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French to English - Rates: 0.08 - 0.09 GBP per word / 30 - 30 GBP per hour Spanish to English - Rates: 0.08 - 0.09 GBP per word / 30 - 30 GBP per hour Latvian to English - Rates: 0.09 - 0.10 GBP per word / 30 - 30 GBP per hour Greek to English - Rates: 0.09 - 0.10 GBP per word / 30 - 30 GBP per hour Italian to English - Rates: 0.08 - 0.09 GBP per word / 30 - 30 GBP per hour
Spanish to English: Extract from follow-up audit report on management and control systems General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Spanish I. DICTAMEN EJECUTIVO
1. Introducción
La Intervención General de la Administración del Estado (IGAE) es la autoridad de auditoría del programa nacional del Fondo de Seguridad Interior (FSI).
La Intervención General de la Administración del Estado, a través de la Intervención Delegada del Ministerio de Interior, en cumplimiento de lo establecido en el artículo 29 del Reglamento (UE) Nº 514/2014 del Parlamento y del Consejo, de 16 de abril de 2014 (en adelante Reglamento Horizontal) ha realizado una auditoría de seguimiento sobre el funcionamiento de los sistemas de gestión y control de la Subdirección General de Planificación y Gestión de Infraestructuras y Medios para la Seguridad (SGPGIMS) en su condición de Autoridad Responsable del Fondo de Seguridad Interior.
El presente informe se incluye en el Plan de Control de Fondos Comunitarios para el año auditor 2018 (año contable 2018) aprobado por la IGAE en su condición de Autoridad de Auditoría para el citado Fondo, en desarrollo de las Estrategias de Auditorías aprobada para el Marco de Programación 2014-2020.
Los trabajos de auditoría se han realizado siguiendo las Normas de Auditoría del Sector Público aprobadas por Resolución de la Intervención General de la Administración del Estado de 14 de febrero de 1997.
El borrador de informe fue enviado para alegaciones el 22 de enero de 2019 y se han recibido alegaciones con fecha 8 de febrero de 2019.
2. Consideraciones generales
La SGPGIMS, como Autoridad Responsable (AR) del Fondo de Seguridad Interior, se encarga de la gestión y ejecución del Programa Nacional de conformidad con los principios de buena gestión financiera.
La AR se encargará además de la realización de los distintos controles sobre operaciones a incluir en las correspondientes cuentas financieras previstos por la normativa, así como de todas las comunicaciones pertinentes con la Comisión.
No es previsible que la AR actúe como órgano de adjudicación con arreglo a la Ley General de Subvenciones en la gestión del FSI; por tanto, la SGPGIMS actuará como órgano de ejecución directa de los proyectos en este Fondo, ya sea por sí misma o en asociación con otras autoridades nacionales competentes.
3. Objetivo y alcance
El objetivo general de la auditoría es verificar si el sistema de gestión y control de la SGPGIMS funciona adecuadamente.
Se trata de una auditoría de seguimiento de las conclusiones y recomendaciones puestas de manifiesto en el informe de auditoría de seguimiento de los sistemas de gestión y control emitido con fecha 19 de febrero de 2018. Dichas conclusiones y recomendaciones se detallan en el Anexo I.
Los objetivos concretos de la auditoría están en correlación con el Reglamento Horizontal y los requisitos claves previstos en el Reglamento de Ejecución (UE) 2017/646 de la Comisión, de 5 de abril de 2017. Estos objetivos son:
1) Adecuada definición de sistemas. Separación adecuada de funciones y sistemas adecuados de información y supervisión en casos en que la autoridad competente encomiende la ejecución de los trabajos a otro organismo.
2) Adecuada selección de proyectos.
3) Adecuada información a beneficiarios, potenciales beneficiarios y el público.
4) Controles adecuados.
5) Efectivos sistemas y procedimientos para asegurar que todos los documentos relacionados con el gasto y los controles son conservados a fin de asegurar una adecuada pista de auditoría.
6) Sistemas informáticos fiables para la contabilización, el almacenamiento y la transmisión de datos financieros y datos sobre indicadores, y de seguimiento y preparación de informes.
7) Implementación efectiva de procedimientos para la prevención, detección y corrección de irregularidades, incluyendo medidas antifraude proporcionadas.
8) Procedimientos adecuados para redactar la cuenta, la declaración de gestión y el resumen anual de control de los informes de auditoría finales y de los controles llevados a cabo.
9) Cuentas sobre importes recuperables, recuperados y cancelados apropiadas y completas.
Translation - English I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
1. Introduction
The General Intervention Board of the State Administration (IGAE) is the audit authority for the Internal Security Fund (ISF) national programme.
As the Responsible Authority for the Internal Security Fund, the General Intervention Board of the State Administration has, via the Delegated Intervention Board of the Ministry of the Interior, in accordance with Article 29 of Regulation (EU) No 514/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 (the ‘Horizontal Regulation’) carried out a follow-up audit on the operation of the management and control systems of the Sub-Directorate General of Planning and Management of Infrastructure and Resources for Security (Subdirección General de Planificación y Gestión de Infraestructuras y Medios para la Seguridad – SGPGIMS).
This report is included in the Audit Plan for Community Funds for the 2018 audit year (2018 accounting year) approved by the IGAE as Audit Authority for the above-mentioned Fund, pursuing the Audit Strategies approved for the 2014-2020 Programming Period.
The audit work was carried out in accordance with the Public Sector Audit Standards approved in the Decision of the General Intervention Board of the State Administration of 14 February 1997.
The draft report was sent for comments on 22 January 2019 and comments were received on 8 February 2019.
2. General observations
As Responsible Authority (RA) for the Internal Security Fund, the SGPGIMS is responsible for managing and implementing the National Programme in accordance with sound financial management principles.
The RA will also be responsible for carrying out separate controls on transactions to be included in the corresponding financial accounts specified by the legislation, as well as for all communication in this regard with the Commission.
Under the General Law on Subsidies, the RA does not act as awarding body in the management of the ISF; the SGPGIMS will therefore act as the direct executing body for the projects in the Fund, either on its own or in association with other relevant national authorities.
3. Purpose and scope
The main purpose of the audit is to verify whether the management and control system of the SGPGIMS is operating adequately.
This is a follow-up audit on the conclusions and recommendations highlighted in the follow-up audit report on the management and control systems issued on 19 February 2018. Those conclusions and recommendations are set out in full in Annex I.
The specific objectives of the audit are in line with the Horizontal Regulation and the key requirements laid down in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/646 of 5 April 2017. The objectives are:
1) Adequate definition of systems. Adequate separation of functions and adequate systems for reporting and monitoring where the Responsible Authority entrusts execution of tasks to another body.
2) Appropriate selection of projects.
3) Adequate information to beneficiaries, potential beneficiaries and the public.
4) Adequate controls.
5) Effective systems and procedures to ensure that all the documents regarding expenditure and controls are held to ensure an adequate audit trail.
6) Reliable computerised systems for accounting, the storage and transmission of financial data and data on indicators, and for monitoring and reporting.
7) Effective implementation of procedures for the prevention, detection and correction of irregularities including proportionate anti-fraud measures.
8) Appropriate procedures for drawing up the accounts, the management declaration and the annual summary of final audit reports and of controls carried out.
9) Appropriate and complete account of amounts recoverable, recovered and cancelled.
French to English: Newsletter from a law firm on legal changes concerning provision of information to employees General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - French Obligation d’information triennale des salariés :
Le décret du 4 janvier 2016 dresse, dans des termes très généraux, une liste des informations qui doivent être communiquées aux salariés dans ce cadre. Il s’agit principalement d’une part, d’informations générales sur le déroulement d’un projet de reprise d’une société par les salariés et ses aspects juridiques et, d’autre part les principaux critères de valorisation de la société ainsi que la structure de son capital et son évolution prévisible. L’obligation de communication des informations d’ordre général pourra être satisfaite par renvoi à un ou plusieurs sites internet traitant de ces questions.
Nous notons qu’aucune sanction spécifique n’est prévue par le dispositif en cas de non-respect de cette obligation triennale d’information et que son application dans le temps n’est pas précisée. A notre sens, la première information devra donc intervenir au plus tard le 6 janvier 2019.
Translation - English Duty to inform employees every three years:
The decree of 4 January 2016 lists, in very general terms, the items of information of which employees must be notified within this framework. The main items are: firstly, general information on the progress of a planned employee buyout of a company and its legal aspects and, secondly, the main criteria for valuing the company, its capital structure and possible future changes. The duty to provide general information may be fulfilled by providing a reference to one or more websites covering these issues.
We note that no specific penalty has been laid down by the rules for failure to comply with this duty to provide information every three years, and that it is not specified when it enters into force. In our view, the first time that information must be provided should therefore be no later than 6 January 2019.
Italian to English: Freedom of expression, a comparative law perspective (extract) General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Italian Il diritto alla libertà di espressione, da tempo riconosciuto come diritto fondamentale all’interno degli ordinamenti degli Stati membri con norme di rango costituzionale o comunque primario trova positivo e solenne riconoscimento nell’ambito dell’Unione europea solo in epoca più recente, attraverso la previsione dello stesso nell’articolo 11 della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea.
Oggi il diritto alla libertà di espressione trova inoltre articolata declinazione in una serie di atti che vedono le istituzioni dell’Unione europea impegnate a garantire che l’esercizio di tale diritto non venga conculcato laddove vi sia l’esigenza di contemperarne la portata con quella relativa all’esercizio di altri diritti fondamentali, ritenuti altrettanto meritevoli di adeguata tutela.
Translation - English The right to freedom of expression, which has long been recognised as a fundamental right within Member States’ legal systems by means of constitutional or primary law provisions, was only relatively recently given positive and official recognition at European Union level, through Article 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
Today the right to freedom of expression is also broken down in detail in several acts in which the institutions of the European Union have committed to guarantee that the exercise of that right is not violated when there is a need to balance its scope with the scope of the exercise of other fundamental rights, considered to be equally deserving of adequate protection.
Years of experience: 28. Registered at Apr 2005. Became a member: Jan 2020.
French to English (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters, verified) French to English (Chartered Institute of Linguists, verified)
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I specialise in legal, European Union and environmental texts.
Winner in 2020 of translation contest, Spanish to English.
My background:
law degree from Oxford University (1988) (2:1)
diploma in translation from Institute of Linguists (French to English) (1996: merits in two papers, distinction in the third)
six years' experience as a staff translator at the European Parliament (1999-2004)
member of Chartered Institute of Linguists for French, Italian and Spanish
associate member of Chartered Institute of Linguists for Greek
NAATI accreditation as a translator (French to English)
I also specialise in business and cultural texts. I have a diploma in the theory and practice of psychotherapy and can therefore translate texts in this field too.
I provide guaranteed quality and always meet deadlines. I am a highly experienced translator, and have worked as a freelancer since 2004.
Translation tools: SDL Trados Studio 2019
Translation rates: French, Greek, Italian, Latvian and Spanish to English: GBP 0.075 per source text word.
Revision rates: French, Greek, Italian, Latvian and Spanish to English: GBP 0.04 per word in the translation.
Minimum charge per translation or revision job: GBP 25.
Rush rate surcharge of +25%, to be agreed with translation agency before starting work.
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