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English to Maltese: EUROPEAN YEAR OF INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE 2008 Event Description General field: Other
Source text - English An interdisciplinary exhibition based on food and ritual in different cultures will centre on the food that is prepared and consumed within our communities. It will refer to the routes which migrants, merchants and travellers have followed in order for us to enjoy the blend of flavours and smells present in each of the dishes we enjoy daily or during particular celebrations. The exhibition will be in 4 parts, according to the seasons, and will be based on the food consumed during celebrations held in Malta by various communities during each of these seasons.
Each exhibition will be presented in the light of a long history of intercultural communication between different communities. Parallels and influences from other cultures and the role attributed to food within these cultures will be drawn.
Live demonstrations, sound and audio visual presentations and the presence of various spices, herbs and other ingredients, will enhance the sensory experience of smell.
Translation - Maltese Esibizzjoni interdixxiplinarja bbażata fuq ikel u ritwali f’kulturi differenti se jiffoka fuq l-ikel li jiġi ppreparat u kkonsmat fil-komunitajiet tagħna. Din ser tirreferi għar-rotot li għaddew minnhom l-emigranti, merkanti u vjaġġaturi sabiex aħna ingawdu minn taħlita ta’ togħmiet u rwejjaħ preżenti fl-ikel kollu li ngwadu kuljum jew waqt ċelebrazzjonijiet partikulari. Din l-esibizzjoni ser tkun f’4 partijiet, skond l-istaġuni, u se tkun ibbażata fuq l-ikel ikkunsmat waqt ċelebrazzjonijiet li jsiru f’Malta minn komunitajiet varji waqt kull wieħed minn dawn l-istaġuni.
Kull esibizzjoni se tiġi ppreżentata fid-dawl ta’ storja twil ta' komunikazzjoni interkulturali bejn komunitajiet differenti. Paralleli u influwenzi minn kulturi oħra u r-rwol mogħti lil l-ikel f’dawn il-kulturi ser jintwera.
Dimostrazzjonijiet diretti, preżentazzjonijiet bil-ħoss u awdjoviżwali u l-preżenza ta’ numru ta’ ħwawar, ħxejjex aromatiċi u ingredjenti oħra ser ikabbru l-esperjenza tas-sens tax-xamm.
Translation education
Graduate diploma - University of Malta
Years of experience: 16. Registered at Jan 2009.
I first graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Maltese and Linguistics in 2007. I then graduated with a Post Graduate Diploma in Translation Studies in 2008, with focus on Maltese, English and Italian.
Since then I have been working as a freelance translator both with local companies as well as foreign translation companies.
Keywords: Maltese, English, Italian, Translation, Medical, Legal, Law, General