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English to Romanian: The God of Smal Things by Arundhati Roy Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English Paradise Pickles & Preserves
From The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy
May in Ayemenem is a hot, brooding month. The days are long and humid. The river shrinks and black crows gorge on bright mangoes in still, dustgreen trees. Red bananas ripen. Jackfruits burst. Dissolute bluebottles hum vacuously in the fruity air. Then they stun themselves against clear windowpanes and die, fatly baffled in the sun.
The nights are clear but suffused with sloth and sullen expectation.
But by early June the south-west monsoon breaks and there are three months of wind and water with short spells of sharp, glittering sunshine that thrilled children snatch to play with.
The countryside turns an immodest green. Boundaries blur as tapioca fences take root and bloom. Brick walls turn mossgreen. Pepper vines snake up electric poles. Wild creepers burst through laterite banks and spill across the flooded roads. Boats ply in the bazaars. And small fish appear in the puddles that fill the PWD potholes on the highways.
It was raining when Rahel came back to Ayemenem. Slanting silver ropes slammed into loose earth, ploughing it up like gun-fire. The old house on the hill wore its steep, gabled roof pulled over its ears like a low hat. The walls, streaked with moss, had grown soft, and bulged a little with dampness that seeped up from the ground. The wild, overgrown garden was full of the whisper and scurry of small lives. In the undergrowth a rat snake rubbed itself against a glistening stone. Hopeful yellow bullfrogs cruised the scummy pond for mates. A drenched mongoose flashed across the leaf-strewn driveway.
The house itself looked empty. The doors and windows were locked. The front verandah bare. Unfurnished. But the skyblue Plymouth with chrome tailfins was still parked outside, and inside, Baby Kochamma was still alive.
Paradise Pickles & Preserves
From The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy
May in Ayemenem is a hot, brooding month. The days are long and humid. The river shrinks and black crows gorge on bright mangoes in still, dustgreen trees. Red bananas ripen. Jackfruits burst. Dissolute bluebottles hum vacuously in the fruity air. Then they stun themselves against clear windowpanes and die, fatly baffled in the sun.
The nights are clear but suffused with sloth and sullen expectation.
But by early June the south-west monsoon breaks and there are three months of wind and water with short spells of sharp, glittering sunshine that thrilled children snatch to play with.
The countryside turns an immodest green. Boundaries blur as tapioca fences take root and bloom. Brick walls turn mossgreen. Pepper vines snake up electric poles. Wild creepers burst through laterite banks and spill across the flooded roads. Boats ply in the bazaars. And small fish appear in the puddles that fill the PWD potholes on the highways.
It was raining when Rahel came back to Ayemenem. Slanting silver ropes slammed into loose earth, ploughing it up like gun-fire. The old house on the hill wore its steep, gabled roof pulled over its ears like a low hat. The walls, streaked with moss, had grown soft, and bulged a little with dampness that seeped up from the ground. The wild, overgrown garden was full of the whisper and scurry of small lives. In the undergrowth a rat snake rubbed itself against a glistening stone. Hopeful yellow bullfrogs cruised the scummy pond for mates. A drenched mongoose flashed across the leaf-strewn driveway.
The house itself looked empty. The doors and windows were locked. The front verandah bare. Unfurnished. But the skyblue Plymouth with chrome tailfins was still parked outside, and inside, Baby Kochamma was still alive.
Translation - Romanian Paradis, Murături şi conserve
Luna mai în Ayemenem e fierbinte, meditativă. Zilele sunt lungi şi umede. Rîul se restrînge şi ciori negre se indoapă cu fructe de mango strălucitoare în copacii liniştiţi de culoarea verdelui prăfuit. Banane roşii se împlinesc. Jackfruits, fructele tropice cele enorme, crapă. Muştele albastre, corupte, zbărnăiesc în gol în aerul mirositor a fructe. Apoi se
ameţesc izbindu-se în geamurile transparente şi mor în soare, grase şi uimite.
Nopţile sunt clare, dar inundate de lene şi de aşteptări triste.
Dar la începutul lunii iunie izbucneşte monsunul de sud-vest şi aduce trei luni de vînt şi apă, cu scurte perioade cînd apare un soare ascuţit şi sclipitor, şi copii încîntaţi înşfacă ocazia ca să se joace cu el. Regiuna rurală se transformă într-un verde lipsit de modestie. Limitele între hotare se confuză cînd gardurile de tapioca prind rădăcini şi înfloresc. Zidurile de cărămidă se acoperă cu muşchi verde. Viţă de piper se întortochează ca un şarpe pe stîlpii de electricitate. Plante sălbatice erup băncile de deposite minerale şi se revarsă peste căliile inundate. Bărci navighează printe bazaruri. Şi peşti mici apar în băltoacele care au umplut gropile făcute de Departamentul de Lucrări Publice pe şosele.
Ploua când Rahel a revenit la Ayemenem. Frînghii diagonale de argint se trînteau în pămîntul afănat şi îl arau cam cu o puşcă. Casa veche de pe deal î-şi purta acoperişul abrupt şi triunghiular tras peste urechile sale ca şi o pălărie mică. Pereţii, brăzdaţi cu muşchi, au devenit un pic moi, şi umflaţi de la umezeala absorbită din pămînt. Grădina devenită sălbatică, prea crescută, era plină de şoaptele şi fugăreala vieţilor mici. În tufişuri un şarpe mîncâtor-de-şobolani se freca de o piatră strălucitoare. Galbenele broaşte bovine, se învarteau in bazinul murdar pline de speranţa că poate î-şi vor găsi o pereche. O mangustă udă de tot a trecut ca un fulger peste parcarea presărată cu frunze.
Casa în sine părea goală. Uşile şi ferestrele erau încuiate. Veranda din faţă goală. Nemobilată. Dar automobilul Plymouth cu aripile din coadă făcute din chrome era încă parcat afară, şi înăuntru, Baby Kochamma era încă în viaţă.
English to Hebrew: The Gos of Small Things - by Arundhati Roy Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English Paradise Pickles & Preserves
From The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy
May in Ayemenem is a hot, brooding month. The days are long and humid. The river shrinks and black crows gorge on bright mangoes in still, dustgreen trees. Red bananas ripen. Jackfruits burst. Dissolute bluebottles hum vacuously in the fruity air. Then they stun themselves against clear windowpanes and die, fatly baffled in the sun.
The nights are clear but suffused with sloth and sullen expectation.
But by early June the south-west monsoon breaks and there are three months of wind and water with short spells of sharp, glittering sunshine that thrilled children snatch to play with.
The countryside turns an immodest green. Boundaries blur as tapioca fences take root and bloom. Brick walls turn mossgreen. Pepper vines snake up electric poles. Wild creepers burst through laterite banks and spill across the flooded roads. Boats ply in the bazaars. And small fish appear in the puddles that fill the PWD potholes on the highways.
It was raining when Rahel came back to Ayemenem. Slanting silver ropes slammed into loose earth, ploughing it up like gun-fire. The old house on the hill wore its steep, gabled roof pulled over its ears like a low hat. The walls, streaked with moss, had grown soft, and bulged a little with dampness that seeped up from the ground. The wild, overgrown garden was full of the whisper and scurry of small lives. In the undergrowth a rat snake rubbed itself against a glistening stone. Hopeful yellow bullfrogs cruised the scummy pond for mates. A drenched mongoose flashed across the leaf-strewn driveway.
The house itself looked empty. The doors and windows were locked. The front verandah bare. Unfurnished. But the skyblue Plymouth with chrome tailfins was still parked outside, and inside, Baby Kochamma was still alive.
Translation - Hebrew חמוצים ושימוריםגן עדן חמוצים ושימורים
מתוך הספר: אלהי הדברים הקטנים
ארונדטי רוי
חודש מאי באיימנם חם, מועד להירהורים. הימים ארוכים ולחים. הנהר מצטמק ועורבים שחורים זוללים פירות מנגו בוהקים בצמרות עצים שקטים שצבעם ירוק מאובק. בננות אדומות מבשילות. פרות הג'קפרוט הטרופיים הענקיים מתפוצצים. זבובי תכלת מופקרים מזמזמים לריק באוויר שריחו כריח פרי. אחר כך הם מהממים עצמם כשהם מתנפצים על שמשות שקופות ומתים בשמש, מבולבלים ושמנים.
הלילות בהירים, אך רוויי עצלות וציפיה קודרת.
אך בתחילת יוני מתפרץ המונסון הדרום-מערבי ומביא שלושה חודשי רוח ומים. מדי פעם, שמש חדה ונוצצת מופיע לזמן קצר וילדים מרוגשים קופצים על ההזדמנות ומשחקים עמה. איזור הכפר הופך לירוק מופקר. הגבולות משתבשים כשגדרות הטפיוקה משתרשות ופורחות. קירות לבנים אדומות הופכים ירוקים כאזוב. שריגי פלפל מתפתלים דרך נחש סביב עמודי החשמל. צמחי בר זוחלים, מתפרצים דרך גדות משקעי המתכת ונשפכים אל תוך הכבישים המוצפים. סירות שטות בין הבאזארים. ודגים קטנים מופיעים בשלוליות שהתהוו בבורות שנחפרו על ידי מחלקת העבודות הציבוריות בכבישים הבין עירוניים.
גשם ירד כשרחל חזרה לאיימנם. חבלים אלכסוניים בצבע כסף הצליפו באדמה המפוררת, חרשו בה כמו ירויות רובה. הבית הישן במעלה הגבעה חבש את גגו התלול ומשולש מעל אוזניו ככובע קטן. הקירות המפוספסים באזוב התרככו ותפחו מעט בשל הרטיבות שנספגה מן האדמה. הגינה הפיראית שעלתה על גדותיה, התמלאה בלחשושיהם וחפזונם של חיים זעירים. מתחת לצמחייה, נחש טורף עכברושים התחכך לו באבן בוהקת. צפרדעי שור צהובים, מלאי תוחלת, הסתובבו באגם הקטן והמזוהם בתקווה למצוא בת זוג. נמיה הודית רטובה עד לשד עצמותיה הבזיקה על החניה המכוסה בעלים.
הבית עצמו נראה ריק. הדלתות והחלונות היו נעולים. המרפסת בקדמת הבית עירומה. לא מרוהטת. אך בחוץ, מכונית הפליימוט הכחולה כשמיים שסנפיריה עשויים מכרום, חנתה עדיין, ובפנים בבי קוצ'מה היתה בחיים עדיין.
English to Hebrew: The Rights of Young Asylum Seekers Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - English Young asylum-seekers must be given notice of removal, judge rules
Camilla Pemberton
Campaigners calling for an end to the government's policy of removing asylum-seeking children from the UK without notice have welcomed a landmark High Court ruling.
At a judicial review last week, Mr Justice Collins challenged the legality of the government's treatment of vulnerable children when he ruled that removing child asylum seekers without the 72 hours' notice given to adults was unlawful.
Lisa Nandy, policy adviser at the Children's Society, said the ruling was significant because "courts will now have to decide whether children should be removed and, if they are, what the government must put in place to protect them in other EU countries".
Caroline Slocock, chief executive of Refugee and Migrant Justice (RMJ), told Community Care: “The decision was a measure of the judge’s grave concerns and desire for UK Border Agency policy to be changed immediately.”
The High Court case involved two unaccompanied asylum-seeking children who faced removal under the Dublin Convention, which allows unaccompanied children to be removed to other EU countries if it is shown that they claimed asylum there first.
One child was detained by immigration officers in the middle of the night, before being flown to Italy and held in a police cell for several hours.
The second child, who had been handcuffed and taken to the airport from her foster home, was stopped after managing to contact her solicitor.
Home Office policy provides most asylum-seekers with 72 hours notice of their removal, apart from children and people at a suicide risk.
“The court has given as clear a signal as possible that giving no notice of removal for children is unlawful,” Slocock said.
Translation - Hebrew שופט פסק: מבקשי מקלט צעירים חייבים לקבל התראה לפני הרחקתם
קמילה פמברטון
פעילים הקוראים לשים קץ למדיניות הממשלה המאפשרת להרחיק ילדים מבקשי מקלט מבריטניה ללא התארה מוקדמת קבלו בברכה פסיקת בית דין גבוה המהווה ציון דרך.
בסקירה משפטית מחודשת שנערכה בשבוע שעבר כבוד השופט קולינס אתגר את חוקיותה של התייחסות הממשל לילדים פגיעים כשפסק כי הרחקה של ילדים מבקשי-מקלט ללא התראה בת 72 שעות כפי שניתנת למבוגרים, אינה חוקית.
ליסה ננדי, שהיא יועצת מדיניות בעמותה למען הילדים, אמרה שהפסיקה משמעותית משום ש"בתי המשפט יצטרכו עתה להחליט אם ילדים אכן יורחקו, ובאיזה צעדים הממשל חייב לנקוט על-מנת לגונן עליהם במדינות אחרות של האיחוד האירופי".
, (RMJ)קרוליין סלוקוק, מנכל"ית האירגון "צדק למען פליטים ומהגרים"
אמרה לאיגון "טיפול בקהילה" : ההחלטה היוותה אמת מידה המביע את דאגתו החמורה של השופט ורצונו העז שמדיניות סוכנות הגבולות תשונה לאלתר".
המקרה בבית המשפט הגבוה עסק בשני ילדים מבקשי מקלט ללא מלווים שעמדו בפני הרחקה תחת אמנת דבלין, שמאפשרת להרחיק ילדים ללא מלווים למדינות האיחוד האירופי האחרות אם ניתן להוכיח שבהן הילדים בקשו מקלט מלכתחילה.
אחד הילדים היה עצור על ידי פקידי הגירה באמצע הלילה לפני שהועלה על מטוס לאיטליה ואף הוחזק בתא מעצר של המשטרה במשך כמה שעות.
הילדה השניה שידיה היו כבולות ונלקחה לנמל התעופה מבית המשפחה האומנת, עוכבה לאחר שהצליחה להתקשר לעורך דינה.
משרד הפנים הבריטי נותן לרב מבקשי המקלט התראה של 72 שעות לפני הרחקתם, מלבד ילדים ואנשים בסכנת התאבדות.
"בית המשפט אותת בצורה הכי ברורה שאי מתן התראה על כוונת הרחקה לילדים אינה חוקית", אמרה סלוקוק.
English to Romanian: The rights of Young Asylum Seekers
Source text - English Young asylum-seekers must be given notice of removal, judge rules
Camilla Pemberton
Campaigners calling for an end to the government's policy of removing asylum-seeking children from the UK without notice have welcomed a landmark High Court ruling.
At a judicial review last week, Mr Justice Collins challenged the legality of the government's treatment of vulnerable children when he ruled that removing child asylum seekers without the 72 hours' notice given to adults was unlawful.
Lisa Nandy, policy adviser at the Children's Society, said the ruling was significant because "courts will now have to decide whether children should be removed and, if they are, what the government must put in place to protect them in other EU countries".
Caroline Slocock, chief executive of Refugee and Migrant Justice (RMJ), told Community Care: “The decision was a measure of the judge’s grave concerns and desire for UK Border Agency policy to be changed immediately.”
The High Court case involved two unaccompanied asylum-seeking children who faced removal under the Dublin Convention, which allows unaccompanied children to be removed to other EU countries if it is shown that they claimed asylum there first.
One child was detained by immigration officers in the middle of the night, before being flown to Italy and held in a police cell for several hours.
The second child, who had been handcuffed and taken to the airport from her foster home, was stopped after managing to contact her solicitor.
Home Office policy provides most asylum-seekers with 72 hours notice of their removal, apart from children and people at a suicide risk.
“The court has given as clear a signal as possible that giving no notice of removal for children is unlawful,” Slocock said.
Translation - Romanian
Camilla Pemberton
Ş să î ţi şi
Activişti care doresct să se pună un capăt la tactica guvernului de a îndepărta copii solicitanţi de azil din Marea Britanie fără preaviz, au salutat hotărârea Înaltei Curţi, o hotărîre care este un punct de reper.
La o revizuire judiciară săptămîna trecută, Judecătorul Collins a contestat legalitatea felului de tratare a guvernului a copiilor vulnerabili cînd a hotărît că îndepărtarea copiilor solicitanţilor de azil fără preaviz de 72 care se dă la adulţi este ilegală.
Lisa Nandy, consiliera de politică la Societatea Copiilor, a declarat ca decizia a fost importantă, deoarece "tribunalele vor trebui acum să decidă dacă copii trebuie să fie îndepărtaţi şi, în cazul în care sunt, ceea ce guvernul trebuie să puie în aplicaţie ca să protejeze aceşti copii în alte ţări ale UE".
Caroline Slocock, directorea executivă al Justiţie pentru Refugiaţi şi Migranţi (RMJ), a declarat la Îngrijirea de Comunitate: "Decizia a arătat măsura gravă de preocupăre a judecătorului şi dorinţa sa ca politica Agen ţiei de Frontieră să fie schimbată imediat."
Cazul de la Înalta Curte a implicat doi copii neînsoţiţi solicitanţi de azil care au confruntat îndepartare pe termeni Convenţiei de la Dublin, care permite ca copii neînsoţiţi să fie îndepărtaţi şi trimişi în alte ţări ale UE în cazul în care se poate demonstra că primul loc unde au solicitat azil a fost acolo.
Într-un caz, un copil a fost reţinut de către ofiţerii de imigrare în miez de noapte, înainte de a fi transportat cu avionul în Italia şi a şi fost încarcerat într-o celulă de poliţie pentru câteva ore.
Al doilea copil, o fetiţâ, a fost încătuşatâ şi dusâ la aeroport de la casa ei adoptivâ, şi a fost opritâ cînd a reuşit sâ contacteze pe avocatul ei.
Politica de la Home Office (Ministerul de Interne) oferă solicitanţilor de azil maturi un aviz de 72 de ore înainte de a fi îndepărtaţi, dar nu la copii şi oameni care sunt la un risc de sinucidere.
"Instanţa a dat un semnal cît se poate de clar, că a nu a da nici un aviz de îndepărtare la copii este ilegal", a spus Slocock.
Years of experience: 32. Registered at Nov 2010.
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