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Welcome, my name is Mario and I have been working in translation for 14 years as an in-house and a freelance translator. My areas of expertise include legal, financial and technical texts. Excellent quality work, on budget and always on time.
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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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English to Spanish: Articles of Association EN > ES General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - English 21.1 For the purposes of this Article 21, "Relevant Company" shall mean;
21.5.1 the Company;
21.5.2 a subsidiary of the Company;
21.5.3 any holding company of the Company or a subsidiary of any such holding company;
21.5.4 any body corporate promoted by the Company or any Associated Company; or
21.5.5 any body corporate in which the Company or any Associated Company is otherwise interested.
22 Quorum and voting
Subject where applicable to disclosure in accordance with the Companies Acts or these Articles and subject to any terms imposed by the Directors in relation to any actual or potential conflict or Permitted Interest, a Director shall be entitled to vote on any resolution in respect of any matter in which he is interested directly or indirectly and if he shall do so his vote sha!! be counted and whether or not he does his presence at the meeting shall be taken into account in ascertaining whether a quorum is present,
23 Confidential information
23.1 Subject to Article 23.2, if a Director, otherwise than by virtue of his position as Director, receives information in respect of which he owes a duty of confidentiality to a person other than the Company, he shall not be required;
23.1.1 to disclose such information to the Company or to the Directors, or to any Director, officer or employee of the Company; or
23.1.2 otherwise use or apply such confidential information for the purpose of or in connection with the performance of his duties as a Director.
23.2 Where such duty of confidentiality arises out of a situation in which the Director has, or can have, a direct or indirect interest that conflicts, or possibly may conflict, with the interests of the Company, Article 23.1 shall apply only if the conflict arises out of a matter which has been authorised under Article 20 or falls within Article 21.
23.3 This Article 23 is without prejudice to any equitable principle or rule of law which may excuse or release the Director from disclosing information, in circumstances where disclosure may otherwise be required under this Article 23.
Translation - Spanish 21.5 A los efectos del presente artículo 21, por “Sociedad Vinculada” se entenderá:
21.5.1 la Sociedad;
21.5.2 una filial de la Sociedad;
21.5.3 cualquier sociedad de control de la Sociedad o una filial de la sociedad de control en cuestión;
21.5.4 cualquier persona jurídica promovida por la Sociedad o una Empresa Asociada; o
21.5.5 cualquier persona jurídica en la que la Sociedad o una Empresa Asociada mantengan un interés de la naturaleza que fuere.
22 Quórum y votación
Con sujeción, si procede, a su revelación en cumplimiento de la legislación de sociedades o los presentes Estatutos y con sujeción a los términos establecidos por los Consejeros en relación con un Interés Autorizado o conflicto real o posible, un Consejero tendrá derecho a votar los acuerdos relacionados con los asuntos en los que mantenga un interés directo o indirecto y, de proceder de tal forma, su voto será contabilizado y su presencia o no en la reunión se tendrá en cuenta a fin de determinar si existe el quórum pertinente en cada caso.
23 Información confidencial
23.1 Con sujeción al artículo 23.2, si un Consejero, de otra forma que no sea en virtud de su cargo de Consejero, recibe información sobre la que posea un deber de confidencialidad para con una persona que no sea la Sociedad, el Consejero en cuestión no estará obligado a;
23.1.1 revelar dicha información a la Sociedad o al resto de Consejeros, o a un Consejero, directivo o trabajador de la Sociedad; o
23.1.2 utilizar o aplicar de la forma que fuere la información confidencial citada para o en relación con el cumplimiento de sus obligaciones como Consejero.
23.2 En caso de que el deber de confidencialidad citado dimane de una situación en la que el Consejero posea o, pueda poseer, un interés directo o indirecto que esté en conflicto, o posiblemente pueda estarlo, con los intereses de la Sociedad, el artículo 23.1 resultará de aplicación únicamente si el conflicto dimana de un asunto que haya sido autorizado en virtud del artículo 20 o se incluya en el marco del artículo 21.
23.3 Lo dispuesto en el presente artículo 23 resultará de aplicación sin perjuicio de los principios de equidad o normas jurídicas que puedan eximir o liberar al Consejero del deber de revelar la información, en circunstancias cuya revelación se exija en caso contrario en virtud del artículo 23.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of Granada
Years of experience: 20. Registered at Oct 2011. Became a member: Oct 2011.
English to Spanish (University of Granada) Spanish to English (Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación) English to Spanish (Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación) Dutch to Spanish (University of Groningen) Dutch to Spanish (CNaVT)
Dutch to Spanish (University of Granada) Spanish to English (University of Granada)
I am a freelance translator with more than 14 years of experience translating legal, financial and technical texts as an in-house and a freelance translator. Some details about me:
- Native Spanish speaker with good writing skills and style, and proofreader and language editor of texts written in Spanish.
- Comprehensive knowledge of the legal, financial and regulatory systems in Spain (EU and UK/US).
- Full compliance with the agreed conditions: good quality work, on budget and always on time. I only take on translations where I can deliver high-quality and timely results.
- Effective team work and communication abilities to work with large projects.
- English sworn and certified translator appointed by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. - Currently studying for a B.A. in Law.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
Keywords: English, Spanish, translator, sworn, certified and official translator, accounting, law, patents, investments, securities. See more.English, Spanish, translator, sworn, certified and official translator, accounting, law, patents, investments, securities, finances, business, contracts, insurance, advertising, public relations, real estate, marketing, telecommunications, computers, hardware, software, industrial & intellectual property, IT, medicine, chemistry, pharmaceutical products, medical instruments, health care, German, Dutch, legal, financial and technical texts, contracts, orders, notary deeds and company resolutions, articles of association, stock options, patents, auditor’s report, financial statements, insurance, documentation from property, companies and birth, marriage, death registries, transcript of records, degrees, papers, reviews and guidelines from the pharmaceutical area, operating instructions of electrical appliances and industrial machinery, equipment, rulings, human resources, balance sheets and annual accounts, neutral Spanish, European Spanish, Castilian Spanish, Spain. See less.