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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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English to Lithuanian: What is Medium Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - English What is Medium Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency (MCADD)?
About one in 10,000 babies born in Scotland has MCADD. Babies with this inherited condition have problems breaking down certain fats, in order to make energy for the body. It can lead to serious illness, and in some cases even death, if the baby is not feeding regularly.
What happens if MCADD is suspected?
If the blood test shows that your baby may have MCADD, the health professional taking care of you will make arrangements for you to see a specialist doctor as soon as possible. Further tests including DNA analysis will be carried out to confirm whether your baby has MCADD, and you will be asked to make sure that your child eats regularly and to pay special attention to feeding when your baby is unwell. This can prevent serious illness and allow babies with MCADD to develop healthily.
What would happen if a baby is not screened for MCADD?
It is your choice whether to have your baby’s blood tested. If your baby has MCADD and this is not detected, it can lead to serious illness or in some cases death (if your baby goes for a very long time without food, particularly if your baby develops an infection).
Translation - Lithuanian Kas yra vidurinės grandinės acil-CoA dehidrogenazės nepakankamumas ( VGADN)?
Maždaug vienam iš 10 000 Škotijoje gimusių kūdikių diagnozuojama VGADN. Kūdikiams, paveldėjusiems šią ligą, yra sutrikęs tam tikrų riebalų skaidymas, kurio metu kūnui perduodama energija. Kūdikiui reguliariai nesimaitinant, tai gali tapti sunkios ligos ar, kai kuriais atvejais, netgi mirties priežastis.
Koks tolimesnis procesas vyksta įtarus, kad aptikta VGADN?
Jei kraujo tyrimai parodė, kad jūsų kūdikiui įtariamas VGADN, jumis besirūpinantis sveikatos apsaugos darbuotojas suorganizuos skubų vizitą pas gydytoją specialistą. Bus atlikti kiti tyrimai ir DNR analizė, nustatantys, ar jūsų kūdikis turi VGADN. Būtina užtikrinti reguliarų kūdikio maitinimą, o jam susirgus ypatingą dėmesį kreipti į jo maitinimąsi. Tokiu būdu įmanoma išvengti rimtos ligos ir padėti VGADN diagnozuotiems kūdikiams sveikai vystytis.
Kokios neatliktų tyrimų dėl VGADN pasekmės?
Kūdikių kraujo testas nėra privalomas. Nenustačius, kad kūdikis serga VGADN, jam gresia sunki liga ir net mirtis (jeigu kūdikis negauna maisto ilgą laiką, ypatingai tais atvejais, kai išsivysto infekcija).
Translation education
Other - DPSI Law, DPSI Health, BA in English Philology
Years of experience: 25. Registered at Nov 2010.
Native Lithuanian freelance translator and proofreader based in UK
I am a trained linguist educated to Masters level and a Member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists.
My speciality fields are: Human and Veterinary medicine, Pharmacology, Public Health.
Before becoming a freelancer I worked as a translator and interpreter for the National Health Service in UK. I have gained a vast amount of experience working with Consultants, Surgeons, Obstetricians, Mental Health Counsellors and other health professionals. My experience with both English and Lithuanian medical records, study reports, specialist jargon, medical abbreviations, etc., allow me to provide accurate and high-quality translations.
For the last 7 years I have been working as a freelance medical translator with the focus on veterinary and human medicine.
I am very well versed in the translation of PIL/SPC according to the latest QRD templates.
I provide well researched English-Lithuanian translations of:
Summary of Product Characteristics (SPCs)
Patient Information Leaflets (PILs)
Pharmaceutical technical and marketing materials
Traditional Medical Reports
Brochures and Leaflets for Patients
Medical insurance claims
Also, being a passionate cook I have a keen interest in culinary and food sciences. My experience in this field includes translation of food labels, menus, recipes and cooking instructions (for food blogs), etc.
Feel free to contact me for a fast and friendly quote. And thanks for your interest in my services!
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