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Spanish to English: The Bay of Cadiz General field: Marketing Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Spanish La bahía gaditana y el bajo Guadalquivir constituyeron el escenario de numerosos mitos. Hoy, el mito y la historia siguen vivos.
La isla y el Castillo de Sancti Petri están vinculados históricamente a uno de los templos observatorios más importantes y afamados de la Antigüedad: el Templo de Melqart-Hércules. El origen del Templo está estrechamente ligado a la fundación de Gadir, levantada en el extremo de la isla de Kotinoussa.
El Templo de Melqart-Hércules gozó de gran fama en el Mediterráneo y tuvo un rol muy importante, tanto religioso como económico y político. Sobre sus piedras pasaron personajes ilustres como el cartaginés Aníbal, fue allí donde juró su odio eterno a Roma; o Julio César que lo visitó en varias ocasiones.
La conquista árabe de la Península Ibérica cambió la importancia del Templo. Tras la batalla de Guadalete en 711, la estatua de Hércules fue demolida. Y en 1145 se destruyó por completo el templo con las revueltas en Al-Andalus.
Tras la conquista y repoblación de Cádiz por el Reino de Castilla, se empiezan a reconstruir y reaprovechar sus edificios y murallas. Se construye una torre en la Isla de Sancti Petri para la defensa y vigilancia del espacio marítimo entre las desembocaduras del río Guadalquivir y Guadalete.
Los continuos ataques durante el siglo XVI hicieron a Felipe II reconsiderar la necesidad de potenciar la defensa de un punto clave como la entrada exterior del caño de Sancti-Petri, ejecutándose la batería semicircular y cerrándose el recinto por el lado sur de la torre, añadiéndose a sus funciones de almenara y atalaya, la de faro.
Translation - English The Bay of Cadiz and the Bajo Guadalquivir are home to many myths. Today, its myths and history are alive and well.
The island and Castle of Sancti Petri are linked to one of the most important and famous temples of antiquity: the Temple of Melqart-Hercules. The origin of this temple is closely related to the founding of Gadir, built on the south east of the island of Kotinoussa.
The Temple of Melqart-Hercules was famous throughout the Mediterranean and played a very important religious, economic and political role in the region. Some of the most illustrious figures of all antiquity visited it, including Julius Caesar, and the Carthaginian Hannibal, who swore his eternal hatred to Rome here.
The Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula saw the importance of the temple diminish. Following the Battle of Guadalete in 711, the statue of Hercules was demolished. And in 1145, the temple was completely destroyed during the revolts in Al-Andalus.
Following the conquest of Cadiz by the Kingdom of Castile and its resettlement, its buildings and walls were rebuilt and began to be used once again. A tower was built on the island of Sancti Petri to defend and watch over the area where the Guadalquivir River and Guadalete River flow into the Atlantic.
Constant attacks throughout the 16th century led Philip II to increase the defence of such a strategic site as was the entrance to the Caño de Sancti Petri channel by building a semi-circular battery and closing the site to the south of the tower. It was also at this time that the tower began to be used as a lighthouse, as well as a beacon and lookout tower.
Spanish to English: EU General Data Protection Regulation Training Session General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Spanish El RGPD establece varios principios que deben regir cualquier actividad que incluya el tratamiento de datos personales. Estos principios son:
Principio de LICITUD: Según el cual, los datos personales deben ser tratados con el consentimiento del interesado o sobre alguna otra BASE LEGÍTIMDORA, de forma que no pueden tratase datos personales si no concurre una causa que legitime el tratamiento.
Principio de LEALTAD Y TRANSPARENCIA: por el que se establece que toda INFORMACIÓN y comunicación relativa al tratamiento de dichos datos debe ser fácilmente accesible y FÁCIL DE ENTENDER, y debe utilizar un lenguaje sencillo y claro.
Principio de LIMITACIÓN DE LA FINALIDAD: los datos personales deben ser recogidos con FINES DETERMINADOS, explícitos y legítimos, y no deben ser tratados ulteriormente de manera incompatible con dichos fines.
Principio de MINIMIZACIÓN DE DATOS: mediante el cual los datos personales que se recojan deben ser adecuados, pertinentes y LIMITADOS A LO NECESARIO en relación con los fines para los que son tratados.
Translation - English The GDPR lays out various principles which must govern any activity involving the processing of personal data. These are:
The principle of LAWFULNESS, which establishes that personal data must be processed on the basis of the consent of the data subject concerned or some other LEGITIMATE BASIS, meaning personal data may not be processed if a cause which makes their processing legitimate does not exist.
The principle of FAIRNESS AND TRANSPARENCY, which establishes that any INFORMATION and communication relating to the processing of personal data must be easily accessible and EASY TO UNDERSTAND, and that clear and plain language must be used.
The principle of PURPOSE LIMITATION, which establishes that personal data must be collected for PURPOSES WHICH ARE SPECIFIED, explicit and legitimate, and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes.
The principle of DATA MINIMISATION, which establishes that personal data collected must be adequate, relevant and LIMITED TO WHAT IS NECESSARY in relation to the purposes for which they are processed.
French to English: A journey to the heart of an unspoilt paradise General field: Marketing Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - French Au cœur d’un paradis vierge...
S'il est des lieux dont la beauté primaire provoque des émotions d'une rare intensité, les paysages de l'Arctique sont de ceux-là.
Aux confins des terres extrêmes, là où la banquise naît et où le soleil ne passe plus sous l'horizon, où les sommets enneigés perdent leur voile blanc le temps d'un court été, nos navires trouvent leur route pour offrir au voyageur un univers hors du temps.
Loin des routes fréquentées, de l'Islande au Spitzberg, du Groenland à l’Alaska, nous vous invitons à suivre le sillage des grands explorateurs qui rêvèrent un jour de conquérir ces territoires lointains.
Amoureux des grands espaces, esprit méditatif ou âme d'aventurier, venez découvrir ces contrées reculées où les masses de glace irisée des icebergs s'imposent dans un silence ouaté, où les forêts de sequoias géants sont des terres de légendes et le refuge d'une faune exceptionnelle, où les plaines de toundra s'étendent à l'infini. D'escale en escale, découvrez et admirez à travers nos croisières, les paysages grandioses de l'Arctique.
Partez à la rencontre du peuple Inuit vivant au rythme des saisons et préservant une culture et un art de vivre ancestraux, ou de la faune environnante se prélassant sur la banquise. Laissez votre imagination s'évader, puisqu'aimer ces lieux, c'est repousser les limites, profiter de moments uniques et concrétiser ses rêves d'absolu.
Translation - English A journey to the heart of an unspoilt paradise...
If there is one place in the world whose sheer beauty profoundly moves those who visit it, it is the Arctic...
An icy, remote part of the world, where the sun doesn’t rise above the horizon for months at a time, where the snow-capped peaks shed their pristine white veil during the short summer. Our ships take passengers on a voyage to one of the last great wilderness frontiers on Earth.
From Iceland and the island of Spitsbergen to Greenland and Alaska, we take you to places few dare to venture, in the footsteps of the great explorers who dreamt of conquering these faraway lands.
A journey like this is an ode to wilderness, peace, tranquillity and adventure, to a remote part of the world where iridescent icebergs proudly pierce the serene, silent waters, where forests of giant sequoias are home to countless legends and a teeming colony of wildness, and where expanses of tundra stretch as far as the eye can see. Discover the majestic landscapes of the Arctic on board our cruises.
Meet the indigenous Inuit people, who move from one place to another with the seasons and who, to this day, have preserved the traditions and culture of their ancestors, and make friends with the local wildlife lounging around on the sea ice. Let your imagination run wild and fall in love with this unparalleled part of the world, which offers visitors unique and unforgettable experiences.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of Durham (1st class honours with distinction)
Years of experience: 14. Registered at Aug 2010.
Spanish to English (University of Durham) French to English (University of Durham) Spanish to English (Chartered Institute of Linguists, verified) French to English (Chartered Institute of Linguists, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, Indesign, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
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‘If you think it is expensive to hire a professional, wait until you hire an amateur!’ (Red Adair)
Follow in the footsteps of 300+ top European companies and opt for quality and experience.
● Spanish>English and French>EnglishBritish translator (from Liverpool).
● BA in Modern Languages (French, Russian and Spanish) (1st class with distinction) from Durham University.
● Postgraduate studies in Law.
● Full member of the UK’s Chartered Institute of Linguists.
● Author of two books on English idioms, a guide to English grammar and a guide to London with Spain’s biggest publishing house– Planeta.
● +3 million words translated since 2012.
● Expert in legal, business and marketing translation.
● I work with governmental bodies, universities, some of Europe’s leading multinationals, up-and-coming SMEs and language service providers.
I follow a rigorous and highly-structured translation process which has been tried, tested and fine-tuned over the past 10 years.
All my translations go through two bilingual proofreadings and one monolingual one. The result is impeccable, accurate and natural translations.
Latest feedback from clients
‘I totally recommend Nicholas Isard's services - he is one of our most trusted vendors as he always delivers on time and high-quality work. He is an expert in both technical and creative ES-EN and FR-EN translation and a thorough EN proofreader.’
‘We’ve been working with Nick for a number of years and will continue to do so without a shadow of a doubt. He is a professional who takes his work very seriously, always delivers on time and is on top of every detail. It’s a pleasure to work with you, Nick! You’re quick and your translations are of very high quality!’
Legal translation
I have postgraduate studies in Law and work with major legal firms.
Documents I regularly translate include contracts (general terms and conditions of sale, of purchase, of use (for websites), employment contracts, etc.), court rulings, GDPR material, company statutes (articles of association), regulations, local, regional and national legislation, decrees, human rights material, calls for tender, legal notices (e.g. for websites), confidentiality agreements, lease agreements, sales agreements, shareholders’ agreements, etc.
Marketing translation
I have helped countless companies expand abroad and attract clients from English-speaking countries. Examples include well-known food and drink brands (including a local Spanish gin, which is now the country’s most popular premium gin), hotels, higher-education institutions, engineering companies and ferry operators, to give just a few examples.
As the author of a guide to London, published by Spain's biggest publishing house, I am well versed in creating tourism-marketing texts.
I regularly translate websites, marketing material, posters, social media posts, catalogues, flyers and videos.
ROI in translation costs is also immediate with just a few sales from abroad.
Business translation
Working with some of Europe’s leading companies means I regularly translate general and specialised business material. To do this, I work closely with clients to ensure the language used reflects their philosophy and values.
Examples include annual reports, corporate PowerPoint presentations, press releases, internal and external newsletters, minutes of meetings (e.g. shareholder meetings), organisational charts, strategic plans, production processes, training material, disciplinary proceedings, etc.
I have been using SDL Trados for the past 10 years.
I am also proficient in Memsource.
Rates and availability
I work with my clients as part of a team, where trust and collaboration are fundamental. As such, my clients know they can email me, call me or send me a WhatsApp and I will go out of my way to help them.
Regarding rates, these reflect my experience and specialised knowledge, whilst providing the best value for money for my clients.
I tend to be fairly booked up, although I do offer same-day and next-day services, generally at no extra cost.