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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Pre-Christmas powwow

December 12, 2009, 5:00 pm
Czech RepublicPrahaIn personEnglish
Zvu všechny kolegy a kolegyně na tradiční předvánoční setkání do irské hospody

Janovského 36, Praha 7

Je to kousek od Strossmayerova náměstí. Doporučuju svézt se až k Veletržnímu paláci (tram 12, 14, 15, 17, v noci pak 53 a 54, zastávka Veletržní), je to hned za rohem.

Rezervace je od 16 hodin, ale pokud budete potřebovat ještě přeleštit nějaké to okno nebo dopéct nějaký ten plech, tak doražte klidně později :-))

S kuchařem domlouvám dvě menu - jedno masitější, jedno zeleninovější, abychom nemuseli zbytečně dlouho čekat na jídlo.

1) Náměty na konferenci, kterou bych chtěl příští rok uspořádat v Praze
2) První zkušenosti s Trados Studio 2009
3) Novinky v daních pro příští rok
4) Nic z toho nebo cokoli dalšího

Tentokrát to vypadá na opravdu mezinárodní sešlost, takže oprašujte němčinu (včetně saského dialektu), angličtinu nebo třeba švédštinu.


V pátek od 19 hodin se na vás budu těšit v restauraci VESELÝ BIZON, Štefánikova 44. Stůl je rezervovaný na moje jméno (Janoušek) nebo na PŘEKLADATELE.

Kdyby cokoli, zavolejte nebo pošlete zprávu na +420 777 16 16 60.

Už se těším,

The regular pre-Christmas powwow will take place on Saturday afternoon. I have booked some tables at O'Brien Pub:

Janovského 36, Prague 7

Take the tram 12, 14, 15 or 17 to Veletržní, from there it's just round the corner.

We'll start at 4pm. There will be two main courses to choose from, one for meat eaters, one for veggies.

1) Suggestions for next year's conference in Prague
2) First experience with Trados Studio 2009
3) Anything you would like to discuss


There'll be a pre-powwow on Friday night starting at 7pm here:

Veselý Bizon
Štefánikova 44, Prague 5

It's close to Anděl metro station.


If you get lost or need help, give me a call:
+420 777 16 16 60

I have made the reservations in my name (Janousek), or just ask for the tables reserved for PREKLADATELE.

See you soon,

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (27) / Confirmed: 9 / Tentative: 2
Name NoteWill Attend
Pavel Janoušek  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" See you soon!  
Zdenek Mrazek   ...  
Milada Šejnohová   ...  
Kateřina Suchánková   Asi ano, i když termín sobota před Vánocemi není pro mě nic moc :-)  y
Kostas Zgafas   ...  
Alca Ryskova   prijdu se v patek veselit k Bizonovi... s vyhradou nenadale udalosti.  m
Herbert Fipke   Auf in neue Gefilde!  y
danilingua   oiweh, midde am daach  
Doreen Schäfer   Ahoj - I'm coming...  y
Erik Hansson   Üsch gomm abor noa wemma dort ooch säggsch rehn gann (iss ja ooch Nochborrsproch). Gannstu das bidde oben gorregieren? // Těším se na pátek+sobota večer.  y
Cesar Madeira Mendoza   Sorry, I had to change my plans and will fly a week later. May be we can see then. Hope you will have a nice powwow!  n
XRené Stranz-Nikitin   Pěkné že někdo pozval na Powwow přímo v sousední městské části. Bylo by docela divné, kdybych nepřišel. Schön, dass jemand so ein Indianertreffen in meinem Nachbarstadtbezirk organisiert hat. Ich werd bestimmt mal reinschauen.  y
Marek Buchtel   Snad to vyjde, škoda, že to není ve všední den...  
Jan Kolbaba   Both Friday or Saturday will be okay with me...  
René Weinhold   ...  y
Klaus Herrmann   Sorry, won't work for me. Have fun y'all!  n
Xellenbelle (X)   ...  
Jaroslav Suchánek   I hope will be able to come!?  
Martin Janda  \"Photographer\" Unless a disaster or a huuuuge job arrives.   
Hynek Palatin   ...  
Iraida Vozková   Nevim jiste, zda mi to vyjde, ale rada bych prisla.  
Hana Pankova   ...  
Sabina Králová   Doufam, ze dorazim. Jeste se prida kolegyne Jarka Rosenova.  
Eva Stepankova   I'll try to be there both on Friday and Saturday.  y
Elizabeth Spacilova  \"Host\" I will be a little late though  y
Jiri Kortus   ...  y
Karel Tatransky   Karel Tatranský  m

Postings about this event

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Powwow: Praha - Czech Republic
Alca Ryskova
Alca Ryskova  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 19:53
English to Czech
+ ...
yes, Nov 19, 2009

i´d prefer friday too, as I mentioned above, i cannot come on saturday. so a pre-powwow is a good idea

Blanka Salkova
Blanka Salkova  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 19:53
English to Czech
+ ...
indeed Nov 19, 2009

Fr. eve. is much bettericon_smile.gif .. if possible though.

Pavel Janoušek
Pavel Janoušek  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 19:53
Member (2007)
German to Czech
+ ...
Pre-powwow on Friday Nov 20, 2009

OK, we can do both, a pre-powwow on Friday night and a powwow on Saturday afternoon till night, perhaps combined with a sightseeing tour.

Erik Hansson
Erik Hansson  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:53
+ ...
Powwow languages Nov 26, 2009

[Let's take this in English]
Great stuff to add the 4th language, Pavel. Thanks. I know of two attendants who definitely will prefer speaking Säggsch to any other languages. Other attendants who are still not yet fluent in Säggsch, and are willing to spend one glass of pivo or two, are offered a special Powwow crash course.

Kateřina Suchánková
Kateřina Suchánková  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 19:53
Member (2010)
English to Czech
+ ...
Prepowwow on Friday evening Nov 19, 2009

Sorry and once once more for those who don't speak Czech. Friday evening is not a bad idea at all. If more of us were interested to meet on Friday, I'd definitely prefer this possibility.

Kateřina Suchánková
Kateřina Suchánková  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 19:53
Member (2010)
English to Czech
+ ...
Prepowwow on Friday evening Nov 19, 2009

Ten pátek večer vůbec není špatný nápad, pokud by nás bylo víc, učitě bych dala přednost pátkuicon_smile.gif

Erik Hansson
Erik Hansson  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:53
+ ...
Kateřina\'s photos Jan 5, 2010

Thanks for sharing your photos from this event, Kateřina! All the best and lots of success in 2010 to all of you out there.

Kateřina Suchánková
Kateřina Suchánková  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 19:53
Member (2010)
English to Czech
+ ...
Some more photos Jan 4, 2010

Hi everyone! It was really a great event and I have really enjoyed it! I have finally managed to put some more pictures on the web - at least I hope so! I know it\'s rather late - but better late than never!
Here\'s the link:

danilingua  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:53
English to German
+ ...
Doreensche Nov 5, 2009

das ist abba schönicon_smile.gif)

Stephanie Wloch
Stephanie Wloch  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:53
Member (2003)
Just some well-meant warnings Dec 2, 2009

for my dear Czech colleagues about the German pronounciation, which could be dangerous for you:

Another warning for my dear deers and elks about Czech truckers:

Dobrej zabawy!
Veel plezier met Paweltje!

Erik Hansson
Erik Hansson  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:53
+ ...
@Steffi Dec 2, 2009

Thanks for sharing, Steffilein. I'm just happy that I decided to go to Prague by train... it's a shame though that you won't come to this unique event. Next time?

Pavel Janoušek
Pavel Janoušek  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 19:53
Member (2007)
German to Czech
+ ...
Do we need interpreters for the powwow? Dec 2, 2009

Shall I engage her for the powwow?

Erik Hansson
Erik Hansson  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:53
+ ...
Qualified staff Dec 2, 2009

@Pavel Sorry, but the link won't open (at least in Germany) due to some copyright regulations. I did however find this qualified interpreter who could surely ensure a smooth communicaton at the powwow:

Pavel Janoušek
Pavel Janoušek  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 19:53
Member (2007)
German to Czech
+ ...
That's... Dec 3, 2009

exactly the woman we need for the powwow.

Pavel Janoušek
Pavel Janoušek  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 19:53
Member (2007)
German to Czech
+ ...
More details available... Dec 4, 2009

now! Do call me if you need any help or have a suggestion/question.


Doplnil jsem pár podrobností. Kdybyste měli nějaký návrh/nápad nebo potřebovali poradit, zavolejte:

+420 777 16 16 60

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