I'm a freelance translator for the serbian, croatian, bosnian, italian and english languages. My native language is serbian and I've completed my school in Serbia, where I obtained the Diploma in Journalism and where I also attended a Drama school, which is a very important point for my job because of the diction. After High School, I moved to Italy, where I currently live and where I studied at the University of Chieti, graduating as Translator and Interpreter.
I've been working as interpreter and translator for almost 20 years, in different subject: medical, technical, turist, philosophic, etc.
For me is really easy to translate because I am a perfect bi-lingual speaker (Italian and Serbian), in fact I've lived 20 years in serbia and 19 years in Italy.
I like studing and learning at all time and dealing with translations is a big chance for me to extend my knowledge and train constantly my brain. |