Member since Apr '02

Working languages:
German to English
English to German
English (monolingual)
German (monolingual)

Teresa Reinhardt
Known for top notch work, on time

United States
Local time: 22:18 PST (GMT-8)

Native in: German Native in German, English Native in English
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15 positive reviews
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified member
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. View now.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Editing/proofreading, Copywriting, Language instruction
Specializes in:
Law: Contract(s)Mechanics / Mech Engineering
PatentsAutomotive / Cars & Trucks
Engineering: IndustrialConstruction / Civil Engineering
Law: Patents, Trademarks, CopyrightAdvertising / Public Relations
Energy / Power GenerationTransport / Transportation / Shipping


Blue Board entries made by this user  24 entries

Payment methods accepted Wire transfer, Check, PayPal
Glossaries Business, Civil Eng./Architecture, French terms, General, Landscaping, Law/Patents, Medical, Programming, Science, Social Sci.

Translation education Other - University of Stuttgart
Experience Years of experience: 24. Registered at Oct 2000. Became a member: Apr 2002. Certified PRO certificate(s)
Credentials English to German (American Translators Association, verified)
German to English (American Translators Association, verified)
English (University of Stuttgart)
German (University of Stuttgart)
Memberships ATA
Software Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Professional practices Teresa Reinhardt endorses's Professional Guidelines.
Teresa Reinhardt, CT

Full-time freelance technical and legal translator, interpreter, writer, editor
specializing in technical, business, marketing, patent and legal translations, proofing/editing, technical writing.

ATA-certified for translating from English>German and German>English

(US English and Standard German – including Swabian, Bavarian, Austrian, Swiss, and historical English and German documents – e.g., in Fraktur and Sütterlin).

Areas of technical expertise:

Backed by full-time work experience at world's largest heavy equipment manufacturer, as well as full-time freelance work for agencies serving the automotive industry and their suppliers, OEMs of machinery, engines, etc., and direct clients in manufacturing.

Machinery and vehicles
(incl. hydraulics, electrical and other systems)
Automobiles, motorcycles, engines and related systems, Process technology – development, design, and manufacturing: E.g., manufacturing plants, systems, machinery, tooling, processes, logistics, QA.

Patents in mechanical engineering Oil and gas: Exploration, transport and processing; fuels and lubricants.

Construction: General and heavy construction / civil engineering, architecture, urban planning, historic restoration, design, adaptive design / universal design / ADA compliance, building specs, real estate.

Packaging: End-to-end from machines to processes to logistics; incl. FFS, compliance, printing, molding processes, serialization, marketing, materials.

Business and legal: Contracts, patents, marketing, reports, specifications, tenders, quotes and bids, human resources management and development, corporate communications.

Marketing: Websites, brochures, press releases, employee and customer newsletters and magazines, product presentation and collateral, trade fair & PR materials, blogs, trade journals.

Social sciences: Cultural studies w/focus on the Moderne - 1900-1950, incl. literature, history, film, design, industrial arts, art, art history, art law (specialty - restitution of looted art), movements; Education (post-secondary, professional; systems, theories, institutions, methods, training, continuing education)

Postgraduate degree (in contrastive linguistics), 25+ years of teaching German & English Studies at the post-secondary (university/professional) level; textbook author, workshop & materials designer, teacher trainer, intercultural trainer; instructional / academic program administration.
Start-up and turn-around business experience in academe (incl. Continuing Education), at an NGO; a US Fortune 50 company, and in freelance technical communication.

ATA-Certification for translating from German to English and English to German
(CT = Certified Translator designation).

Knowledgeable, reliable, accurate and swift top quality service. Topics are carefully researched; all the latest resources available.

Technical writing/editing experience from >25 years in academe, NGO, industry (proposals, white papers, policies & procedures, quality assurance & documentation, training programs and materials, instructions, presentations, correspondence; newsletters).

Contact and Inquiries

Pricing depends on size, deadline, difficulty etc.; flat rates also negotiable. Payment via check or bank transfer in USD, PayPal in any convertible currency.
Please submit docs and specifications when inquiring.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 6765
PRO-level pts: 6506

Top languages (PRO)
German to English4290
English to German1965
Spanish to English22
Italian to English18
Pts in 22 more pairs >
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 4 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Construction / Civil Engineering587
Automotive / Cars & Trucks491
Mechanics / Mech Engineering460
Law: Contract(s)373
Business/Commerce (general)320
Engineering (general)311
Law (general)218
Pts in 84 more flds >

See all points earned >
Keywords: German, English, Deutsch, Englisch, automation, robotics, Roboter, patent, Maschine, machine. See more.German, English, Deutsch, Englisch, automation, robotics, Roboter, patent, Maschine, machine, Motor, engine, Hydraulik, hydraulics, Archaeologie, Archäologie, archeology, archaeology, Architektur, architecture, art, looted art, restitution, Kunst, Beutekunst, Raubkunst, Kunstgeschichte, art history, Fabrik, Produktion, factory, manufacturing, Verpackung, packaging, Druck, printing, molding, marketing, Baumaschinen, Maschinenbau, mechanical enginering, Motorrad, Motorräder, motorcycle, Fahrrad, Fahrräder, cycling, bicycle, pedelec, Landwirtschaft, agriculture, Untertagebau, Bergwerk, Straßenbau, civil engineering, Stadtplanung, Städtebau, urban planning, resilience, climate, Renovierung, Restaurierung, Garten, Gärten, Gärtnerei, gardening, landscaping, Pflanzen, Baum, Bäume, Strauch, Sträucher, tree, perennial, organic, permaculture, biodynamic, Blumen, Landschaftsbau, Landschaftspflege, Pumpen, Elektrik, Motor, engine, drive, Antrieb, Getriebe, gear, Maschinen, Werkzeug, Werkzeugmaschinen, Geräte, Fabrikanlage, Fabrikanlagen, Fertigung, Produktionsanlagen, Produktionsprozess, Prozesstechnik, processing, quality, Qualitätskontrolle, Qualitätssicherung, Norm, Standard, Messtechnik, Kamera, camera, photography, flexible packaging, Verpackungstechnik, Verpackung, Folie, Kunststoffguss, injection molding, Spritzguss, Öl, Schmierstoff, Kraftstoff, Wartung, Service, maintenance, Roboter, robotics, Logistik, Lager, warehousing, Safety, icherheit, Transport, Gebäudetechnik, Haustechnik, Hochbau, Tiefbau, Industriebau, Messebau, Baumaschinen, Bagger, Dozer, Muldenkipper, Traktor, Radlader, Stapler, Hubstapler, Generator, Stromerzeuger, Petroleum, Erdöl, Erdgas, natural gas, petroleum, Vertrag, Verträge, Lizenz, license, license, intellectual property, copyright, Angebot, Gebot, Ausschreibung, Lastenheft, Pflichtenheft, tender, bidding, specifications, Patent, Patentschrift, Ausbildung, Schulung, Training, Bildung, continuing education, Fortbildung, interkulturell, alternative Medizin, Pflanzen, Baubiologie, building biology, alternative medicine, gardening, landscaping, GALA-Bau, heavy machinery, construction, agriculture, mining, road maintenance, hydraulics, electrical, systems, engines, manufacturing, machines, tools, equipment, instruments, metrology, measuring, processes, quality control, quality assurance, TQM, 6 Sigma, flexible packaging, plastics extrusion, blow molding, printing, FFS, FS, form-fill-seal, Abfüllmaschine, production process, machinery, machining center, robotics, conveying, conveyor, oil exploration, grease, logistics, auto manufacturing, car, truck, power generation, generator, genset, electrical engineering, patents, oil exploration, gas exploration, pipelines, oil wells, pumps, fuels, human resources, training, development, management, economics, procedure, marketing, sales, PR, annual reports, white papers, proposals, RFP, contracts, project management, NGO, government, international relations, intercultural training, Proofing, editing, abstracting, copy-writing, simultaneous interpreting, technical writing, copywriting, proofreading, editing, instructions, policies, learning materials, e-learning, training, teaching, philosophy, Philosophie, art, art history, design, photography, Fotografie, Bildmedien, Film, media, cultural studies, literature, Literatur, . See less.

Profile last updated
Jun 27, 2023

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