Since he founded Soyculto in Buenos Aires in 2006, Sebastien Yanni is helping Latin American Corporate firms, SMB and individuals to develop, implement and operate sustainable growth strategies for long-term success.
Digital Marketing (SEO, Social Media Marketing), Business common sense & entrepreneurship methods, Sebastien proposes customized solutions oriented on optimized ROI to cope with Companies ambitions and situations.
Sebastien as well promotes the
serious & social gaming application he designed & developed.
It offers innovative solutions to companies aiming to enhance their marketing & business intelligence programs.
The application proposes an entertaining game accessible via social networks or proprietary platforms while collecting easy to process profiles data.
Early 2008, Sebastien joined Web724 as Marketing & Business Development Manager. He contributes to the software factory and:
-Brings Digital Marketing services
-Formalizes Go-to-Market strategies
-Helps on product & user interface design
-Increases sales.
As an
enthusiast entrepreneur, Sebastien has created various companies. He now assists startup teams & coaches project owners into their path to success.
In all his ventures, Sebastien promotes efficiency, consistency, transparency and organization to customers/teams as he believes these are keys to find a long lasting growth in all business contexts.
Sebastien's Experience/Areas of Expertise:
-Digital Marketing, Social Media and Online strategy advisor for businesses and individuals
-Relationship & Inbound Marketing consultant for companies
-Entrepreneur and Business Project Manager
-Former HP B2B marketing Programs Manager
-ESCP Europe Alumni Association Delegate for Argentina
Sebastien's Specialties:
- SEO Search Engine Optimization
- Personal Branding
- Email & Social Media Marketing
- LPO/CRO Landing page & Conversion Rate optimization
- PPC Pay Per Click Advertising
Trilingual, Sebastien speaks and uses daily French, English and Spanish.