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Arabic to English: A chapter from Al muquaddimah Detailed field: History
Source text - Arabic إعلم أنه لما كانت حقيقة التاريخ أنه خبر عن الاجتماع الانساني الذي هو عمران العالم وما يعرض لطبيعة ذلك العمران من الأحوال مثل التوحش والتأنس والعصبيات وأصناف التغلبات للبشر بعضهم على بعض وما ينشأ عن ذلك من الملك والدول ومراتبها وما ينتحله البشر بأعمالهم ومساعيهم من الكسب والمعاش والعلوم والصنائع وسائر ما يحدث من ذلك العمران بطبيعته من الأحوال. ولما كان الكذب متطرقاً للخبر بطبعته وله أسباه تقتضيه. فمنها التشيعات للآراء والمذاهب فإن النفس إذا كانت على حال الاعتدال في قبول الخبر أعطته حقه من التمحيص والنظر حتى تتبين صدقه من كذبه وإذا خامرها تشيع لرأي أو نحلة قبلت ما يوافقها من الأخبار لأول وهلة. وكان ذلك الميل والتشيع غطاء على عين بصيرتها عن الانتقاد والتمحيص فتقع في قبول الكذب و نقله. ومن الأسباب المقتضية للكذب في الأخبار أيضاً الثقة بالناقلين وتمحيص ذلك يرجع إلى التعديل والتجريح. ومنها الذهول عن المقاصد فكثير من الناقلين لا يعرف القصد بما عاين أو سمع وينقل الخبر على ما في ظنه وتخمينه فيقع في الكذب.
و منها توهم الصدق وهو كثير وإنما يجيء في الأكثر من جهة الثقة بالناقلين ومنها الجهل بتطبيق الأحوال على الوقائع لأجل ما يداخلها من التلبيس والتصنع فينقلها المخبر كما رآها وهي بالتصنع على غير الحق في نفسه. ومنها تقرب الناس في الأكثر لأصحاب التجلة والمراتب بالثناء والمدح وتحسين الأحوال وإشاعة الذكر بذلك فيستفيض الإخبار بها على غير حقيقة فالنفوس مولعة بحب الثناء والناس متطلعون إلى الدنيا وأسبابها من جاه أو ثروة وليسوا في الأكثر براغبين في الفصائل ولا متنافسين في أهلها. ومن الأسباب المقتضية له أيضاً وهي سابقة على جميع ما تقدم الجهل بطبائع الأحوال في العمران فإن كل حادث من الحوادث ذاتاً كان أو فعلاً لا بد له من طبيعة تخصه في ذاته وفيما يعرض له من أحواله فإذا كان السامع عارفاً بطبائع الحوادث و الأحوال في الوجود و مقتضياتها أعانه ذلك في تمحيص الخبر على تمييز الصدق من الكذب وهذا أبلغ في التمحيص من كل وجه يعرض و كثيراً ما يعرض للسامعين قبول الأخبار المستحيلة وينقلونها وتؤثر عنهم كما نقله المسعودي عن الإسكندر لما صدته دواب البحر عن بناء الاسكندرية وكيف أتخذ صندوق الزجاج وغاص فيه إلى قعر البحر حتى صور تلك الدواب الشيطانية التي رآها وعمل تماثيلها من أجساد معدنية و نصبها حذاء البنيان ففرت تلك الدواب حين خرجت وعاينتها وتم بناؤها في حكاية طويلة من أحاديث خرافة مستحيلة من قبل اتخاذه التابوت الزجاجي ومصادمة البحر وأمواجه بجرمه ومن قبل أن الملوك لا تحمل أنفسها على مثل هذا الغرور ومن اعتمده منهم فقد عرض نفسه للهلكة وانتقاض العقدة واجتماع الناس إلى غيره وفي ذلك إتلافه ولا ينظرون به رجوعه من غروره ذلك طرفة عين ومن قبل أن الجن لا يعرف لها صورة ولا تماثيل تختص بها إنما هي قادرة على التشكيل وما يذكره من كثرة الرؤوس لها فإنما المراد به البشاعة والتهويل لا إنه حقيقة
Translation - English It should be known that history, in matter of fact, is information about human social organization, which itself is identical with world civilization. It deals with such conditions affecting the nature of civilization as, for instance, savagery and sociability, group feelings, and the different ways by which one group of human beings achieves superiority over another It deals with royal authority and the dynasties that result (in this manner) and with the various ranks that exist within them. (It further deals) with the different kinds of gainful occupations and ways of making a living, with the sciences and crafts that human beings pursue as part of their activities and efforts, and with all the other institutions that originate in civilization through its very nature.
Untruth naturally afflicts historical information. There are various reasons that make this unavoidable. One of them is partisanship for opinions and schools. If the soul is impartial in receiving information, it devotes to that information the share of critical investigation the information deserves, and its truth or untruth thus becomes clear. However, if the soul is infected with partisanship for a particular opinion or sect, it accepts without a moment's hesitation the information that is agreeable to it. Prejudice and partisanship obscure the critical faculty and preclude critical investigation. The result is that falsehoods are accepted and transmitted.
Another reason making untruth unavoidable in historical information is reliance upon transmitters. Investigation of this subject belongs to (the theological discipline of) personality criticism.2
Another reason is unawareness of the purpose of an event. Many a transmitter does not know the real significance of his observations or of the things he has learned about orally. He transmits the information, attributing to it the significance he assumes or imagines it to have. The result is falsehood.
Another reason is unfounded assumption as to the truth of a thing. This is frequent. It results mostly from reliance upon transmitters.
Another reason is ignorance of how conditions conform with reality. 2a Conditions are affected by ambiguities and artificial distortions. The informant reports the conditions as he saw them but on account of artificial distortions he himself has no true picture of them.
Another reason is the fact that people as a rule approach great and high-ranking persons with praise and encomiums. They embellish conditions and spread the fame (of great men). The information made public in such cases is not truthful. Human souls long for praise, and people pay great attention to this world and the positions and wealth it offers. As a rule, they feel no desire for virtue and have no special interest in virtuous people.
Another reason making untruth unavoidable - and this one is more powerful than all the reasons previously mentioned is ignorance of the nature of the various conditions arising in civilization. Every event (or phenomenon), whether (it comes into being in connection with some) essence or (as the result of an) action, must inevitably possess a nature peculiar to its essence as well as to the accidental conditions that may attach themselves to it. If the student knows the nature of events and the circumstances and requirements in the world of existence, it will help him to distinguish truth from untruth in investigating the historical information critically. This is more effective in critical investigation than any other aspect that may be brought up in connection with it.
Students often happen to accept and transmit absurd information that, in turn, is believed on their authority. AlMas'udi,3 for instance, reports such a story about Alexander. Sea monsters prevented Alexander from building Alexandria. He took a wooden container in which a glass box was inserted, and dived in it to the bottom of the sea. There he drew pictures of the devilish monsters he saw. He then had metal effigies of these animals made and set them up opposite the place where building was going on. When the monsters came out and saw the effigies, they fled. Alexander was thus able to complete the building of Alexandria.
It is a long story, made up of nonsensical elements which are absurd for various reasons. Thus, (Alexander is said) to have taken a glass box and braved the sea and its waves in person. Now, rulers would not take such a risk .4 Any ruler who would attempt such a thing would work his own undoing and provoke the outbreak of revolt against himself, and (he would) be replaced by the people with someone else. That would be his end. People would not (even) wait one moment for him to return from the (dangerous) risk he is taking.
Furthermore, the jinn are not known to have specific forms and effigies. They are able to take on various forms. The story of the many heads they have is intended to indicate ugliness and frightfulness. It is not meant to be taken literally.
Years of experience: 4. Registered at Jan 2010.
Arabic to French (Algeria University mentouri) Arabic to English (Algeria University mentouri ) English to Arabic (Algeria University mentouri,) French to Arabic (Algeria University mentouri) French to English (Algeria University mentouri,)
English to French (Algeria University mentouri,)
Arabic Translation & Intercultural Dialogue Association (ATIDA)
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World Languages and Computers -with their immense diversity- have interested me thoroughly. In particular: Artificial Intelligence, Web Languages, Cloud Computing and Building computers. These factors have stretched my knowledge of computers and I always strive to expand my knowledge of these fields.
My Translation degree allowed me to broaden my knowledge in a world where translation and interpretation is gaining more and more Momentum in all fields. My Computer Information Systems (AAS) Degree provides me with in-depth skills and knowledge in a broad range of IT disciplines including programming, database development, PC repair, networking, operating systems, security, web development, system analysis and design. The CIS program includes extensive hands-on laboratory work in current industry technology and software, such as C, C+ C#, Python, My SQL…etc.
I have successfully established both my language and business credentials through graduating and running a small plant over 4 years. I'm currently finishing my associate degree in computer information system along with my AWS Certificate while maintaining and purchasing inventory at a Company.
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