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Sample translations submitted: 10
English to Portuguese: Manual Operation General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - English The manual mode serves to regulate the heat generator manually to a specific flow temperature. The manual mode should
only be used for diagnostic purposes.
With hydraulically controlled priority operation for the hot water
generation you must make sure that the flow temperature set in
manual mode is adequate to achieve the stored hot water set
temperature (parameter [T-DHW Setpoint 1]).
During active manual mode the hot water is consistently regulated to the first set value parameter of hot water generation
([T-DHW Setpoint 1]).
When the manual mode is ended, the Control RoCon BF automatically switched to the operating mode "Standby".
Translation - Portuguese A operação manual serve para regular o Gerador de calor manualmente para uma determinada temperatura deentrada. A operação manual deve ser utilizada exclusivamente para fins de
No modo prioritário hidráulico para a preparação de água quente
é necessário ter em conta que o valor de temperatura de entrada
ajustada no modo de operação manual é suficiente para atingir a
temperatura nominal da água quente definida (parâmetro
[T-AQS calc 1]).
Durante o modo de operação manual activo, a água quente é regulada permanentemente para o primeiro parâmetro de valor nominal da preparação de água quente ([T-AQS calc 1]).
Se o modo de operação manual for terminado, a Regulação
RoCon BF muda automaticamente para o modo de funcionamento "Stand-By".
English to Greek: Manual Operation General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - English The manual mode serves to regulate the heat generator manually to a specific flow temperature. The manual mode should
only be used for diagnostic purposes.
With hydraulically controlled priority operation for the hot water
generation you must make sure that the flow temperature set in
manual mode is adequate to achieve the stored hot water set
temperature (parameter [T-DHW Setpoint 1]).
During active manual mode the hot water is consistently regulated to the first set value parameter of hot water generation
([T-DHW Setpoint 1]).
When the manual mode is ended, the Control RoCon BF automatically switched to the operating mode "Standby".
Translation - Greek Η χειροκίνητη λειτουργία εξυπηρετεί τη χειροκίνητη ρύθμιση του
Θερμαντήρας σε μια συγκεκριμένη θερμοκρασία προσαγωγής.
Η χειροκίνητη λειτουργία θα πρέπει να χρησιμοποιείται αποκλει-στικά για διαγνωστικούς σκοπούς.
Σε περίπτωση υδραυλικά υποχρεωτικής λειτουργίας προτεραιό-τητας για τη θέρμανση νερού, πρέπει να λαμβάνεται υπόψη ότι η
ρυθμισμένη στη χειροκίνητη λειτουργία τιμή θερμοκρασίας προ-σαγωγής πρέπει να είναι επαρκής για την επίτευξη της αποθη-κευμένης ονομαστικής θερμοκρασίας ζεστού νερού(παράμετρος
[T-DHW Setpoint 1]).
Κατά την ενεργή χειροκίνητη λειτουργία, το ζεστό νερό ρυθμίζεται
διαρκώς στην πρώτη παράμετρο ονομαστικής τιμής της θέρ-μανσης νερού([T-DHW Setpoint 1]).
Κατά τον τερματισμό της χειροκίνητης λειτουργίας, το Σύστημα
ρύθμισηςRoCon BF τίθεται αυτόματα στον τρόπο λειτουργίας
English to Slovenian: Manual Operation General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - English The manual mode serves to regulate the heat generator manually to a specific flow temperature. The manual mode should
only be used for diagnostic purposes.
With hydraulically controlled priority operation for the hot water
generation you must make sure that the flow temperature set in
manual mode is adequate to achieve the stored hot water set
temperature (parameter [T-DHW Setpoint 1]).
During active manual mode the hot water is consistently regulated to the first set value parameter of hot water generation
([T-DHW Setpoint 1]).
When the manual mode is ended, the Control RoCon BF automatically switched to the operating mode "Standby".
Translation - Slovenian Ročni način omogoča ročno nastavitev Grelnika na določeno
temperaturo dvižnega voda. Ročni način je namenjen izključno
za diagnostične namene.
Pri hidravlično pogojenem prednostnem načinu za pripravo tople
vode je treba paziti, da v ročnem načinu nastavljena temperatura
dvižnega voda zadostuje za doseganje pripadajoče želene temperature tople vode (parameter [T-DHW Setpoint 1]).
Med aktivnim ročnim načinom se stalno izvaja regulacija temperature tople vode na prvi parameter želene temperature za pripravo tople vode ([T-DHW Setpoint 1]).
Ko se ročninačin konča, Regulacija RoCon BF samodejno preklopi na način delovanja "Standby".
Turkish to Spanish: Manual Operation General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - Turkish The manual mode serves to regulate the heat generator manually to a specific flow temperature. The manual mode should
only be used for diagnostic purposes.
With hydraulically controlled priority operation for the hot water
generation you must make sure that the flow temperature set in
manual mode is adequate to achieve the stored hot water set
temperature (parameter [T-DHW Setpoint 1]).
During active manual mode the hot water is consistently regulated to the first set value parameter of hot water generation
([T-DHW Setpoint 1]).
When the manual mode is ended, the Control RoCon BF automatically switched to the operating mode "Standby".
Translation - Spanish El modo de funcionamiento manual sirve para regular el
Generador térmico manualmente a una temperatura de ida determinada. El funcionamiento manual debe utilizarse exclusivamente con fines de diagnóstico.
Con el modo de funcionamiento prioritario hidráulico para la producción de agua caliente hay que asegurarse de que el valor de
temperatura de ida establecido en el modo manual sea suficiente
para alcanzar la temperatura nominal de agua caliente establecida (parámetro [T-Acs calc 1]).
Con el modo de funcionamiento manual activado el agua caliente
se regula constantemente al primer parámetro nominal de producción de agua caliente ([T-Acs calc 1]).
Cuando termina el modo manual, la Regulación RoCon BF
cambia automáticamente almodo de funcionamiento "Standby".
English to Dutch: Manual Operation
Source text - English The manual mode serves to regulate the heat generator manually to a specific flow temperature. The manual mode should
only be used for diagnostic purposes.
With hydraulically controlled priority operation for the hot water
generation you must make sure that the flow temperature set in
manual mode is adequate to achieve the stored hot water set
temperature (parameter [T-DHW Setpoint 1]).
During active manual mode the hot water is consistently regulated to the first set value parameter of hot water generation
([T-DHW Setpoint 1]).
When the manual mode is ended, the Control RoCon BF automatically switched to the operating mode "Standby".
Translation - Dutch De manuele modus dient ertoe om de Ketel manueel op een bepaalde aanvoertemperatuur in te stellen. De manuele modus
moet uitsluitend worden gebruikt voor diagnoses.
Bij hydraulisch geactiveerde voorrangwerking voor de warmwaterbereiding moet men erop letten dat de in manuele modus ingestelde aanvoertemperatuurwaardevoldoende hoog is om de
vastgelegde gewenste warmwatertemperatuur
(parameter [T-WW gew 1]) te bereiken.
Wanneer de manuele modus actief is, wordt het warme water
langdurig op de eerste nagestreefde parameterwaarde van de
warmwaterbereiding ([T-WW gew 1]) ingesteld.
Als de manuele modus wordt beëindigd, schakelt de Regeling
RoCon BF automatisch op de bedrijfsmodus "Standby".
English to Italian: Manual Operation
Source text - English The manual mode serves to regulate the heat generator manually to a specific flow temperature. The manual mode should
only be used for diagnostic purposes.
With hydraulically controlled priority operation for the hot water
generation you must make sure that the flow temperature set in
manual mode is adequate to achieve the stored hot water set
temperature (parameter [T-DHW Setpoint 1]).
During active manual mode the hot water is consistently regulated to the first set value parameter of hot water generation
([T-DHW Setpoint 1]).
When the manual mode is ended, the Control RoCon BF automatically switched to the operating mode "Standby".
Translation - Italian La modalità manuale serve a regolare manualmente il Generatore termico a una determinata temperatura di mandata. La
modalità manuale deve essere utilizzata esclusivamente a fini di
In caso di azionamento prioritario condizionato idraulicamente
per l'approntamento di acqua calda è necessario rendersi conto
che il valore della temperatura di mandata impostato in modalità
manuale è sufficiente a raggiungere la temperatura nominale
dell'acqua calda (parametro [T-ACS nom 1]) impostata.
Durante la modalità manuale attiva, l'acqua calda viene regolata
costantemente ai primi parametri dei valori nominali dell'approntamento di acqua calda ([T-ACS nom 1]).
Se viene terminata la modalità manuale, la Regolazione
RoCon BF passa automaticamente alla modalità di funzionamento "Standby".
German to Russian: Aufbau und Funktion
Source text - German Aufbau und Funktion
Die METROMIX-Weiche besteht aus einem Gehäuse mit zwei Materialeingängen und einem
Materialabgang. Während der Förderzeit des Fördergerätes, verschließen und öffnen die
pneumatisch betätigten Kolben [1] abwechselnd die beiden Materialansaugleitungen, so dass
abwechselnd Material A oder Material B angesaugt wird.
Dadurch entsteht im Fördergerät eine schichtweise Füllung. Die Schichten vermischen sich beim
Auslaufen des Materials aus dem Fördergerät.
Translation - Russian Конструкция и функция
Смесительный переключающий клапанMETROMIX состоит из корпуса с двумя входами и
одним выходом для материала. Во время работы транспортировочного устройства
пневматические поршни[1] попеременно открывают и закрывают оба трубопровда,
всасывающих материал, так что поочередно подается материалA или материалB.
За счет этого внутри транспортировочного устройства происходит послойное наполнение.
Слои перемешиваютс при выпуске материала из транспортировочного устройства.
English to German: Manual Operation General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - English The manual mode serves to regulate the heat generator manually to a specific flow temperature. The manual mode should
only be used for diagnostic purposes.
With hydraulically controlled priority operation for the hot water
generation you must make sure that the flow temperature set in
manual mode is adequate to achieve the stored hot water set
temperature (parameter [T-DHW Setpoint 1]).
During active manual mode the hot water is consistently regulated to the first set value parameter of hot water generation
([T-DHW Setpoint 1]).
When the manual mode is ended, the Control RoCon BF automatically switched to the operating mode "Standby".
Translation - German Der Handbetrieb dient dazu, den Wärmeerzeuger manuell auf
eine bestimmte Vorlauftemperatur zu regeln. Der Handbetrieb
sollte ausschließlich zu Diagnosezwecken verwendet werden.
Bei hydraulisch bedingtem Vorrangbetrieb für die Warmwasserbereitung ist darauf zu achten,dass der im Handbetrieb eingestellte Vorlauftemperaturwert ausreicht, die hinterlegte Warmwassersolltemperatur (Parameter[T-DHW Setpoint 1]) zu erreichen.
Während des aktiven Handbetriebs wird das Warmwasser dauerhaft auf den ersten Sollwert-Parameter der Warmwasserbereitung ([T-DHW Setpoint 1]) geregelt.
Wird der Handbetrieb beendet, so schaltet die Regelung
RoCon BF automatisch in die Betriebsart „Standby“.
English to Czech: Manual Operation
Source text - English The manual mode serves to regulate the heat generator manually to a specific flow temperature. The manual mode should
only be used for diagnostic purposes.
With hydraulically controlled priority operation for the hot water
generation you must make sure that the flow temperature set in
manual mode is adequate to achieve the stored hot water set
temperature (parameter [T-DHW Setpoint 1]).
During active manual mode the hot water is consistently regulated to the first set value parameter of hot water generation
([T-DHW Setpoint 1]).
When the manual mode is ended, the Control RoCon BF automatically switched to the operating mode "Standby".
Translation - Czech Ruční provoz slouží k ruční regulaci zařízení tepelný generátor
na určitou vstupní teplotu. Ruční provoz je třeba používat výhradně k diagnostickým účelům.
S hydraulicky podmíněným přednostním provozem pro přípravu
teplé vody dbejte, aby vstupní teplota nastavená v ručním režimu
provozu byla dostatečná k tomu, aby bylo možné dosáhnout
uložené požadované teploty teplé vody (parametr [T-DHW Setpoint 1]).
Během aktivního ručního režimuprovozu se teplá voda trvale reguluje na první parametr požadované teploty přípravy teplé vody
([T-DHW Setpoint 1]).
Po skončení ručního režimu provozu přepne řídicí jednotka Regulace RoCon BF automaticky na provozní režim "Standby".
English to French: Manual Operation
Source text - English The manual mode serves to regulate the heat generator manually to a specific flow temperature. The manual mode should
only be used for diagnostic purposes.
With hydraulically controlled priority operation for the hot water
generation you must make sure that the flow temperature set in
manual mode is adequate to achieve the stored hot water set
temperature (parameter [T-DHW Setpoint 1]).
During active manual mode the hot water is consistently regulated to the first set value parameter of hot water generation
([T-DHW Setpoint 1]).
When the manual mode is ended, the Control RoCon BF automatically switched to the operating mode "Standby".
Translation - French Le mode manuel sert à régler le générateur de chaleur manuellement à une température de départ définie. Le mode manuel doit
être utilisé exclusivement à des fins de diagnostic.
Lors d'un fonctionnement en priorité à contrainte hydraulique
pour la production d'eau chaude, il est nécessaire de veiller à ce
que la valeur de la température de départ réglée en mode manuel
suffise à atteindre la température de consigne de l'eau chaude
consignée (paramètre [T-ECS cons 1]).
Pendant que le mode manuel est activé, l'eau chaude est réglée
définitivement au premier paramètre de la valeur de consigne de
la production d'eau chaude ([T-ECS cons 1]).
Si le mode manuel est terminé, le Régulation RoCon BF se met
automatiquement sur le régime « Arrêt ».
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ISO 9001, SDL Certified
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