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French to English: Technical translation General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Aerospace / Aviation / Space
Source text - French Utilisation de l’éthanol pour les transports
Depuis les années 1970, le Brésil a un plan de développement de l’éthanol qui a permis au pays de devenir le deuxième producteur mondial d’éthanol (après les Etats-Unis) et le premier pays exportateur. Le Brésil utilise de l’équipement moderne et sa matière première est la canne à sucre, qui est bon marché. Plus aucun véhicule léger au Brésil ne roule qu’avec de l’essence pure. A la fin de 2008, il y avait 35.000 stations essence dans tout le Brésil qui avaient au moins une pompe à éthanol. La plupart des voitures aux Etats-Unis peuvent utiliser un mélange contenant jusqu'à 10% d’éthanol.
Airbus a lancé son programme de test de winglets sur l’A320. La campagne d’essais, commencée le 4 avril avec un vol de cinq heures, a pour but de tester deux types différents d’ailettes marginales (winglets), l’un conçu par Airbus et l’autre par l’américain Winglet Technologies.
Les winglets ont toutes pour effet de créer une barrière entre l'air sous haute pression circulant sous l'aile et celui sous basse pression circulant sur l'aile, réduisant le vortex généré aux extrémités de ces dernières. La trainée est ainsi diminuée et la consommation en carburant est réduite.
Rétroviseurs Vitex
Les rétroviseurs Vitex à ajustement lumineux automatique s'assombrissent automatiquement pour réduire l'éblouissement causé par les phares des véhicules approchant par l'arrière. Plus l'éblouissement est fort, plus les rétroviseurs s'assombrissent, rendant la conduite de nuit plus sûre.
Les rétroviseurs Vitex sont souvent associés à d'autres éléments électroniques, comme VitLight. VitLight utilise une caméra miniaturisée qui maximise l'éclairage avant en allumant automatiquement les phares du véhicule en fonction de la circulation et de la luminosité. S'il fait assez sombre et qu'il n'y a pas d'autre voiture proche, VitLight allume automatiquement les pleins phares.
Lecteur et Analyseur
L’analyseur VETLEC vous donne la possibilité d'évaluer la fonction thyroïdienne, adrénale et hépatique sur place avec la plateforme VETEL, simple à utiliser, qui vous permet de donner les meilleurs soins possibles presque immédiatement.
Le lecteur VETLEC fait partie du système VetLabo complet et s’installe sur votre analyseur chimique. Le système VetLabo comprend aussi un analyseur hématologique et un analyseur des gaz du sang pour faire des évaluations diagnostiques complètes et obtenir tous les résultats sur une seule fiche.
Translation - English Ethanol Use for Transportation
Since the 1970’s, Brazil has had a development plan for ethanol that allowed for the country to become its second largest producer in the world (the first being the United States) and also its largest exporter country. Brazil makes use of state-of-the-art equipment and its raw material, sugar cane, is very inexpensive. Not a single lightweight vehicle in Brazil takes to the road using pure gasoline. At the end of 2008, there were 35,000 gas stations across Brazil that had at least one ethanol pump. The majority of cars in the United States are able to use a mixture containing up to 10% ethanol.
Airbus launched its test program of winglets on the A320. The test campaign began on April 4 with a 5-hour flight and aims to test two different types of winglets, one created by Airbus and the other by the American company, Winglet Technology.
The winglets create a barrier between the high-pressure air circulating under the wing and the low-pressure air circulating above the wing. This reduces the vortex generated at the tips of the winglets, lessens the drag, and cuts fuel consumption.
Vitex Rear-View Mirrors
Vitex rear-view mirrors with automatic light adjustment seamlessly darken in order to reduce glare caused by the headlights of cars approaching from the rear. The stronger the glare, the darker the rear-view mirror, which makes night driving safer.
Vitex rear-view mirrors are often combined with other electronic components, such as VitLight. VitLight uses a small camera that maximizes forward illumination by automatically turning on the headlights when needed during traffic or as ambient light levels change. If it is dark and there are no other cars nearby, VitLight will turn on the high beams for you.
Monitor and Analyzer
The VETLEC analyzer gives you the possibility of evaluating thyroid, adrenal, and liver functions on site using the VETEL platform. It is simple to use and allows you to quickly administer the best possible treatment.
The VETLEC monitor is part of the complete VetLabo system and is installed on your chemistry analyzer. The VetLabo system also includes both a blood and blood-gas analyzer for making complete diagnostic evaluations and gives you all of the results on a single readout.
Winglets: I found that Winglet Technologies is actually called Winglet Technology, but I didn’t know if it was changed here on purpose.
Rétroviseurs: There is quite a bit of repetition of the word “automatic” here. I had difficulty finding synonyms so I decided on using “automatic” at the beginning, then “seamlessly”, again “automatic,” and finally “will,” to indicate that VitLight itself would decide when to turn on the headlights.
French to English: CV/résumé General field: Other Detailed field: Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Source text - French
2001 DESS « Dynamique des Ecosystèmes Aquatiques », mention Très Bien. (Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour).
2000 Maîtrise de Biologie des Populations et des Ecosystèmes, option : Environnement ; mention Assez Bien (Université de Bordeaux 1)
1999 Licence de Biologie des Organismes, mention Assez Bien. (Université de Bordeaux 1)
1998 DEUG B filière Biologie, mention Assez Bien. (Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour).
1992-1994 Première année de Médecine (PCEM1). (Université de Bordeaux 2).
Du 01/04/2001 au 30/09/2001
Stage de 6 mois au CEMAGREF de Bordeaux (33) dans le cadre du DESS
• Suivi scientifique de la Réserve Naturelle des Marais de Bruges : Analyse de la Qualité des Eaux.
• Analyse typologique du réseau hydrographie et des peuplements de macrophytes aquatiques de la réserve naturelle des Marais de Bruges (33). Contribution à la mise en place d’un suivi scientifique.
Translation - English
2001 Master of advanced studies degree (DESS), with specialization in “Dynamics of Aquatic Ecosystems.”
Graduated with the distinction très bien, that is, with scores above 80%.
(University of Pau and the Adour Region)
2000 Master’s degree (Maîtrise) in Population and Community Biology, graduate option in environment.
Graduated with the distinction assez bien, that is, with scores between 60-70%.
(University of Bordeaux 1)
1999 Bachelor’s degree (Licence) in Organismal Biology.
Graduated with the distinction assez bien, that is, with scores between 60-70%.
(University of Bordeaux 1)
1998 Associate’s degree (DEUG B) in Biology.
Graduated with the distinction assez bien, that is, with scores between 60-70%)
(University of Pau and the Adour Region)
1994 Pre-medical (PCEM1) coursework. (University of Bordeaux 2)
From 04/01/2001 – 09/30/2001
6-month internship at CEMAGREF (National Center for Agricultural Machinery, Rural Land Use Engineering, Water Resources and Forestry) in Bordeaux, France, as a master’s student of advanced studies.
• Scientific monitoring of the Marais de Bruges Natural Marshland Reserve: Water quality analysis.
• Typological analysis of the hydrography network and aquatic macrophyte populations within the Marais de Bruges Natural Marshland Reserve (France).
Assisted in the implementation of scientific monitoring.
French to English: Advertising General field: Marketing Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - French L’évolution de la publicité
Dans les pays occidentaux, la pression publicitaire télévisuelle est actuellement évaluée à plus de 2500 impacts par personne par jour. Cette saturation de l’espace publicitaire classique induit une forme d’immunité croissante du public à l’égard de la pub, responsable notamment de l’effet « zapping » lors de la projection de spots télévisés.
Cette désaffection favorise la communication hors-média et ses messages commerciaux cachés. Le principe fondamental de cette communication hors-média c’est de dissimuler sa nature publicitaire.
Depuis quelques années les road shows et les manifestations musicales discrètement initiées par les plus grandes marques se multiplient. L’organisation d’événements festifs est un secteur en augmentation constante. La communication par l’évènement a de multiples vertus : Elle réunit, fédère, procure des émotions pour faire passer des messages dans la joie et la bonne humeur. Par exemple, il y a quelque temps, une marque de shampoing avait organisé une tournée d’été où 6 coiffeurs ont sillonné 29 villes dans un bus, pour attirer des jeunes et les coiffer gratuitement devant le public. Le but : Créer une marque emblématique auprès des 15-25 ans. Quelque 600.000 échantillons ont été distribués.
Il y a aussi d’autres façons de faire de la publicité dissimulée: un journaliste va faire des commentaires généreux sur un nouveau produit dans une rubrique « mode», avec une publicité de ce même produit à peine quelques pages plus loin. Ces formes de communication sont souvent présentées comme un moyen bénéfique de mieux décrire les caractéristiques d’un produit, par rapport à une publicité classique. Par exemple, dans un magazine féminin, on voit un article sur les bienfaits de la salade. Quelques pages plus loin, on trouve une publicité pour une marque de salades prêtes à l’emploi.
Le mécénat, le soutien financier apporté à une manifestation, ou à une association à caractère humanitaire a pour objectif de montrer l’insertion de l’entreprise dans son environnement social et économique. Cela attire la sympathie. Par exemple, au Canada, Danone s’est engagé dans la lutte contre l’obésité avec des spots d'informations à la télévision.
Translation - English The Evolution of Advertising
In western countries, the impact of television advertisement is now estimated at more than 2,500 hits per person each day. This saturation of the traditional advertising space leads to a growing form of public immunity towards ads, which causes people to switch to another channel during commercials.
This loss of interest favors below-the-line communication that incorporates hidden advertising messages. The fundamental principle of below-the-line communication is to conceal its advertising nature.
For the last few years there have been many more road shows and musical events quietly put on by big-name brands. The organization of festival-style events is a fast-growing sector. Event-based communication has a host of benefits—it both garners and fuels excitement so that its message is passed on during a time of joy and good feelings. For example, some time ago, a brand of shampoo organized a summer bus tour in which 6 hair stylists traveled through 29 cities in order to attract young people and do their hair for free in public. The goal was to create a brand that speaks to the 15-25 year-old demographic. Some 600,000 samples were handed out.
There are also other ways to advertise in a secretive way—a journalist might give favorable comments about a new product in a fashion column, with an ad for this same product appearing just a few pages later. These methods of communication are often presented as a useful way to best describe the details of a product, compared with a traditional ad. For example, in a women’s magazine, you see an article on the benefits of salad. A few pages later, you find an ad for ready-to-use salad greens.
Sponsorship, the financial support for an event or for a humanitarian cause, aims to show the integration of a brand within its social and economic environment. This brings about a sympathetic response. In Canada, for example, Dannon has joined forces in the fight against obesity by using television ads.
Italian to English: Hearing aid marketing material General field: Marketing Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - Italian A001A
Il primo uomo sulla luna. Le teorie di Einstein. La conquista dell’Everest. È questo spirito pionieristico che ci stimola a produrre la migliore tecnologia per dispositivi acustici.
Beltone First è nato per cambiare la vita delle persone e per fissare nuovi standard nella qualità del suono, nel comfort e nella connettività dei dispositivi.
Beltone First è così piccolo da risultare difficilmente visibile e persino gli stessi clienti quasi non si accorgono di indossarlo.
È dotato di un guscio più robusto della tecnologia iSolate™ nanotech che lo protegge in qualsiasi situazione, anche le più impegnative in presenza di sudore ed umidità.
Beltone First è dotato di una connettività wireless così avanzata da permettere agli utenti il controllo dei dispositivi direttamente dal loro iPhone®, iPad® o iPod touch®.
Beltone First è adatto a rispondere alla maggior parte delle esigenze, ed ha potenza sufficiente per la maggior parte delle diverse sensibilità uditive fino a livelli di sensibilità molto ridotta e può essere personalizzato in base alle necessità individuali.
Così le persone possono godersi la vita e ascoltare tutte le conversazioni, in qualsiasi situazione.
Beltone First è uno dei dispositivi mini RIE più piccoli è versatili disponibile sul mercato. Grazie al nuovo design scompare completamente dietro l’orecchio.
Beltone First, dotato di tutte le tecnologie più sofisticate ed avanzate per apprezzare appieno tutti i suoni della vita, si posiziona con discrezione dietro l’orecchio tanto che i clienti si dimenticheranno persino di indossarlo.
Il guscio è stato rinnovato, oggi più robusto ed unito ad un blocco del ricevitore semplice e resistente, è in grado di garantire una protezione ottimale in qualsiasi situazione.
Grazie agli inediti microfoni in silicone ed alla protezione totale garantita dalla tecnologia iSolate™ nanotech è stato possibile costruire dispositivi di dimensioni compatte, maggiormente affidabili e protetti anche in condizioni ambientali difficili e in presenza di sudore ed umidità, allungandone la vita.
Translation - English A001A
The first man on the moon. Einstein’s theories. Conquering Everest. It’s this type of pioneering spirit that inspires us to produce the world’s best technology for hearing aids.
Beltone First changes people’s lives and establishes new standards for sound quality, comfort, and device connectivity.
Beltone First is so small you can hardly see it and so comfortable that clients hardly notice they’re wearing it.
Sealed with a protective coating using iSolate™ nano-technology, Beltone First is shielded against even the harshest environments, such as body oils and moisture.
Beltone First is equipped with wireless connectivity so advanced that users can control their devices directly from their iPhone®, iPad® or iPod touch®.
Beltone First readily responds to the vast majority of clients’ needs, is powerful enough to address even the most severe levels of hearing loss, and can be personalized based on individual needs.
People can now enjoy life and hear every conversation, in any situation.
Beltone First is one of the smallest and most versatile mini RIE (receiver-in-the-ear) devices available on the market today. The new design allows it to be completely hidden behind the ear.
Beltone First is equipped with the most sophisticated and advanced technologies available so that the user can fully appreciate all of life’s sounds. Discreetly positioned behind the ear, clients often forget they are wearing it.
The protective coating has been further developed to be more durable. The coating is bonded directly to the surface of the receiver, which guarantees maximum protection in any situation.
Thanks to the innovative silicone-based microphones and total protection guaranteed by iSolate™ nano-technology, the devices are now more compact, dependable, and protected even in difficult environments. Body oils and moisture no longer have a detrimental effect on the hearing aid, which greatly extends the life of the product.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Whitman College
Years of experience: 28. Registered at Jan 2010.
FitzGerald Language Services provides professional, accurate French/Italian to English translations and post-editing, using cutting-edge translation and desktop publishing tools. My particular gift is producing text in the linguistic style required or desired by the client. I have over 10 years of experience in translation, editing, and writing for a variety of industries, including pharmaceutical, housewares, technical, and more. Along with translation services I can also provide content for websites, manuals, and presentations and management for small to medium-size translation jobs. My experience with MemoQ as both a translator and a project manager can help you succeed with your next localization project. I am a MemoQ certified PM.
Keywords: French, localization, translation, proofing, editing, Italian proofing, Japanese proofing