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Spanish to English: Violin Spider General field: Other Detailed field: Zoology
Source text - Spanish Reportero: En las redes sociales, se propaga una emergencia sanitaria de manera virtual. Una plaga de la araña violinista se transmite rápidamente principalmente al sur de la Ciudad de México, se leía en los mensajes. Estos mensajes se hicieron virulentos y más dañinos que el veneno de la araña loxosceles. Esta araña ha causado numerosas muertes en el mundo, pero ¿qué tan real es el ataque de estos arácnidos a la población en México?
Reportero: El Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social atiende en promedio 12 casos por mes. La Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, emitió el 27 de enero del 2016, recomendaciones a la población debido al reporte de casos aislados de picaduras de la araña violinista en la región. El 24 de enero del 2016, el gobierno de la Ciudad de México, descartó una emergencia por la araña violinista. En Estados Unidos, se reportan 2 mil casos al año, todos en Texas, Arizona y Nuevo México. En nuestro país, la araña violinista habita principalmente en Sonora y Chihuahua, pero también se reportan piquetes de este arácnido en Jalisco, Morelos, Guanajuato y en la Ciudad de México.
Reportero: En nuestro país, no existen estadísticas nacionales sobre los piquetes de la araña violinista. Esta es la araña loxosceles o violinista. Mide en promedio 3 centímetros de largo y 1.5 centímetros de ancho; pesa menos de un gramo. Tiene 6 ojos, 8 patas y un colmillo que utiliza para picar. El piquete de esta araña inocula 1.4 microlitros de veneno. Es una cantidad microscópica, pero puede devastar al organismo. Provoca hinchazón y un intenso dolor tipo ardor o quemazón. Aparece una mancha rojiza que pronto se convierte en una úlcera. Después se torna de color morado y se necrosa el tejido afectado. Provoca dificultades respiratorias, mareos, fiebre, náuseas y vómito.
Javier Álvarez: Las acciones preventivas que yo recomendaría sería obviamente la higiene, pero sobre todo, en los lugares donde es muy, muy fácil que estas (estos) eh, insectos se reproduzcan como son los lugares oscuros, los lugares húmedos. Hay que remover, por ejemplo, las estufas, los refrigeradores, los cuadros. Atrás de los cuadros hay, hay este tipo de, de insectos. Hay compuestos químicos, mucho, muy tóxicos que son hasta cancerígenos. Entonces, buscar el compuesto más noble, ¿verdad? para el ser humano y que no genere un problema.
Translation - English Reporter: On social media, a health emergency is being spread out virtually. A plague of violin spider is rapidly transmitted mainly to the south of Mexico City, messages read. These messages became viral and more harmful than the Loxosceles spider´s poison. This spider has caused numerous deaths around the world, but how real is these arachnids´ attack to the Mexican population?
Reporter: The Mexican Institute of Social Security sees an average of 12 cases per month. The Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí, issued on January 27th of 2016, recommendations to the population on the isolated cases report of violin spider bites in the region. On January 24th of 2016, the Mexico City government, disregarded a violin spider emergency. In the United States, two thousand cases are reported every year, all of them in Texas, Arizona and New Mexico. In our country, violin spider primarily lives in Sonora and Chihuahua, but there are also reports of this arachnid in Jalisco, Morelos, Guanajuato and in Mexico City.
Reporter: In our country, there are no national statistics regarding violin spider bites. This is the Loxosceles spider or violin spider. It is 3 centimeters in length and 1.5 centimeters in width on average; it weights less than one gram. It has 6 eyes, 8 legs and one fang to bite. This spider´s bite inoculates 1.4 microliter of venom. It is a microscopic amount, but it can devastate the organism. It causes swelling and severe burning or stinging pain. A red spot appears which soon grows into an ulcer. Afterwards, it turns purple and the affected tissue becomes necrotic. It causes respiratory difficulties, dizziness, fever, nausea and vomiting.
Javier Álvarez: The preventive measures that I would recommend would obviously be hygiene, but most of all, in locations where these insects can reproduce very easily such as dark and humid places. Stoves, fridges and paintings, for example, must be removed. Behind paintings, there are, these types of insects. There are chemical components, pretty much toxic that are even carcinogenic. Then, look for the finest component, right? For humans and that does not cause any issue.
English to Spanish: Service Agreement General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English A) The Legal Representative of SERVICIOS FINANCIEROS INTCOMEX LLC declares that the same is a Limited Liability Company, incorporated and recognized under the Laws of the State of Florida, United States of America, whose ordinary course of business is to provide portfolio, charges and payments management services from its clients to providers. It furthermore provides logistics services to purchase its client´s merchandise and its transportation and freight to the receiving countries, all of this from its offices and warehouse in the city of Miami.
Translation - Spanish A) Manifiesta el representante legal de la entidad SERVICIOS FINANCIEROS INTCOMEX LLC, que la misma es una Compañía de Responsabilidad Limitada, constituida y existente al amparo de las leyes del Estado de Florida, Estados Unidos de América, cuyo giro ordinario es la prestación de servicios de administración de cartera, cobro y pago por cuenta de sus clientes a proveedores. Asimismo presta el servicio de logística en la adquisición de las mercancías de sus clientes y transporte y carga de las mismas a los países de destino, todo ello desde sus oficinas y bodegas en la ciudad de Miami.
Translation education
Other - Ministry of Education of the Republic of Guatemala
Years of experience: 12. Registered at Nov 2013.
English to Spanish (Ministry of Education. Guatemala, C.A.], verified) Spanish to English (Ministry of Education. Guatemala, C.A.], verified) English to Spanish (Asociación Guatemalteca de Intérpretes y Traductores) Spanish to English (Asociación Guatemalteca de Intérpretes y Traductores)
Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, memoQ, Powerpoint, Smartcat, Trados Studio
Thank you for visiting! My name is Paola and I am a qualified Spanish linguist with over ten years of experience in the translation industry. The services I offer are translation, interpretation, transcription, localization, editing and proofreading. I have been working for different translation agencies and individual clients for the last decade which has given me a strong experience in different fields, such as education, law, medicine, environment, business, real estate, finances, religion, commerce, among others.
If you are looking for a detailed-oriented and experienced translator, don't hesitate and get in touch. I will be happy to help.
Education: Student records, professional licenses, diplomas,
curriculums, transcripts, etc.
Medicine: Medical histories, work notes, patient reported
Law: Agreements, patents, birth certificates, death
certificates, marriage certificates, demands of divorce, contracts, affidavits,
legalization of name, legal representation, etc.
Technical: Manuals and brochures.
Business: Service guides, brochures, websites, surveys.
Real Estate: Letters from real estate offices, statements,