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Gary Smith Lawson Spain Local time: 14:05 Member (2007) Spanish to English + ...
¡A vernos el pelo! / Todos bienvenidos/ Everybody's welcome / Ihr seid alle herzlich willkommen /
Jan 19, 2011
Hola a tod@s. Por fin tenemos fecha. En principio será el lunes, 7 de febrero (aunque dejamos abierta la posibilidad de que sea el día 21). El 14 no puede ser porque no nos queremos tanto, creo ;.). También es que en Castellón hay actividades interesantes esa semana y seguramente algun@s vais a querer acudir: el congreso de AIETI ( y las... See more
Hola a tod@s. Por fin tenemos fecha. En principio será el lunes, 7 de febrero (aunque dejamos abierta la posibilidad de que sea el día 21). El 14 no puede ser porque no nos queremos tanto, creo ;.). También es que en Castellón hay actividades interesantes esa semana y seguramente algun@s vais a querer acudir: el congreso de AIETI ( y las VIII Jornadas Científicas y profesionales de Tremédica ( con la participación de XARXAtiv (ya cuyo plazo de inscripción acaba el 31 de enero). Yo mismo espero poder ir. He hablado con los de Ubik, zona Russafa (¡otra vez...!) y con el Portland zona Canovas, y parece ser que el lunes al menos será una noche tranquila. En Ubik hay zona para niños (y niños grandes :.)), mientras creo que el Portland es mejor para aparcar (al otro lado del río en la alameda). Aún no he hablado con el dueño del Portland sobre la posibilidad de que vengan niños, pero es un tipo muy simpático así que tal vez sea posible. Si hay preferencias, ya podéis decírnoslas. ¡Espero veros allí! Besos, abrazos, y algún apretón frío de manos para los ingleses como yo. :.)
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Gary Smith Lawson Spain Local time: 14:05 Member (2007) Spanish to English + ...
Jan 21, 2011
Hi. So far 2 translators can't make it on 7th. Any more? We can always repeat on 21st anyhow if we like ;.) Kids are allowed at the Portland says the owner, and if the weather's nice there's always the terrace too, so it looks like that's the place to go. I think it'd be better to start earlier at 7pm too, to make sure we have the place more or less to ourselves.
Hay 2 traductores que no pueden venir el día 7. ¿Alguien más? Si no, a lo mejor nos vemos otra vez el día 21 si hay ga... See more
Hi. So far 2 translators can't make it on 7th. Any more? We can always repeat on 21st anyhow if we like ;.) Kids are allowed at the Portland says the owner, and if the weather's nice there's always the terrace too, so it looks like that's the place to go. I think it'd be better to start earlier at 7pm too, to make sure we have the place more or less to ourselves.
Hay 2 traductores que no pueden venir el día 7. ¿Alguien más? Si no, a lo mejor nos vemos otra vez el día 21 si hay ganas. El dueño del Portland dice que niños pueden venir ese día, y si hace buen tiempo también hay la pequeña terraza (bueno acera...). O sea, mejor el Portland creo. Y también mejor empezar sobre las 19.00 para asegurarnos de ocupar el local con traductores. ;.) ▲ Collapse
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Gary Smith Lawson Spain Local time: 14:05 Member (2007) Spanish to English + ...
¿Comida? Food?
Jan 24, 2011
Let me know if you're interested in eating there too. It's not exactly vegan, but they can do typical North American food and snacks. I just need to know so they keep the kitchen open on a Monday. There's also a place across the street that does vegetarian fare and the bar owner will let you bring it over and eat on the premises. Thanks; looking forward to seeing you. ;.) Decidme si queréis cenar algo o tomar un piscolabis allí en el bar para que mantengan abierta la cocina un lunes.... See more
Let me know if you're interested in eating there too. It's not exactly vegan, but they can do typical North American food and snacks. I just need to know so they keep the kitchen open on a Monday. There's also a place across the street that does vegetarian fare and the bar owner will let you bring it over and eat on the premises. Thanks; looking forward to seeing you. ;.) Decidme si queréis cenar algo o tomar un piscolabis allí en el bar para que mantengan abierta la cocina un lunes. También hay un sitio que puede hacer comida vegetariana al otro lado de la calle, y el dueño del bar te dejará comerla allí en su bar. Gracias; tengo ganas de veros. ;.) ▲ Collapse
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Gary Smith Lawson Spain Local time: 14:05 Member (2007) Spanish to English + ...
Lugar y hora / Place and time
Feb 2, 2011
C/ Salamanca 10, a partir de las 19:00h, lunes 7 de febrero.
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I'll drop in for a while (a bit later than 7 p.m. though!) and I won't be staying to supper.
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Lorena Villar Spain Local time: 14:05 English to Spanish + ...
No food
Feb 7, 2011
Hi! I'll go to meet you all but won't stay for supper either. See ya.
[Edited at 2011-02-07 15:56 GMT]
[Edited at 2011-02-07 15:57 GMT]
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Gary Smith Lawson Spain Local time: 14:05 Member (2007) Spanish to English + ...
To eat or not to eat
Feb 7, 2011
Hay comida si alguien quiere, pero la idea no es una cena sino una copa y vernos. Food is available, but the idea is to have a drink and meet up, not to have dinner.
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kathryn davies Local time: 14:05 Spanish to English + ...
Thanks for organising a great meet-up Gary!
Feb 7, 2011
It was lovely, and very useful to meet up with other translators in Valencia, hope we can do it again soon...
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translate cc (X) Spain Local time: 14:05 German to English + ...
Moltes gràcies, Gary!
Feb 8, 2011
Great event. A big "thank you" to Gary for all the hard work that went into organising it. Looking forward to the next one.... All the best, Andy Birch (translate cc)
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Nigel Greenwood (X) Spain Local time: 14:05 Spanish to English + ...
It was excellent
Feb 8, 2011
I'm sorry I could not stay very long; I had a lot of work on. I really enjoyed meeting new translators and seeing known ones. A special tank-you to Gary, who does really well organising these events. Next time, work permitting I can help you, if needed.
Regards to all
[Edited at 2011-02-08 08:49 GMT]
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Susanne Kress Spain Local time: 14:05 Member (2010) Spanish to German + ...
Thank you, Gary!
Feb 8, 2011
It was a very nice and interesting evening. See you all at the next powwow. Regards
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Stefan Schmidt Local time: 14:05 Spanish to German + ...
Thank you / Gracias / Vielen Dank
Feb 8, 2011
It was a good, very well organized evening. Many translators attending, some of them for the first time, great place, good beer... Thank you Gary for organizing it. Hope to see most of you at the conference here in Valencia in october!!! Stefan
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