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English to Serbian - Rates: 0.04 - 0.04 EUR per word / 12 - 14 EUR per hour English to Serbo-Croat - Rates: 0.04 - 0.04 EUR per word / 12 - 14 EUR per hour
English to Serbian: General Electric X-ray bone densitometar
Source text - English Remote access services are disabled by default.
Note that, although remote access is available through the use of the InSite ExC Service Tool, these operations are performed outside of Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop, through a secure connection.
See the InSite ExC Service Tool documentation for details.
Windows User Account Requirements
Each enCORE user must have a Windows user account that is assigned to one of the following pre-defined Windows Groups:
An enCORE administrator must have a Windows user account that is assigned to a Windows Group that has Windows administrator rights.
An account with Windows administrator rights is required to install the enCORE software and to configure the enCORE security settings.
Reference data is available for US(Lunar), US(BMDCS), US(NHANES 1999–2004), China, Asia, and European populations for AP Spine, Femur or Total Body measurements for males and females 5-19 years old depending on the reference population.
When scanning infants, it may be helpful to swaddle the child in a blanket to avoid excessive motion during the scan.
Be sure the blanket is thin and made of cotton, because other materials may appear in the scan image and lead to incorrect results.
Click to add Exam values (Measure Date, Patient Age, Patient Height, Patient Weight, BMI, Skin Entrance dose) or Densitometry (BMD, BMC, Area, T-score, Z-score, Average Height, Average Width); Composition (Bone Mass, Fat Mass, Lean Mass, Tissue Mass, Fat Free Mass, Total Mass, Region, Percent Fat, Tissue Percent Fat, TBW, ICW, ECW); and Morphometry (Anterior, Middle, Posterior, Average Heights) sites/regions, AHA, and CoreScan results.
Translation - Serbian Daljinski pristup uslugama je podrazumevano onemogućen.
Imajte na umu, da iako je daljinski pristup dostupan kroz upotrebu InSite ExC Service Tool, ove operacije se obavljaju izvan Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop-a, preko sigurne veze.
Za detalje pogledajte InSite ExC Service Tool dokumentaciju.
Zahtevi u vezi Windows korisničkog naloga
Svaki enCore korisnik mora imati Windows korisnički nalog koji je dodeljen jednoj od sledećih predodređenih Windows grupa:
enCore administrator mora imati Windows korisnički nalog koji je dodeljen Windows grupi koja ima Windows administratorska prava.
Nalog sa Windows administratorskim pravima je potreban da bi se instalirao enCORE softver i da bi se konfigurisale enCORE bezbednosne postavke.
Referentni podaci su dostupni za populacije SAD(Lunar), SAD(BMDCS), SAD(NHANES 1999-2004), Kine, Azije i Evrope za merenja AP kičme, femura ili celog tela muškaraca i žena od 5-19 godina starosti u zavisnosti od referentne populacije.
Kada se skenira odojče, moglo bi biti od pomoći da se dete uvije u ćebe da bi izbegli prekomerno kretanje tokom skeniranja.
Proverite da li je ćebe tanko i napravljeno od pamuka, jer se drugi materijali mogu pojaviti na slici skenera i dovesti do netačnih rezultata.
Pritisnite da bi dodali vrednosti pregleda (datum merenja, starost pacijenta, visinu pacijenta, težinu pacijenta, BMI (indeks telesne mase), dozu primljenu kroz kožu) ili denzitometrije (BMD (mineralna gustina kosti), BMC (mineralni sadržaj kosti), rejon, T-skor, Z-skor, prosečnu visinu, prosečnu širinu); sastav (masa kostiju, masa masnog tkiva, mišićna masa, masa tkiva, masa bez masnog tkiva, ukupna masa, oblast, procenat masnog tkiva, procenat masti u tkivu, TBW,ICW, ECW) i morfometrije (prednjeg dela, srednjeg dela, zadnjeg dela, prosečne visine) lokacije/obla
Years of experience: 17. Registered at Jun 2012.
Manuals for various models of Dremel's power tools (grinders, electric saws, milling machines, etc)
Instruction manuals for Energetics home bicycles and other home training devices
User guides for Ford's service personnel about using their intranet service system
Marketing material for new Harley Davidson bikes for 2013 and other equipment
Manuals for various models of HTC's phones and other marketing material
Manual for Leica's laser measurement instrument, model Stabila LD420
User guides for some brand new LG products
Manuals for various Trumpf's machines and power tools
User guides for Trust's gamepads, steering wheels and other gaming equipment
User guide for Panasonic’s TV sets
Catalogue for Varta’s batteries for year 2013/2014
Of course, this is not complete list. I worked on many other projects but I decided to highlight those because they can give you insight in my capabilities and points of interest