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French to English - Standard rate: 0.07 GBP per word / 25 GBP per hour Spanish to English - Standard rate: 0.07 GBP per word / 25 GBP per hour Portuguese to English - Standard rate: 0.07 GBP per word / 25 GBP per hour English - Standard rate: 0.07 GBP per word / 25 GBP per hour
French to English: valeurs mobilières - stocks and shares General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - French Wall Street s’effondre à l’issue d’une journée de baisse continue. Le Dow Jones perd 4,24% à la clôture, lundi 2 mars, à 6 763,20 points, son plus bas niveau depuis douze ans, tandis que le Nasdaq cède 3,99% à 1 322,85 points. Moins 4,48% pour Paris, -5,33% pour Londres, -3,48 % pour Francfort. L’ensemble des grandes Bourses européennes a clôturé en forte baisse lundi. Cette chute générale a pour origine le déluge de mauvais indicateurs et des craintes pour la santé des groupes financiers qui se sont accumulés dans la journée.
Aux Etats-Unis, l’assureur américain AIG a annoncé une perte nette record de 61,7 milliards de dollars au quatrième trimestre, frôlant les 100 milliards de dollars de pertes pour 2008. Pour parer au pire, le Trésor américain a dévoilé de nouvelles mesures de soutien dont une rallonge de 30 milliards de dollars et une prise de participation dans deux filiales du groupe. L’organisme de refinancement hypothécaire américain Freddie Mac a de son côté confirmé que qu’il comptait réclamer une rallonge de 30 à 35 milliards de dollars au Trésor. Sur le New York Mercantile Exchange (Nymex), le baril de pétrole “light sweet crude” a fini à 40,15 dollars, en recul de plus de 10% par rapport á son cours de clôture de vendredi.
Au Royaume-Uni, HSBC, réputée pourtant pour sa solidité financière, a dû annoncer une augmentation de capital de 12,5 milliards de livres (14,1 milliards d’euros) après une chute de 70% de son bénéfice net. Elle va de plus supprimer six mille cent emplois aux Etats-Unis. Cette augmentation de capital est la plus grosse jamais réalisée en Grande-Bretagne.
Translation - English Wall Street has slumped after a day of continuous decline. The Dow Jones was down by 4.24% at the close of the day’s trading on Monday 2nd March, on 6,763.20 points, the lowest it has been for twelve years, while the Nasdaq fell by 3.99% to 1,322.85 points. Paris was down by 4.48%, London by 5.33% and Frankfurt by 3.48%. All of the major European stock exchanges had dropped sharply by the close of the day on Monday. This general slump was caused by a surge in negative indicators, in addition to fears which accumulated as the day progressed regarding the state of some financial groups.
In the United States, insurance corporation American International Group (AIG) announced a record net loss of $61.7 billion for the fourth quarter, a figure approaching the $100 billion loss of 2008. To prepare for the worst, the American Treasury has unveiled new support measures, including a supplementary $30 billion and equity participation in two subsidiaries of the group. US mortgage-lending organisation Freddie Mac confirmed that it was intending to claim an additional $30 to $35 billion from the Treasury. On the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), light sweet crude oil finished at $40.15 per barrel, a decline of 10% compared to its closing rate on Friday.
In the United Kingdom, HSBC, which is known for its financial stability, was forced to announce an increase in capital of £12.5 billion after a drop of 70% in its net profit. It will also be axing six thousand one hundred jobs in the United States. This increase in capital is the greatest ever seen in Great Britain.
Portuguese to English: O Chalet da Condessa d’Edla (The Chalet of the Countess of Edla) General field: Other Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Portuguese A HISTÓRIA
O Chalet da Condessa d’Edla foi construído pelo Rei D. Fernando II e sua segunda mulher, Elise Hensler, Condessa d’Edla, entre 1864-1869, na zona ocidental do Parque da Pena, segundo o modelo dos Chalets Alpinos então em voga na Europa.
Localizado no extremo oposto do Parque, face ao Palácio da Pena, o Chalet mantinha com este, e mesmo com o mar, uma importante relação visual, acentuada pela proximidade de um dramático conjunto de blocos de granito, as Pedras do Chalet, como mostram fotografias da época, hoje obliterada pelo crescimento vegetal. Foi concebido como uma construção de recreio, de caráter privado, onde o casal se dedicou ao arranjo paisagístico da zona envolvente, criando um novo jardim (Jardim da Condessa).
Após a morte de D. Fernando em 1885, o Parque da Pena e todas as suas construções, incluindo o Palácio e o Chalet, foram deixados em herança à Condessa. Sob forte pressão pública, este testamento foi contestado pelo filho de D. Fernando, o Rei D. Luís, acabando o Estado por acordar com a Condessa, em 1889, a aquisição destes bens, ficando esta como usufrutuária do Chalet e do Jardim envolvente. Em 1904, a Condessa renunciou a este usufruto. Após a queda da Monarquia em 1910, o Palácio transita para a tutela do Ministério da Fazenda (Finanças) e o Parque e Chalet para a das Matas Nacionais (Ministério da Agricultura). Esta gestão separada de um conjunto - Parque e Palácio - concebido com uma unidade notável manter-se-á quase um século, voltando apenas a ser reunida em 2007. Se o Palácio foi sempre visitado, o Chalet albergou unicamente usos pontuais: sabe-se que o Presidente da República Manuel Teixeira Gomes o utilizou em férias de verão; que foi cedido para colónias de férias; e que albergou alunos de Engenharia Florestal em trabalhos de campo no Parque.
Translation - English HISTORY
The Chalet of the Countess of Edla (o Chalet da Condessa d’Edla) was built between 1864 and 1869 by King Ferdinand II and his second wife, Elise Hensler, the Countess of Edla, in the Western area of the Pena Park (Parque da Pena), in the style of the Alpine Chalets which were in vogue in Europe at the time.
Situated on the far side of the Park, opposite the Pena National Palace, the Chalet held an important visual relationship with the Palace and even with the sea, which was accentuated by the proximity of a dramatic set of granite blocks, the Chalet Stones (as Pedras do Chalet). These can be seen in photos from the time, although they have now been destroyed by plant growth. The building was designed for leisure and for privacy, and it was a place where the couple dedicated themselves to landscaping the surrounding area, creating a new garden, the Garden of the Countess (o Jardim da Condessa).
After his death in 1885, Ferdinand left the Pena Park and all the buildings within it, including the Palace and the Chalet, to the Countess. Under considerable public pressure, the will was contested by his son, King Louis, resulting in 1889 in the State agreeing with the Countess to purchase these estates from her, making her the usufructuary of the Chalet and the surrounding Garden. The Countess renounced this usufruct in 1904. After the fall of the Monarchy in 1910, the Palace came under the authority of the Ministry of Treasury (Finance) and the Park and Chalet fell to the National Forests (Ministry of Agriculture). The Park and Palace – designed to be one outstanding unit – were managed separately for almost a century; their management was only re-merged in 2007.
Compared to the Palace, which always received visitors, the Chalet only received isolated visits: we know that the Portuguese President of the Republic, Manuel Teixeira Gomes, stayed there during his summer holidays, it was opened up for holiday camps, and it lodged Forest Engineering students carrying out fieldwork in the Park.
Portuguese to English: Sumário executivo (executive summary) General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Portuguese Sumário executivo
O presente documento tem por objectivo constituir o plano operacional de implementação da avaliação geral dos prédios urbanos que ainda não estão avaliados nos termos do Código do IMI, concluindo-se assim a plena implementação da Reforma da Tributação do Património.
O Plano dá execução ao estabelecido no n.º 4 do artigo 15.º do Decreto-Lei n.º 287/2003, de 12 de Novembro que estabelece que nos 10 anos seguintes, ou seja, até 2013, seria determinada a avaliação geral. Do mesmo modo no ponto 6.3. do Memorando de Entendimento sobre os Condicionalidades de Politica Económica (MoU), de 17 de Maio de 2011 se estabelece o compromisso da conclusão da avaliação.
O Plano envolve a avaliação de cerca de 5,2 milhões de prédios urbanos, deve ser iniciado no quarto trimestre de 2011 e estar concluído no final de 2012.
A avaliação será efectuada com aproveitamento integral dos actuais recursos, humanos e tecnológicos afectos ao sistema de avaliações, dentro do actual quadro legislativo, com as necessárias adaptações. Esses princípios assentam no pressuposto de que o sistema de avaliações foi instituído pela Reforma de 2003 e do que se trata agora é de dar plena aplicação ao estabelecido nessa Reforma. Do mesmo modo o actual sistema de administração e de avaliação foi instituído na sequência da Reforma e está em condições de maturidade suficientes para lhe dar execução com elevados ganhos de eficiência.
O sistema informático foi dotado das funcionalidades suficientes para melhorar a sua performance e tornar substancialmente mais rápido ainda o sistema de avaliações, simplificando também as obrigações dos contribuintes. Nessa linha foi o sistema preparado para dispensar os contribuintes da obrigação da entrega da declaração modelo 1 do IMI. […]
Translation - English Executive Summary
The purpose of the present document is to establish an operational plan for the implementation of the general evaluation of the urban properties which have not yet been evaluated under the terms of the IMI (Imposto Municipal sobre Imóveis - Municipal Tax on Property) Code, thereby concluding the full implementation of the Property Tax Reform.
The plan implements the content of Article 15.4 of Decree-Law no. 287/2003, of 12th November, which lays down that the general evaluation should be carried out in the next 10 years, or, that is, before 2013. Likewise, point 6.3 of the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) on Political Economical Conditionalities, of 17th May 2011, establishes the agreement of the completion of the evaluation.
The plan comprises the evaluation of around 5.2 million urban properties. It should be started in the fourth trimester of 2011 and be concluded by the end of 2012.
The evaluation will be carried out with the full use of current human and technical resources associated with the evaluation systems, within the current legislative framework, adapted where necessary. The above principles are based on the assumption that the evaluations system was begun by the Reform of 2003 and that the issue at present is that the content of the said Reform should be fully applied. Likewise, the current evaluation and administration system was begun after the Reform and it is sufficiently mature for it to be executed with high efficiency gains.
The IT system was equipped with enough functionalities to improve its performance and to make the evaluations system substantially faster, and to simplify the obligations of taxpayers as well. Following this line of reasoning, the system was prepared in such a way that taxpayers will no longer be obliged to submit IMI Declaration Form 1. [...]
French to English: Extract from Claude Ragon, Du Bois pour les cercueils. General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - French Quentin se réveilla de bonne heure, inquiet de la santé du commissaire. Comment ferait-il s'il devait continuer tout seul? Il alla frapper à la porte de son supérieur. Sans résultat! Il entra doucement dans la chambre et fut surpris d'entendre Gradenne l'interpeller.
— Entrez, Bruchet. Ça fait un bout de temps que je ne dors plus. Je vous ai entendu vous lever.
— Comment allez-vous ce matin?
— Pas bien! Et c'est peu dire! J'ai mal dormi et j'ai un mal de crâne carabiné. Mais il ne faut pas se laisser aller.
Il rejeta les couvertures d'un geste vif et s'assit sur le lit. Bruchet le vit alors vaciller et le rattrapa de justesse avant qu'il ne tombe.
— Oh! patron, ça ne va pas? Vous êtes brûlant.
Réinstallé dans son lit, le commissaire murmura:
— Ce n'est pas la forme olympique. Je crains le pire …
— Que voulez-vous dire?
— Le médecin pardi! J'ai horreur de ces gens-là. Mais aujourd'hui…
— Il y en a un dans ce bled, je me suis renseigné. Voulez-vous que je le fasse venir?
— Hélas! oui. L'aubergiste s'en chargera. Quant à vous, faites pour le mieux. J'ai eu le temps de réfléchir. Je pense que l'hypothèse de l'adjudant tient la route: cela ne peut être qu'un accident. Ne cherchons pas midi à quatorze heures. Après avoir vérifié deux ou trois trucs pour satisfaire le procureur, nous rentrerons à la maison. Je vous fais confiance. Allez, allez…
Bruchet n'insista pas et alla prendre son petit déjeuner sans avoir eu le temps de raconter à son chef qu'il était allé la veille au soir observer les abords de l'usine pendant presque deux heures. Comme il ne connaissait personne de l'équipe de nuit, il n'avait pas osé entrer se rendre compte par lui-même de l'ambiance du travail nocturne. Il avait garé la voiture du commissaire en face de l'entrée. Dans l'obscurité, personne ne pouvait le voir. La neige dans les champs autour de l'usine était gelée, si bien qu'il avait pu marcher sans s'enfoncer autour des bâtiments, lentement, sans rien remarquer de particulier. L'usine tournait normalement car il voyait des lumières à l'intérieur et surtout il entendait les bruits multiples de la fabrication: le grondement sourd continu, les aigus des scies et à intervalles réguliers, le mugissement des broyeuses. Au bout d'un moment, saisi par le froid, il était rentré se coucher. Par précaution, il avait emprunté la clé à l'aubergiste si bien qu'il avait pu rejoindre sa chambre sans attirer l'attention.
Ce matin, il était au pied du mur, seul. Quels pouvaient bien être ces « deux ou trois trucs » de nature à satisfaire le procureur? Il n'avait pas osé demander plus de précisions à Gradenne de peur de paraître incompétent.
Translation - English Quentin woke up early, worried about how the superintendent was feeling. How would he cope if he had to go on alone? He went to knock on his superior’s door, but to no avail. He slowly entered the bedroom and was surprised to hear Gradenne call him in.
“Come in, Bruchet. I’ve been awake for a while. I heard you get up.”
“How are you this morning?”
“Not well, to say the least! I slept badly and I have a splitting headache, but I shall not give in to it.”
He brusquely threw back the covers and sat up on the bed. Bruchet saw him wobble and caught him just before he fell.
“Oh, boss, aren’t you well? You’re burning up.”
Back in his bed, the superintendent muttered:
“I’m not exactly the picture of health. I fear the worst...”
“What do you mean?”
“I shall have to see a doctor, of course! I can’t stand people like them. But today...”
“There is one in this god forsaken place, I’ve done some research. Would you like me to get him to come over?”
“Unfortunately, I would. The innkeeper will take care of it. As for you, you should do what’s best. I’ve been thinking. I think the warrant officer’s theory adds up: it can only have been an accident; let’s not overcomplicate the matter. After we’ve checked a few things to keep the prosecutor happy, we’ll go back to the house. I trust you. Go on, go on...”
Bruchet did not argue and went to have his breakfast without having had time to tell his boss that the previous evening he had spent nearly two hours looking around the neighbourhoods near the factory. As he did not know anyone on the night shift, he hadn’t dared to go in there to see for himself what the atmosphere was like overnight. He had parked the superintendent’s car opposite the entrance. Nobody could see him in the dark. The snow in the fields surrounding the factory was frozen, so he could walk slowly around the buildings without sinking in, and without noticing anything in particular. The factory was running normally; he could see lights on inside and he could hear plenty of manufacturing noises: the constant muffled rumbling, the screeches of the saws and the regular roar of the crushers. After a while, gripped by the cold, he went back to the inn to sleep. He had borrowed the innkeeper’s key as a precaution so that he was able to get back to his bedroom without attracting any attention.
This morning, he was backed into a corner, alone. What could these “few things” which might keep the prosecutor happy actually be? He hadn’t dared to ask Gradenne for more details for fear of seeming incompetent.
I am an MA-qualified linguist with just over one year's part-time experience, now available full-time between the hours of 8.30am and 6pm GMT, Monday to Friday. I am also available at weekends when required.
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- I love cooking and would also relish the opportunity to translate any texts in this field. I also have an MA (with merit) in Audiovisual Translation, so I have plenty of experience with transcription and subtitling and, of course, I find these translation fields very interesting. I also enjoy more creative texts, such as press releases and tourism texts.
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