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[View Powwow Report] powwow: pre-conference gathering and dinner

October 16, 2009, 8:00 pm
SpainBarcelonaIn personEnglish
I was thinking of this restaurant: as it's near the conference and hopefully the attendees' accomodation too, but am open to suggestions. A chance to meet up and network a little before the conference in a relaxed atmosphere, especially for those who are coming from outside Barcelona.
Event Organizers:

Patricia de Gispert

Gary Smith Lawson

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (10) / Confirmed: 3
Name NoteWill Attend
Gary Smith Lawson  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Hi. A very belated idea for an informal dinner and a little newtorking before the Barcelona conference. I was thinking of this place: for its proximity to the conference and presumably attendees' accomodation, but am open to suggestions.  y
Patricia de Gispert  \"Organizer\" ¡Perfecto! Si todo está listo y no surge nada de último minuto, vendré.  
Irène Guinez   Sorry, I won't come. too busy.  n
Jose Palomares   Al final no fue posible, espero que lo pasárais muy bien :-)  
Gemma Sanza Porcar   ¡Genial! Ya nos escribimos para tener nuestros números de móvil. Yo llegaré sobre las 20:30. Hasta el viernes, Gemma  y
Edwal Rospigliosi   Ahí estaré también.   
Agnès Bourdin   Buena idea, vendré!  
XCarmen Soler Rodríguez (X)   Me parece buena idea, iré.  y
keelin feeney   I hope to come though it depends on work. What is the official meeting time?  
Yvonne Baker Altamirano   ...  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Barcelona - Spain
Gary Smith Lawson
Gary Smith Lawson
Local time: 11:25
Member (2007)
Spanish to English
+ ...
Late but fun Oct 20, 2009

A last-minute Powow but nice atmosphere and good food. 7 of us made it, including Yvonne Altamirano, soon to join Proz (about time too with her experience!), and Gemma's brother (whose English is excellent!). Edwal has a better camera than mine, so he was the official photographer. When I get his photos I'll put them up. Very useful for networking: Agnes, a sworn translator in France, Carmen, a literary translator with a much experience, Edwal, defence (and who I already know from first-hand is ... See more
A last-minute Powow but nice atmosphere and good food. 7 of us made it, including Yvonne Altamirano, soon to join Proz (about time too with her experience!), and Gemma's brother (whose English is excellent!). Edwal has a better camera than mine, so he was the official photographer. When I get his photos I'll put them up. Very useful for networking: Agnes, a sworn translator in France, Carmen, a literary translator with a much experience, Edwal, defence (and who I already know from first-hand is a reliable translator), and Gemma, bio-medical texts. It was nice meeting you all and making new friends as well as potential business partners. ;.)Collapse

Carmen Soler Rodríguez (X)
Carmen Soler Rodríguez (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:25
French to Spanish
+ ...
Hi Oct 20, 2009

Yes Gary, late, fun and very interesting!

Agnès Bourdin
Agnès Bourdin
Local time: 11:25
Member (2005)
Spanish to French
+ ...
Nice Oct 21, 2009

Indeed it was nice to meet everyone. Thank you Gary for organizing this Powwowicon_smile.gif

Gemma Sanza Porcar
Gemma Sanza Porcar  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:25
Member (2008)
English to Spanish
Thank you Gary Oct 26, 2009

Meeting you was a very good introduction to Conference.



Gary Smith Lawson
Gary Smith Lawson
Local time: 11:25
Member (2007)
Spanish to English
+ ...
Time Oct 14, 2009

Let's say 8.00 pm. (We have to get up a little early the next day. ;.)


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