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Translation, Editing/proofreading, Subtitling, Transcription, Training
Spanish to English: kung fu and dance workshop General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Source text - Spanish OBJETIVOS DEL TALLER
La idea es poner en práctica la metodología que se ha llevado a cabo para trabajar en el proceso de creación de La otra parte. El objetivo práctico del taller es proporcionar a los participantes las técnicas corporales que comparten ambas disciplinas, para dar a conocer los paralelismos entre la danza y el kungfú. Las posibilidades que ofrece la convivencia de ambos lenguajes de movimiento y las diferencias que existen entre éstos. Fomentar la creatividad coreográfica explorando en todas las características que unifica y distingue a cada uno. De esta manera, se trabaja
desde dos aspectos claves: la diferencia sistemática que abordan ambas disciplinas como objetivo final del movimiento. Desde el kungfú se genera una finalidad de carácter concreto, el ataque y la defensa, ya que la aplicación de sus formas ya preestablecidas responden a estas dos posibilidades. Desde la danza el movimiento no tiene la necesidad de distinguirse más que hacia la abstracción pura en parámetros artísticos, proponer el cuerpo hacia diferentes formas de expresión que ofrecen infinitos resultados, tanto estéticos como físicos, y desde distintos discursos.
Our driving idea is to share the methodology we followed throughout the process of creating the work - 'La Otra Parte' - with those participanting in the workshop. In practical terms, we aim to present the body movement techniques that are common to both Kung Fu and dance. In this way, the parallelisms that exist between these two art forms are explored through the common body-work they share.
The workshop will explore the possibilities that arise from a combination of elements from both disciplines. The full range of creative choreographic options opens up when all the characteristics of the two movements, those that unite and those that distinguish them, are explored. The end-purpose behind the movement techniques of each discipline will define the systemic and vital differences that exist between them. From this base the two key themes of the workshop flow logically.
Kung Fu has a very specific character, based on attack and defence, and its finality is very specific. The practical applicaton of its pre-established formulas arises solely from these two possibilities. Movement in dance, however, bears no obligation to distinguish itself except as a journey towards pure abstraction along aritistic lines. Dance is a proposal, made to the body, to expand its possibilities of expression into infinite limits, both aesthetically and physically. Aas such, it is a discipline that is open to conversations with different discourses.
Spanish to English: Mar Menor Tourism General field: Marketing
Source text - Spanish Disfrutar a diario de un entorno privilegiado como el que constituye el Mar Menor nos hace estar profundamente concienciados de la necesidad de protegerlo y preservarlo. Su belleza y singularidad nos obligan a minimizar, en la medida de lo posible, el impacto de la actividad humana sobre sus ecosistemas terrestres y marinos, asegurando la sostenibilidad de ésta.
Desde Estación Náutica Mar Menor - Cabo de Palos promovemos la conservación de nuestros recursos naturales a través de diversas iniciativas como las Jornadas Medioambientales “La playa es de todos: ¡Cuídala!”, en asociación con el Proyecto de Voluntariado Ambiental VOLCAM de la Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo.
El objetivo de estas Jornadas, puestas en marcha hace más de diez años, es el de informar a pie de playa a la población de los núcleos urbanos que jalonan el Mar Menor, tanto turista como residente, de la importancia de tener un comportamiento responsable en nuestras playas; e involucrarla en el cuidado y preservación de las mismas.
La iniciativa se concentra principalmente en los meses de verano, los de mayor presión poblacional sobre nuestras costas, y entre sus actividades más celebradas está el reparto de ceniceros en forma de cucurucho, que permite clavarlos en la arena.
El programa de actividades también incluye la organización por parte de nuestras empresas asociadas de talleres de educación ambiental dirigidos a los más pequeños, en los que a través de juegos y canciones aprenden acerca de la importancia del reciclaje, proponen soluciones para los problemas medioambientales y se conciencian (a la vez que ayudan a concienciar) sobre la necesidad de buscar el equilibrio de nuestra forma de vida con la naturaleza.
Otras iniciativas a destacar son las Jornadas de Limpieza de fondos y playas de Cabo de Palos, organizadas a finales de verano en un ambiente festivo, con inmersiones de buceo, conciertos, sorteos y amigos; y la edición de folletos y mapas temáticos ecoturísticos de Espacios Naturales Protegidos de la Región de Murcia como Calblanque o la Reserva Marina de Cabo de Palos e Islas Hormigas.
Translation - English To live in such a privileged environment as the Mar Menor on a day-to-day basis makes us extremely sensitive to the need to protect and preserve it. The uniqueness and beauty of this very special place impels us to insist on minimizing the impact of human activities on the ecosystems of our land and marine areas as much as is possible. The key concept here is sustainability.
From the Estación Náutica Mar Menor - Cabo de Palos we promote the conservation of our natural resources via various initiatives. With the support of VOLCAM (an association of volunteers dedicated to protecting the environment) and the bank Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo, we carry out campaigns such as “The beach is everyone’s: take care of it” (“La playa es de todos: ¡Cuídala!”)
The objective of this campaign in particular, which has been running for more than 10 years, is to inform people who are on our beaches. Many of these visitors come from urban areas. Both tourists and local urbanites are encouraged to take an active part in the care and conservation of the beach via an information campaign in which we inform them about what is considered responsible behaviour.
In the summer months, when tourists visit our coasts in the highest numbers, we make a special effort with these types of activities. One of our most successful campaigns is the distribution of ashtrays made in the form of ice-cream cones that can be stuck in the sand.
The activity program also involves local businesses in the environmental education of children. The workshops use games and songs to teach children about the importance of recycling, suggest solutions to environmental problems and make the participants aware of and sensitive to the need to strike a balance between our lifestyles and our natural environment.
Another noteworthy initiative is the organisation of cleanup days for the sea-bottom and beaches of Cabo de Palos, activities which take place at the end of summer. Diving classes, concerts, raffles and collaborations between groups all take part in a festive late-summer atmosphere. Pamphlets and maps dedicated to particular themes such as the protected areas within the Murcia region for areas such as Calblanc or the Marine Reserves of Cabo de Palos and the Hormigas Islands are also now available.
Spanish to English: Dance Promotion: Taiat Website Spain General field: Art/Literary
Source text - Spanish Es necesario considerar la danza dentro de los parámetros del arte, de su historia y evolución. Parece que su andadura siempre ha ido por un camino distinto al resto de las artes. Nosotras sentimos la necesidad de bailar, crear y coreografiar atentas al presente más inmediato, en escucha continua con el contexto ideológico, social y artístico que en general sacude al arte. Para nosotras es vital acercar la danza a quien la desconoce, para ello es necesario crear cercanía y complicidad con el público.
Translation - English Within the parameters of art, of its history and evolution, dance has always had a place. Nonetheless, the impression that dance has traveled a distinct path from other art forms is a strong one. We feel the necessity to dance, to create and to choreograph - but with our attention clearly fixed on the here and now, keenly aware of our contemporary social, ideological and artistic context. It is vital, for us, to bring dance closer to those who are not familiar with this art form. It is essential for to our work that a feeling of closeness and involvement is cultivated with our audience.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - La Trobe University
Years of experience: 25. Registered at Jun 2010.
Teaching English and translating is a wonderful way to learn about all kinds of topics. Translating medical texts and occasionally more literary and marketing-oriented texts has occupied most of my translating time over the last few years. My dream is to use my creative skills to translate more literary works in the future. Luckily for me I am also a qualified Personal Trainer and use my knowledge of training on myself to avoid the physical pains and burnout that are the downside of this otherwise very satisfying profession.