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[View Powwow Report] powwow: The London Powwow goes on holidays!

May 24, 2008, 12:00 am
United KingdomBrightonIn personEnglish

After a few very busy weeks I've managed to sort something out for next Saturday's Brighton Powwow.

We will meet up at 3 p.m. at a pub called the Battle of Trafalgar, in Guildford Road, literally 2 minutes away from Brighton Train Station.
It has a very nice beer garden and should be fairly quiet at this time of the day.
Here is a link to the pub with a map showing how to get there:

After that, if the weather is nice, we will go to the beach for a nice picnic. We can stop at the supermarket to grab some food and drinks on the way...

The month of May is also the time for the Brighton Festival so here are a few links for those who want to seize this opportunity to see a dance, theatre, music, comedy, street performance show or open-house :

- Official Brighton Festival 2008 link:

- Brighton Fringe link:

- Brighton Artist Open Houses:

- And the very famous Udderbelly:

As it's quite spread out everywhere in town, I think people should decide what they want to see / if they want to see anything. I can of course give some directions during the Powwow and maybe recommend some of the shows...

If you're new to ProZ or this is your first powwow and you would like to find out what they are all about, please refer to the FAQ site:

See you there!

*German for "regulars' table" or "regular get-together"

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (12) / Confirmed: 5
Name NoteWill Attend
XClément Defontaine  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  
Arianna Tremayne  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Looks like I cannot make it - am snowed under... Have a lovely day!  n
Frances Bryce  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Sounds like a lot of fun. I actually live in Kent and would really like to meet fellow Prozians in the Kent/Sussex region!  y  \"Photographer\" Sorry - It looks like I won't be able to make it to Brighton after all. Hope you all have fun though!  n
Paula Greco   Will try my best as I really would like to attend.  
Laura Huttu   Wont be in UK that weekend, but hope to see you all soon.  n
John Shippey   Are there any other translators in Brighton?   y
Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart  \"Photographer\" Brighton rocks - count me in!  y
Ute Fitzjohn   I'm in Germany that weekend but hope to see you all next time.  n
gwm   Brighton here I come!  y
XZitrouille (X)   I am free in fact!  y
Hannah Sandford   Gosh! Didn't realise it was today - will try to get on a train now!!  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Brighton - United Kingdom
Arianna Tremayne
Arianna Tremayne  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:56
German to English
+ ...
Perfect May 19, 2008

Sounds like it is going to be a fun afternoon! Looking forward to it! ^-^


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