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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Nona & Jo are back in town

October 23, 2010, 2:00 pm
ItalyMilanoIn personItalian
Cari colleghi,

Il PowWow che abbiamo organizzato un anno fa è stato probabilmente quello con il numero di adesioni e partecipanti più alto mai organizzato in Italia... e quindi abbiamo deciso di ripetere l'esperienza, nello stesso ristorante. Stavolta però chiuderemo le prenotazioni a 45 partecipanti. Quindi per favore niente "forse", confermate solo se siete sicuri di farcela. Tenete presente che non possiamo accomodare amici e parenti :(
Questa volta solo traduttori professionisti :)

Vi ricordiamo il ristorante: Indian Restaurant - Via P. Castaldi 42, Milano (MM1 Porta Venezia) - ore 12.00
La gestione è cambiata e quindi non possiamo garantire lo stesso eccellente servizio, ma incrociamo le dita. Comunque, il buffet costa 10,50 euro (pollo, lenticchie, verdure, riso, pane e insalata). Le bevande non sono comprese.

Abbiamo anche pensato, in base all'esperienza passata, di suggerire noi un tema per questo PowWow:La globalizzazione nel mondo della traduzione: opportunità, effetti, difficoltà.

Ci sono stati molti cambiamenti nel business, la crisi economica combinata con Internet ha reso il mercato più difficile e molto più esteso, il tema quindi centrerà su: quali vantaggi e svantaggi hanno portato il mercato globale alla nostra professione?

Quando interverrete con il vostro contributo, per favore, cercate di renderli "neutri" e "generali" dato che devono valere per tutte le combinazioni di lingue.

A presto,
Nona & Jo

Dear colleagues,

the PowWow we organized last year has probably been the one with the highest number of participants every organized in Italy... and so we have decided to repeat the experience, in the same restaurant. This time we will however close reservations at 45 participants. So please no "maybes", only confirm if you are sure you can make it. Keep in mind that we cannot find place for friends & relatives :)
Only professional translators :)

The address is: Indian Restaurant - Via P. Castaldi 42, Milano (MM1 Porta Venezia) – at noon.
The owners have changed so we cannot guarantee the same excellent service but let's cross our fingers. Anyway, the buffet is 10.50 euro (chicken, lentils, vegetables, rice, bread and salads). Drinks are not included.

We have also decided, on the basis of past experience, to suggest a theme for this PowWow: globalization in the world of translations: opportunities, effects, difficulties.

There have been many changes in the business, the economic slump combined with the Internet has made the market more complex and much larger, the theme will therefore centre on: what advantages and disadvantages have the global market brought to your profession?

When participating with your contributions, please try to make them "neutral" and “general” as they must apply to all language combinations.

See you soon!
Jo & Nona

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (49) / Confirmed: 32
Name NoteWill Attend
Nona Stanciu Dell'Acqua  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" ...  y
jo monrad   ...  y
XAlessandra Palitta (X)  \"Host\" ...  y
Raffaella Panigada   Eccomi! Come sempre salvo imprevisti... Brava, Nona!  y
Ivan Patti   Purtroppo la cucina indiana proprio non mi piace, mangio da qualche altra parte e vi raggiungo per le 14 al ristorante.  y
Cristina Munari   ...  y
Francesca Bertonazzi   ...  y
Juliette Scott   ...  y
tradu-grace   HI Nona, I could not attend your last powwow you invited me but I would like to attend this one. Thanks in advance  y
Sanja198   ...  
XJuliet Halewood (X)   really, really sorry, not going to make it after all - I'm not very well.  n
patricia richards   this will be my first experience, really looking forward to it  y
Silvia Bernardi   it will be my first experience and I look forward to it  y
Valeria Mazza   Un imprevisto mi impedisce di partecipare. Peccato!  n
Nadia Mondi  \"Host\" Mi sarebbe piaciuto partecipare ma purtroppo nonp osso. Prossima volta. Ciao.  n
alexandra lozano  \"Photographer\" i am glad it's my second... i don't have any national suit around. Looking forward to see you there  y
Barbara Trespidini   ...  y
Candice Carmel   Would love to meet some fellow translators. Will see if I can make it from Venice to attend!  
Roberta Linssen   I can't believe it.... I urgently need to go to Germany tomorrow morning, so again... no Powwow!!!! ARGH!!!! Have fun all of you :D   n
Huijiao Deng   ...  
Maria Teresa Pozzi   Da non perdere! Come sempre grazie a Nona per l'organizzazione  y
Daniela Caltanella   ...  y
Translation Pro   ...  
Sanja Raunig   Vengo volentieri!  y
Gabriele Tonell  \"Photographer\" See you on Saturday the 23th !!!!  y
mlreid   Thanks Nona and Jo - powwows are the perfect answer to the ivory tower!  y
James (Jim) Davis   Great to see you back in town Nona and Jo :-)  y
angela zanoner   Mi dispiace moltissimo, ma purtroppo ho già un impegno. Verrò sicuramente al prossimo!  n
Virtala   ...  y
Gabriele Tonelli  \"Photographer\" I Can't wait !  y
Carmen Copilau  \"Photographer\" L'imprevisti dell'ultimo minuto :o( Mi dispiace ma, non ce la faccio  n
Hope05   ...  
repscoho   Ci saro'  y
Anita Ferraro   my first time!   y
Andrea Croccolo   working  n
Ganna Pelagenko   ...  y
Julia Pepa   Julia Pepa , ci saro' anch'io al powwow!  y
Anne Gygi   I'll be there!  
Sally Winch   Ci sarò con molto piacere  y
Elena Romano   ...  y
Guergana Krasteva   ...  y
Paola Battagliarini   sorry but due to a problem in the family I have to go away for a few days and will be unable to attend. Sorry! I hope next time  n
XClaudia Salamone (X)   last minute problem. Mi dispiace! Potrei arrivare dopo pranzo, ma non sono sicura.   n
Xnrdawe2 (X)   This will be my first powwow and I'm looking forward to it!  y
Petra Johansson   ...  y
Giovanni Terzi  \"Host\" maybe  
XAchille Albertelli (X)   Mi dispiace tanto, ma questa volta non potrò partecipare.  n
Angie Garbarino   I will be there!  y

Postings about this event

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Powwow: Milano - Italy
Hilary Bruce
Hilary Bruce  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 08:07
Italian to English
+ ...
Can't make it :-((( Sep 30, 2010

Che bello vedere un nuovo powwow a Milano, peccato che non posso venire questa volta. Saluti a tutti e buon powwow!

Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:07
Member (2003)
French to Italian
+ ...
Ci sarò Oct 3, 2010

Grazie Nona per averne organizzato un altro!

Colin Ryan (X)
Colin Ryan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:07
Italian to English
+ ...
I'd like to come, but I'm scared of committing myself... Oct 7, 2010

I've dropped out of so many powwows before, that I'll lose whatever shred of respect I have left if I do it again...

Mr Commitment

[Edited at 2010-10-12 08:25 GMT]

Anita Ferraro
Anita Ferraro
Local time: 09:07
English to Italian
+ ...
My first time in Powwow Oct 12, 2010

Please, let me know what happens during the powwow. Should I prepare myself for something special?

nrdawe2 (X)
nrdawe2 (X)
Local time: 09:07
Italian to English
+ ...
It would be my first time too... Oct 12, 2010

anitasmith wrote:

Please, let me know what happens during the powwow. Should I prepare myself for something special?

...and I was also wondering what happens during powwows. Since there's a specific theme do we all have to contribute something or do just a few people contribute?

Thanks in advance!

[Edited at 2010-10-12 14:39 GMT]

Colin Ryan (X)
Colin Ryan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:07
Italian to English
+ ...
First-timers have to come wearing their national costume... Oct 12, 2010

...or they won't be let in. That's an old pow-wow tradition. Right, guys?

nrdawe2 (X)
nrdawe2 (X)
Local time: 09:07
Italian to English
+ ...
Hmmmm... Oct 13, 2010

ryancolm wrote:

...or they won't be let in. That's an old pow-wow tradition. Right, guys?

I'm not sure if I should believe you! The problem is that I have no idea where to find Welsh hats in Milan...

[Edited at 2010-10-13 10:59 GMT]

Colin Ryan (X)
Colin Ryan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:07
Italian to English
+ ...
Well, there's a workaround... Oct 13, 2010

Bibish wrote:

I'm not sure if I should believe you! The problem is that I have no idea where to find Welsh hats in Milan...

We relax the rules if you buy everyone a drink...

Roberta Linssen
Roberta Linssen  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:07
English to German
+ ...
I'd like to come, but I'm scared of committing myself... Oct 15, 2010

ryancolm wrote:

I've dropped out of so many powwows before, that I'll lose whatever shred of respect I have left if I do it again...

Mr Commitment

[Edited at 2010-10-12 08:25 GMT]

AHAHAHAH Colm don't worry, you're just like any other manicon_biggrin.gif Feel free to come anywayicon_wink.gif!!!

jo monrad
jo monrad  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:07
Italian to English
+ ...
take it easy Oct 18, 2010

Perhaps we wrote the presentation of the powwow a bit "seriously"... that's just an attempt to keep it sort of halfway professional. So anyone who worry about contributions, how to dress etc., take it easy!! We had lots of fun last time. Thing is, it was too crowded so we though we would scare off a few people... but don't worry, it's really just social (almost) & you don't have to speak if you don't want to

jo monrad
jo monrad  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:07
Italian to English
+ ...
desserts Oct 18, 2010

I went to reserve the restaurant today. Price is confirmed, like last year we ask you to kindly pay when you arrive so we don't have to worry about people forgetting.. and the restaurant includes a dessert in the price as a bonus! See you on Saturday! jo

Ivan Patti
Ivan Patti  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:07
English to Italian
+ ...
Io arriverò... Oct 19, 2010

per le 13.30 e prendo solo da bere (come ho detto: cucina indiana no, compagnia sì e volentieri). Chi fra coloro che mi conoscono già si "offre" per tenermi un posto?

Colin Ryan (X)
Colin Ryan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:07
Italian to English
+ ...
Mr. Commitment does it again... Oct 20, 2010

Sorry to Roberta and all my other fans...icon_frown.gif

nrdawe2 (X)
nrdawe2 (X)
Local time: 09:07
Italian to English
+ ...
I'm sorry I'm late in reserving my place... Oct 20, 2010

But I'm coming too!icon_smile.gif

[Edited at 2010-10-20 10:56 GMT]

Raffaella Panigada
Raffaella Panigada  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:07
Member (2007)
English to Italian
+ ...
Io arriverò... Oct 22, 2010

Ivan Patti wrote:

per le 13.30 e prendo solo da bere (come ho detto: cucina indiana no, compagnia sì e volentieri). Chi fra coloro che mi conoscono già si "offre" per tenermi un posto?

Ciao Ivan,

non ti preoccupare, al massimo ci si stringe un po' icon_wink.gif

A domani!

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