolded part 
German to English
Spritzprägeninjection/compression molding 
German to English
Stammwerkzeugbase mold 
German to English
Staudruckback pressure 
German to English
Tapelegetechnologietape layup technology 
German to English
Thermoplast-Schaumspritzgießen (TSG)thermoplastic foam injection molding (FIM) 
German to English
�berspritzenovermolding (inserts) / overfilling 
German to English
Umspritzenovermolding (inserts) / insert molding 
German to English
Vakuumformenvacuum (thermo)forming 
German to English
Verbundbauteileovermolded components 
German to English
German to English
Verweilzeitsoak time / dwell time 
German to English
German to English
Wendeeinheitturning unit 
German to English
Zusatz-Spritzaggregat / -Spritzeinheitauxiliary injection unit 
German to English
German to English
Zwischenplatte (Spritzgießen)floating plate / backing plate 
German to English
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