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English to Latvian: WHO Public Assessment Report (WHOPAR) – Part 6 General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - English Lopinavir/Ritonavir 200 mg/50 mg Tablets (Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd), HA574
1. Introduction
Lopinavir and Ritonavir 200 mg/50 mg Tablets is indicated in combination with other antiretroviral agents for the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) infection in adults and children weighing 14 kg or more.
Lopinavir and Ritonavir 200 mg/50 mg Tablets should be initiated by a health care provider experienced in the management of HIV infection.
2. Assessment of Quality
The assessment was done in accordance with the requirements of WHO’s Guidelines on submission of documentation for a multisource (generic) finished pharmaceutical product for the WHO Prequalification of Medicines Programme: quality part
Active pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs)
Lopinavir has four chiral centres and is known to exhibit polymorphism. The manufacture of lopinavir entails several steps and is stereo-selectively producing the desired stereoisomer and the ‘type-I highly hydrated crystal form’. The API produced is soluble in organic solvents like methanol, ethanol, dichloromethane and DMF, but practically insoluble in water and in aqueous buffers across the physiological pH range. It is slightly hygroscopic.
The API specifications include tests for description, solubility, identification (IR, HPLC), water content, residue on ignition, heavy metals, organic impurities (HPLC), assay (HPLC), crystal form (XRPD), specific optical rotation and residual solvents.
Stability testing was conducted according to the requirements of WHO. The proposed re-test period is justified based on the stability results when the API is stored in the original packaging.
Ritonavir is described in the Ph.Int, Ph.Eur. and USP. The API has four chiral centres, is practically insoluble in water and is known to exhibit polymorphism, with various crystal forms. The manufacture of ritonavir entails several steps and stereo-selectively produces the desired stereoisomer. Polymorphic form I, characterised by the XRPD pattern, is consistently produced.
The API specifications are pharmacopoeial based and include tests for description, solubility, identification (IR, HPLC), heavy metals, water, residue on ignition, organic impurities (HPLC), assay (HPLC), crystal form (XRPD), specific optical rotation and residual solvents.
Stability testing was conducted according to the requirements of WHO. The proposed re-test period is justified based on the stability results when the API is stored in the original packaging.
Other ingredients
Other ingredients used in the core tablet formulation include copovidone, sorbitan monolaurate, colloidal silicon dioxide, anhydrous dibasic calcium phosphate and sodium stearyl fumarate. The commercially sourced proprietary film-coating mixture contains polyvinyl alcohol-part hydrolysed, titanium dioxide, polyethylene glycol, talc and iron oxide yellow. TSE / BSE free certificates have been provided for the excipients.
Lopinavīra un ritonavīra 200 mg/50 mg tabletes ir paredzētas lietošanai kopā ar citiem pretretrovīrusu līdzekļiem, lai ārstētu cilvēka imūndeficīta vīrusa (HIV-1) infekciju pieaugušajiem un bērniem ar ķermeņa masu vismaz 14 kg.
Lopinavīra un ritonavīra 200 mg/50 mg tablešu lietošana ir jāuzsāk veselības aprūpes sniedzējam, kam ir pieredze HIV infekcijas ārstēšanā.
2. Kvalitātes izvērtējums
Šis izvērtējums ir veikts saskaņā ar prasībām, kas noteiktas PVO vadlīnijās par vairākavotu (patentbrīvā) galīgā farmaceitiskā produkta dokumentācijas iesniegšanu PVO Zāļu pirmskvalifikācijas programmai: kvalitātes daļa
Aktīvās vielas
Lopinavīram ir četri hirālie centri, un ir zināms, ka tam piemīt polimorfisms. Lopinavīra ražošana sastāv no vairākiem posmiem un ir stereoselektīva, iegūstot vēlamo stereoizomēru un “1. tipa īpaši hidratēto kristālisko formu”. Iegūtā aktīvā viela ir šķīstoša tādos organiskos šķīdinātājos kā metanols, etanols, dihlormetāns un dimetilformamīds, bet ir praktiski nešķīstoša ūdenī un buferšķīdumos uz ūdens bāzes fizioloģiskajai videi raksturīgo pH vērtību diapazonā. Tā ir nedaudz higroskopiska.
Aktīvās vielas specifikācijas ietver apraksta, šķīdības, identificēšanas (IR, HPLC), mitruma daudzuma, atliekvielu daudzuma pēc sadedzināšanas, smago metālu, organisko vielu piejaukumu (HPLC), analīzes (HPLC), kristāliskās formas (XRPD), specifiskās optiskās rotācijas un šķīdinātāju atliekvielu pārbaudes.
Stabilitātes pārbaudes tika veiktas saskaņā ar PVO prasībām. Ieteiktais atkārtoto pārbaužu periods ir pamatots ar stabilitātes rezultātiem, kas iegūti, aktīvo vielu glabājot oriģinālajā iepakojumā.
Ritonavīrs ir aprakstīts Starptautiskajā farmakopejā (Ph.Int), Eiropas farmakopejā (Ph.Eur.) un ASV farmakopejā (USP). Aktīvajai vielai ir četri hirālie centri, tā ir praktiski nešķīstoša ūdenī, un ir zināms, ka tai piemīt polimorfisms ar dažādām kristāliskām formām. Ritonavīra ražošana ietver vairākus posmus un ir stereoselektīva, iegūstot vēlamo stereoizomēru. Ražošanā tiek konsekventi iegūta polimorfa 1. forma, ko raksturo ar XRPD analīzes grafiku.
Aktīvās vielas specifikācijas ir noteiktas farmakopejā un ietver apraksta, šķīdības, identificēšanas (IR, HPLC), smago metālu, mitruma, atliekvielu daudzuma pēc sadedzināšanas, organisko vielu piejaukumu (HPLC), analīzes (HPLC), kristāliskās formas (XRPD), specifiskās optiskās rotācijas un šķīdinātāju atliekvielu pārbaudes.
Stabilitātes pārbaudes tika veiktas saskaņā ar PVO prasībām. Ieteiktais atkārtoto pārbaužu periods ir pamatots ar stabilitātes rezultātiem, kas iegūti, aktīvo vielu glabājot oriģinālajā iepakojumā.
Citas sastāvdaļas
Citas sastāvdaļas, kas izmantotas tabletes kodola veidošanā, ir kopovidons, sorbitāna monolaurāts, koloīdais silīcija dioksīds, bezūdens kalcija hidrogēnfosfāts un nātrija stearilfumarāts. Tirgū iegādātais patentētais apvalka maisījums satur daļēji hidrolizētu polivinilspirtu, titāna dioksīdu, polietilēnglikolu, talku un dzelteno dzelzs oksīdu. Ir iesniegts sertifikāts, kas apliecina, ka palīgvielas ir brīvas no transmisīvās sūkļveida encefalopātijas/govju sūkļveida encefalopātijas (TSE/GSE) izraisītājiem.
Years of experience: 31. Registered at Sep 1999.
My linguistic experience was formed at the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, Inc., working on book publishing.
In 2000, I started working as a freelance translator, specializing in the pharmaceutical field. In 2017 I was awarded a master's degree in pharmacy from the University of Brighton (UK). My thesis was about encapsulation of metal nanoparticles as potential theranostics (simultaneously acting as therapeutic and diagnostic) agents. Having finished the practice at community pharmacy, I am now completely focused on pharmaceutical and medical writing and translations.
I mostly translate documents for regulatory submission that include summary of product characteristics, patient leaflets and related documentation.
I provide value added services to clients who need to follow strict process for regulatory acceptance. The benefits of my services are minimized delays, better communication and more effective marketing.
I specialize in medical translations combining healthcare professional's perspective with industry procedures. I take extra care to ensure terminology compliance and consistency. The first thing is to ensure that I have understood client's needs and that I have sufficient expertise required for each job. If necessary, I perform research and receive training. When translating, my main concern is the target reader; translations not only need to be of correct meaning but also need to be written in a native style, professional language and at appropriate educational level.
Work practices
I follow good translation practice and I always check that all necessary steps are completed to ensure high quality. Medical translation is the area where quality as a process is essential. I also respect the confidentiality of my clients and translation agencies and never disclose their information to anyone without written consent. My computer and files are well protected from any security breaches.
I provide translation, revision, proofreading and quality control services. I can perform quality assurance and translation validation services, including cognitive debriefing and linguistic testing that can identify and evaluate communicative aspects of a target text, assess readability, and identify any comprehension issues in advance.
Why should you hire me?
I will quickly reply to your emails
I will deliver work timely and in accordance to requirements
I will take into account the latest regulatory requirements and industry needs
I will admit if mistakes are made and will correct them if necessary
I will charge reasonable fees
Your clients will be happy with my work
You will receive professional work and good service