Translating documents from French to Chinese in the areas of automotive industry, mechanical engineering and management.
French-Chinese interpreter for business contacts such as meetings, technical presentations, seminars, factory visits.
June 99- present Free Lance French->Chinese translator specialized in automotive industry, mechanical engineering and management.
May 96-May 99 Sales engineer in a wholly owned French enterprise in Shanghai, specialized in Fluoropolymer-based products for auto industry. Promote products on local automotive industry. Develop product strategy in China.
Jan. 92-Apr. 96 Mechanical Engineer in a French joint-venture in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu. The company is specialized in fine blanking parts for auto industry. Qualify the local suppliers and subcontractors. Develop market in China. Establish procedures and train the local staff.
Sept. 86-July 88 Teacher of Mechanical drawing and of process in Xinjiang Management Institute in Urumqi.
Main customers:
PSA, Michelin, Alcatel, L'oreal, Neotion, Sandvik, Valeo, Pechiney, Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de France in China, Mission Economique.
Sep. 89-July 90 Certificat d'Aptitude |