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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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Bulgarian to English: Bulgarian University Ranking System Methodology General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - Bulgarian Рейтинговата система представлява обобщен метод за произвеждане на устойчиви класации, наречени рейтинги. Разработената от нас рейтингова система представлява по същество платформа, която може да произвежда много голямо количество рейтинги . Ако отчетем и факта, че системата е достатъчно гъвкава, за да може в нея да се въвеждат нови индикатори, броят рейтинги, които могат да бъдат получени е практически неограничен. Разбира се, голяма част от новите рейтинги не подреждат висшите училища по нов начин, просто защото в добрите постижения също трябва да има (и действително има както показва нашата рейтингова система) определена устойчивост. Така че ако някое висше училище е добро в нещо, то има голяма вероятност да е добро и в други неща.
Translation - English A ranking system comprises a cumulative method of generating sustainable classifications called rankings. The ranking system that we have developed is in its essence a platform that can generate a very large number of rankings . If we also acknowledge the fact that the system is flexible enough to accommodate the inclusion of new indicators, the number of rankings that may be achieved is practically infinite. Certainly, a great part of the new rankings do not rate universities in a new way, simply because there needs to be certain sustainability in good achievement (which indeed there is, as our ranking system shows). So if a school is good at something, then there is great probability that it is good at other things too.
English to Bulgarian: Articles of Association General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - English To carry on all or any of the following businesses and whether as buyer, owner, holder, subdivider, seller, importer, exporter, manager, distributor, manufacturer, promoter, proprietor, contractor, maintainer, reclaimer, servicer, leisurer, hirer, renter, processor, consultant, agent, broker and general dealer in all goods, products and services normally supplied and provided by advertisers, art and antique businesses, auctioneers, builders, builders suppliers and subcontractor, logistics businesses, furniture and general household products businesses, clothing businesses, computer businesses, employment, estate and travel agents, entertainment and leisure businesses, fuel merchants, freight services, vehicle dealers, hoteliers, haulage and transport businesses, investigators, jewellers, machinery and equipment suppliers, marine and fish businesses, publicans, publishers, property companies, restaurants, security services, store and shopkeepers, surveyors, studios, television and video services, transporters, warehouses.
Translation - Bulgarian Да извършва всички или някои от следните търговски дейности в качеството й на купувач, собственик, съдържател, подразделение, продавач, вносител, износител, управител, дистрибутор, производител, промоутър, стопанин, изпълнител, изпълнител по поддръжката, разработчик, доставчик на услуги, рентиер, наемател, наемодател, обработвател, консултант, агент, брокер и общ дилър на всякакви стоки, продукти и услуги, които обичайно се предоставят и доставят от рекламодатели, бизнеси в областта на изкуството и антиките, тръжни къщи, строители, доставчици на строителни материали и подизпълнители, логистични компании, дружества в сферата на мебелната индустрия и на общите продукти за дома, текстилната индустрия, компютърния бизнес, агенции по набиране на персонал, продажба на недвижими имоти и туристически услуги, развлекателната индустрия и управление на свободното време, търговци на горива, спедиторски услуги, дилъри на моторни превозни средства, хотелиери, доставни и транспортни услуги, изследователска дейност, бижутерия, доставчици на машини и оборудване, морски и риболовен бизнес, магазинерство и управление на магазини, контрольорски услуги, студийни, телевизионни и видео услуги, транспортьори, складове.
Translation education
Master's degree - Sofia University 'St. Climent Ochridski'
Years of experience: 21. Registered at Mar 2011. Became a member: Jun 2011.
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My name is Elitsa Videnova. I have been a professional Bulgarian-English-Bulgarian translator and interpreter for over 17 years now.
I have a BA in English and American Studies from Sofia University 'St. Climent of Ochrida', a BA in business from University of Surrey Roehampton, London, and an MA in American Literature from Sofia Unviersity 'St Climent of Ochrida'.
Since October 2010, I have been Lead Linguist for Bulgarian for a global fashion company, and since January 2016, the Lead Linguist for the world's largest software development company.
Until November 2014, I used to work as the business development director at one of Bulgaria's top three law firms for close to ten years. That has enhanced my specialisation in legal translations, including, among others, privatization agreements, tender bids in energy, infrastructure, transportation, construction (including FIDIC agreements) and services, court and arbitration awards, various kinds of legal documents.
Other fields of specialisation include water, energy and mining, IT and Telecommunications, the media, marketing, education and general business texts.
I have been translating books for Kibea Publishing House since 2007, including the works of Dr. Wayne Dyer, Ernie Zelinski, Zig Ziglar and Kris Carr.
I provide business writing services to a host of companies in Bulgaria and abroad, including presentations, information memorandums, business communication, blog posts, articles, and other high-profile texts.
Since 2012, I have been writing original articles on post-graduate education for the world's leader in MBA fairs, Attendia, and their annual magazines 'Access MBA' and 'Access Masters' (
I believe my key asset is the high level of precision I put into my work, however creative an assignment might be. What I strive to provide my clients is predictability, reliability and trustworthiness. Regardless of my level of expertise in a certain field, I will always make sure that my clients receive their completed projects on time and errors free. I employ all available sources of reference and information I can obtain, whether paid or free, to ensure the highest possible quality of my work. I use TRADOS as well as any other translation tools required by clients.
Working against very tight deadlines, especially in legal translations, has become a norm in my experience. To be able to achieve that while maintaining excellent quality, I keep relying on my excellent network of contacts in various industries. That, together with my extensive collection of reference materials and tools, has been helping me to nurture long-term relationships with my clients.
As per interpreting, I look presentable yet discreet, and I can handle any kind of situations however challenging those might be. I have a wealth of experience in both consecutive and simultaneous interpreting at various conferences, political meetings and educational events.
My invoices are clear and transparent, and my financial relationships with my clients open and straightforward.
Keywords: content writer, IT translation, UI translation, developer documentation, marketing content, copywriting, original content, fashion, textile, ad copy. See more.content writer, IT translation, UI translation, developer documentation, marketing content, copywriting, original content, fashion, textile, ad copy, legal. See less.