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Source text - Italian 1.1 GARANZIA
La garanzia sui componenti della macchina riguarda i vizi di costruzione, manodopera e/o materiali. Tale garanzia decorre dalla data riportata sulla relativa bolla di consegna ed ha una durata di 12 mesi salvo diversa indicazione accettata in fase di stipula del contratto al quale si rimanda per ulteriori dettagli. COMPANY S.r.l. sostituirà gratuitamente, franco proprio stabilimento, qualsiasi parte della macchina inviataci gratis in franco porto, purché provata essere difettosa dopo ispezioni effettuate presso lo stabilimento COMPANY e da personale autorizzato dalla stessa COMPANY. Nessuna altra garanzia (scritta od orale) verrà applicata all’impianto in oggetto. La garanzia comprende esclusivamente le parti sostituite, con esclusione della manodopera. I materiali di consumo e quindi soggetti a normale usura durante il ciclo di lavorazione non sono coperti da tale garanzia.
Vengono esclusi da tale garanzia danni all’impianto causati da: trasporto e/o movimentazione (se tali interventi sono a carico del cliente); errori dell’operatore/installatore; mancata manutenzione prevista dal presente manuale; guasti e/o rotture non imputabili al malfunzionamento dello stesso; per cause non dipendenti dal fabbricante. La presente garanzia è valida solo quando l’impianto sia diventato di proprietà dell’acquirente originale che si impegna ad utilizzarlo secondo le raccomandazioni di COMPANY. Qualsiasi controversia tra COMPANY e l’acquirente sarà risolta mediante arbitrato oppure sarà reso competente il foro di Pescara. I suddetti punti sono estratti dalle condizioni generali di vendita che costituiscono parte integrante e sostanziale del seguente paragrafo. Pertanto è necessario farvi riferimento per le ulteriori considerazioni ivi non riportate.
Translation - English 1.1 WARRANTY
Warranty on machine components concern construction, workmanship and/or materials defects. Such warranty starts form the date written on the delivery note and has a validity of 12 months except if indicated differently during the contract draw up, to which refer for further details.
COMPANY S.r.l. will replace free, ex-works its plant, any machine part, sent to us free of charge, if proven to be defective after inspections carried out at COMPANY’s plant and by personnel authorized by COMPANY itself. No other warranty (written or verbal) will be applied to the equipment considered herein. The warranty covers exclusively the replaced parts, excluding workmanship. The wear and tear parts subject to normal wear during the processing cycle are not covered by such warranty. Are not covered by such warranty damage to the equipment caused by: transport and/or handling (if such interventions are at customer’s care); mistakes made by the operator/installation man; lack of maintenance foreseen by this manual; failures and/or breakdowns not imputable to the breakdown itself; for reasons independent to the manufacturer. Such warranty is valid only when the equipment is property of the original buyer who commits himself to use it according to COMPANY’s recommendations.
Any controversy between COMPANY and the buyer should be solved by arbitration or the court of Pescara will be the competent court. The up mentioned points are excerpts from the general sales conditions which are integral and substation part of this paragraph. Therefore it is necessary to refer to it for further considerations not reported herein.
Italian to English and English to Italian Translator- 19 years experience.
Born by Italian parents and lived in U.S.A., so I grew bi-lingual. Now living in Italy.
Working as interpreter and translator in different areas of specialization such as industry, mechanical, software, electrical, hair cosmetics, etc.
I translate technical manuals, technical drawings, instructions, software, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, contracts, etc.
I am also technical writer of manuals in Italian and English.
Customers to whom my translated and written manuals have been delivered: Procter & Gamble, Kimberly Clark, Mölnlycke Health Care, Rolls Royce, Enel and many others over the world.
Interpreter on stage for international hairdressers such as Irvine Rusk, Rita Rusk, Tony and Guy team, Vidal Sasoon team for Wella, etc. and translator for hair care products labels.