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September 28, 2007, 7:00 pm
FranceParisIn personSpanish
Nous nous rencontrons à 18H00 au:
We meet all at 18h00:

Le Paradis du Fruit
29 Quai des Grands Augustins
75006 PARIS
tél. 01 43 54 51 42

Metro: Saint-Michel Notre-Dame

Mon portable c'est / My cellphone is: 06 64 52 09 33.

Merci beaucoup à tous.
Event Organizer:


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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (24) / Confirmed: 7 / Tentative: 4
Name NoteWill Attend
RominaZ  \"Organizer\" ...  
caroma   ...  
treetrotter   ...  
pandita   avec plaisir !  m
joanna menda   Hopefully I will be back in town  
Isabel Lindinger   Je viendrai avec plaisir!!   m
Letizia Pipero   je tacherai d'y être   y
ludivine gournay   Won't be able to come :(  n
Andreas THEODOROU   malheureusement, je serai en Angleterre...   n
Frédérique Maillochon   cette fois je compte bien en être !  y
Christian Fournier   Obligation familiale imprévue, vraiment désolé.  n
TransLangues   something else turned up... next time hopefully  n
ahardyck   Vu que j'ai raté le rencontre du 20/7 je veux bien venir  y
Le Boulaire Ludmila   J'aimerai bien venir cette fois-ci  m
Marina Zinno   vendredi soir.. pas mal!!!  y
Alena ZAYETS   Je serai en déplacement :(  n
jacquelin Laborde   where is the address?JACQUELIN  
Marie Winerfeldt   I'll be able to come! See you all soon!  y
Mari Luz Ponce   Sorry, finally I cannot make it on 28th, so I´ll join next time  n
Lavinia de Naro Papa   Great idea! i'll be there  y
XNoemie Flood (X)   je serais à Paris ce week-end et serais heureuse de vous rencontrer !  y
Annelise Meyer   In the end, I have too much work and I don't wanna spend the weekend on it so... I hope to see you next time! Enjoy the evening !  n
XTecpatl   P't'êt' ben qu'oui P't'êt' ben qu'non  m
Pily   I am late? Hope not!  

Postings about this event

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Powwow: Paris - France
RominaZ  Identity Verified
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Helping with the organization Aug 13, 2007

Hi All,

Would anybody be willing to help with the organization of this event? Just finding a suitable venue would be fine. Please contact me over skype "rominabona" Argentina or ar my email [email protected].


ludivine gournay
ludivine gournay  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:35
English to French
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Idea Aug 13, 2007

What about a pic-nic if it is sunny ?

Andreas THEODOROU  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:35
Greek to English
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venue Aug 14, 2007

i won't be able to make it but try this for a venue. it's very close to Chatelet and you can reserve the top floor if there are many people

Le Trappiste
4 r St Denis 75001 PARIS
01 42 33 08 50

Annelise Meyer
Annelise Meyer  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:35
English to French
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Another address Sep 21, 2007

here is the address of a very big bar near Bastille, where you could organize it (I don't know if I will be able to come): Le Falstaff, 10 place de la Bastille.


RominaZ  Identity Verified
English to Spanish
+ ...
Defining the time and the place Sep 21, 2007

Hi All,
The date is getting so close I'm concerned about not having an "official" organizer yet. Would anybody like to be the organizer (just to define the time, the place and to record attendance)?. Please contact me at [email protected].
Thanks Annelise for suggesting a placeicon_smile.gif!

Lavinia de Naro Papa
Lavinia de Naro Papa
Local time: 00:35
English to French
+ ...
Let's find a place Sep 24, 2007

Even if there isn't an official organizer, we could all agree on a place and time and meet there.
The idea of a picnic looks nice, but I think that most of us are not available during the day on weekdays.
I think that the best would be a place which is not too crowded or smoky, but in Paris this looks like an utopia to me.

Any ideas?

Lavinia de Naro Papa
Lavinia de Naro Papa
Local time: 00:35
English to French
+ ...
Let's find a place Sep 24, 2007

Even if there isn't an official organizer, we could all agree on a place and time and meet there.
I think that the best would be a place which is not too crowded or smoky, but in Paris this looks like an utopia to me.

The idea of a picnic looks nice, but I think that most of us are not available during the day on weekdays.

Any ideas?

Marina Zinno
Marina Zinno  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:35
French to Italian
+ ...
place and time Sep 25, 2007

We have two addresses (one in chatelet and the other in bastille), we just need to choose and the time.. 19h00 as stated in this powwow headline?

Lavinia de Naro Papa
Lavinia de Naro Papa
Local time: 00:35
English to French
+ ...
Does anyone know a non smoking place? Sep 25, 2007

If we look at the opinions on Cityvox, the "Falstaff" near Bastille looks a little bit better.

I only hope that they have a non smoking area.

Does anyone know a nice non smoking place where we could meet?

Frédérique Maillochon
Frédérique Maillochon
Local time: 00:35
Member (2006)
Italian to French
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non smoking places Sep 25, 2007

Just havea look at this website :

Lavinia de Naro Papa
Lavinia de Naro Papa
Local time: 00:35
English to French
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Great website Sep 25, 2007

This is a great site, but unfortunately the restaurants are not sorted by price.

How can we find the right place?

Frédérique Maillochon
Frédérique Maillochon
Local time: 00:35
Member (2006)
Italian to French
+ ...
non smoking place Sep 25, 2007

au père tranquille 16 rue Pierre Lescot 1er (Les halles)
"la salle est non fumeur"
to be checked ? anyway this is a nice place

Noemie Flood (X)
Noemie Flood (X)
Local time: 00:35
German to French
+ ...
time Sep 25, 2007

I suggest 5 P.M. on Friday, so we don't have to stay too late. What do you think ? It IS Friday, after all.... so let's meet up for that Friday afternoon beericon_smile.gif

ludivine gournay
ludivine gournay  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:35
English to French
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place and time Sep 25, 2007

Hi all

So the powwow will be on Friday, right ? or on saturday ?

Another idea for the place :
Le Paradis du Fruit

It is a restaurant and a bar so we can just have a drink there or have dinner. The main ingredients in this restaurant/bar are..the fruits of course. You can compose your own coktail or plate. On this website you can also look at the prices... See more
Hi all

So the powwow will be on Friday, right ? or on saturday ?

Another idea for the place :
Le Paradis du Fruit

It is a restaurant and a bar so we can just have a drink there or have dinner. The main ingredients in this restaurant/bar are..the fruits of course. You can compose your own coktail or plate. On this website you can also look at the pricesicon_wink.gif

Lavinia de Naro Papa
Lavinia de Naro Papa
Local time: 00:35
English to French
+ ...
le paradis du fruit Sep 26, 2007

Le paradis du fruit sounds like a good idea, and there's not only fruits there : they actually serve abundant plates if we want to stay for dinner.

But for those who would like a beer there are only cocktails.

The idea of meeting at 5 is not bad, but for those who work, I'm not sure wether they would be able to come that early.

I think that we should agree on a place rather quickly.

For me any place is good, provided that it's non smoking.

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