Translation glossary: Tech/Engineering

Showing entries 1-50 of 51
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activos de fibra óptica fibre optic assets (includes installationrepair and maintenance) 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
cable coaxialcoaxial cable 
Spanish to English
cable de pares trenzadostwisted peer-to-peer network 
Spanish to English
calas de reconocimientoinspections of perforations 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
energía power generating 
Spanish to English
EPC (EngineeringProcurement and Construction) EPC (Engineering 
Spanish to English
evaluación de calidad quality assessment google: Quality assessment is the data collection and analysis through which the degree of conformity to predetermined standards and criteria are exemplified. If the qualitythrough this process is found to be unsatisfactory 
Spanish to English
evaluación de calidadquality assessment 
Spanish to English
fibra ópticafibre optic 
Spanish to English
filodifusiónmusic service over the telephone line 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
inspeccionarmake an inspection 
Spanish to English
instalación aéreaaerial installation 
Spanish to English
instalaciones MT y BTMT and BT installations 
Spanish to English
Líneas de Alta Tensiónhigh-voltage lines 
Spanish to English
licenciasplanning permission 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
materiales de construcciónbuilding materials 
Spanish to English
múltiplex de canalchannel multiplex 
Spanish to English
obra civilcivil engineering 
Spanish to English
obras públicaspublic works 
Spanish to English
parque fotovoltaico photovoltaic park Linguee. Wikipedia: A photovoltaic power stationalso known as a solar park 
Spanish to English
parque fotovoltaicophotovoltaic park 
Spanish to English
paso de carreteracross roads 
Spanish to English
perforación horizontal teledirigidaremote horizontal drilling 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
portadores de fibra ópticaoptic fiber carrier 
Spanish to English
puesta a puntoadjustment 
Spanish to English
recalzado de muros y cimientosreinforcement walls and foundations 
Spanish to English
redes aéreasoverhead network cable 
Spanish to English
redes ópticasoptical networks 
Spanish to English
Redes de Baja Tensiónlow-voltage electric networks 
Spanish to English
Redes de Media y Baja TensiónMedium/low voltage networks 
Spanish to English
redes eléctricaselectricity network 
Spanish to English
rehabilitación (building) renovation "designing Refurbishment is the process of improvement by cleaningdecorating and re-equipping. It may also include elements of retrofitting with the aim of making a building more energy efficient and sustainable. Restoration is perfect for minor fixes such as repainting walls and replacing broken windows. If the business needs more aesthetics and functional elements to the building without changing the structure 
Spanish to English
servicios de energías renovablesrenewable energy services 
Spanish to English
siniestralidad laboralaccidents in the workplace 
Spanish to English
sistemas de pares metálicos ETL, HDSL, SHDSLsystems of ETL, HDSL, SHDSL metallic pairs 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
telecomunicaciones telecommunications Google: Telecommunications is the general subject. It is not reallyplural. Telecommunication is the process by which something is communicated electronically. 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Trabajos en Tensiónlive-line work 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
zanja para enterramiento directotrench for direct burial 
Spanish to English
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