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French to English: Contract translation General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - French 2. DOCUMENTS CONTRACTUELS
Le Contrat constitue l’intégralité des engagements passés entre les parties, relatifs à la Fourniture. Toute modification du Contrat donnera lieu à un avenant signé des deux parties. La signature et l’utilisation des présentes ******ne sauraient remettre en cause les contrats antérieurs en cours d’exécution déjà signés par les parties.
Les ******s’appliquent pour autant qu’aucune disposition légale, contractuelle ou condition particulière contenue dans la Commande ne s’y oppose.
Nonobstant ce qui précède, il est expressément convenu entre les parties ce qui constitue une condition substantielle pour l’Acheteur qu’aucune Commande et/ou proposition du Fournisseur ne pourra(ont) être soumise(s) aux conditions générales de vente du Fournisseur ; celles-ci sont par principe déclarées inapplicables et ce, même si elles sont mentionnées dans la proposition commerciale du Fournisseur et/ou dans la Commande émise par l’Acheteur.
Aucune réserve émise par le Fournisseur, relativement à une Commande ou aux ******, ne sera réputée acceptée sans l’accord préalable et écrit de l’Acheteur.
Les éventuelles modifications ou dérogations aux présentes ****** ne valent que pour la Commande en cause sans que le Fournisseur ne puisse s’en prévaloir pour d’autres Commandes.
Les présentes ****** ne constituent pas, en elles-mêmes, une Commande, ni ne sauraient mettre à la charge de l’Acheteur une obligation de commander des Fournitures au Fournisseur.
Les articles 8 « Licence », 9 « Accès aux codes sources », 17 « Propriété intellectuelle », 19 « Garantie »,
24 « Réversibilité », 28 « Contrefaçon – Garantie de jouissance paisible », 30 « Confidentialité », 32
« Responsabilité - Assurances », 37 « Divers », 38 « Loi applicable, litiges » ainsi que toute autre disposition des ****** ayant vocation à s'appliquer après l'expiration du Contrat, soit par arrivée de son terme, soit par résiliation, demeureront en vigueur.
Sous réserve des dispositions de l’article 27 « Transactions dématérialisées » toute Commande doit faire l’objet d’un écrit. L’Acheteur décline toute responsabilité relative à l’exécution par le Fournisseur d’une commande verbale ou d’une modification apportée verbalement à celle-ci. Le Fournisseur doit accuser réception de la Commande en indiquant son acceptation ou son refus dans un délai de dix (10) jours calendaires, à compter de la date d'envoi de la Commande.
En l’absence d’acceptation expresse de la Commande, le commencement d’exécution vaudra acceptation de la Commande et des ****** et entraînera donc toutes les conséquences contractuelles qui y sont attachées.
L’acceptation de la Commande n’emporte aucune exclusivité en faveur du Fournisseur.
Translation - English 2. CONTRACTUAL DOCUMENTS
The Agreement constitutes the entirety of dealings between the two parties, concerning the Item. Any modification of the Agreement will give rise to an amendment to be signed by both parties. The signature and the use of the ****** in question should not prejudice previous agreements which have already been signed by the parties and have entered into effect.
The ****** are applied as long as the Order does not include any legal or contractual order or specific condition which is to the contrary.
Notwithstanding that previously stated, it is expressly agreed between the parties constituting a critical condition for the Buyer that no Order and/ or proposal made by the Supplier is/ are to be governed by the Supplier’s general conditions of sale, said conditions are by principle declared inapplicable, even if they are referenced in the Supplier’s business proposal and/ or in the Order issued by the Buyer.
No reservation issued by the supplier, with respect to the Order or the ******, is to be considered accepted without prior, written agreement from the Buyer.
Subsequent modifications or infringements of the ****** in question are only germane to the Order in question, unless the Supplier is able to invoke it for other Orders.
The ****** in question do not in themselves constitute an Offer, nor should they imply any obligation for the Buyer to order Items from the Supplier.
Articles 8 “Licence”, 9 “Access to source codes” , 17 “Intellectual property”, 19 “Guarantee”, 24 “Reversibility”, 28 “Counterfeiting – Guarantee of unfettered rights”, 30 “Confidentiality”, 32 “Responsibility – Insurance”, 37 “Miscellaneous”, 38 “Applicable law, disputes” in order that any other ****** provision set to come into effect following the Agreement expiration, due to either term completion or termination, will still become operational.
Subject to the provisions of article 27 “dematerialised transactions” any order will be made in writing. The buyer accepts no responsibility to carry out an order made verbally by the Supplier or any modification proposed verbally to the former. The supplier must acknowledge acceptance of the Order in indicating acceptance or refusal within a period of ten (10) calendar days, counted from the Order sent date.
In the absence of the express acceptance of the Order, commencement of execution will represent acceptance of the Order and the ****** and will therefore effect all the associated contractual consequences.
The acceptance of the Order does not entail any kind of favourable exclusivity for the Supplier.
French to English: Un Avion Technologique pour un Tour du Monde Ecologique/ A Technological Plane for an Ecological World Tour General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - French A l’été 2008, Hy-Bird sera le premier avion à faire le tour du monde en utilisant uniquement des énergies renouvelables.
Notre philosophie, la mobilité durable.
Nous vivons à une époque où, d’une part les énergies fossiles sont vouées a disparaître, et d’autre part, les préoccupations environnementales sont grandissantes.
Paradoxalement, notre besoin de se déplacer n’a jamais été si important.
C’est pourquoi, il nous est apparu indispensable de mettre en application le concept de
« mobilité durable » à l’aéronautique.
Un avion résolument différent / Un nouveau mode de transport : l’avion propre.
L’avion « Hy-Bird » n’utilise que des énergies renouvelables comme carburant :
- L’énergie solaire inépuisable...
- L’hydrogène, principal composant de l’eau.
Aucun gaz à effet de serre n’est émis par l’Hy-Bird, seulement de l’eau !
De plus, grâce a sa technologie, l’Hy-Bird est silencieux.
L’Hy-Bird, pour que l’écologie soit un plaisir.
Ce tour de monde démontre que voyager en respectant son environnement n’est pas une utopie.
Nous prouvons que les énergies alternatives sont les énergies de demain et qu’il est possible d’anticiper la fin des réserves de pétrole.
Ensuite, la commercialisation d’un avion « Hy-Bird » démocratisera les transports écologiques.
Slogan :
- Un évènement d’envergure internationale
- Utilisons la haute technologie pour faire de ce monde un monde meilleur
- Voyager sans polluer, c’est possible !
- Aidons le transport propre à se développer
Translation - English In the summer of 2008, Hy-Bird will become the first plane to circumnavigate the globe powered by renewable energy sources alone.
We believe in sustainable mobility.
First and foremost we are living in an age when the end of fossil fuels is in sight, furthermore environmental concerns are on the rise.
Paradoxically, our need for mobility has never been greater.
This is why we consider introducing the concept of sustainable mobility to the field of aeronautics to be absolutely essential.
A markedly different plane/ A new mode of transport: the green plane.
The Hy-Bird plane is fuelled solely by renewable energies:
- Unlimited solar power...
- Hydrogen, the main component of water.
The only thing the Hy-Bird emits is water, it’s greenhouse gas-free!
What’s more the hi-tech Hy-Bird runs silently.
The Hy-Bird, for the enjoyment of ecology.
This global journey illustrates that environmentally friendly travel is not just a pipe dream.
We are proving that alternative energy sources are the future and that we can stay one step ahead of the depleted oil reserves.
- An event that spans the globe
- A hi-tech way to make the world a better place
- Pollution-free travel is possible
- Let’s nurture the development of green travel
Spanish to English: Translation on a new European financial transaction system General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Spanish 1. INTRODUCCIÓN
El procedimiento recogido en este Cuaderno ha sido desarrollado por las entidades de crédito españolas a través de sus respectivas asociaciones, Asociación Española de Banca (AEB), Confederación Española de Cajas de Ahorros (CECA) y Unión Nacional de Cooperativas de Crédito (UNACC).
Es, por tanto, un procedimiento normalizado y común a todas aquellas entidades de crédito que presten el servicio a que este Cuaderno se refiere.
Esta versión del Cuaderno 19 permitirá a los clientes iniciar, de forma ágil, Adeudos Directos SEPA en fichero electrónico – Esquema Básico.
Para su aplicación práctica, será preciso el acuerdo previo entre el cliente que demanda el servicio que regula este Cuaderno y la entidad de crédito que lo preste.
Esta versión está definida conforme a las reglas del Rulebook del Esquema de Adeudos Directos Básicos SEPA (v.3.4) del Consejo Europeo de Pagos (EPC), y a la Ley 16/2009, de 13 de noviembre, de servicios de pago que transpone al ordenamiento jurídico español la Directiva 2007/64/CE sobre servicios de pago en el mercado interior.
Aquellos aspectos del servicio no recogidos en este cuaderno, se regirán por las pautas definidas en el Rulebook en vigor.
SEPA son las siglas en inglés de “Single Euro Payments Área”, es decir, Zona Única de Pagos en Euros.
Se trata de una iniciativa impulsada por el sector financiero, tutelada por la Comisión Europea y el Banco Central Europeo, por la que se establece una verdadera zona integrada de pagos europeos en euros en los que dichos pagos están sujetos a un conjunto uniforme de estándares, normas y condiciones, y permite la realización de los pagos en euros de forma tan sencilla, rápida, segura y eficiente como se hace actualmente en cada país.
Su objetivo es establecer instrumentos de pago, infraestructuras y estándares paneuropeos uniformes en toda Europa y eliminar las diferencias entre pagos transfronterizos y pagos nacionales dentro de la zona SEPA .
Translation - English 1. INTRODUCTION
The process recognised in this Folder has been developed by Spanish credit institutions through their respective associations, Asociación Española de Banca (AEB), Confederación Española de Cajas de Ahorros (CECA) and Unión Nacional de Cooperativas de Crédito (UNACC).
Therefore, it is a process which is regulated and shared by all the credit institutions that provide the service referred to in the Folder.
This version from Folder 19 will enable clients to smoothly implement SEPA Direct Debits in electronic format – Basic Overview.
In order to ensure effective application, prior agreement will be required between the client requesting the service set out in this Folder and the credit institution offering it.
This version is defined in accordance with the rules set out in the Outline of Basic Direct Debits rule book of SEPA (v.3.4) of the European Payments Council (EPC), and Law 16/2009, of 13 November, on payment services which Directive 2007/64/CE incorporates into Spanish national law regarding payment services on the internal market.
Those aspects of the service not covered in this folder will be determined by the guidelines set out in the governing Rulebook.
SEPA is the acronym for the “Single Euro Payments Area”.
This is an initiative spearheaded by the financial sector with the endorsement of the European Commission and the European Central Bank, in order to ensure the establishment of a genuine, integrated area for payments in Euros where said payments are subject to a uniform set of standards, rules, and conditions, and which allows payments to be carried out in Euros in just as straightforward, quick, secure and efficient a manner as is currently the case in each country.
The objective is to set up payment instruments, infrastructures and uniform, universal standards throughout Europe so that there is no longer any difference between cross border payments and national payments inside the SEPA.
Spanish to English: Literary extract General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Spanish Hemos llegado a un amplio claro de la selva. Después de tantos días, por fin, arriba, asoman el cielo y las nubes que se desplazan con lentitud bienhechora. El calor es más intenso, pero no nos abruma con esa agobiante densidad que, bajo el verde dombo de los grandes árboles, en la penumbra constante, lo convierte en un elemento que nos va minando con implacable porfía. El ruido del motor se diluye en lo alto y el planchón se desliza sin que suframos su desesperado batallar contra la corriente. Algo semejante a la felicidad se instala en mí. En los demás es facíl percibir también una sensación de alivio. Pero allá, al fondo, se va perfilando de Nuevo la oscura muralla vegetal que nos ha de tragar dentro de unas horas.
Este apacible intermedio de sol y relativo silencio ha sido propicio al examen de las razones que me impulsaron a emprender este viaje. La historia de la madera la escuché por primera vez en La Nieve del Almirante, la tienda de Flor Estévez en la cordillera. Vivía con ella desde hacía varios meses, curándome una llaga que me dejó en la pierna la picadura de cierta mosca ponzoñosa de los manglares del delta. Flor me cuidaba con un cariño distante pero firme, y en las noches hacíamos el amor con la consiguiente incomodidad de mi pierna baldada, pero con un sentido de rescate y alivio de anteriores desdichas que, cada uno por su lado, cargábamos como un fardo agobiante. Creo que sobre la tienda de Flor y mis días en el páramo dejé constancia en algunos papeles anteriores. Allí llegó el dueño de un camión, que él mismo conducía, cargado con reses compradas en los llanos y nos contó la historia de la madera que se podía comprar en un aserradero situado en el límite de la selva y que, bajando el Xurandó, podía venderse a un precio mucho más alto en los puestos militares que estaban ahora instalando a orillas del gran río. Cuando secó la llaga y con dinero que me dio Flor, bajé a la selva, siempre con la sospecha de que había algo incierto en toda esta empresa. El frío de la cordillera, la niebla constante que corría como una procesión de penitentes por entre la vegetación enana y velluda de esos parajes, me hicieron sentir la necesidad impostergable de hundirme en el ardiente clima de las tierras bajas.
Translation - English We arrive at a broad clearing in the jungle. Finally, after so many days the sky stretches out before us and clouds gently soar overhead. The heat is even more intense, but it doesn’t overwhelm us with that suffocating density, which becomes a relentless energy-sapping force, in the perpetual twilight, under the canopy of the towering trees. The noise of the motor dissolves into the vast open space and the barge glides along sparing us its desperate struggle against the current. I feel something resembling happiness rising in me, and it is easy to detect a feeling of relief among the others too. But there, in the distance, the dark wall of vegetation that will swallow us up within a few hours looms large once again.
These moments of tranquility, sunshine and near silence gave me the opportunity to reflect on my reasons for undertaking this journey. The first time I heard the story behind the timber I was up in the mountains at Flor Estévez’s shop, La Nieve del Almirante. I had been living with her for a few months, whilst she treated me for a sore left behind after a sting from a poisonous fly in mangrove swamps in the delta. Flor cared for me with a tenderness that was both distant and firm, and at night we made love, obviously hampered by my afflicted leg, but with a feeling of escape and release from previous misery, which each of us carried around like a crippling burden. I believe that I’ve written some thoughts on my time above Flor’s shop and on my days on the high plateau elsewhere. It was there that a man who owned and drove a truck arrived, with it laden with heads of cattle, which he had bought on the plains. He was the one who told me about the timber which you could buy at a sawmill out at the edge of the jungle, take down the Xurandó, and sell for a much higher price at the military posts that were currently being set up along the riverbanks. When my sore had healed up and with the money that Flor gave me, I went down to the jungle, still suspicious that something didn’t quite add up. The chill of the mountains, the constant fog which drifted along like a procession of penitents among the low-lying, unruly vegetation of those climes, all filled me with an unshakable need to immerse myself in the sweltering climate of the lowlands.
Translation education
Master's degree - The University of Leeds
Years of experience: 19. Registered at Apr 2009.
First and foremost I am passionate about languages and the quality of service I offer. In every detail, my number one goal is to exceed expectations.
I currently work as a UK based freelance interpreter and translator with French and Spanish. I have legal accreditation, as I am a holder of the DPSI with law as well as an MA in translation and interpreting studies. My specialist fields are legal, technical, medical and sport - some of which are related to my professional background and some to my personal interests.
With regards to interpreting, I work in the UK court system and NHS as a public sector interpreter, at industry trade shows and during sports conferences. My work has also included a special invitation to the EU to take part in a 3 week training programme, where I received practical guidance and advice from highly experienced EU interpreters.
As regards translation, I work for several agencies focusing my work on a variety of fields, particularly legal, technical, journalistic and sporting as well as the translation of editorials.
Elsewhere my experience includes language tuition of English, French and Spanish, language project coordination and summer school management. I have a strong academic and professional track record thanks to a driven, conscientious and highly professional approach.