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Spanish to English: Payment Claim General field: Law/Patents
Source text - Spanish Segundo. Admitida a trámite la demanda por Auto de fecha 21 de Mayo de 2.008, se dio traslado de la misma a los demandados, que presentaron escrito de contestación a la demanda a través de la Procuradora Sra. __________________ en el que, en síntesis, alegaba: falta de legitimación pasiva de D. ______________________ al no haber contratado el mismo con a actora y oposición a las cantidades reclamadas por existir trabajos doblemente facturados, otros que no han sido realizados y otros que se han ejecutado deficientemente; aducía los fundamentos de derecho que estimaba de aplicación e interesaba el dictamen de Sentencia estimando la excepción de fondo planteada, desestimando la demanda y absolviendo a los demandados; subsidiariamente se proceda a determinar judicialmente la liquidación definitiva en función de los trabajos realizados según los presupuestos y facturas adjuntos, y conforme a los precios usuales en la fecha de ejecución, reduciendo en todo caso de dicha liquidación las cantidades consistentes en el coste de ejecución de todos los trabajos (material y mano de obra) y elementos constructivos contemplados en los presupuestos y no realizados pos la actora; en caso de producirse, deduciendo el coste añadido que pueda originarse con motivo de construir a posteriori los elementos antes referidos (elementos que resulten afectados, dañados, trabajos adicionales necesarios), deduciendo el coste de reparación y/o sustitución de los elementos construidos defectuosamente, con expresa imposición de costas a la parte actora.
Primero. Analizando en primer lugar la falta de legitimación pasiva aducida por la parte demandada respecto a D. __________, poner de manifiesto que la misma debe decaer por el hecho de que si bien es cierto que no existe un contrato documentado para la ejecución de las obras objeto de autos, sí lo es que la vivienda en la que se han realizado las obras es ganancial y que se han incorporado a las actuaciones facturas y presupuestos expedidos por la demandante indistintamente a la Sra. y al Sr. ______, de lo que debe deducirse que ambos están vinculados por las relación obligacional verbal suscrita con la demandante.
Segundo. En cuanto al fondo del asunto, y analizando en primer lugar los conceptos reclamados en el marco de la factura 800045, señalar, en primer lugar, que el propio D. __________, representante legal de ________, reconoce en su declaración a presencia judicial que las duchas de obra están doblemente facturadas, por lo que debe descontarse el importe de su realización. En ausencia de valoración pericial acompañada por alguna de las parte al procedimiento para la valoración de este importe y no existiendo dato objetivo alguno que permita su identificación, se fija por estimación el importe a deducir en 1.000 euros por cada ducha de obra, en total 2.000 euros que habrán de deducirse del importe de dicha factura. Respeto a la alegación de los demandados de haber abonado por su cuenta los wcs, no se acredita documentalmente tal adquisición al no acompañarse por la demandada factura alguna en tal concepto, debiendo añadirse que la propia Sra. _____ en su declaración a presencia judicial afirma que ellos no adquirieron los wcs para la obra.
Translation - English Second. The suit which was admitted for judicial decree on the 21st of May, 2008, was forwarded on the same date to the defendants, who presented a written response to the suit through the Attorney, Mrs. ___________, in which, in summary, it is claimed: lack of legal standing to sue against ______________ for not having contracted the same work to the plaintiff as has been claimed, and opposition to the amounts claimed for work, on the grounds that there are jobs that have been double billed, some that have not been carried-out and others that have been done inadequately; they put forward the legal bases considered applicable and requested issue of a judgment upholding the substantive defence raised and dismissing the claim and exonerating the defendants; furthermore, the case proceeds to adjudicate the final settlement in agreement with the work that was carried-out— according to the quotes and invoices attached, and in agreement with the standard prices at the date of execution, in any case reducing from said settlement the amounts consisting of the cost of execution of all work (material and labor) and structural components considered in the budgets and not performed by the plaintiff, in the case of deducting the additional cost to be incurred as a result of constructing, a posterior, aforementioned components (components that are affected, damaged, additional work required), less the cost of repair and/or the replacement of defectively constructed components, with the express imposition of fees being directed to the plaintiff.
First. Analysing, firstly, the lack of legal standing regarding the defendant, ___________, to show that the same must fail by the fact that while it is true that there is no documented contract for the execution of the works which are the subject of the proceedings, it is also true that the property in which the jobs have been carried-out is a shared property, and that invoices and quotes issued by the plaintiff to both Mr and Mrs ______ have been included in the proceedings, from which it should be understood that both Mr and Mrs ________ are bound by the compulsory verbal relationship made with the plaintiff.
Second. With regard to the merits of the case, and analyzing in first place the items claimed in the framework of the invoice 800045, to mark, firstly, that __________, legal representative of _______., recognizes in his declaration under the court’s supervision that the shower stalls have been double billed, therefore, the cost of the execution of this work must be deducted. In the absence of an expert opinion accompanied by any of the parties to the proceedings for the valuation of this purchase price, and with there not being any objective information that would afford its identification, the estimated cost that is to be deducted for each shower stall is €1000, in total €2000 must be deducted from the cost of said invoice. With respect to the defendant’s allegation of having paid for the WCs themselves, such an acquisition is not confirmed by written record due to there being no invoice from the defendant to back-up up this claim, adding that Mrs _____ herself in her declaration under the supervision of the court affirms that they did acquire the WCs for the work.
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Ulster - Distinction
Years of experience: 17. Registered at Mar 2013.
Spanish to English (Queen's University Belfast & University of Ulster, verified) Portuguese to English (Queen's University Belfast & University of Ulster, verified)
CPD: Lexacom Course July 2015: The English Legal System, Contract Law & Civil Liability, Company Law Terminology, Powers of Attorney, Wills and Probate, Conveyancing, Employment Law, Land Law, Equity, Trusts.
Keywords: Portuguese, Spanish, translation, Legal, medical, pharmaceutical, UK English, British English, Technical, Certified. See more.Portuguese, Spanish, translation, Legal, medical, pharmaceutical, UK English, British English, Technical, Certified, proof reader, marketing, SEO, localization, Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, reliable translator, quick, fast, best, art, history, Christian, Religious, advertising, business, document, text, website, freelancer, contract & civil liability, land law, equity, trusts, conveyancing, Employment law, Company Law, Powers of Attorney, Wills and Probate, Traductor, español a inglés, hablante nativo inglés, reino unido, inglaterra, escocia, londres, dublin, irlanda, irlanda del norte, traducción, traducción jurídica, médical, comercialización, independiente, textos religiosos, documento, texto, sitio web. See less.