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Translation, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Law (general)
Also works in:
Law: Contract(s)
Real Estate
Human Resources
Volunteer / Pro-bono work
Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
English to Spanish - Rates: 0.04 - 0.06 USD per word / 12 - 20 USD per hour Spanish to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.06 USD per word / 12 - 20 USD per hour
English to Spanish: The Importance of Collaboration in the Workplace ( General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Accounting
Source text - English One of the biggest factors that contribute to the success of any business is whether or not its employees are able to perform together a team. With increasing competition, it has become extremely important to encourage creativity in the office, in order to improve productivity and promote healthy employee relationships.
Working in teams enables employees to be quicker and more effective in their work, as compared to people who work on projects on their own. Collaborating also makes employees more responsible, which goes a long way in raising their motivation levels, especially when teams work virtually.
Collaboration in the Workplace
Collaboration is said to take place when two individuals or a group of people work together towards achieving a common goal by sharing their ideas and skills. It can happen in traditional as well as virtual teams. With advancements in technology, using cloud-based programs to share files and communicate has become commonplace.
Translation - Spanish La importancia de la colaboración en el lugar de trabajo
Uno de los mayores factores que contribuyen al éxito de cualquier negocio depende de si los empleados pueden trabajar bien en equipo o no. En una época de mucha competencia, se ha vuelto muy importante animar la creatividad en la oficina para así mejorar la productividad y promover la sana relación entre los empleados.
Trabajar en equipo les permite a los empleados ser más rápidos y efectivos en su trabajo, comparado con la gente que trabaja en proyectos de manera individual. La colaboración también hace que los empleados sean más responsables, lo que ayuda considerablemente a aumentar sus niveles de motivación, especialmente cuando los equipos trabajan de forma virtual.
La colaboración en el lugar de trabajo
Se dice que la colaboración toma lugar cuando dos individuos o un grupo trabajan juntos para alcanzar una meta en común, compartiendo ideas y habilidades. Esto puede suceder en equipos tradicionales como virtuales. Con los avances de la tecnología, se han generalizado los programas basados en la nube para compartir archivos y comunicarse.
Spanish to English: Deber de abstención
ARTICULO 190.- Deber de abstención. Deberán abstenerse de declarar quienes según la ley deban guardar secreto. Estas personas no podrán negar su testimonio cuando sean liberadas por el interesado del deber de guardar secreto. Podrán abstenerse de declarar el cónyuge o conviviente del imputado, ligado por especiales vínculos de afectos; los parientes hasta el cuarto grado de consanguinidad y segundo de afinidad. Las personas mencionadas serán informadas sobre su facultad de abstenerse antes de iniciar la declaración. Ellas podrán ejercerla aun durante su declaración, incluso en el momento de responder determinadas preguntas.
Si el juez o tribunal estima que el testigo invoca erróneamente la facultad de abstenerse o la reserva del secreto, ordenará a pedido de parte su declaración mediante resolución fundada.
ARTICULO 156. - Será reprimido con multa de pesos mil quinientos a pesos noventa mil e inhabilitación especial, en su caso, por seis meses a tres años, el que teniendo noticia, por razón de su estado, oficio, empleo, profesión o arte, de un secreto cuya divulgación pueda causar daño, lo revelare sin justa causa.
Translation - English
Section 190. – Privilege to refrain from testifying. Anyone who according to the law is bound by secrecy shall abstain from declaring as witnesses. They may not refuse their testimony when the interested party has released them from their secret. The following may abstain from testifying: the accused’s spouse or cohabitant, linked by special bonds of affection; the accused’s relatives up to fourth degree of kinship relationship and second of affinity. These individuals shall be informed of their privilege to refrain from testifying before giving testimony. They may exercise this privilege even during their testimony, including at the moment of answering particular questions.
If the judge or court considers that the witness is mistakenly invoking the privilege to refrain from testifying or to keep secrecy, at the request of a party the judge may, on reasonable grounds, order that the testimony be given.
Section 156. – Anyone who —having information known to them due to their status, occupation, employment, profession or art— reveals, without just cause, any secret information whose disclosure could cause damage shall be sanctioned with the imposition of fines ranging from ARS 1,500 to ARS 90,000 and special disqualification from practicing their profession, if applicable.
Years of experience: 10. Registered at Aug 2012. Became a member: Nov 2017.
English to Spanish (Words Language Services, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, CafeTran Espresso, MateCat, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Smartcat, Trados Studio, Wordfast
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Hi there!
My name is Gilda Martínez DalSanto. I am a native Spanish speaker (Argentina) and bilingual in English (American). I love languages and translation.
I started studying translation after a year of taking English Teaching at college. Due to personal circumstances and frequent travel, I was unable to finish my degree in Buenos Aires. However, I looked for other ways to get certified and in 2015 I got my certification in Professional Translation (English to Spanish) from Words Language Services, Dublin.
My first years in translation included translating marketing documents, such as product listings, brochures, blog articles, etc., and some technical texts, such as in the field of dust collection, aviation data, etc.
However, over the last few years, I have been honing my skills in the legal field. My work as a volunteer for an NGO as well as the variety of clients I work for have added to my expertise in translating court documents, contracts, notarial instruments, and the like.
Additionally, I have worked for Boston Public Schools translating government notices, court orders, and educational and physiological assessments for children with learning disabilities.
I continue sharpening up my legal translation skills by reading up on comparative law and taking courses in the different areas of law.
Thank you for stopping by and checking out my profile.
For more information, feel free to drop me a line.
Gilda Martínez DalSanto
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