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Indonesian to English: Pengenalan Diri, Aktivisme dan Pemberdayaan Perempuan/ Self-Introduction, Activism and Female Empowering General field: Social Sciences
Source text - Indonesian Pengenalan Diri, Aktivisme dan Pemberdayaan Perempuan
Oleh Sri Marpinjun
Beberapa penelitian tentang pekerja perempuan di Indonesia menyimpulkan bahwa perempuan pekerja cenderung diam dan jinak terhadap berbagai kekuasaan yang menindas mereka karena mereka khawatir kehilangan pekerjaan. Kekawatiran ini mendorong mereka mentolerir perlakuan yang tidak wajar; diperas tenaganya dan dibayar lebih rendah. Jika mereka tidak bekerja maka akan berdampak pada ekonomi keluarga. Faktor lainnya penyebab perempuan diam adalah pendidikan yang rendah dan kesadaran yang kurang terhadap hak dalam hukum. Kalaupun kesadaran hukumnya ada, mereka umumnya tidak tahu kemana harus mengadukan nasibnya (Oey, 1985; McCawley, 1981; Soemarjono, 1993).
Dalam realitanya, perempuan pekerja di Indonesia bergerak, berinisiatif untuk memperbaiki nasib. Pada tahun 90 an muncul tokoh buruh bernama Marsinah yang melawan namun kemudian meninggal karena penganiyaan oknum aparat. Kehadiran aktivis LSM sejak tahun 80 an yang melakukan fasilitasi pekerja perempuan rupanya cukup signifikan dalam mendorong pekerja perempuan menolak hubungan kekuasaan yang tidak setara antara diri mereka dan penguasa melalui gerakan terorganisir, misalnya dengan lahirnya BMI (organisasi para buruh migran Indonesia) dan Jala PRT (jaringan untuk pekerja rumah tangga). Di Hongkong para buruh migran mengorganisir diri membentuk ATKI (asosiasi tenaga kerja Indonesia). Organisasi-organisasi ini sedikit banyak membantu para buruh migran meningkatkan kapasitas diri untuk terus memperjuangkan keadilan.
Studi tentang perlawanan pekerja perempuan di Indonesia masih sangat kurang. Sebelum ini studi tentang pekerja perempuan cenderung terfokus pada penempatan tenaga kerja berdasar gender, misalnya di keluarga dan pertanian (Stoler, 1981; White, 1976; Hayami&Hafid, 1979), di pabrik (Hill, 1980), di Pasar (Chandler, 1985), atau pegawai negri perempuan (LAN, 1981-82; Logsdon, 1985). Belum ada yang mengangkat tentang pegawai non PNS perempuan. Karena itu tulisan ini ingin mengangkat perlawanan yang dilakukan oleh guru Taman Kanak-kanak (TK) non Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) perempuan di Kabupaten Bantul Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta terhadap kekuatan yang melemahkan mereka.
Translation - English Self-Introduction, Activism and Female Empowering
By Sri Marpinjun
Many studies about female workers in Indonesia have concluded that female workers in Indonesia are inclined to be quiet and benign towards aspects of power that oppress them because they are worried about losing their jobs. This concern leads them to tolerate improper treatment; to be exploited and receive lower wages. If they do not work then it will impact upon the family economy. Other factors that cause woman to be quiet are poor education and lack of awareness of rights within the law. Even-though they may have knowledge of the law, they generally do not know where they can complain about their situation (Oey, 1985; McCawley, 1981; Soemarjono, 1993).
In reality, female workers in Indonesia are active, and take the initiative to improve their fortune. During the 90s period there emerged an important worker named Marsinah who fought and then died because of mistreatment by an agent from an apparatus. The presence of NGO activists since the 80s have assisted female workers and have been significant in encouraging them to refuse the imbalanced relationship of power between themselves and those in power through an organized movement, for example with the birth of BMI (the Indonesian Association of Migrant Workers) and Jala PRT (Network for Domestic Workers). In Hongkong, a group of migrant workers organized themselves by establishing ATKI (the Indonesian Workers Association). To a certain degree these organizations help migrant workers to enhance their capacity to struggle for justice.
Studies about the struggle of female workers in Indonesia are still few. Previously, studies about female workers tended to focus on gender-based labour placement, for example in family and farming (Stoler, 1981; White, 1976; Hayami&Hafid, 1979), in the factory (Hill, 1980), in the market (Chandler, 1985), or female civil workers (LAN, 1981-82; Longsdon, 1985). There has not yet been a study raised about female non-civil servant workers. Therefore, this paper seeks to raise the struggle done by female kindergarten teachers and non-civil servant workers in the Bantul Province of the Special Region of Yogyakarta towards the power that weakens them.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - English Literature, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta-Indonesia
Years of experience: 17. Registered at Nov 2010.