Translation glossary: Slang / Idioms / Maxims / Sayings

Showing entries 1-8 of 8
"to have a ball""divertir-se muito", Brazilian Portuguese 
English to Portuguese
(Feral horses are) free-roamingvagam livremente 
English to Portuguese
...comer papas fritas del panel del auto...comer papas fritas del panel del auto 
English to Spanish
catch 22"Se correr o bicho pega, se ficar o bicho come" 
English to Portuguese
ficar mal acostumado(to) get spoiled 
Portuguese to English
Ficou legal, parabens.It looks cool, congratulations. 
Portuguese to English
saia-justa"in the hot seat" 
Portuguese to English
speak off the top of sb's headde improviso / improvisando 
English to Spanish
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