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Interpreting, Translation, Language instruction, Editing/proofreading, Native speaker conversation, Voiceover (dubbing)
Spanish to English: La unión se hace la fuerza General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - Spanish De la noche a la mañana, la vida cambió. Una amenaza invisible al ojo humano se cernía sobre
todos nosotros; el mundo estaba paralizado, y la población, encerrada a cal y canto. En boca de
todos, ese enemigo que sigilosamente había sacudido nuestras sociedades desde los cimientos:
la COVID-19.
Me lo hubiera tomado como el argumento de una película de terror de no haber visto al
presidente comparecer ante los medios para decretar el estado de alarma. «¡Será de coña!»,
pensé. Entonces, como un jarro de agua fría, cayó la noticia del confinamiento generalizado, en
España, en el resto de la Unión Europea, en prácticamente cada rincón del mundo. «Vale, está
pasando de verdad».
Pasaron dos, tres días confusos. Perdido en mis pensamientos, furioso, triste, estaba que me
subía por las paredes; así que decidí desempolvar mi guitarra y sentarme en el balcón a tocar
unas canciones.
Tímidamente brotaron los primeros acordes. Poco a poco mis dedos volvieron a la vida, y las
cuerdas vibraban al ritmo de Girasoles, de Rozalén, mientras, desde un balcón vecino, alguien
cantaba «…así que le canto a los coherentes, a los humildes que buscan la paz, a los seres
sensibles que cuidan de otros seres y saben amar…». Luego, otra voz, y otra, una caja de
percusión, y los balcones de la plaza se convirtieron en improvisados escenarios de un concierto
vecinal. «¡Otra, otra!», «¡Que no decaiga!».
¡Clin! Un wasap de mi amiga Selena, a la que había conocido un par de años antes en Italia,
durante mi Erasmus. Me mandaba un vídeo: también en su barrio luchaban con música. Espera,
¿no estaba también Klaus, el alemán, que tocaba el saxofón? ¿Y Lis, que tocaba el violín?
Al día siguiente, repetimos la experiencia, esta vez al unísono, por videoconferencia, desde
distintos puntos de Europa. Conecté unos altavoces, ellos hicieron lo propio, cada vez se
sumaban más vecinos, gente de mi barrio a la que ni siquiera conocía, vecinos de Selena, de
Klaus, de Lis. Unos cantaban, algunos tocaban un instrumento, otros acompañaban con palmas
y bailaban; en esos momentos, todos sabíamos que remábamos en un mismo barco con un
mismo rumbo: el de recuperar un día nuestra normalidad. Así que unimos nuestra
desesperanza, nuestra ilusión, nuestro temor, nuestra fuerza, hasta acabar fundiéndonos en un
apoteósico aplauso final, silbidos, risas, que nos devolvieron la sensación de ser parte de una
sociedad que lucharía por salir adelante, unidos, a pesar de las adversidades.
Translation - English Life changed overnight. An invisible threat to the human eye hovered over all of us; the world was paralyzed, and the population closed tight. Everyone was talking, that enemy that was sneaking up had shaken our societies from its very foundations: COVID-19.
It would have taken me as the subject of a horror movie if I hadn't seen the president appear before the media in order to decree a state of emergency. , I thought. Then, like a bucket of cold water came the news about general confinement, in Spain, in the rest of the European Union, in practically every corner of the world. .
Two, three confusing days went by. Lost in my thoughts, furious, sad, I was about to climb the walls, so I decided to dust off my guitar and sit on the balcony to play some songs.
Shyly, the first chords broke loose. Little by little my fingers came to life, and the strings vibrated to the rhythm of Girasoles, by Rozalén, while, from a neighboring balcony, someone was singing . Later, another voice, and another, a percussion box, and the plaza balconies became improvised sets of a concert nearby! , .
Ding! A WhatsApp message from my friend, Selena, who I had met a couple of years before in Italy during my Erasmus internship. She was sending me a video: there in her neighborhood they were also fighting with music. Wait, wasn´t Klaus, the German fellow who played the saxophone there too? And Lis, who played the violin? Of course!
The following day we repeated the experience, this time in unison by way of videoconference, from distinct points of Europe. I connected some speakers, they connected their own, each time more neighbors were added, people from my neighborhood whom I had never even met, Selena´s neighbors, Klaus´neighbors, Lis´neighbors. Some were singing, some were playing an instrument, others accompanied us with clapping and were dancing; in those moments, we all knew that we were rowing the same boat with the same destiny: to regain our normality for one day. So we united our hopelessness, our illusion, our fear, our strength, until we ended up coming together in one final apotheosical applause, whistles, laughter, which gave us back the sensation of being a part of a society that would fight to carry on, united, in spite of adversities.
Spanish to English: spanish to english translator General field: Other Detailed field: Nutrition
Source text - Spanish El consumo de al menos, 5 raciones de frutas y verduras al día, contribuye a llevar una alimentación equilibrada y juega un papel importante en cualquier etapa de la vida.
¿Por qué comer siempre frutas y verduras?
Son alimentos fundamentales para el correcto desarrollo infantil, por su riqueza en vitaminas, sales minerales, fibra y carbohidratos.
Sirven para prevenir enfermedades que parecen en la edad adulta, como el cáncer y los problemas cardiovasculares
Translation - English The consumption of at least, five daily portions of fruit and vegetables, contributes to a balanced diet and plays an important role at any stage in life.
Why should one always eat fruit and vegetables?
They are essential foods for proper child development, for their richness in vitamins, mineral salts, fiber and carbohydrates.
They help to prevent sicknesses that appear in adulthood, such as cancer and cardiovascular problems.
Spanish to English (NATIONAL BOARD OF CERTIFICATION FOR MEDICAL INTERP, verified) English to Spanish ( English to Spanish (HIPAA Compliance for Remote Interpreters) English to Spanish (National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters)
Adobe Illustrator, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Office 2013, Microsoft Word , Power Point 2013, Wordfast , Wordbee, Wordfast
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Interpreter--English to Spanish, Spanish to English, with 17 years of professional experience. English is my first language. Almost all of those years have been in the medical field. Consecutive and simultaneous, and now KUDO-certified. In addition, I am a sign language interpreter, (Ecuadorian Sign Language), and I have a working knowledge of ASL. I am currently learning Panamanian Sign Language.
Translator--English to Spanish, Spanish to English, with 20 years of experience. Various--medical, technical, legal, and computer-related. I am thorough in my work and reliable.
English tutor--Both online and in person. Basic, intermediate, and advanced levels. I have taught in group settings and one-on-one. TESOL-certified.
Keywords: Translation, medical, technical. Interpreter--simultaneous or consecutive. Telephone or video. Transcription, captioning.