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Translator and editor/proofreader in travel and tourism, arts and culture, literature, current affairs, aid and human rights sectors
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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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French to English: The Alma (Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimetre Array) telescope General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Aerospace / Aviation / Space
Source text - French Alma utilise aujourd'hui un tiers des 66 antennes de haute précision prévues pour 2013. Le télescope opère dans une gamme de longueurs d'onde dites millimétriques et submillimétriques, car "possédant une longueur d'onde de l'ordre du millimètre, entre le rayonnement infrarouge et les ondes radios", explique l'Observatoire européen austral (ESO), partenaire du project. Les 66 antennes, de diamètres variant entre 7 et 12 m, sont interconnectées par des câbles de fibre optique. La distance entre les antennes peut varier de 150 m à 16 km, permettant une capacité de zoom qualifiée par le CNRS "d'inégalée".
Translation - English Currently, Alma uses one third of the 66 high precision antennas which are predicted to be in place by 2013. The telescope operates across a range of wavelengths known as millimetric or submillimetric, because, 'it has a wavelength in the region of a millimetre, between infrared radiation and radio wavelengths,' as the European Southern Observatory (ESO), a project partner, explained. The 66 antennas, whose diameters vary from 7 to 12 metres, are connected by fibre optic cables. The distance between the antennas can range from 150 metres to 16 kilometres, permitting a zoom capacity described as 'unequalled' by the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS).
Russian to English: Excerpt from report on gas engine power plants for domestic heating in Belarus General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Energy / Power Generation
Source text - Russian В соответствии с поручением Минжилкомхоза Республики Беларусь РУП "Белинкоммаш" провел сравнительный анализ технических и эксплуатационных характеристик газо-поршневых установок большой мощности (4 МВт и выше), эксплуатируемых на мировом рынке, в том числе в Республике Беларусь и странах СНГ.
Безусловными признанными лидерами в данной сфере производства являются DEUTZ (Германия) и Wärtsilä (Финляндия).
Translation - English In accordance with our instructions from the Ministry for Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Belarus, Belinkommash RUE has conducted a comparative analysis of the technical and operational specifications for high-output (4 MW and above) gas engine power plants currently available on the world market, including in Belarus and countries of the CIS.
DEUTZ (MWM) (Germany) and Wärtsilä (Finland) are the undisputed leaders in this manufacturing sector.
Russian to English: DIFFERENT TYPES OF REACTOR General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Nuclear Eng/Sci
Source text - Russian В тепловых реакторах используются замедлители для замедления быстрых нейтронов, выделенных в результате расщепления, так чтобы они были легче захвачены расщепляющимися атомами урана-235. В качестве замедлителя часто используется обычная вода, а также графит и дейтерий, изотоп водорода, применяемый в виде окиси дейтерия - тяжелой воды. (Обычная вода в основном состоит из окиси водорода и содержит небольшой процент тяжелой воды).
Translation - English In thermal reactors, a moderator is used in order to slow down fast neutrons, separated as a result of fission, so they are more easily absorbed by fissile atoms of uranium-235. Frequently, ordinary water is used as a moderator, and also graphite and deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen, employed in the form of deuterium oxide - heavy water. (Ordinary water consists basically of hydrogen oxide and contains a small percentage of heavy water.)
French to English: Challenges of the European gas market General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Energy / Power Generation
Source text - French Résumé
L’auteur a expliqué d’abord le fonctionnement du marché de gaz, très différent de celui du pétrole : il est régional, non pas mondial. L’avènement du GNL est lent en Europe, avec quelques pays phares : France, Espagne, Portugal, Italie, Royaume Uni, et la liquéfaction depuis peu en Norvège. D’autres, comme l’Allemagne ou la Pologne ne disposent pas de GNL. Ensuite, à la différence du marché de gaz US américain, le prix du gaz en Europe continentale est indexé sur celui du pétrole.
Le mix énergétique en Europe et UE varie d’un pays à l’autre. S’il est fortement orienté vers le nucléaire en France par exemple, l’Allemagne dispose d’une grande part de charbon, comme la Pologne.
Translation - English Challenges of the European gas market
The author firstly explains how the gas market functions. It differs significantly from the oil market, in that it is regional, rather than global. LNG is emerging slowly in Europe: France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and the United Kingdom are leaders in this sector, while in Norway, liquefaction has appeared only recently. Other countries, such as Germany and Poland, do not use LNG. Unlike the situation on the US gas market, the gas price in continental Europe is indexed to that of oil.
The energy mix in Europe and the EU varies from country to country. Whereas France is firmly oriented towards nuclear, for example, Germany uses mostly coal, as does Poland.
Russian to English: Standard for diesel generating sets General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Energy / Power Generation
Source text - Russian (company name) осуществляет функции разработчика электростанций, поставщика оборудования, выполняет пуско-наладку, осуществляет техническое обслуживание и техническое сопровождение в течение всего жизненного цикла.
(company name) поставляет дизель-генератор и запасные части в соответсвии с назначеннами техническими регламентами.
Рабочий проект РДЭС с электростанциями (model number) и (model number) - строительная часть, компоновочные решения, обеспечивающие системы (системы питания, охлаждения, вентиляции и отопления, подключения) - выполняет (company name).
(model number)
Translation - English (company name) is to act as developer of and equipment supplier for the power plant, is to perform commissioning and start-up and provide technical maintenance and technical support throughout the entire life cycle.
(company name) is to supply the diesel generator and spare parts in accordance with the attached technical regulations.
(company name) is to deliver the standby diesel generator plant development project, construction unit, layout solutions, support systems (power supply, cooling, ventilation and heating and actuation systems) for the (model number) and the (model number) power plants.
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Bath
Years of experience: 12. Registered at Mar 2012.
Russian to English (University of Bath., verified) French to English (University of Bath., verified) English to Russian (University of Bath., verified) English to French (University of Bath., verified)
I am a translator working from Russian and French into English, and an editor and proofreader. I also studied Chinese (Mandarin, simplified) to degree level and hope shortly to add it to my working languages.
My work is focussed on the key sectors of travel and tourism, arts and culture, literature, current affairs, human rights and aid and development. I use memoQ and OmegaT as my CAT tools.
Qualifications and CPD
I have an MA in Interpreting and Translating from the University of Bath (UK, 2012) and received a distinction for my dissertation project, the translation of a 10,000-word contemporary Russian novel. During my studies, I completed a translation placement at the United Nations in Geneva. My undergraduate degree was in Russian and Mandarin (University of Leeds, UK, 1990).
In 2018, I studied literary translation at the British Centre for Literary Translation Summer School based at the University of East Anglia in the UK.
I am a Certified PRO for both Russian and French to English translation.
CPD has included terminology research, copywriting, proofreading, social networking skills, technical writing, memoQ and marketing.
Examples of work
I have added some sample translations to my profile, but my work has also covered such projects as:
Subtitles for a short film drama and for a film about children with disabilities (translation, Russian - English)
Programme notes for an international music festival based in Russia (translation, Russian - English)
Text for a book about a contemporary Russian artist (edit/proofread)
Articles for an online magazine about contemporary European affairs (translation, French - English)
Media reports on human rights and government policy (translation, Russian - English)
United Nations summary records (translation, French and Russian - English)
Statements, press releases and other documents for a human rights organisation (translation, French - English)
Prior to becoming a freelance translator, I had a 14-year career in the commercial sector with international companies such as Rolls-Royce plc, Baring Private Equity Partners and Azovstal, the Ukrainian steel producer.
And that's not all.... I bring a range of additional skills and competencies to my role, such as:
- sound knowledge of software packages including Microsoft Office 365, OmegaT and memoQ
- an excellent command of my native language, with a clear, concise style of written communication
- excellent research skills and a keen eye for detail
- time management and the ability to work to tight deadlines
- professionalism and a strong customer focus
Pro-bono and networking
I am active within the translation community, attending conferences, CPD and networking events; I am also a member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists. I translate on a pro bono basis for a human rights campaign and an aid organisation.
What else would you like to know? Born and brought up in London, UK, I loved words from an early age and began learning French at age 10 and Russian at 16. I first visited Russia when it was still part of the Soviet Union! That was way back in 1985, and I still love to visit and explore this fascinating region - in more recent years I have also visited Ukraine and Belarus. Between 2009-2011 I took a career break and worked and studied in both Russia and France, staying in Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Tours and Bordeaux. I am delighted to be working with two such wonderful languages. You never stop learning as a translator, and every new project is an adventure!
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