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A seasoned professional, I pride myself on my proven track record of quality, speed, reliability and accuracy.
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Freelance translator and/or interpreter
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Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
Spanish to English - Rates: 0.08 - 0.11 EUR per word / 30 - 40 EUR per hour French to English - Rates: 0.08 - 0.11 EUR per word / 30 - 40 EUR per hour English to Spanish - Rates: 0.08 - 0.10 EUR per word / 30 - 40 EUR per hour
Editing/proofreading Volume: 10500 words Completed: Apr 2005 Languages: English
Transcription of a 70 minute audio file.
This was an interview with Ron Hochings about the 1966 British won world cup.
Sports / Fitness / Recreation
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Colleague feedback:
R Lafuente: This one was quite tough but we made it!
Translation Volume: 72000 words Duration: Feb 2006 to Mar 2006 Languages: Spanish to English
Translation of a traditional Spanish cookbook
Translation of a traditional Spanish cookbook from Spanish into English.
Cooking / Culinary
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Colleague feedback:
R Lafuente: As ever, a pleasure to colaborate with Mr Walsh
Blue Board entries made by this user
44 entries
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Spanish to English: Translation of Auditor's Report on Financial Statements General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
A los Socios de XXXXXXX XXXXXXX, S.L:
Hemos auditado las cuentas anuales de XXXXXXX XXXXXXX, S.L.. que comprenden el balance de situación al 3 l de diciembre de 2006 y la cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias y la memoria correspondientes al ejercicio anual terminado en dicha fecha, cuya formulación es responsabilidad de los Administradores de la Sociedad. Nuestra responsabilidad es expresar una opinión sobre las citadas cuentas anuales en su conjunto, basada en el trabajo realizado de acuerdo con las normas de auditoria generalmente aceptadas, que requieren el examen mediante la realización de pruebas selectivas, de la evidencia justificativa de las cuentas anuales y la evaluación de su presentación, de los principios contables aplicados y de las estimaciones realizadas.
De acuerdo con la legislación mercantil, los Administradores presentan, a efectos comparativos con cada una de las partidas del balance de situación, de la cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias y del cuadro de financiación, además de las cifras del ejercicio 2006 las correspondientes al ejercicio anterior. Nuestra opinión se refiere exclusivamente a las cuentas anuales del ejercicio 2006. Con fecha 17 de febrero de 2006 emitimos nuestro informe de auditoría acerca de las cuentas anuales del ejercicio 2005 en el que expresamos una opinión favorable.
La Sociedad no ha formulado cuentas anuales consolidadas por estar dispensada de esta obligación al integrarse el grupo en la consolidación de un grupo superior cuya sociedad dominante se rige por la legislación española. La nota 4-d de la memoria adjunta describe el efecto de la consolidación en comparación con las cuentas anuales individuales adjuntas.
En nuestra opinión, las cuentas anuales adjuntas expresan, en todos los aspectos significativos, la imagen fiel del patrimonio y de la situación financiera de XXXXXXX XXXXXXX, S.L. al 31 de diciembre de 2006 y de los resultados de sus operaciones y de los recursos obtenidos v aplicados durante el ejercicio anual terminado en dicha fecha y contienen la información necesaria y suficiente para su interpretación y comprensión adecuada, de conformidad con principios y normas contables generalmente aceptados que guardan uniformidad con los aplicados en el ejercicio anterior.
El informe de gestión adjunto del ejercicio 2006 contiene las explicaciones que los Administradores consideran oportunas sobre la situación de la Sociedad, la evolución de sus negocios y sobre otros asuntos y no forma parte integrante de !as cuentas anuales. Hemos verificado que la información contable que contiene el citado informe de gestión concuerda con la de las cuentas anuales del ejercicio 2006. Nuestro trabajo como auditores se limita a la verificación del informe de gestión con el alcance mencionado en este mismo párrafo y no incluye la revisión de información distinta de la obtenida a partir de los registros contables de la Sociedad.
To the Shareholders of XXXXXXX XXXXXXX SL:
We have audited the financial statements of XXXXXXX XXXXXXX SL comprising the balance sheet at 31 of December 2005 and the income statement, as well as the notes to the financial statements for the year then ended. The preparation of these financial statements is the responsibility of the Company’s Directors. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial statements taken as a whole, based on our audit work performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, which require examination, by means of selective tests, of the documentation supporting the financial statements and evaluation of their presentation, of the accounting policies applied and of the estimates made.
As required by Spanish corporate legislation, for comparison purposes the Company’s Directors present, in addition to the figures for 2006 for each item in the balance sheet, the income statement and cash flow statement, the figures corresponding to the previous fiscal year 2005. Our opinion refers only to the financial statements for 2006. Our auditor’s report dated February 17, 2006, on the financial statements for 2005, contains a favourable opinion.
The company has not drawn up consolidated financial statements as it is exempt of this obligation, because it is included in the consolidation of a larger group whose parent company is governed by Spanish law. Note 4-d, which accompanies the financial statements, describes the effect of consolidation compared to the individual financial statements enclosed.
In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present, in all significant aspects, a true and fair view of the net worth and financial position of XXXXXXX XXXXXXX SL at 31 of December 2006, as well as the results of their operations and the resources obtained and applied by them in the year then ended, and contain the required information, sufficient for their proper interpretation and comprehension, in conformity with the generally accepted accounting principles and standards applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year.
The accompanying management report for 2006 contains the explanations which the Company’s Directors consider appropriate about the Company’s situation, the evolution of its business and other matters, but is not an integral part of the financial statements. We have checked that the accounting information in the said management report is consistent with that contained in the financial statements for 2006. Our work as auditors is confined to checking the management report with the aforementioned scope, and does not include a review of any information other than that drawn from the accounting records of the Company.
Spanish to English: Company Profile Translation (for the website of a company in the industrial plastics sector) General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - Spanish EMPRESA X, S.A.
EMPRESA X, S.A., pone a su disposición una experiencia de más de 35 años como fabricante de piezas de plástico por inyección para diversos sectores industriales: perfumería, cosmética y sector clínico, entre otros. Situada en la estratégica área industrial de Barcelona, cuenta con unas modernas instalaciones de más de 4.300 m2 y con una tecnología de última generación. Todo esto permite ofrecerle un servicio de la más alta calidad, que cumple estrictamente con la normativa ISO 9001:2000.
Usted obtendrá un servicio personalizado, integral y adaptado a sus necesidades. Con este objetivo, se desarrollan todas las fases del proceso de fabricación: diseño y concepción del producto, creación del molde, inyección del plástico en el molde, montaje y acabado, y control de calidad en laboratorio.
Gracias a un equipo humano altamente cualificado y a una inversión continua en recursos productivos e investigación y desarrollo, es una empresa de primera línea en el sector, que cuenta con la confianza de clientes de todo el mundo.
Translation - English COMPANY X SA
COMPANY X SA offers the reassurance of more than 35 years' experience manufacturing plastic injection parts for a broad range of industrial sectors — most notably the perfume, cosmetics and medical sectors. Located in the main industrial hub of Barcelona, the company boasts state-of-the-art facilities exceeding 4,300 ㎡, kitted out by the latest in cutting-edge technology. This combination allows it to offer the highest-quality service guarantee, in strict compliance with ISO 9001:2000 standards.
Clients benefit from custom-built, all-inclusive solutions — fully tailored to their specific needs. And every stage of the manufacturing process is developed with this in mind. From initial design and conception of the product; creation of the mold and subsequent plastic injection process; assembly and finishing of the product, and all with strict quality controls carried out at our laboratory.
Thanks to our highly skilled workforce and continuous investment in production resources and R&D, Company X SA is now positioned at the forefront of the industry, and as such, is a company that more and more customers from around the world are coming to trust.
English to Spanish (Institute of Linguists Educational Trust, verified) Spanish to English (Native)
Adobe Illustrator, Indesign, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Divxland Media Subtitler, SDL Trados Studio 2019, Plunet BusinessManager, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace, Wordfast, XTM
Help or teach others with what I have learned over the years
An experienced, reliable and affordable bilingual translator based in Spain. I deliver a high-quality, professional freelance service — on time.
Your translated material will not only be linguistically correct, it will flow and project the message and tone of the original. I achieve this by clarifying the underlying message of the text in a contemporary British (or American) style that is accurate, clear and always consistent. This method ensures your message is not lost in translation, as can so often be the case.
You can view samples of my work here in my profile.
Before becoming a full-time translator in 2006, I spent 10 years working as an IT System Administrator for a major UK charity in London — making IT documentation one of my main areas of expertise, and a platform for my leaning towards technically oriented translations.
This by no means limits the areas in which I work, however, and I have demonstrated proficiencies in numerous other fields (see below).
In addition to a degree in Computer Science and living primarily in my target country (Spain) for 15+ years, I hold a Diploma in Translation from the Chartered Institute of Linguists in London, among other translation qualifications.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for a quick and easy quote
And thanks for your interest in my services
The areas in which I specialise and work include: IT (Information Technology) - Hardware - Software - Networking - Manuals - Telecoms - Websites; Technical - Power Generation - Electricity Generation - Wind Farms - Subsea Links - Underground Links - Wave Power; Business/Commerce (general); Finance (general); Advertising / Public Relations; Marketing / Market Research; Law (general) Legal/Patents; Education / Pedagogy; Environment - Ecology; Politics - Current Affairs; History - Journalism; Food & Drinks - Culinary; Gaming; Manuals; Tourism & Travel; International Org/Dev/Coop; Government / Politics.
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Keywords: Spanish to English Translator, English to Spanish Translator, French to English Translator, Business, Legal, Financial, Marketing, Environmental, IT, ITIL. See more.Spanish to English Translator, English to Spanish Translator, French to English Translator, Business, Legal, Financial, Marketing, Environmental, IT, ITIL, ITSM, Tourism, Legal, Law, Patents, EU, UN, UK English, US English, U.S. English, U.K. English, Spanish, French, Translator, Translation, UK, Spain, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Canada, Computer, Hardware, Software, Networking, Manuals, General, Telecommunications, Finance, Advertisement, Marketing, Patents, Wine, Oenology, Viticulture, Environment, Ecology, Politics, Current Affairs, History, Journalism, Food and Drinks, Culinary, Product Information, Tourism, Travel, Websites, Literature, Songs and Lyrics, The Arts.. See less.
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