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English to Lithuanian: DRUG TRAFFICKING ACT General field: Law/Patents
Source text - English DRUG TRAFFICKING ACT
51. (1) A person is guilty of an offence if, knowing that any property is, or in whole or in part directly or indirectly represents, another person's proceeds of drug trafficking, he acquires or uses that property or has possession of it.
(2) It is a defence to a charge of committing an offence under this section that the person charged acquired or used the property or had possession of it for adequate consideration.
(3) For the purposes of subsection (2) above:
(a) a person acquires property for inadequate consideration if the value of the consideration is significantly less than the value of the property; and
(b) a person uses or has possession of property for inadequate consideration if the value of the consideration is significantly less than the value of his use or possession of the property.
(4) The provision for any person of services or goods which are of assistance to him in drug trafficking shall not be treated as consideration for the purposes of subsection (2) above.
(5) Where a person discloses to a constable a suspicion or belief that any property is, or in whole or in part directly or indirectly represents, another person's proceeds of drug trafficking, or discloses to a constable any matter on which such a suspicion or belief is based:
(a) the disclosure shall not be treated as a breach of any restriction upon the disclosure of information imposed by statute or otherwise; and
(b) if he does any act in relation to the property in contravention of subsection (1) above, he does not commit an offence under this section if:
51. A) Asmuo pripažįstamas kaltu dėl nusikaltimo, jei žinodamas, kad turtas yra, ar pilnai arba dalinai, tiesiogiai ar netiesiogiai gautas iš kito asmens pajamų už narkotikų kontrabandą, tą turtą įgyja ar naudoja arba jį laiko.
2) Remiantis šiuo skirsniu gynyba iškeltam kaltinimui yra veiksminga, jei kaltinamasis asmuo įsigijo ar naudojo turtą arba jį lakė už prideramą atlyginimą.
3) Taikant aukščiau paminėtą 2-ą poskyrį, laikoma, kad:
a) asmuo įgyja nuosavybę už netinkamą atlyginimą, jei atlyginimo vertė yra žymiai mažesnė negu turto vertė; ir
b) asmuo naudoja ar lako turtą už netinkamą atlyginimą, jei atlyginimo vertė yra žymiai mažesnė negu naudojimo ar laikomo turto vertė.
4) Taikant aukščiau paminėtą 2-ą poskyrį, paslaugų ar daiktų, kurie yra naudojami narkotikų kontrabandoje, tiekimas asmeniui nebus laikomas atlyginimu.
5) Tais atvejais, kai asmuo praneša konstebliui apie įtarimą ar nuomonę, kad tam tiktas turtas yra, ar pilnai arba dalinai, tiesiogiai ar netiesiogiai gautas iš kito asmens pajamų už narkotikų kontrabandą, arba praneša konstebliui apie medžiagą, kuria grindžia įtarimą ar nuomonę:
a) pranešimas nebus laikomas informacijos, nustatytos įstatymine tvarka ar kitais būdais, atskleidimo draudimo pažeidimu; ir
b) jei jis atlieka bet kokius veiksmus su turtu, pažeidžiant aukščiau paminėtą 1-ą poskyrį, jis nepadaro nusikaltimo pagal šį skirsnį, jei:
English to Lithuanian: The objectives of sentencing General field: Law/Patents
Source text - English The objectives of sentencing are:
• Retribution. Retribution has public support, but more limited judicial support. The concept that 'the punishment should fit the crime' - the tariff system, is one of retribution.
Retribution is the penal policy of the Old Testament - an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
• Deterrence of the offender - most likely to be effective if the sentence is cruel and unusual (blinding, dismemberment, etc.)
• Deterrence of other potential offenders. This is dependent on publicity, severity and the perceived risk of being caught (i.e. the perceived level of police powers and the effectiveness of their exercise)
• Rehabilitation - this implies that the offender can be rehabilitated - that the solution to crime is to correct the personality defects of the offender - which is unlikely for many criminals, and can take many years at a high cost. It is less applicable if the offender is remorseful.
In considering the rehabilitative effect of a sentencing, it must be considered whether prisons are rehabilitative or degenerative; in addition does a criminal record really help people to return to normal employment (particularly employment more profitable than crime (where the crime is of a pecuniary nature), etc. (which is likely to be necessary for full rehabilitation)?
Rehabilitation is a high-cost policy, and is high-risk in that 'returns' are far from certain, with a fear that good money should not be thrown after bad. As such, purely rehabilitative sentences such as counselling are not part of UK penal policy, and even the apparently rehabilitative community service order, was introduced as a result of rising prison numbers. Even with hospital orders, the primary purpose is protection of the public, and the only order that was introduced purely to rehabilitate offenders rather than to save money or protect the public was the drug treatment order.
Translation - Lithuanian Nuosprendžio skyrimo tikslai yra šie:
• Atpildas. Atpildą palaiko visuomenė, bet teisminė parama yra mažesnė. Sąvoka, kad “bausmė turi atitikti nusikaltimą” - tarifinė sistema, yra viena iš atpildo formų.
Atpildas yra Senojo Testamento bausminė nuostata – akis už akį, dantis už dantį.
• Nusikaltėlio įbauginimas greičiausiai bus veiksmingas, jei bausmė yra žiauri ir neįprasta (pvz., apakinimas, kūno dalies pašalinimas ir t.t.).
• Kitų galimų nusikaltėlių įbauginimas. Tai priklauso nuo viešumos, griežtumo ir baimės būti pagautam (pvz., policijos įgaliojimų ir vykdymo efektyvumo suvokimas)
• Perauklėjimas. Manoma, kad nusikaltėlis gali būti perauklėtas, kad galima išspęsti nusikalstamumo klausimą šalinant nusikaltėlio asmenybės trūkumus, o tai padaryti pavyks tik mažumai nusikaltėlių ir gali užtrukti daugelį metų ir brangiai kainuoti. Besigailintiems nusikaltėliams tai mažiau taikoma.
Svarstant perauklėjimo bausmės poveikį, reikia apsvarstyti, ar kalėjimai atlieka perauklėjimo ar degeneracinę funkciją. Be to, ar teistumo įrašas tikrai padės žmonėms grįžti į normalų darbą (ypač į pelningesnį darbą nei nusikaltimas, jei nusikaltimas yra turtinio pobūdžio, ir t.t., ko greičiausiai reikės pilnai užbaigti perauklėjimą)?
Perauklėjimas yra brangiai kainuojanti politika su didele negarantuoto “pelno” rizika ir nuogąstavimais, kad vertingi pinigai nebūtų švaistomi blogiems dalykams. JK baudžiamajai politikai nebūdingi grynai perauklėjimo pobūdžio nuosprendžiai, tokie kaip psichologo konsultacijos, ir net aiškiai perauklėjimasis įsakymas, reikalaujantis atlikti viešuosius darbus, buvo įvestas dėl didėjančių kalinių skaičiaus. Net gydimosi ligoninėje potvarkiais, visų pirma, siekiama apsaugoti visuomenę. Gydimosi nuo narkotikų potvarkis yra vienintelis potvarkis įvestas tik tam, kad reabilituoti nusikaltėlius, o ne sutaupyti pinigus ar apsaugoti visuomenę.
Translation education
Master's degree - DPSI Law
Years of experience: 18. Registered at Mar 2010.
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
Curriculum Vitae
Alina Sapoznikova
London, SW4 [email protected]
mob. 07538011841
Chartered Institute of Linguists number: 45846
I am an experienced and dedicated professional Lithuanian translator/ interpreter specialising in public, legal and education sectors and offering tailored services at competitive rates. My DBS & NPPV 3 checks are up to date. I moved to the United Kingdom in 2007. I also can liaison at your request.
Work History
September 2011 - Present Legal Court Interpreting and Translation
(MoJ jobs via Capita Interpreting and Translation and The Big Word)
November 2010 – Present Interpreting and Translating for the public sector and private clients
(Law Courts, London Probation Trust, schools, prisons and social services.)
From March 2010 to March 2011 Interpreting and Translation
via The Bournemouth Interpreters Group (register).
October 2009 - February 2010 Community Interviewer
for Dorset Council – Salford University (Study on Black and Minority Ethnic Housing Needs).
November 2007 – December 2012 Bilingual Teaching Assistant
in Bournemouth and Poole schools. I was supporting ESOL (most often Russian and Lithuanian) children by explaining and interpreting lessons’ and teaching them English. I assisted the staff by interpreting and giving them feedback on children’s skills and knowledge. Also I helped schools to communicate with parents.
The schools I volunteered and worked at are the following:
Volunteer at Bethany Junior School (11/2007-05/2009), Ad Astra First School (01/2009-04/2009), and Pokesdown Primary School (06/2009- 03/2011), volunteer at the Salvation Army Homework Club (03/2011 – 12/2012).
I was a full time student in Lithuania until June 2007.
Skills and Competences
• Specialising in: legal, public sector, religious issues, ethics, politics, education, psychology, philosophy and general translation/interpreting
• Liaising with clients to discuss any unclear points
• Using Microsoft Office tools, Trados 2015
• Face to face and telephone interpreting
• Ensuring complete confidentiality and professional standards
(2017) Project Management – Courses for Success (online ongoing)
(2017) Proofreading - Stonebridge Associated Colleges (ongoing online)
(2016) Stonebridge Associated Colleges - Counselling Children & Adolescents Course L4 (ongoing online)
(2014) DPSI LAW diploma
(2010) Montacute Outreach – Emotional Literacy L2, Certificate of Attendance
(2010) Poole Adult Learning- Induction to NLP, Certificate of Attendance
(2009) The University of Salford - Interviewer training, Certificate of Attendance
(2009) CWDC - Common Induction Training, Certificate of Attendance
(2009) Study House Limited, Study Centre, Kendal - Teaching Assistant L2
(2009) Bournemouth and Poole College, Poole – Community Interpreters’ Course L3
(2007) Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Vilnius, Lithuania – MEd in Didactics of Ethics
(2005) Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania – BA in Theology
Hobbies and Interests
At the moment I am ‘Christians in London’ group volunteer organizer at Internations club.
I am interested in education, religions, politics, psychology, philosophy, culture, art and languages (I speak Lithuanian10/10, English 9/10, Russian 7/10, some Polish 5/10, and Italian 4/10).
Keywords: Community interpreter, education, social work, statistics