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German to English: Baustelleneinrichtung General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - German 3. Baustelleneinrichtung
3.1. Die Kosten für Strom und Wasser werden vom Auftraggeber getragen. Anschlussstellen sind auf der Baustelle vorhanden, Kosten für die Verteilung und Beistellung von Leitungen sind vom Auftragnehmer zu tragen.
3.2. Der Auftragnehmer ist für die Sicherheit und Absicherung der Baustelle in seinem Arbeitsbereich voll verantwortlich. Er hat auf seine Kosten alle Maßnahmen zu treffen, die diesem Ziele dienen. Insbesondere hat er alle diesbezüglichen Gesetze, Verordnungen und Vorschriften der Behörden zu beachten und für die Erfüllung zu sorgen. Weiters sind die betriebsinternen Vorschriften des Auftraggebers bei Schweiß- und Feuerarbeiten,Rauchverbot, sowie die Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkung im Werksbereich einzuhalten.
Darüber hinaus ist vor Beginn der Arbeiten vom Auftragnehmer eine Baustellenevaluierung (siehe Unterweisungsblatt Baustellenkoordination/Evaluierung) durchzuführen.
4. Baustoffprüfung und
Bei Bedenken über Qualität und Eignung gelieferter oder verwendeter Materialien hat die Bauherrschaft bzw. die Bauleitung das Recht, ihre Überprüfung bei öffentlichen Prüfanstalten mit schriftlichen Prüfungsattesten zu verlangen. Die Kosten der Prüfung gehen zu Lasten des Auftragnehmers.
5. Bauaufsicht, Baubuch
5.1. Die Projektleitung des Bauvorhabens führt Herr/Frau ……………………………..
5.2. Für die Ermöglichung einer klaglosen Bauführung hat auf der Baustelle ständig
Translation - English 3. Construction Site Development
3.1. The Investor will cover all the costs related to electricity and water supply. If there are already existing service connections at the construction site, the division of the adequate ducts and lines will go at the Contractor’s expense.
3.2. The Constructor is fully responsible for the safety and security of the construction site within his working environment. He has to undertake, at his expense, all the necessary measurements that can serve the above mentioned safety and security.
Most of all is he obliged to take into account all the Laws, By-Laws and Regulations of the Local Authorities as well as to meet their stipulations regarding this matter.
Besides, it is obligatory to follow all the Intern Regulations of the Employer regarding the safety and security when performing welding and pyrotechnic works, as well as regarding the non-smoking restriction and speed-limits within the working area.
It is also obligatory for the Contractor to perform a Building Site Evaluation prior to the beginning of the actual works (see Instructions under “Building Site Coordination/Evaluation).
4. Testing of Construction Materials and the Necessary Test Certificates
When considering the Quality and Adequacy of the delivered or used materials, the Employer or the Resident Engineer have the right to demand their testing by the Authorized Testing Institutes and Institutions as well as the issuing of the appropriate Testing Certificates. The costs related to such testing are at the Contractor’s expanse.
5. Construction Supervision, Record Book of the Work Done
5.1. The Construction Supervision of the Project is performed by Mr./Mrs.
5.2. In order to enable an impeccable
English to Dutch: Lightning Protection General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Energy / Power Generation
Source text - English Definition Of Terms
• Ground Potential Rise (GPR): The maximum electrical potential that a substation earthing grid may attain relative to a distant earthing point assumed to be at the potential of remote earth. This voltage, GPR, is equal to the maximum grid current times the grid resistance.
• Step Voltage: The difference in surface potential experienced by a person bridging a distance of 1m with the feet without contacting any other grounded object.
• Touch Voltage: The potential difference between the ground potential rise (GPR) and the surface potential at the point where a person is standing while at the same time having a hand in contact with a grounded structure.
• Maximum Grid Current: A design value of the maximum grid current, defined as follows:
IG = Df x Ig
IG is the maximum grid current in A
Df is the decrement factor for the entire duration of fault tf
Ig is the R.M.S. symmetrical grid current in A
• Surface Material: A material installed over the soil consisting of, but not limited to, rock or crushed stone, asphalt, or man-made materials. The surfacing material, depending on the resistivity of the material, may significantly impact the body current for touch and step voltages involving the person’s feet. Calculation results for touch and step voltages described in this document refers to open areas on site where these results are the worst.
Translation - Dutch Termendefinitie
• Grondpotentiaalstijging (GPR): De maximale elektrische potentiaal dat een aardingsnet bereiken kan ten opzichte van een ver aardingspunt, waarvan het verondersteld is dat het punt op de potentiaal van verafgelegen aarde zit. Deze spanning, GPR, is gelijk aan de maximale stroom in het net vermenigvuldigd met de netweerstand.
• Stapspanning: Het verschil in de oppervlaktepotentiaal ervaren door een persoon die een afstand van 1m met de voeten overbrugd, zonder contact te hebben met een ander geaard object.
• Aanraakspanning: Het verschil tussen de grondpotentiaalstijging (GPR) en de oppervlaktepotentiaal op het punt waar een persoon staat terwijl op hetzelfde moment die persoon met een hand in contact met een geaarde structuur is.
• Maximale aardnet stroom: Een ontwerpwaarde van de aardnet stroom wordt als volgd bepaald:
IG = Df x Ig
IG de maximale aardnet stroom in A is
Df de decrement factor voor de hele duur van foutstroom tf is
Ig de R.M.S. symmetrische aardnet stroom in A is.
• Opervlaktemateriaal: Een materiaal aangebracht op de bodem die bestaat uit, maar niet beperkt tot is, grind of steenslag, asfalt, of door de mens geproduceerde materialen. Het oppervlaktemateriaal, afhankelijk van de weerstand van het materiaal zelf, kan de lichaamsstroom beduidend beïnvloeden met betrekking tot de aanraak en stap spanningen van de voeten van een gegeven persoon. De berekeningsresultaten voor Aanraak-en-Stap-Spanningen beschreven in dit document verwijzen naar open gebieden op het bouwterrein waar deze resultaten het slechtst zijn.
Serbian to English: Part of Technical Documentation of Hydro Power Plant General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Energy / Power Generation
Source text - Serbian 1 Увод
Предметни извештај представља део техничке документације ХИДРОЕЛЕКТРАНЕ НА ИБРУ, чију израду је Институт за водопривреду „Јарослав Черни“ уговорио са наручиоцима – Електропривреда Србије и Seci Energia, Италија. Поменута техничка документација садржи: Генерални пројекат ХЕ на Ибру, Претходну студију оправданости и Елаборат о изградњи енергетског објекта.
Генерални пројекат се састоји од 10 књига:
књига 1: Извештај о условима заузетости простора и могућим варијантним решењима
књига 2: Извештај о хидролошким, метеоролошким и псамолошким условима за изградњу ХЕ на Ибру
књига 3: Извештај о геолошким условима за изградњу ХЕ на Ибру
књига 4: Извештај о хидрауличким и енергетским анализама могућих варијантних решења система ХЕ на Ибру
књига 5: Извештај о техничким решењима објеката у оквиру могућих варијантних решења система ХЕ на Ибру
књига 6: Извештај о експропријацији земљишта и објеката за могућа варијантна решења система ХЕ на Ибру
књига 7: Извештај о економским ефектима изградње могућих варијантних решења система ХЕ на Ибру
књига 8: Извештај о упоредној анализи и избору оптималног решења система ХЕ на Ибру
књига 9: Извештај о техничком решењу усвојеног система ХЕ на Ибру
књига 10: Извештај о програмима истражних радова за усвојени систем ХЕ на Ибру
Translation - English 1 Introduction
The following Report represents a part of technical documentation for the project “HYDRO POWER PLANTS ON THE RIVER IBAR”, the development of which was agreed between the Institute for Water Resources Management and Development “Jaroslav Cherni” and the clients who had ordered it, which are the Publically Owned “Electro-Energetic Production and Distribution Company of Serbia” and Seci Energia, Italy. The above-mentioned technical documentation contains: General Design of the Project HPPs on the Ibar, Previous Feasibility Study, and Expertise on the Development of the Electro-Energetic Facilities.
The General Design consists of 10 so called “books”, i.e. sections:
Book No. 1: Report on Spatial Occupation Conditions/Possibilities and the Possible Variant Solutions
Book No. 2: Report on Hydrological, Meteorological, and Psamological Conditions Needed for the Development of the HPPs on the Ibar
Book No. 3: Report on Geological Conditions Needed for the Development of the HPPs on the Ibar
Book No. 4: Report on Hydraulic and Energetic Analyses of the Possible Variant Solutions of the System of the HPPs on the Ibar
Book No. 5: Report on Technical Solutions for the Future Facilities, within the Framework of the Possible Variant Solutions of the System of the HPPs on the Ibar
Book No. 6: Report on Expropriation of Land and Objects/Structures for the Possible Variant Solutions of the System of the HPPs on the Ibar
Book No. 7: Report on Economic Effects of the Development of the Possible Variant Solutions of the System of the HPPs on the Ibar
Book No. 8: Report on Comparative Analyses and the Best Possible Solution for the System of the HPPs on the Ibar
Book No. 9: Report on Technical Solution of the Accepted System of the HPPs on the Ibar
Book No. 10: Report on Programs of Research Procedures of the Accepted System of the HPPs
English to Serbian: Tunnel Boring Machines General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Source text - English TBM Penetration Rate
With a rock TBM, the penetration rate is affected by the following factors (from Robbins, 1990):
• Total machine thrust
• Cutter spacing
• Cutter diameter and edge geometry
• Cutterhead turning speed (revolutions per minute)
• Cutterhead drive torque
• Diameter of tunnel
• Strength, hardness, and abrasivity of the rock
• Jointing, weathering and other characteristics of the rock.
However, penetration rate (an instantaneous parameter) by itself does not assure a high average advance rate. The latter requires a good combination of penetration rate and actual cutting time. In turn, actual cutting time is affected by the following factors:
• Learning (start-up) curves
• Downtime for changing cutters
• Downtime for other machine repairs/maintenance
• Overly complex designs
• Back-up (trailing) systems
• Tunnel support requirements
• Muck handling
• Water handling
• Probe hole drilling, grouting
• Available time (total and shift)
The bottom line is that actual utilization typically runs in the range of 50% as shown by Figure 6-15.
Translation - Serbian Stopa penetracije MBT
Kod stena na stopu odn. stepen penetracije MBT utiču sledeći faktori (iz Robbins, 1990):
• Ukupni potisak mašine
• Razmak rezača
• Prečnik rezača i geometrija ivica
• Brzina okretanja odn. rotacije glave rezača (revolucijâ u minuti)
• Obrtni odn. torzioni momenat pokretača rezača
• Prečnik tunela
• Snaga, čvrstoća i abrazivnost odredjene stene
• Ispucalost, raspadanje i ostale karakteristike odredjene stene.
Pa ipak, stopa penetracije (jedan od trenutnih parametara) sama po sebi ne obezbedjuje visoku prosečnu stopu napredovanja. Prosečna stopa zahteva dobru kombinaciju stope penetracije i aktuelnog odn. stvarnog vremena prokopavanja. A sa svoje strane aktuelno odn. stvarno vreme prokopavanja zavisi od sledećih faktora:
• „Početničke“ (početne) krive
• Vreme izgubljeno na promenu rezača odn. noževa
• Vreme izgubljeno na ostale popravke ili održavanje mašine
• Isuviše složeni projekti
• Sistemi za podršku (tračnice)
• Zahtevi podupiranja tunela
• Manipulisanje nečistoćom
• Rukovanje vodom
• Bušenje test-bušotina, injektiranje
• Vreme koje je na raspolaganju (ukupno i klizno odn. po smenama)
Konačan zaključak je da se stvarna iskorišćenost generalno u stvari kreće u rasponu od oko 50% vrednosti koje su prikazane na Slici 6-15.
English to Dutch: Load Analysis General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - English Load Analysis
Basic data for: XXXXXXX
General loading conditions:
self weight
load case 1 (ASSEMBLY LOAD)
load case 3 (ICE+WIND+DEAD LOAD)
Location: XXXXXXX
Basic wind speed: 29 m/s
Temperature: ±35 °C
Self weight for construction steel: 78.5 kN/m3
Units: kN, m, °C
Self Weight γ= 78.5 kN/m3 - included by program
Translation - Dutch Belastinganalyse
Basisgegevens voor: XXXXXXXX
Algemene belastingcondities:
eigen gewicht
belastinggeval 1 (MONTAGEBELASTING)
belastinggeval 3 (IJS+WIND+ EIGEN
Locatie: XXXXXXX
Basiswindsnelheid: 29 m/s
Temperatuur: ±35 °C
Eigengewicht voor constructiestaal: 78.5 kN/m3
Eenheden: kN, m, °C
Eigengewicht γ= 78.5 kN/m3 – inbegrepen door het programma
German to English: Grundlagen für Anbotstellung, Auftrag und Arbeitsausführung General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - German 1. Grundlagen für Anbotstellung,
Auftrag und Arbeitsausführung
1.1. Die Erstellung des Anbotes ist für die Bauherrschaft kostenlos und unverbindlich.
Mit der Abgabe des mit Preisen versehenen und firmenmäßig gefertigten Anbotes unterwirft sich der Anbotsteller allen gestellten Bedingungen.
Der Bieter hat sich vor Anbotlegung von den örtlichen Umständen und Schwierigkeiten Kenntnis zu verschaffen.
Die Bauherrschaft behält sich die freie Wahl unter den eingelangten Anboten vor.
Die statischen Berechnungen und Ausführungspläne sind vom Auftragnehmer anzufertigen und in die entsprechenden Preise einzurechnen.
Die Ausführungs- und Detailpläne sind vor Baubeginn vom Auftraggeber genehmigen zulassen.
1.2. Der Anbotsteller bleibt mindestens 3 Monate ab Einreichung an das Anbot gebunden.
1.3. Es bleibt dem Auftraggeber vorbehalten, einzelne Arbeiten anderweitig zu vergeben, ohne dass seitens des Auftragnehmers aus diesem Grund für die ihm verbleibenden Leistungen Preisberichtigungen oder Ersatzlieferungen wegen Verdienstentganges verlangt werden können.
Translation - English 1. General Conditions for the Contractor’s Tender, Employer’s Acceptance and the Performance of Works
1.1. The creation of the Contractor’s Tender attaches no obligations or costs to the Employer that puts the Project out to tender.
By the act of the submission of the Contractor’s Tender that is provided with suggested Prices and officially signed by the authorized representative of the Firm in question, the Tenderer consents to be submitted to all the stipulated provisions.
The Tenderer is obliged to collect all the necessary information regarding the local circumstances and eventual problems prior to the submission of the Contractor’s Tender.
The Employer keeps the right to make a free choice among the obtained Tenders.
The Tenderer is obliged to perform all the necessary Structural Calculations as well as to prepare all the necessary Detailed Drawings with Specifications and to add hereto the adequate prices.
The Employer is obliged to let all the Detailed Drawings and Detailed Drawings with Specifications approved by the Authority in Charge before the beginning of the construction works.
1.2. The Tenderer is obliged by his Tender for at least 3 months after its submission.
1.3. The Employer keeps the right to assign some of the works at his choice, which does not entitle the Tenderer i.e. Contractor to demand for that reason any special payments or additional works since he did not perform the works he was counting on.
German to Serbian: Sicherheit der Stauanlagen General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - German Vorwort
Teil A
1.1 Begründung
1.2 Gesetzliche Grundlage
1.3 Ziele der Richtlinien
1.4 Bedeutung der Richtlinien
1.5 Umfang der Richtlinie
1.6 Anwendungsbereich der Richtlinien
1.7 Angesprochene Stellen
1.8 Erforderliche Kompetenzen
1.9 Gültigkeit der Anwendung
2.1 Wasserbaupolizei
2.2 Verordnungen zur Sicherheit von Stauanlagen (StAV)
2.3 Für die Überwachung zuständige Behörden
2.4 Weitere auf Stauanlagen anwendbaren Bundesgesetze und -verordnun-
3.1 Stauanlage
3.2 Absperrbauwerk
3.3 Stauraum
5.1 Allgemeines
5.2 Verständigung
5.2.1 Festlegung der massgebenden Höhe für die Unterstellung
• Definition der massgebenden Höhe für die Unterstellung
• Stauziel
• Definition des unteren Referenzpunktes
Translation - Serbian 1 UVOD
1.1 Osnivanje
1.2 Zakonske osnove
1.3 Ciljevi ovih Smernicâ
1.4 Značaj ovih Smernicâ
1.5 Obim ovih Smernicâ
1.6 Oblast primene ovih Smernicâ
1.7 Instance kojima se obraćaju
1.8 Zahtevane kompetencije
1.9 Važenje primene
2.1 Policija za nadziranje hidrogradnje
2.2 Uredbe u cilju sigrunosti pribranskih postrojenja (Uredba o SPP)
2.3 Nadležni nadzorni organi, ustanove i službe
2.4 Dalji savezni zakoni i uredbe koji se mogu primeniti na pribranska postrojenja
3.1 Pribransko postrojenje
3.2 Brana
3.3 Akumulacija
5.1 Opšte
5.2 Sporazum
5.2.1 Utvrdjivanje merodavne visine za podvodjenje pod Uredbu o SPP (visina nivoa vode u akumulacije ili uspora)
• Definicija merodavne visine za podvodjenje pod Uredbu o SPP (visina nivoa vode u akumulaciji ili uspora)
• Maksimalni nivo vode u akumulaciji
• Definicija donje referentne tačke
English to Serbo-Croat: Installations in tunnels General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - English Transverse ventilation: Fresh air is introduced and polluted air (which moves upwards) is extracted perpendicular to the tunnel axis (Fig. 2.7).
Air ducts with cross sections up to 30 m2 are used. Not only aerodynamic considerations are taken into account but also the necessity of access for main¬tenance. Long tunnels may require ventilation shafts (Fig. 2.8) or ventilation adits that are driven parallel to the tunnel.
According to the German standards for the equipment and service of road tunnels (RABT), the ventilation systems shown in Table 2.1 should be used with regard to construction type and tunnel length.
If the outlet of polluted air has an adverse environmental impact, cleaning (by means of electrostatic filters etc.) should be considered.
Translation - Serbo-Croat Poprečna ventilacija: Svež vazduh se dovodi a zagadjeni vazduh (koji se kreće naviše) se izvlači odn. odvodi perpendikularno odn. poprečno u odnosu na osu tunela (Slika 2.7).
Koriste se vazdušni kanali poprečnog preseka do 30 m2. U obzir se ne uzimaju samo aero-dinamička pitanja već i neophodnost pristupačnosti u cilju održavanja. Kod dugih tunela mogu biti neophodni i vertikalni ventilacioni otvori (eng. shafts) (Slika 2.8) ili horiznontalni otvori koji se pružaju paralelno sa samim tunelom.
U skladu sa Nemačkim standardima za opremu u drumskim tunelima i njihov rad (eng. the German standards for the equipment and service of road tunnels odn. skr. RABT) trebalo bi koristiti ventilacione sisteme koji su prikazani u Tabeli 2.1 u zavisnosti od tipa konstrukcije i dužine tunela.
Ukoliko ispuštanje zagadjenog vazduha može imati negativnog uticaja na životnu sredinu treba razmotriti i njegovo prečišćavanje (pomoću elektro-statičkih filtera i sl.).
English to Serbo-Croat: Grouting and freezing
Source text - English 6.1 Low pressure grouting Grouting and freezing
Grouting is the introduction of a hardening fluid or mortar into the ground to improve its stiffness, strength and/or impermeability. There are various patterns of the propagation of the grout within the ground:
Low pressure grouting (permeation grouting): The grout propagates into the pores of the soil but leaves the grain skeleton unchanged. The resulting grouted regions are spherical, if the soil is homogeneous and isotropic and if the source can be considered as a point. If the pore fluid, which initially fills the voids, has a higher viscosity than the grout (as is e.g. the case when water is pumped in into a porous rock filled with oil) then the so-called fingering is observed. The resulting boundary of the grouted region is fractal shaped.1
Compensation grouting: When the applied grouting pressure is too high, the grout does not propagate into the pores of the ground. Instead, the ground is cracked and the grout propagates into the created cracks (or in case of soft soil the grout pushes the soil ahead). This type of grout-ing is applied to reverse (compensate) surface settlements (e.g. due to tunnelling).
Jet grouting: A grout jet protrudes from a nozzle into the surrounding soil. With an initial pressure between 300 and 600 bar it completely remoulds the soil ahead). This type of grout¬ing is applied to reverse (compensate) surface settlements (e.g. due to tunnelling).
Jet grouting: A grout jet protrudes from a nozzle into the surrounding soil. With an initial pressure between 300 and 600 bar it completely remoulds the soil and gets mixed with it.
Translation - Serbo-Croat Injektiranje i zamrzavanje
Injektiranje je uvodjenje odn. ubacivanje tečnosti koja s vremenom očvrsne ili maltera u tlo kako bi se poboljšale njegova krutost (eng. stiffness), čvrstoća i/ili nepropusnost (eng. impermeability). Postoje različite šeme širenja injekcione smese ili tečnog maltera (eng. grout) unutar tla:
Injektiranje pod niskim pritiskom (eng. low pressure grouting) (odn. injektiranje prodiranjem (eng. permeation grouting): Injekciona smesa ili tečni malter prodiru u pore zemljišta odn. tla ali ne utiču na zrnastu strukturu (eng. grain skeleton). Injektirane oblasti koje proizilaze iz tog procesa su sferičnog oblika ukoliko je tlo homogeno a izotropične ukoliko se ono može smatrati tačkastim. Ukoliko porna tečnost (eng. pore fluid), koja je prvobitno ispunjavala šupljine, poseduje veći stepen viskoznosti od injekcione smese (kao što je npr. slučaj kada se voda upumpava u poroznu stenu ispunjenu naftom (eng. oil)) tada se zapaža tzv. „stvaranje prstiju“ (eng. fingering). Granica injektirane oblasti koja pri tome nastaje je izlomljenog oblika (eng. fractal shaped).
Kompenzaciono injektiranje (eng. compensation grouting): Kada je pritisak upotrebljen prilikom injektiranja isuviše visok tada injekciona smesa ne prodire u pore tla i ne širi se kroz njega. Umesto toga tlo puca (eng. is cracked) i injekciona smemsa se širi kroz stvorene pukotine (ili u slučaju mekih vrsta zemljišta injekciona smesa gura zemljište unapred (eng. pushes the soil ahead)). Ovaj tip injektiranja se primenjuje u cilju sanacije (kompenzacije) (eng. to reverse (compensate) površinska sleganjâ (npr. nastala usled prokopavanje tunela).
Injektiranje u mlazovima (eng. jet grouting): Mlaz injekcione smese izbija iz brizgaljke u okolno zemljište. Uz inicijalni pritisak izmedju 300 i 600 bara injekciona smesa u potpunosti preoblikuje zemljište (eng. remoulds) i meša se sa njim.
English to Serbo-Croat: Tunnel Design Principles
Source text - English 2. The deformation response of the medium to excavation
The next chapter illustrates the evidence accumulated over the last twenty fve years from research study on the relationships between changes in the stress state in the medium induced by tunnel advance and the consequent deformation response of the tunnel.
The deformation response of the medium to excavation
■ 2.1 The experimental and theoretical research
In the previous chapter, we carefully examined the statics and dynamics of tunnel advance to arrive at two important considerations:
1. the short and long term stability of an underground cavity is closely connected with the formation of an arch effect, which must therefore be the primary object of study for a tunnel designer;
2. the formation of an arch effect and its position with respect to the cavity are signalled by the “deformation response” of the medium to the action of excavation, in terms of both size and type.
When reasoning over these two important considerations around thirty years ago (it was 1975), we felt the need to conduct in-depth studies on the relations between the stress state in the medium, induced by tunnel advance (action), and the consequent deformation response (reaction). These studies were conducted as part of theoretical and experimental research, which, although still in progress, has already furnished important and very useful indications.
It was developed in three stages.
Translation - Serbo-Croat 2. Odgovor deformacije medijuma odn. sredine na iskopavanje
Sledeće Poglavlje ilustruje dokaze prikupljene iz istraživačkih studija tokom poslednjih 25 godina na temu odnosâ izmejdu promenâ u stanju napona odn. naprezanja u odredjenom medijumu odn. sredini koje su prouzrokovane napredovanjem tunela kao i odgovora deformacije datog tunela koji je odgovor na pomenute promene.
Odgovor deformacije medijuma odn. sredine na iskopavanje
2.1 Eksperimentalna i teorijska istraživanja
U prethodnom Poglavlju smo pažljivo ispitali statiku i dinamiku napredovanja nekog tunela kako bi smo došli do dve značajne stavke koje treba razmotriti:
1. kratkoročna i dugoročna stabilnost neke podzemne šupljine je u bliskoj vezi sa stvaranjem efekta lûka, koji iz pomenutog razloga mora biti primarni odn. najbitniji predmet izučavanja svakog inženjera projektanta tunelâ.
2. stvaranje efekta lûka kao i njegova pozicija u odnosu na datu šupljinu su signalizirani „odgovorom deformacije“ medijuma odn. sredine na aktivnosti iskopavanja i po pitanju veličine i po pitanju tipa.
Kada smo razmišljali o ovim važnim stavkama pre nekih 30 god. (tačnije tokom 1975.) ostetili smo i uočili potrebu za sprovodjenjem temeljnih istraživanja i studijâ na temu odnosâ izmedju stanja napona odn. naprezanja u datom medijumu odn. sredini koje je prouzrokovano napredovanjem tunela (akcija) i odgovarajućim odgovorom deformacije (reakcija). Ova istraživanja i studije su sprovodjeni kao deo teorijskog i eksperimentalnog istraživanja koje je, iako je još uvek u tok, već obezbedilo značajne i veoma korisne indicije i informacije.
Istraživanja su vršena u tri faze.
English (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations)) German (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology, verified) Dutch (Taalunie) Dutch to Serbian (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology) German to Serbian (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology)
Serbian to Dutch (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology)
Serbian Association of Scientific and Technical Translators
Across, Adobe Acrobat, Aegisub, Google Translator Toolkit, Lilt, MateCat, Microsoft Word, OmegaT,, Powerpoint, Smartcat, Trados Studio, Wordfast
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I am a passionate, devoted, and experienced (20+ years) freelance technical translator.
I became fascinated by electrical grids, high voltage stations, dams, spillways, and subsea cables while working on a large project for JCWI (The Jaroslav Cerni Institute for the Development of Water Resources, Belgrade, Serbia) translating various technical segments from mathematical models and field research results to grouting and dam specifications.
In the meanwhile, offshore and ocean energy became another big area of my interest.
With a background in journalism and literature (University Diploma in German Language and Literature, Dutch as a Minor) and some early translations published even in popular literary magazines, I always tend to produce well-written texts regardless of the language I translate to or the purpose of the translation itself.
And as a professional, for longer projects, I am always willing to do a test translation (up to 250 words) in order to let my future clients see how my skills fit into their particular projects. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
PS Since I usually translate by night, my working hours are much more in line with EST time zone (than CET, the one I actually live in) which is very convenient for shorter but urgent translations that can be delivered the very next day.
Keywords: energy, energy generation, power plants, transmission, transmission cables, power station, hydroenergetic, hydroenergetic power plant, construction, construction site. See, energy generation, power plants, transmission, transmission cables, power station, hydroenergetic, hydroenergetic power plant, construction, construction site, construction works, construction contracts, heavy machinery, grouting, damage claims, hydraulic structures, hydro-geology, hydrology, tunneling, tunnel boring machines, tunnel lining, dredging, subsea cables, offshore industry, gas&oil. See less.