Member since Jul '09

Working languages:
Italian to Slovenian
English to Slovenian
Slovenian to Italian

Tone Dolgan
Quality first.

Mestre (VE), Italy
Local time: 04:36 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Slovenian Native in Slovenian
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Short presentation
I am a freelance translator, native speaker of Slovenian, born in Ljubljana (Slovenia) in 1969. After university studies of philosophy, psychology and theology, accomplished partly in Ljubljana and partly in Rome, I devoted myself to translating, which I perform with accuracy and punctuality.

I translate: Technical texts/Manuals:
- Industrial machinery
- Automation
- Systems for conveying, dosing and processing of plastic granulate
- Laser machines
- Packaging machines
- Presses
- Pumps
- Glass processing
- Sheet metal forming
- Wood processing
- Flow coating
- Emissions Monitoring
- Lighting
- Machines for forestry and agricultural work
- Garden equipment
- Personal protective equipment
- Material safety data sheet
- Exposure scenarios
- Paints, resins and other products for building industry
- Household appliances
- Cleaning product labels
- Foodstuffs and cosmetics

Humanities, literature, art
- History
- Philosophy
- Religion
- Psychology
- Pedagogy
- Biographies
- Artistic projects, exhibitions, catalogues

Legal and finantial texts
- Injunctions
- Appeals
- Summons
- Judgments
- Letters rogatory
- Notarial deeds
- Police reports
- Tax documents
- Finantial statements
- Diplomas and certificates
- Claims for damages
- Insurance texts

Advertising and marketing texts
- Presentation of companies and products
- Websites
- Adverts

Textbooks and forms Texts for websites REFERENCE
Member of Italian Association of Translators and Interpreters ( since 2011
Member of Association of Scientific and Technical Translators of Slovenia ( since 2004
Member of Slovenian Association of Literary Translators ( since 2009
Certified PROs.jpg EXPERIENCE
I have almost 20 years of experience as translator. I have translated more than 25 books, among wich texts by important authors: Michel Foucault, Noam Chomsky, Gianni Vattimo, Joseph Ratzinger, Giovanni Reale.
I started my business with translations especially in the fields of humanities, social science and literature. However, as you can see in my CV, I have handled translations of very different textes. I regularly perform technical translations of different kinds and diverse levels of difficulty.

PUBLICATIONS: Italian to Slovenian:

Gianni Vattimo, Mislim, da verujem (Credere di credere), Ljubljana 2004.
Rossella Fabiani (a cura di), Maksimilijan. Cesarjevo življenje (Massimiliano. Vita di un imperatore), Marsilio Ed., Venezia 2014.
Paolo Virno, Družbene vede in “človeška narava” (Scienze sociali e natura umana), Ljubljana 2007.
Enzo Bianchi, Krščanska drugačnost (La differenza cristiana), Celje 2007.
Anna E. Galeotti, Toleranca. Pluralistični predlog (La tolleranza. Una proposta pluralista), Ljubljana 2009.
Giovanni Reale, Rimski triptih. Uvod k branju Rimskega triptiha Janeza Pavla II.
Chiara Lubich, Bog te neizmerno ljubi (Dio ti ama immensamente), Ljubljana 2009.
Olivier Clement, Duhovni temelji prihodnosti (Fondamenti spirituali del futuro), in Drugačno sonce, Celje 2006.
Olivier Clement, Kristjani - ločeni, toda (že) združeni, in Tretji dan 6/7 (2003), pp. 133-141.
Oreste Paliotti et al., Moja sestra Chiara: intervju z Ginom Lubichom (Chiara mia sorella: intervista a Gino Lubich), Novi svet, Ljubljana 2013.
Marta Verginella, Med zgodovino in spominom (Tra storia e memoria), in Fojbe. Primer psihopatološke recepcije zgodovine, Ljubljana 2009.
Giacomo Todeschini, Brezčastnost tistega, ki je zunaj, in njena geneza na krščanskem Zahodu, in Fojbe. Primer psihopatološke recepcije zgodovine, Ljubljana 2009.
Jean Vanier, Poklicani k prijateljstvu in bratstvu (In comunione), Celje 2015.
Tarcisio Bertone, Zadnja fatimska vidkinja(L’ultima veggente di Fatima), Celovec/Klagenfurt 2008.
Luis A. Gallo, Jezusova Cerkev (La chiesa di Gesù), Ljubljana 1998.
Enzo Bianco, Izboljšajmo naša srečanja (Miglioriamo le nostre riunioni), Ljubljana 2004.
Egidio Santanchè, Skrivnostni svet naših otrok (Il mondo sconosciuto dei nostri figli), Ljubljana 2009.
Claudio Mantovano, Za hip postoj (Fermati un istante), Ljubljana 2008.
Anna M. Zanzucchi, Biti mati - velika umetnost (L’arte difficile di essere madre), Ljubljana 2008.
Anna e Alberto Friso, V dvoje: pet skrivnosti za srečo v zakonu (In due: cinque segreti per il benessere di copia), Novi svet, Ljubljana 2012.
Richard Rohr, Divji mož. Štiri predavanja o moški duhovnosti (L’uomo selvatico), Ljubljana 1999.
Ezio Aceti, Ali otroka prinese štorklja? Od 4 do 7 let (Basta cavoli e cicogne! Dai 4 ai 7 anni), Ljubljana 2009.
Ezio Aceti, Ali otroka prinese štorklja? Od 8 do 11 let (Basta cavoli e cicogne! Dai 8 ai 11 anni), Ljubljana 2009.
Ezio Aceti, Ali otroka prinese štorklja? Od 12 do 15 let (Basta cavoli e cicogne! Dai 12 ai 15 anni), Ljubljana 2010.
AA.VV., MemArt. Umetnostni spomini med Benetkami in Istro (MemArt: memorie d’arte tra Venezia e Istria), Camera di commercio Venezia 2008.
Sergio Quinzio, Božji poraz (2 chapters of the book Sconfitta di Dio),
Forthcoming: Barbara e Paolo Rovea, Hoditi skupaj pred poroko (Fidanzati), Novi svet, Ljubljana.

English to Slovenian:

Michel Foucault - Noam Chomsky, O človeški naravi (Human nature: Justice vs. Power), Krtina, Ljubljana 2007.
Robert M. Pirsig, Zen in umetnost vzdrževanja motornega kolesa (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance), Iskanja, Ljubljana 2005.
Peter L. Berger, Globalni oris desekularizacije sveta (The Desecularisation of the World: A Global Overview), in Tretji dan 4/5 (2003), pp. 104-113.
John Templeton, Agape ljubezen (Agape Love), Mohorjeva družba, Celje 2004.
Richard Rohr, Moški na duhovni poti (The Wild Man’s Journey), Tangram, Ljubljana 2005.
Parker J. Palmer, Poučevati s srcem (The Courage to Teach), Educy, Ljubljana 2001.
S. Parker - B.Williams, Enciklopedija: vprašanja in odgovori (Question and Answer Encyclopedia, 2 chapters), Didakta, Ljubljana 2006.
Richard Rohr, Še vedno pohujšljiva skrivnost učlovečenja, in Tretji dan 1/2 (2004), pp. 16-21.
Immaculée Ilibagiza, Preživela, da pričujem (Left to Tell), Slomškova založba, Maribor 2010.
Scott Hahn, Jagnjetova večerja (The lamb’s supper), Slomškova založba, Maribor 2011

Slovenian to Italian:
Tone Ciglar, Testimone della bonta’: Servo di Dio Andrej Majcen missionario in Cina e in Vietnam, Salve, Ljubljana 2013.
Abstract in the book Komelj M., Svetniki, Ljubljana 2008.

This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 293
PRO-level pts: 285

Top languages (PRO)
English to Slovenian119
Slovenian to Italian108
Italian to Slovenian58
Top general fields (PRO)
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Top specific fields (PRO)
Law (general)35
Tourism & Travel24
Law: Contract(s)20
Automotive / Cars & Trucks20
Construction / Civil Engineering15
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng12
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Keywords: manualistica, traduzioni tecniche, manuals, technical translations, slovenian native speaker, traduzioni slovene, traduzione in sloveno, traduzioni da sloveno, madrelingua slovena, libri in sloveno. See more.manualistica, traduzioni tecniche, manuals, technical translations, slovenian native speaker, traduzioni slovene, traduzione in sloveno, traduzioni da sloveno, madrelingua slovena, libri in sloveno, saggistica, scienze umane, scienze sociali, filosofia, religione, slovenian, sloveno, social science, philosophy, psychology, religion, law, italian, italiano, italijanščina, english, inglese, angleščina, publications, humanities, italiano sloveno, sloveno italiano, english slovenian, tourism, turismo, alberghi, hotels, viaggi, storia, arte, legale, finanziario, legal, finantial, manuals, user guides, italijanščina, angleščina, uporabniški priročnik, navodila za uporabo, pravo, finance, ekonomija, zgodovina, religija, humanistika, filozofija, spletišča. See less.

Profile last updated
Oct 26, 2023