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Accurate and natural translations. Court certified interpretation.
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Freelance translator and/or interpreter
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Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
Japanese to English - Standard rate: 0.15 USD per character / 90 USD per hour Japanese to Spanish - Standard rate: 0.15 USD per character / 90 USD per hour Spanish to English - Standard rate: 0.12 USD per word / 75 USD per hour English to Spanish - Standard rate: 0.12 USD per word / 75 USD per hour Portuguese to English - Standard rate: 0.12 USD per word / 0 USD per hour
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Sample translations submitted: 3
Japanese to English: Are management positions losing their appeal?
Source text - Japanese 管理職は魅力がない? 課長以上への登用に独自の試験制度を設けている東京都で、ここ数年、受験者数が過去最低を更新し続け、都が制度の見直しに本腰を入れ始めた。価値観が変わったのか、人事制度の問題か。団塊世代の大量退職を控え、このままでは管理職不足に陥る恐れも出てきた。
Translation - English Are management positions losing their appeal? Metropolitan Tokyo, which has an established independent testing system used for appointment to all positions above department chief, has continued to see record lows in the number of test-takers over the last few years. The government is starting to seriously consider reexamining the system. But is this due to changing values or a problem within the personnel system? In any case, considering the anticipated massive retirement of the baby boom generation, at this rate there’s risk of plummeting into a shortage of administrators.
Spanish to English: Articles of Incorporation General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - Spanish Artículo 33.
1. La Comisión de Estrategia y Planificación se encargará de establecer un Plan estratégico que fijará los objetivos a alcanzar por la Asociación en el lapso de tiempo que se determine en el Plan.
2. La Comisión de Actividades Técnicas y Conferencias tendrá a su cargo: (i) proponer y organizar los programas de reuniones técnicas, cursillos, congresos, conferencias, etc. (ii) redactar, posteriormente, las conclusiones de las mismas que, en forma de informe, se elevarán a la Junta Directiva para su posterior publicación y comunicación a la Asamblea.
3. La Comisión de Premios y Reconocimientos propondrá a la Junta Directiva los nombres de las personas que a su juicio merecen recibir los premios y reconocimientos aprobados por la Asamblea.
4. Comisión "GOLD" de los Recién Graduados tendrá por finalidad divulgar los objetivos, actividades y servicios del XX entre los universitarios recién graduados que cumplan con las condiciones para ser miembros de la Asociación, así como asesorarlos en los trámites para su incorporación como miembros.
Translation - English Article 33.
1. The Strategy and Planning Committee shall be entrusted with establishing a strategic plan that will set the objectives to be reached by the association over the lapse of time specified by that plan.
2. The Technical Activities and Conferences Committee will be in charge of: (i) proposing and organizing technical meeting programs, courses, congresses, conferences, etc.; (ii) drawing up, at a later date, summaries of the same which shall be sent to the Board of Directors as reports for subsequent publication and notification to the Assembly.
3. The Awards and Recognition Committee shall propose to the Board of Directors the names of persons who, by their criteria, deserve to receive awards and recognitions approved by the Assembly.
4. The GOLD Committee of Recent Graduates will have the goal of spreading information about the objectives, activities and services of the XX among recent university graduates who qualify to be members of the association and to advise them on the procedures to become members.
Japanese to Spanish: Se instalará un sistema de reconocimiento facial
Source text - Japanese 鉄道機関を狙ったテロ対策として、国土交通省などは来春にも、地下鉄の駅改札口に監視カメラを設置し、あらかじめ登録された“危険人物”とリアルタイムで異同識別する「顔認証システム」の実験をスタートさせる。今年7月に起きたロンドン地下鉄爆破テロをきっかけとした試みで、登録人物と一致すれば1秒以内に監視員らに知らせるという想定だ。だが一方で、技術的な問題に加え運用方法を懸念する意見も出ている。
Translation - Spanish El Ministerio de Tierra, Infraestructura y Transporte (Japón) estudia la adopción de una medida contra el terrorismo que apunta a los ferrocarriles. El Ministerio instalará cámaras de vigilancia en las entradas de estaciones del metro posiblemente empezando en primavera, y comenzará a llevar a cabo pruebas del “sistema de reconocimiento facial" que distingue en tiempo real a personas peligrosas que hayan sido registradas en el sistema de antemano. Esta prueba fue motivada por los ataques terroristas que emplearon explosivos en el metro de Londres en Julio del año pasado. En caso de coincidir alguna persona con las registradas, se supone que el sistema avisará a los empleados de la estación en menos de un segundo. Por otro lado, sin embargo, siguen surgiendo preocupaciones sobre la operación del sistema así como los problemas técnicos que éste implica.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Brigham Young University
Years of experience: 24. Registered at Sep 2005. Became a member: Oct 2006.
Japanese (JLPT Level 1, verified) Japanese to English (JLPT 1) Spanish to English (Interpreter National Center for State Courts, verified) English to Spanish (Interpreter National Center for State Courts, verified)
David Higbee Language Services over 15 of translation/interpretation experience in business, legal and technical fields. Hands-on experience in manufacturing and engineering fields in Japan, Latin America and the US. CERTIFIED court interpreter and translator at the superior court level since 2002, currently certified in California. Available for on-site and remote projects in USA, Japan, Argentina, Mexico, Canada, Spain, China, India, or anywhere else an interpreter/translator is needed. My translation portfolio includes:
- Legal contracts, agreements of all kinds
- Technical patents in IT, engineering, automotive, and design
- Technical and user manuals in IT and automotive fields
- Technical specifications and tender documents
- Medical device documents audits
- Divorce, death, marriage, birth certificates
- Court forms and authorizations
- Immigration forms and interviews
- Educational and professional certificates/transcripts
- Websites
- Healthcare brochures
- Medical research consent forms
- Hospital information packets
On-site interpretation experience includes:
- Interpreter for Japanese technical and business workshops and audits (100 weeks +)
- Previously staff technical interpreter/translator at Honda Research & Development in Torrance, CA (2.5 years) - Hundreds of hours of technical interpretation at KAIZEN workshops held in Mexico and the US at businesses such as Boeing, Siemens, Hitachi, Bombardier, Carrier, Acuity Brands Lighting, Ingersoll Rand, United Technologies Corporation, etc.
- Native fluency in simul. or consec. interpretation from Japanese into Spanish/English and advanced business level (near-native) fluency in Japanese for interpretation from Spanish/English into Japanese.
- Interpretation of hundreds of court hearings, depositions, private investigations, interviews, and the like as a state certified court interpreter for Spanish.
- Interpretation of hundreds of depositions, phone-interviews, deposition preparation sessions, etc. as a Registered and competent court interpreter of Japanese.
- Ample experience interpreting in hospitals, clinics, and physicians visits, including emergency rooms in Japanese/Spanish/English.
- Terminology management in all of my fields of experience and expertise, and the ability to leverage resources between jobs without disclosing any confidential information.
- Experience interpreting between my working languages at hospitals and legal hearings in Japan.