Persian (Farsi) to English: A translation of a text named 'What is homo-dialysis?' General field: Science Detailed field: Medical (general) | |
Source text - Persian (Farsi) همودياليز شايعترين روش براي درمان نارسايي پيشرفته و دائمي كليه است
كليههاي سالم با خارج كردن مايع، مواد معدني و مواد زائد اضافي خون شما را پاك نگه ميدارند. آنها در عين حال هورمونهايي را ميسازند كه استخوانهاي شما را مستحكم نگه ميدارد و به توليد خون در بدن كمك ميكند. هنگامي كه كليهها دچار نارسايي ميشوند، مواد زائد زيانبار در بدن شما تجمع پيدا ميكنند، فشار خون شما ممكن است بالا رود، مايعات در بدن شما تجمع پيدا ميكند و ممكن است سلولهاي قرمز خون به اندازه كافي در بدن شما توليد نشود.
همودياليز براي اولين بار در دهه 1960 ميلادي به صورت يك درمان عملي براي نارسايي كليه درآمد، تا به امروز درمان با اين شيوه كارآمدتر شده و عوارض جانبي آن به حداقل رسيده است. | Translation - English Homo-dialysis is the most popular method for the treatment of advanced and permanent kindney failure.
Healthy kidneys, by the process of flushing out the fluid, minerals and impurities inside the blood, can keep your blood clean. Kidneys also produce hormones which strenghten your bones and help in the production of blood inside the body.
When kidney failure happens, impurities collect inside the body, blood pressure may increase, fluid levels rise, and it is possible that the red blood cells will not be produced to the necessary levels within the body.
Homo-dialysis was used in the 1960's for the first time as a practical treatment for kidney failure. Today, using this method has been made more effective and the side effects have been minimized. |
English to Persian (Farsi): A translation of an article named demand and supply in Macro-economy General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Economics | |
Source text - English INTRODUCTION
The purpose of this lesson is to reach an understanding of how markets operate, how prices are set and transactions occur. The two market forces of demand and supply are defined and explained. The equilibrium point is studied. Conclusions and applications are offered.
Markets exist for the purpose of facilitating exchanges of products, services and resources. Buyers and sellers are brought together and convey their desire to buy or sell by stating their offered and asked prices for different quantities. Even if a transaction does not take place, information if translated in the pricing of the product.
Demand is the expression of willingness and ability of a potential buyer to acquire certain quantities of an item for various possible prices the buyer can reasonably offer. Demand can be thought of as a schedule of prices and quantities in the mind of the buyer.
Dealers of the New York Stock Exchange keep books in which orders from various clients are entered: how many shares and at what price. Such a listing is an illustration of what investors are willing and able to buy.
| Translation - Persian (Farsi)
هدف این درس فهمیدن چگونگی طرز عمل بازارها و تعیین قیمتها و به وقوع پیوستن داد وستدها است. دو قدرت اصلی بازار بنامهای عرضه و تقاضا توضیح داده میشوند. نقطه تعادل بررسی شده، نتایج و کاربردهایی پیشنهاد میشوند.
مثالی از یک بازار، بازار بورس نیو یورک است؛ قصد آن آسان سازی خرید و فروش اوراق بها دار است. داد وستدها بوسیله دلالان و صرافان که بجای خریداران و فروشندگان عمل میکنند، انجام میگیرند. قیمت روزانه معاملات، در بسیاری از روزنامه ها در سطح کشوری اعلام میشوند، چرا که بازارها همچنین عمل
مهم قیمت گذاری بر روی اجناس ویا اوراق بها دار را نیزانجام میدهند
تقاضا ابلاغ خواست و توانایی یک خریدار با لقوه است برای خرید مقدار مشخصی از یک جنس به قیمتهای مختلف ممکنی است که خریدار میتواند بطور عقلانی پیشنهادکند. به تقاضا، به عنوان یک جدولی از قیمتها و مقادیری از اجناس که در ذهن یک خریدار است میتوان نگریست.
دلالان بازاز بورس نیو یورک رکورد سفارشات خریداران متفاوت را نگاه میدارند:مثلا چند سهم وبه چه قیمتی. چنین لیستهایی نشانگر آنکه سرمایه گذاران چه بورسهایی را حاضر هستند و قادرند بخرند، میباشند. |
Turkish to English: A translation of an article in Wikipedia about Sufism in Turkey General field: Other Detailed field: Philosophy | |
Source text - Turkish Ruhu kötü huylardan temizleyip (safa), hakiki bilgiye (yani marifete) ulaşma yoludur. Hakiki bilgi ise Allah'ı bilmekdir.
Mistisizm'in İslam özelindeki hali olduğunu iddia edenler olduğu gibi, mistisizmin semavi olmayan Çin-Hindu dinlerinden gelmesi nedeni ile İslam ile tamamen farklı olduğunu iddia edenler de olmuştur.
Sufizm'in tanımı çeşitli mutasavvıflarca farklı şekillerde yapılmıştır. Bu tanımlardan birine göre, Sufizm, insanın akıl yoluyla erişemediği ilahî hakikatleri ve gayb alemine ait hakikatleri sezgiyle arama yoludur. Hedef, insan-ı kamil olmaktır. Bir başka deyişle, Sufizm, İslam inanışına göre, kişiliği kötü huylardan temizleyip, ruhu pak edip, olgun olma (kemale erme) yoludur.
| Translation - English Sufism is the method which purifies the soul from bad habits and helps it to achieve the truth. By truth here, understanding Allah is meant.
There are some, who argue that Mysticism is a special form of Islam,
the same as there are some who claim, Mysticism has originated from Chinese-Indian religions (not from God) and hence it is completely different to Islam.
The definition of Sufism by various Sufis / Mutasavvifs is given differently.
According to one of these definitions, Sufism is the way to seek for Godly truths and the truth belonging to the unseen world, which are not achievable by humans using logic only. The goal is to become a perfect human.
In other words, Sufism, according to Islam, is the path to cleanse (a person) from bad habits, purify the soul and to become a mature (perfect) human being.