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[View Powwow Report] powwow: first student powwow in Munich

October 27, 2007, 12:00 am
GermanymunichIn personMultiplelanguages
Dear all,

The final date and place is Saturday 27th of October at 8 pm in the bar Sausalitos, in Schwabing, Türkenstraße 50.

Kind regards to all and have a nice powwow!
Event Organizer:

Katharina Harer

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (22) / Confirmed: 2 / Tentative: 10
Name NoteWill Attend
Katharina Harer  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  
Justine Weber   Justyna Weber  
XMariangela Diella (X)   Hello! I'm very interested in coming, but I'm going to work that day until 6 p.m. at the trade fair. I hope to meet you!! Mariangela Diella   m
Luis Cerna   I'll have some booth interpreting to do in Munich, so I hope to meet some ProZians in there.  
Ilona Reinhardt   I am new with ProZ and am interested in coming to the powwow in Munich!  
wordsmith0   Will be in Munich and will attend this time :-)  y
Alexandra Collins   I am part of a Linguists Stammtisch in Munich. Our group is open to anyone working in a language-related field - great for networking. I will come to the powwow, and tell you about it, if I find the time.  m
Xolgagrober (X)   Hey, I am a student at the SDI Munich and looking forward to the powwow:)  y
chkTranslations   ...  
XMaren Drath (X)   Maren Drath  m
Hanna Krüger   Hey, I'm very interested in knowing more about ProZ meetings  m
XFrank Heering   Hello all, I would like to join the powwow as well. However, there are two other meetings in Munich at the same day where I have to show up. I'll do my very best! I'd really like to meet you all!  m
mgro   I recently finished my studies and started to work, but would like to come anyway, if possible!  m
Astrid Cruse   I'd love to come. Where and when will it be?  
Ed Beese   look forward to any new information I might obtain  
lusita   I look forward to join...  
Xhazmatgerman (X)   Kann leider ohne Ort/Zeit nicht planen und kann nicht kommen. Grüße.  m
Catherine Lodge   Happy to see Alexandra, whom I know from the linguists' stammtisch, has tentatively signed up. I'd be interested in coming but I work until 6 p.m. in Laim so much depends on location and time. Is it really basically for students? That was long ago!  m
Katrien Vertommen   Would like to come!  m
Sean Kenney   I am interested, and will attend if I can, so maybe see you all there!  
Gerard1808   I would know where the event/meeting will take place, please  
Arnold van Druten   Will try to find an opportunity  m

Postings about this event

Powwow: munich - Germany
Katharina Harer
Katharina Harer  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:15
English to German
+ ...
First Student Powwow in Munich! Jul 27, 2007

Dear Students,
we are trying to get together a meeting with students from all languages and all different types of schools, preferably from the surroundings of Munich, Germany, due to the fact that it will take place in the school yard of one of the schools there!
Please inform all the translation students you know!
Hope to see and hear from you soon!

Luis Cerna
Luis Cerna  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:15
Member (2006)
German to Spanish
+ ...
Where and when?????? Oct 13, 2007

I already asked Katharina twice and got no answer. Do I have to sign a "Geheimshaltungserklärung" prior to get that information?
I look forward to hearing from Katharina in due course.

Katharina Harer
Katharina Harer  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:15
English to German
+ ...
Hello all! Oct 19, 2007

The powwow meeting will take place on the 27th of October at 8pm in the club EdMoses, in München, Schwabing, near Münchner Freiheit!
Hope to see u all there!



Arnold van Druten
Arnold van Druten  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:15
Dutch to German
+ ...
Whre have you all been this night?? Oct 27, 2007

Arnold van Druten
Arnold van Druten  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:15
Dutch to German
+ ...
Powwow gesternabend in München Oct 28, 2007

Zugegeben war ich erst um 20:45h im Sausalitos und traf dort lediglich Maren Draht und Roland Dorn.
Nach mehrmaligem Nachfragen beim Bar- und Bedienungspersonal wußten die nichts von einem Übersetzertreffen und auch das mehrmalige Nachfragen an mehreren Tischen und Ausschau halten nach bekannten Gesichtern brachte kein Ergebnis.
Zudem war die Kneipe übervoll, verraucht und viel zu laut um sich dort einigermaßen unterhalten zu können!
Seid ihr vielleicht von dort aus in eine
... See more
Zugegeben war ich erst um 20:45h im Sausalitos und traf dort lediglich Maren Draht und Roland Dorn.
Nach mehrmaligem Nachfragen beim Bar- und Bedienungspersonal wußten die nichts von einem Übersetzertreffen und auch das mehrmalige Nachfragen an mehreren Tischen und Ausschau halten nach bekannten Gesichtern brachte kein Ergebnis.
Zudem war die Kneipe übervoll, verraucht und viel zu laut um sich dort einigermaßen unterhalten zu können!
Seid ihr vielleicht von dort aus in eine andere Kneipe gezogen? Wenn ja, wieso habt ihr denn beim Personal keine entsprechende Nachricht für Nachzügler hinterlassen?? Schade!
Zu Dritt sind wir dann in die (weitaus ruhigere) Kneipe gegenüber gezogen und haben uns dort noch sehr gut unterhalten und austauschen können.
Vielleicht sollte eine Powwow doch etwas organisierter ablaufen?

Katrien Vertommen
Katrien Vertommen
Local time: 02:15
German to Dutch
+ ...
Sausalitos Oct 28, 2007

Hallo, ich wäre gerne gekommen, aber das Sausalitos war mir schon immer viel zu laut und zu verraucht, gerade, wenn man neue Leute kennenlernen möchte. Da es von Freising auch ein ganzes Ekchen ist nach München, bin ich dann doch lieber zuhause geblieben.

Katharina Harer
Katharina Harer  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:15
English to German
+ ...
past powwow Oct 30, 2007

Dear all!

very sorry to hear that you were not succesfull with meeting us-we went, due to the fact, that as you already mentioned correctly that the Sausalitos was too full and loud- so we went across the street in another bar-but I left a message at the bar- however, I will post a new meeting, it will presumably take place in January or February-as we found a very nice place to stay at- we were seven people and it was really nice- we all want to repeat the powwow- and this time with
... See more
Dear all!

very sorry to hear that you were not succesfull with meeting us-we went, due to the fact, that as you already mentioned correctly that the Sausalitos was too full and loud- so we went across the street in another bar-but I left a message at the bar- however, I will post a new meeting, it will presumably take place in January or February-as we found a very nice place to stay at- we were seven people and it was really nice- we all want to repeat the powwow- and this time with u guys!
please have a look at the powwow page- I will post a new date and time for the next powwow within the next week-
and please forgive the chaotic situation-it will be diferent next time, I promise!

See u all


yours Kate


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