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Portuguese to English: Proposal for water reuse in the Kraft pulp and paper industry General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Source text - Portuguese Abstract
O reúso direto e planejado de efluentes em indústrias de celulose e papel tem se mostrado como uma solução para redução dos impactos ambientais, contribuindo para economia de água bruta, disponibilização de maior volume de água para fins mais nobres e redução no tratamento de efluentes. O objetivo deste artigo foi avaliar uma proposta do reúso de águas numa indústria de produção de celulose e papel Kraft, com base no levantamento da qualidade de água requerida nos consumidores desta indústria, fornecida por sua Estação de Tratamento de Água (ETA). O volume de efluentes industriais tratados por uma etapa terciária de ultrafiltração foi considerado como água disponível para reúso. A qualidade dessa água de reúso foi comparada com a qualidade da água fornecida pela ETA, o que proporcionou classificar prováveis pontos potenciais ao reúso. Dentre os pontos de reúso identificados, foram selecionadas duas máquinas de fabricação de papel Kraft, com consumos de água tratada de 177,36 e 283,35 m³/h, respectivamente. Nas máquinas, a partir da identificação dos usos, constatou-se a possibilidade de reúso dessa vazão para formação do anel líquido responsável pela geração de vácuo no interior de dezenove bombas, que totaliza uma demanda de 385 m³/h de água. Dentre as vantagens encontradas nessa proposta estão a adequação dos padrões obtidos após a ultrafiltração ao padrão de qualidade exigido para este uso, a pequena distância do ponto gerador de água de reúso até o setor das máquinas de papel e o fato da água de reúso não entrar em contato com o produto final. Para a solução proposta foi calculado o investimento total e o respectivo tempo de retorno em anos.
Keywords: wastewater reuse; pulp and paper; ultrafiltration membrane.
Translation - English Abstract
The reuse of wastewater by the pulp and paper industry reduces environmental impacts by contributing to raw water conservation, thereby making a greater volume of fresh water available for nobler purposes, and reducing wastewater treatment. This study evaluated a proposed system of water reuse at a Kraft pulp and paper plant in Brazil, based on a survey of water quality required by its consumption points, supplied by its water treatment
plant. Results after ultrafiltration included: turbidity of 0,3 NTU and pH 7,5, average values of BOD 66,4 mg/L, COD 9,6 mg/L and the colour of 280,5 ppm Pt were measured after ultrafiltration. The ultrafiltered wastewater was considered available for reuse, and its quality was compared with that of the water supplied by the water treatment plant, which provided for the classification of potential reuse points. Water colour was identified as the limiting factor for reuse; thus the reuse points were two Kraft paper machines, and the water flow to the
liquid ring formations that generate the vacuums inside nineteen pumps for these two machines. The advantages of this proposal for water reuse include: ultrafiltered water quality sufficient for the vacuum pumps, the small distance between the point of reused water generation and the paper machines section, and the reused water has no contact with the final product. The calculated cost and return time for the water reuse system was US$ 607.020,00 in 15 years.
Key words: Kraft, pulp and paper, ultrafiltration membrane, wastewater reuse
Translation education
Master's degree - University of California at Davis
Years of experience: 18. Registered at Sep 2011.
Isabella Kenfield is a professional translator, interpreter and consultant living in Curitiba, in the southern Brazilian state of Paraná. Born in the United States, Isabella has spent more than three years in Brazil, and is fluent in Brazilian Portuguese. Isabella’s past professional and academic work focused on the importance of small farmers and land-use policies for sustainable rural and urban development. Her consulting work focuses on the positive solutions small farmers and sustainable food systems can contribute to the planet’s most pressing crises. Isabella is also studying herbal and natural medicine, how to produce food, as well as continuing to develop her meditation and spiritual practices. When she has the opportunity, she likes to travel to new parts of vast and vibrant Brazil, in order to deepen her knowledge of its language, peoples and cultures.
Keywords: Portuguese - English; português - inglês; agriculture - agricultura; food systems - sistemas alimentaries; energy - energia; biodiversity - biodiversidade; sustainable development - desenvolvimento sustentável; automotive - automóvel; mining - mineração; insurance - segurança.