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Translation Volume: 0 days Completed: Sep 2016 Languages: English to Spanish
Children's Literature: ¡Pumpus tiene una brillante idea!
Poetry & Literature, Education / Pedagogy
No comment.
Translation Volume: 0 days Completed: Jul 2014 Languages: Spanish to English
Adult Non-Fiction Book: Margarita Maturana: A Journey of Transformation
"Daniel's work ethics were impeccable. He was very organized and efficient in his methods. He researched the subject in depth. Most importantly, he delivered a quality product on time. Thanks Daniel. " Jim and Julia Blain (JBI Language Solutions)..............................................
"The sisters whom I asked to read sections of El Porqué de Una Transformación have loved your translation and are enthusiastic about it. I too love it. You have captured M. Margarita … and we know this is not easy given her poetic style and incomplete sentences. We are very grateful for your efforts to render such an authentic translation and for having put into such beautiful English this story of our foundress and her spirit. It is very meaningful to all of us in the Institute.
Thank you again for everything you have done for us, Daniel … you have helped us fulfill a dream that goes back to the moment we saw the original edition of El Porqué de Una Transformación. And, be assured that you will be remembered and kept close in prayer by our sisters as they read and study this text. "
D. Mary Ann Becmer, mmb (Mercedarian Missionaries of Bérriz)............
Poetry & Literature, Religion
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Translation Volume: 0 days Languages: English to Spanish
Children's Literature: ¡Pumpus tiene una idea fluida!
Poetry & Literature, Education / Pedagogy
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Spanish to English: El porqué de una transformación General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Religion
Source text - Spanish Hay vidas, historias y acontecimientos que seducen por su sencillez y sorprenden por su fuerza y trascendencia. Como seduce y sorprende por su dinamismo creador la semilla escondida en la tierra o ese poco de levadura que transforma y recrea toda la masa trascendiendo su propia existencia. Al preparar esta nueva edición de los escritos de la M. Margarita, hemos querido situarnos en esa perspectiva, porque si algo se hace patente al releerlos es el valor de lo pequeño, cuando es auténtico. Esa pequeñez y esa fuerza escondida, que lo recrea y transforma todo, porque es la fuerza misma de Dios.
A la hora de dar forma a este trabajo, y desde el principio, tuvimos muy claro que lo mejor era dejar que la M. Margarita nos transmitiera sus propias palabras, dejándolas fluir desde la verdad
y variedad de sus escritos. Nuestro trabajo ha sido presentarlas integradas y ordenadas cronológicamente en forma de Diario, porque sus diarios y apuntes han sido recogidos casi en su totalidad. De las otras fuentes hemos tomado sólo aquellos textos que nos han parecido imprescindibles para poder contemplar como un todo la profundidad de su vida interior y su entrega incondicional a la misión que Dios le había encomendado
Nuestra intención y nuestro deseo es que estos textos nos ayuden
a contemplar el ser y el hacer de la M. Margarita, su proceso espiritual y su respuesta a los signos y llamadas de su tiempo. Que nos lleven a descubrir sus sueños y sus deseos, su recreación del carisma mercedario redentor, y la respuesta de unas monjas, las de Bérriz, tan sencillas como valientes, que fueron capaces de romper costumbres y tradiciones de siglos para clarificar a Jesús y extender el Reino de Dios. Y que nos ayuden a descubrir y a profundizar el sentido y El porqué de una transformación.
A la profundidad de su experiencia personal es difícil llegar, pero
aquí están sus hechos y recogidas muchas de sus palabras. Son palabras que nos conducen por la historia de su vida. Palabras que nacen de una experiencia auténtica que arrastra por su belleza y su capacidad de crear. Son palabras que viven, significan, evocan. Despiertan sentimientos, ideas, imágenes, valores. Suenan en nuestros oídos aunque las leamos en silencio. Mueven nuestros corazones. Son veraces y abiertas al diálogo. Invitan a profundizar y, en consecuencia, a dar genuinos frutos.
En el proceso de este trabajo hay mucha vida y mucho amor pues
tos en juego de una manera oculta y sincera. Y está también la inspiración y compañía de distintas mujeres, unas, lejanas en el tiempo, otras, cercanas a nuestras vidas, que, aunque no se les nombre, han hecho posible este trabajo y a las que hay que agradecerles que salga a la luz.
Translation - English There are lives, stories, and events that captivate by their simplicity and astonish by their strength and transcendence. Like a seed hidden in the earth captivates or astonishes us with its creative energy, or like a small amount of yeast that transforms and recreates an entire mass of dough by transcending its own existence. In the preparation of this new edition of the writings of Mother Margarita, we wanted to position ourselves in that perspective, because if anything became clear to us when we reread her written work it was the value of smallness, when it is authentic. That smallness and that hidden force recreate and transform everything because it is the actual force of God.
When this work took shape, from the beginning, it was clear to us that it would be best if Mother Margarita were to communicate her own words to us, letting them flow from the veracity and variety of her writings. Our job has been to present her words in a chronologically integrated and ordered way in the form of a diary since her journals and notes have been collected almost in their entirety. We have only used texts from other sources when we felt it essential in order to be able to contemplate as a whole the depth of her inner life and her unconditional surrender to the mission that God had entrusted to her.
Our intentions and wishes are that these texts help us contemplate the person and the work of Mother Margarita, her spiritual journey, and her response to the signs and calls of her time. That they lead us to discover her dreams and wishes, her recreation of the Redeeming
Mercedarian Charism, and that they show us the response of some nuns from Bérriz, who were as unassuming as they were brave, capable of breaking centuries-old customs and traditions in order to shed light on Jesus and extend the Kingdom of God. That these texts help us discover and delve into the meaning of this Tale of Transformation.
It's difficult to reach the depth of her personal experience, but in this book we have her deeds and gathered many of her own words. They are words that lead us through the story of her life. They are words born from an authentic experience that impels us due to its beauty and creative capacity. They are words that are alive, have meaning, and evoke. They awaken feelings, ideas, images, and values. They are heard in our ears, even though we read them in silence. They move our hearts. They are true and open to discourse. They call on us to delve deeply, and consequently, they bear genuine fruit.
There is plenty of life and love put into play during the course of this work in a behind-the-scenes and sincere way. And there is also the inspiration and fellowship of different women, some faraway in time, others nearer to our lives, who, even though not named, have made this work possible and to whom we must give our thanks that this work has come to light.
English to Spanish: TitanBank (US Audience) General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English
Titan Bank Checking
Titan Bank offers a variety of personal checking accounts that are designed to meet the needs of our customers. Consult your banker and discuss which of our accounts will best meet your lifestyle. See the back of this brochure for additional information about services designed to make banking with us even more convenient. Feel the power with a Titan checking account!
Convenient Services
Check your account from the comfort of your home on your personal computer or anywhere you have Internet access. You can verify the day’s activities, print current statements, transfer funds within Titan Bank, order savings bonds, re-order checks, and make Titan Bank loan payments. Sign up for e-BillPay today to consolidate all your payments and e-Bills into one easy system where you have visibility and control!
Preferred Rewards Debit Card
One card that will let you do it all. It’s a debit card and ATM card in one, with the added benefit of earning reward points. This convenient card has all the features of an ATM card with the convenience of the following:
• No checkbook to carry
• No checks to write
• No waiting for check approval
• Purchase amount is automatically deducted from your Titan Bank checking account
• Each transaction is detailed on your checking account statement
Combined Statement
Combine all of your Titan Bank accounts into one easy-to-read statement. Available upon request at no extra charge.
Titan Bank also offers:
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• Investment Products and Services
Translation - Spanish Cuentas Corrientes de Titan Bank
Titan Bank ofrece una variedad de cuentas corrientes personales que están diseñadas para satisfacer las necesidades de nuestros clientes. Consulte a su banquero para discutir cuál de nuestras cuentas corrientes será la mejor para usted, de acuerdo con su estilo de vida. Véase al dorso de este folleto para mayor información acerca de los servicios diseñados para que sea aún más conveniente el realizar operaciones bancarias con nosotros. ¡Sienta el poder con una cuenta corriente Titan!
Servicios Convenientes
Servicios Bancarios por Internet
Revise su cuenta desde la comodidad del hogar usando su computadora personal o en cualquier lugar donde tenga acceso a Internet. Puede comprobar las transacciones realizadas durante el día, imprimir extractos actuales de cuentas corrientes, transferir fondos dentro de Titan Bank, encargar bonos de ahorros, volver a pedir cheques, y efectuar pagos de préstamos de Titan Bank. ¡Inscríbase hoy para e-BillPay para consolidar todos sus pagos y facturas por Internet en un sistema fácil donde tiene visibilidad y control!
Tarjeta de Débito de Recompensas Preferidas
Es una tarjeta que le deja hacerlo todo. Es una tarjeta de débito y tarjeta ATM combinada, con el beneficio adicional de ganar puntos de recompensa. Esta tarjeta conveniente tiene todas las funcionalidades de una tarjeta ATM con las comodidades siguientes:
• No hace falta llevar una chequera
• No hace falta escribir cheques
• No tiene que esperar la aprobación de cheque
• La cantidad de su compra está descontada automáticamente de su cuenta corriente de Titan Bank
• Cada transacción está detallada en el extracto de su cuenta corriente
Extracto de Cuenta Combinado
Combine todas sus cuentas corrientes de Titan Bank en un extracto de cuenta corriente de fácil lectura. Disponible a petición del interesado sin ningún cargo extra.
Titan Bank además ofrece:
• Cajas de Seguridad
• Transferencias Electrónicas
• Depósito Directo
• Transferencias Automáticas entre Cuentas
• Cheques de Viajero
• Giros Postales
• Cambio de Divisas Extranjeras
• Gestión de Fideicomisos e Inversiones
• Servicios y Productos de Inversión
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - McGill University
Years of experience: 14. Registered at Jun 2011. Became a member: Jan 2012.
English to Spanish (University of California, San Diego , verified) Spanish to English (University of California, San Diego , verified) English to Spanish (McGill University) Spanish to English (McGill University) English to Spanish (California Teaching Credential Authorizing me to teach Spanish as a Second language (SMAB) as well as Bilingual, crosscultural, language and academic authorization (R2BL))
Spanish to English (California Teaching Credential Authorizing me to teach Spanish as a Second language (SMAB) as well as Bilingual, crosscultural, language and academic authorization (R2BL))
ATA, Asociation of Translators and Interpreters of the San Diego Area, ASETRAD
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
I am a native English/Spanish, balanced-bilingual speaker. I specialize in legal translation. Having been a teacher since 1981, I also specialize in education and children's literature translation. I genealogical related documents (including vital records) due to my passion for this interesting field. Please see my CV for more detailed background information. Additional information can be found on my professional website:
My experience in education gives me the necessary insight to work on assignments relating to education, pedagogy, schools, and universities. My Reading Specialist credential and undergraduate studies in literature give me the necessary background to work with children's literature and instructional reading materials. My work as a genealogist over the years has exposed me to different types of genealogical documents, handwritten and in print, domestic and foreign, from birth certificates to land deeds.
My family originates from Macotera, Salamanca, Spain. I've spoken Spanish since I was a child, majored in Spanish literature in university, and lived in Spain as an adult. I've also studied French language and literature as an undergraduate while attending McGill University in Montréal, Canada.
My personal commitment, attention to detail, and passion for translation is what I offer each of my clients with every assignment that I accept. The result of this effort produces work that I anticipate will satisfy the highest of expectations.
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