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Terminological precision and smooth style made accessible./Chartered Linguist ./New sizeable SDL MultiTerm termbases created in 2022./The only CV accessible here that does not contain a watermark is the French one.
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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member This person previously served as a moderator.
Translation Volume: 43226 words Completed: Dec 2005 Languages: German to English
Translation of a series of briefs and correspondence in a complex Court case
Translation of a series of briefs and correspondence in a complex Court case during the second half of 2005, the most recent and longest brief being in December 2005, as well as a consumer survey in connection with the case
Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
positive Gr�necker, Kinkeldey, Stockmair & Schwanh�usser: No comment.
Translation Volume: 36589 words Duration: Jan 2005 to Oct 2005 Languages: German to English
Translation of briefs in an ongoing trademark infringement suit
Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
positive Unlisted : No comment.
Translation Volume: 2393 words Completed: Oct 2005 Languages: German to English
General Terms and Conditions of a software company
German to English: Sample in the field of trademarks General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
Source text - German Rechtsmittelgründe und wesentliche Argumente
Die Rechtsmittelführerin macht geltend, dass dem Gericht erster Instanz folgende Fehler unterlaufen seien:
a) Die Begriffe "media gateway" und "gateway" hätten auf dem IT-Markt eine ganz spezifische Bedeutung im Sinne bestimmter Arten von Vorrichtungen, die ein Protokoll oder Format in ein anderes umwandelten. Das Gericht sei jedoch fälschlicherweise davon ausgegangen, dass der Begriff "gateway" als Bestandteil der angemeldeten Marke dazu diene, beschreibende Merkmale aller Waren und Dienstleistungen, für die das beanstandete Kennzeichen verwendet werden solle, zu bezeichnen, während tatsächlich unter den für die beanstandete Marke beanspruchten Waren und Dienstleistungen weder "media gateway" noch "gateway" genannt seien.
b) Es habe zu Unrecht angenommen, dass die maßgeblichen Verkehrskreise aus Verbrauchern bestünden, die ausschließlich IT-Waren und -Dienstleistungen kauften, statt aus Verbrauchern aller Waren und Dienstleistungen, für die die beanstandete Bezeichnung verwendet werden solle.
c) Es sei zu Unrecht der Auffassung gewesen, dass die sich gegenüberstehenden Marken bildlich, klanglich oder begrifflich nicht ähnlich seien.
d) Es sei zu Unrecht der Ansicht gewesen, dass es für die Frage der Ähnlichkeit zweier sich gegenüberstehender Wortmarken darauf ankomme, ob der von dem zusammengesetzten Wortzeichen erzeugte bildliche, klangliche oder begriffliche Gesamteindruck von dem Teil dominiert werde, den die ältere Marke darstelle.
e) Bei der Beurteilung der Ähnlichkeit der sich gegenüberstehenden Marken habe es der Kennzeichnungskraft von "gateway" als älterer Marke der Rechtsmittelführerin für IT-Waren und -Dienstleistungen beim maßgeblichen Publikum nicht genügend Gewicht beigemessen.
f) Es habe nicht die Tatsache hinreichend berücksichtigt, dass Marken, die entweder von Haus aus oder infolge ihrer Bekanntheit eine hohe Kennzeichnungskraft besäßen, einen stärkeren Schutz genössen als weniger kennzeichnungskräftige Marken.
g) Es sei zu Unrecht zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass "gateway" keine eigenständige Kennzeichnungskraft in der angemeldeten Marke habe.
h) Es sei zu Unrecht der Ansicht gewesen, dass es für die Gefahr von Verwechslungen darauf ankomme, ob der von dem zusammengesetzten Zeichen erzeugte Gesamteindruck von dem Teil dominiert werde, den die ältere Marke darstelle.
i) Es habe die wahrscheinliche bildliche, begriffliche und klangliche Wirkung nicht richtig beurteilt, die das Wort "gateway" als Bestandteil der angemeldeten Marke auf den durchschnittlichen Verbraucher der in Rede stehenden Waren und Dienstleistungen haben würde.
Translation - English Grounds for Appeal and Principal Arguments
The Appellant asserts that the Court of First Instance was subject to the following errors:
a) The terms “media gateway” and “gateway” had a quite specific meaning on the IT market in the sense of particular types of devices which transform one protocol or format into another. The Court had, however, erroneously assumed that the term “gateway”, as a component of the trademark filed, served to designate descriptive features of all goods and services for which the opposed sign was supposed to be used, whereas in fact neither “media gateway” nor “gateway” was mentioned under the goods and services claimed for the opposed mark.
b) It erroneously assumed that the relevant consumer circles consisted of consumers who exclusively purchased IT goods and services, instead of consumers of all goods and services for which the opposed sign was supposed to be used.
c) It had erroneously held the opinion that the opposing trademarks were not visually, phonetically or conceptually similar.
d) It had erroneously taken the view that it was of import, concerning the question of the similarity of two opposing word marks, whether the visual, phonetic or conceptual overall impression produced by the composite sign were dominated by the part which constituted the earlier mark.
e) When assessing the similarity of the opposing marks it did not attribute sufficient importance to the distinctiveness of “gateway” among the relevant public as an earlier trademark of the Appellant for IT goods and services.
f) It did not sufficiently take into consideration the fact that trademarks which possessed a high degree of distinctiveness, either inherently or in consequence of their notoriety, enjoyed greater protection than less distinctive trademarks.
g) It erroneously came to the conclusion that “gateway” did not have any independent distinctiveness in the mark filed.
h) It erroneously took the view that it was of relevance, concerning the likelihood of confusion, whether the overall impression produced by the composite sign were dominated by the part which constituted the earlier mark.
i) It had not correctly assessed the probable visual, conceptual and phonetic effect which the word “gateway”, as a component of the mark filed, would have on the average consumer of the goods and services in question.
French to English: Trademark law sample translation General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
Source text - French Arrêt
Antécédents du litige
1. Le 30 janvier 1997, la requérante a présenté une demande de marque communautaire à l'Office de l'harmonisation dans le marché intérieur (marques,dessins et modèles) (OHMI), en vertu du règlement (CE) n° 40/94 du Conseil, du 20 décembre 1993, sur la marque communautaire (JO 1994, L 11, p. 1), tel que modifié.
2. La marque dont l'enregistrement a été demandé est une juxtaposition de deux couleurs, en tant que telle, représentée par un rectangle vert, correspondant à la référence de couleur Pantone 369c, surmontant un rectangle gris, correspondant à la référence de couleur Pantone 428u.
3. Les produits pour lesquels l'enregistrement de la marque a été demandé relèvent de la classe 7 au sens de l'arrangement de Nice concernant la classification internationale des produits et des services aux fins de l'enregistrement des marques, du 15 juin 1957, tel que révisé et modifié et correspondent à la description suivante: «Tronçonneuses, hâches, motobèches, tondeuses à gazon, motofaucheuses, tondeuses autoportées, aérateurs de gazon, coupe-gazon, taille-haies, balayeuses, chasse-neige, charrues, scies électriques, cisailles, appareils de nettoyage à haute pression et tous appareils à moteur avec pièces détachées, pièces de rechanges et accessoires», relevant de la classe 7.
4. Par décision du 23 juillet 1999, l'examinateur a rejeté la demande au titre de l'article 38 du règlement n° 40/94 au motif que la combinaison des couleurs verte et grise était dépourvue de caractère distinctif et descriptive pour les produits désignés au sens de l'article 7, paragraphe 1, sous b) et c), du même règlement.
5. Le 31 août 1999, la requérante a formé un recours auprès de l'OHMI, au titre de l'article 59 du règlement n° 40/94, contre la décision de l'examinateur.
6. Par décision du 28 juillet 2000 (ci-après la «décision attaquée»), qui a été notifiée à la requérante le 7 août 2000, la première chambre de recours a confirmé le refus d'enregistrement de la marque demandée. En substance, elle a considéré que le signe demandé est dépourvu de caractère distinctif au sens de l'article 7, paragraphe 1, sous b), du règlement n° 40/94.
Translation - English Judgement
Procedural history of the case
1. On 30 January, 1997, the applicant filed a community trademark application with the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trademarks and Designs) (OHIM) in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No. 40/94 of 20 December, 1993 on the Community trademark (OJ (Official Gazette of the French Republic) 1994, L 11, p. 1), as amended.
2. The mark for which registration was sought was a juxtaposition of two colours as such, represented by a green rectangle, corresponding to the colour Pantone 369c, superimposed on a grey rectangle, corresponding to the colour Pantone 428u.
3. The goods for which registration of the mark was sought fall within Class 7 within the meaning of the Nice Agreement concerning the international classification of goods and services for the purposes of the registration of trademarks dated 15 June, 1957, as revised and amended. Cf. the following itemisation in this respect: "Chain saws, axes, cultivators, lawnmowers, motor mowers, ride-on mowers, lawn aerators, grass trimmers, hedge trimmers, sweepers, snow ploughs, ploughs, electric saws, shears, pressure cleaners and any motor appliances having individual components, spare parts and accessories", as contained in Class 7.
4. In its decision of 23 July, 1999 the examiner dismissed the application on the basis of Article 38 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 40/94 on the grounds that the combination of the colours green and grey was devoid of any distinctive character, and descriptive of the designated goods within the meaning of Article 7(1)(b) and (c) of said regulation.
5. On 31 August, 1999 the applicant filed an appeal against the examiner's decision with the OHIM, in line with Article 59 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 40/94.
6. In its decision of 28 July, 2000 (hereinafter referred to as the "opposed decision"), which was notified to the applicant on 7 August, 2000, the First Board of Appeal confirmed the refusal of registration of the mark filed. Essentially, it deemed the sign filed devoid of any distinctive character within the meaning of Article 7(1)(b) of Council Regulation (EC) No. 40/94.
French to English: Terms and Conditions of Sale regarding a webstore General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - French Les présentes conditions de vente visent à définir les relations contractuelles entre X. et l'acheteur et les conditions applicables à tout achat effectué par le biais du site marchand de X., que l'acheteur soit professionnel ou consommateur.
L'acquisition d'un bien ou d'un service à travers le présent site implique une acceptation sans réserve par l'acheteur des présentes conditions de vente.
Ces conditions de vente prévaudront sur toutes autres conditions générales ou particulières non expressément agréées par X.
X. se réserve de pouvoir modifier ses conditions de vente à tout moment. Dans ce cas, les conditions applicables seront celles en vigueur à la date de la commande par l'acheteur.
Caractéristiques des biens et services proposés
Les produits et services offerts sont ceux qui figurent dans le catalogue publié dans le site de X.
Ces produits et services sont offerts dans la limite des stocks disponibles.
Chaque produit est accompagné d'un descriptif établi par le fournisseur; pour certains d'entre eux, portant la mention DF, l'acheteur peut avoir accès à la documentation du fournisseur.
Les photographies du catalogue sont les plus fidèles possibles mais ne peuvent assurer une similitude parfaite avec le produit offert, notamment en ce qui concerne les couleurs.
Les prix figurant dans le catalogue sont des prix TTC en euro tenant compte de la TVA applicable au jour de la commande; tout changement du taux pourra être répercuté sur le prix des produits ou des services.
X. se réserve de modifier ses prix à tout moment, étant toutefois entendu que le prix figurant au catalogue le jour de la commande sera le seul applicable à l'acheteur.
Les prix indiqués comprennent ''ou ne comprennent pas'' les frais de traitement de commandes, de transport et de livraison pour autant qu'elles aient lieu dans les zones géographiques prévues ci-après.
Translation - English The purpose of the present Terms and Conditions of Sale is to define the contractual relations between X. and the purchaser and the conditions applicable to every sales transaction executed through X's commercial website, regardless of whether the purchaser is a consumer or a non-consumer.
The purchase of goods or services through the present site implies an unreserved acceptance by the purchaser of the present Terms and Conditions of Sale.
These Terms and Conditions of Sale shall take precedence over any other general or special terms and conditions not expressly agreed to by X.
X. reserves the right to amend its Terms and Conditions of Sale at any time. In that case, the conditions applying will be those in force as at the date on which the purchaser places the order.
Specifications of the goods and services offered
The goods and services offered are those which are detailed in the catalogue published on X's site.
These goods and services are offered subject to availability.
Each product is accompanied by a specification provided by the supplier, with some of the products bearing the DF endorsement, in the case of which the purchaser may inspect the supplier's documentation.
The photographs reproduced in the catalogue are as true to the appearance of the products as possible, but there is no guarantee that they perfectly match the product offered, especially in regard to the colouring.
The prices shown in the catalogue are inclusive of taxes in euros, taking into account the VAT rate applicable on the date on which the order is placed. Any change in the tax rate may be passed on to the purchaser by adjusting the price of the goods or services.
X. reserves the right to change the pricing at any time, it being understood, however, that the price listed in the catalogue as at the date of the order being placed will be the only price authoritative for the purchaser.
The prices indicated may or may not include the order handling charges or the cost of transportation and delivery, in so far as the orders originate from within the geographic regions set out below.
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Specialist Translator in the field of Intellectual Property
Extensive experience of translating trademark and patent litigation. I have also translated many patents, covering most IPC classes. A lot of them have been Physics patents, and I have translated quite a few patents in the field of Chemistry, as well.
Sebastian and I work together on many projects falling into the broad fields of Legal, Business, Finance and Accounting, in particular Employment Law, Data Privacy and Real Estate. We have, over the course of our business together (over 11 years now), applied our expertise and the four-eye principle, in the above fields and other related fields as required, in both directions between English and German, sometimes also taking on projects involving one or the other of those and French or Spanish. We handle these four languages between us quite well, and Sebastian can also translate Portuguese into German, as well as certify translations between German, English and Spanish.
We keep our own termbases for the subjects in which we translate, often breaking them down into more specialised termbases covering sub-fields of our main fields. We take time and care to always try to find exactly the right word or term, as the occasion arises, and – if even more specialised knowledge of a sub-field is required, we may also offer you the service (for an additional fee) of having our final copy read by a specialist proofreader, whom we will then select with great care. This would enable you to obtain from us publication-ready copy.
Due to my highly developed secretarial skills, all translations are presented neatly formatted, using the facilities that Word provides. If you have requirements for special file types, however, we will do our best to accommodate these, and can, for instance, handle .idml files.
We both have a well-rounded linguistic background which we brought to our profession, as well as experience - much of which has been gained through translating - relating to a wide range of different topics.
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