Working languages:
English to Italian

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December 2024

Maria Luisa Barbano
EN➡IT MED/TECH 25+ years of experience

Asti, Piemonte, Italy
Local time: 02:49 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Italian (Variant: Standard-Italy) 
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Safety of patients and consumers; accuracy; research; care. If these
concepts are your priorities, we’re one step closer already.

My name is Maria Luisa Barbano, and I’ve been a technical and scientific
translator since 1997. Translating from English to Italian, I help
pharmaceutical companies, CROs and food manufacturers promote health-related
research and products on the Italian market.

My approach to translation blends technical and regulatory knowledge, a keen
eye for terminology, experience and critical thinking. All these elements are
applied to ensure that your translated materials are accurate and ready to use
– either for publication, the launch of a gluten-free product or a new clinical

For more information and inquiries:

Email | [email protected]

Mobile | +39 340 6095295

LinkedIn | italianmedicaltranslations

Web |

Skype | marialuisabarbano

This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 367
PRO-level pts: 355

Language (PRO)
English to Italian355
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 3 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Mechanics / Mech Engineering40
Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts)28
Medical (general)24
Medical: Pharmaceuticals23
Medical: Instruments22
Computers: Software16
Pts in 27 more flds >

See all points earned >
Keywords: Italian, Italiano, medicine, medicina, pharmacology, farmacologia, studi clinici, clicnical trials, protocolli di studio, study protocols. See more.Italian, Italiano, medicine, medicina, pharmacology, farmacologia, studi clinici, clicnical trials, protocolli di studio, study protocols, protocols, EMA, SDL, trados, studio, technical, guides, manuals, manualistica, food, alimentazione, alimenti a fini medici speciali, beverage, Maria Luisa, Barbano, Maria Luisa Barbano, mlbarbano, italian, freelance translator, italian translator, italian technical translator, italian medical translator, AITI, full-time translator, italian freelance, italian mother tongue, manualistica, manuali, Web site translations, sito web, siti web, user guides, user manuals, mechanics, IFU, IFUs, medical devices, dispositive medici, IVD, SDL, enologia, oenology, wine, wine-tasting, enogastronomia, food, food-related diseases, diabetes, celiac disease, celiachia, malattie rare, rare diseases, diabetology, endocrinologia, AFI. See less.

Profile last updated
Dec 18

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