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Spanish to English: Excerpt: Foreign Custody Ruling General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Spanish SENTENCIA DE FS. 107 a 109 y VLTA.-
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 15 de noviembre de 2012.-
1.- Que *****, con C.I. Nº ******* SCZ, este en calidad de padre biológico de su hijo menor ***** nacido en fecha 20 de septiembre del 2008, se apersona a este despacho judicial, amparado en lo dispuesto por los Arts. 42 y 43 núm. 1) de la Ley 2026, solicita la tenencia de su hijo, demanda que hace en contra de la madre biológica, *****, aduciendo de la relación de concubinato con la demandada desde el mes de febrero del 2008 hasta el mes de julio del año 2009, procrearon un hijo, aduciendo que han vivido en la casa de sus padres bajo la total dependencia de ellos, manifiesta que estos solventaban todos sus gastos, asimismo manifiesta que la madre de su hijo se mantuvo en una situación inestable con él, y que actuaba de acuerdo a sus conveniencias, además indica que la demandada que por motivos de estudios y superación personal esta se trasladó a vivir en los EEUU, quien en forma voluntaria le dejó a su hijo , niño que estuvo en su poder total durante dos años y su madre no tuvo ningún contacto con él, manifiesta que a través de mensajes de Facebook, este le solicitaba a su madre que tenga contacto con su hijo, previniendo que el niño so se olvide de su madre; indica que en fecha 29 de mayo del presente año, la madre de su hijo llegó a esta ciudad, quien se quedaría de vacaciones hasta el mes de julio, y en fecha 8 de junio esta se lleva a su hijo para que pasara el fin de semana con ella, pero resulta que en fecha 9 de junio, le demandada llama al demandante indicándole que ya se encontraba en los EEUU. Manifestándole que no vería más a su hijo, por lo que el demandante sienta denuncia en la felcc y en las oficinas de Migración por permitir la salida ilegal de su hijo sin ninguna autorización de viaje emanado por una autoridad competente; Por lo que se aduce que él tiene la guarda de hecho, habiendo incumplido con su rol de padre, por lo que solicita se disponga la guarda legal de su hijo en su favor.-
2.- Que admitida que fue la demandada a fs. 53 de obrados, se corre en traslado a la demandada, quien fue citada mediante edictos de prensa.-
3.- Que al haberse sido legalmente notificada la demandada, esta no contestó la demanda dentro del término establecido por ley, y en función a lo previsto por el Art. 124 del párrafo 4) del C.P.C., se nombró como abogado defensor de oficio de la demandada, a la profesional *****, quien a fs. 72 de obrados se apersona y contesta con los fundamentos allí expuestos.-
4.- Con el apersonamiento de la abogada defensora de oficio, en función al Art. 281 de la Ley 2026, se señaló audiencia preparatoria de juicio en cuya acta corre a fs. 76 a 77 de obrados, el demandante ha fundamentado los términos de su demanda y las pruebas correspondientes, y habiendo hechos que probarse como ser quien tiene la idoneidad para tener la tenencia del niño, es que se señaló audiencia de juicio y como medida cautelar prevista en el Art. 278 de la Lay 2026, se ordenó que por el EIJ, se proceda a realizar una investigación psico-social en la presente causa.
CONSIDERANDO I.- Que, de la revisión, compulsa y valoración de los antecedentes que merecen fuerza probatoria se tiene lo siguiente:
1. HECHOS PROBADOS: a) Que, a través de los informes psico-social, realizados por el equipo interdisciplinario de juzgado, la suscrita juzgadora con la sana crítica ha llegado a establecer:
I).- Que, el niño ***** de 4 años de edad, es el único hijo en común de ***** y *****, conclusión que emerge del certificado de nacimiento de fs. 1 de obrados.-
II).- Que, el niño vivió con sus padres biológicos hasta sus dos años de vida, y en fecha 10 de agosto el niño fue entregado por su madre biológica a su padre, ya que esta se ausentaría a vivir a los EEUU, por cuestiones de estudios, siendo visitado el niño en el hogar paterno por sus abuelos maternos, conclusión que emerge del documento adjuntado a fs. 11 de obrados.-
III).- Que, el niño ***** salió del país en forma ilegal, lo dio lugar a que el padre siente denuncia en la FELCC, conclusión emerge del acta de denuncia sentada, que corre a fs. 20 a 22 de obrados, de fs. 26.-
IV).- Que, el niño se encontraba estudian do en el Colegio Isabel Saavedra Añez de esta ciudad, en las gestiones del año 2011 y 2012 hasta el 23 de mayo que dejó de asistir a nidito, conclusión que emerge de la certificación expedida por el colegio que corre a fs. 7 de obrados.-
V).- Que, el rol de padres es ejercido en igualdad de condiciones, conclusión que emerge del Art. 31 de la Ley 2026.-
VI).- Que el padre biológico está en condiciones tanto morales como económicas para seguir cumpliendo el rol que viene ejerciendo sobre su hijo, conclusión que emerge de la investigación social y de la evaluación psicológica realizada por el EIJ.-
VII).- Que, la situación jurídica del niño no se encontraba resuelta, es decir no existe una sentencia judicial que determine cuál de los progenitores tiene la tenencia y el régimen de visitas para el otro progenitor, conclusión que emerge de las pruebas adjuntadas al proceso.-
Translation - English RULING ON PAGES. 107 TO 109 AND VERSO-
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, November 15, 2012.-
1.- That *****, with identification card No. ******** SCZ., being the natural father of the minor child *****, born September 20, 2008, appeared in this court’s offices, on the grounds provided for in Articles 42 and 43 number 1) of Act 2026, seeking the physical custody of his son, filing against the natural mother, *****, claiming a relationship with the respondent as an unmarried couple beginning in February of 2008 until July of 2009. They produced a child, and he claims that they lived with his parents, being wholly dependent on same, stating that they paid all his expenses, and further stating that the mother of his child maintained an unstable lifestyle with him, and that she acted according to her own advantage and interest. He further indicates that the respondent moved to the USA to live for the purposes of study and personal betterment, and that she voluntarily left her son with him in his care for two years. He states the mother had no contact with him, stating that through messages via Facebook, he requested that the child’s mother be in contact with him, in order that the child not forget his mother; he states that on May 29 of this year, the mother of the child came to this city on vacation, and that she would stay until the month of July, and on June 8 she took her son to spend the weekend with her, but on June 9, the respondent called the petitioner stating that she was in the USA, stating that he would never see his son again, for which the petitioner filed a criminal complaint with the Anti-Crime Task Force and at the Immigration Office for allowing the illegal departure of his son without a travel authorization issued by a competent authority. He therefore claims de facto custody, having been noncompliant in his role as the father, and therefore requests that legal guardianship and custody of his child be ordered in his favor.-
2.- That the petition was admitted for consideration on pgs. 53 of the case file, and notice given to the respondent, who was served by way of media publication.-
3.- That having been legally notified of the petition, she has not responded to the petition within the legally established period, and in accordance with Art. 124 paragraph 4) of the Code of Civil Procedure, ***** was appointed as her public defender, who on pgs. 72 of the case file made her appearance and responded to the claims stated therein.-
4.- With the appearance of the public defender, in accordance with Art. 281 of Law 2026, a pretrial conference was set, the record of which was entered in pgs. 76 through 77 of the case file. The petitioner has established the terms of his petition and the concordant evidence, and there being facts to yet to prove who is most ideally suited to claim physical custody of the child, a trial was set, and as a precautionary measure as required by Art. 278 of Law 2026, it was ordered that a psychosocial evaluation be performed by the Court Interdisciplinary Team in this case.-
WHEREAS I.- On review, certification, and evaluation of the background information in need of evidentiary support, the following PROVEN FACTS are known:
1.- PROVEN FACTS: a) That, by way of the psychosocial reports performed by the court interdisciplinary team, the undersigned trier in her sound judgment has found:
I).- That the child *****, 4 years of age, is the only child born of ***** and *****, which can be concluded from the birth certificate on pg. 1 of the case file.-
II).- That the child lived with his biological parents until the age of two, and on August 10 the child was turned over by his mother to his father, since she would be leaving to live in the USA to pursue her studies, with the child being visited at the paternal residence by his maternal grandparents, which may be concluded from the document attached on pg. 11 of the case file.-
III).- That the child ***** departed the country illegally, which led the father to file charges with the Anti-Crime Task Force, which may be concluded from the record of formal criminal complaint, which runs from pgs. 20 to 22 of the case file, from pg. 26.-
IV).- That the child was attending school at the Colegio Isabel Saavedra Añez in this city, during the 2011-2012 school year, until May 23 when he stopped attending, which may be concluded from the certificate issued by the school which appears on pg. 7 of the case file.-
V).- That the role of the parents shall be exercised equitably, which may be concluded from Art. 31 of Act 2026.-
VI).- That the natural father demonstrates the appropriate moral and financial conditions to continue in the role that he has carried out in his child’s life, which may be concluded from the social investigation and the psychological evaluation performed by the Court Interdisciplinary Team.-
VII).- That the legal status of the child has not been resolved, which is to say that there is no legal judgment determining which of the parents has physical custody nor a visitation schedule for the other parent, which may be concluded from the evidence attached to the proceedings.-
Portuguese to English: Brazilian Federal Environmental Lawsuit General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Source text - Portuguese ADVOCACIA-GERAL DA UNIÃO
AUTOS SOB N°: ******
O ****** , autarquia federal, representada pela Procuradoria Geral Federal (PGF), nos autos em epígrafe, por seu Procurador Federal in fine assinado, vem, respeitosamente, à presença de V. Exa aduzir os elementos de fatos e de direito abaixo elencados.
1. Trata-se de ação civil pública interposta pelo Ministério Público Federal (MPF) contra o ******, ****** e ****** visando, a) anular a licença de instalação do Porto Sul (Aritaguá), assim como, b) impedir a concessão da licença de operação do empreendimento.
2. Nesse sentido, uma vez recebida a inicial determinou este douto juízo a quo a intimação do ****** para que este se manifeste nos termos da lei 8.437/92, sobre o pedido liminar do MPF.
3. Em primeiro lugar, apesar dos esforços envidados pelo ******, e pela AGU/PGF, o prazo de 72h fixado por lei é absolutamente exíguo para a análise do feito vez que se trata de inicial composta de 85 (oitenta e cinco) páginas, acompanhada de
17 (dezessete) anexos, fato este que inviabiliza a defesa da instituição.
4. Portanto, requer-se de plano a concessão de prazo de 10 (dez) dias para que o pleito liminar possa ser devidamente apreciado pelo setor técnico da autarquia, oportunidade em que todos os pontos abordados na petição inicial serão devidamente e individualmente impugnados.
5. De plano, ictu oculi, podem-se verificar 2 (dois) impeditivos ao acolhimento do pleito do MPF, a) a coisa julgada fruto do Termo do Ajustamento de Conduta (TAC), e b) o caráter não absoluto do art. 11 da lei da Mata Atlântica, lei 11.428/2006.
6. Quanto ao primeiro ponto, as demandas não podem ser eternas, elas precisam de um ponto final
7. De uma rápida leitura da longa inicial, a irresignação do MPF, se dá, basicamente, em torno da localização do Porto Sul no distrito de Aritaguá em razão dos impactos ambientais significativos decorrentes da instalação do complexo portuário.
8. Pergunta-se, a localização do Porto Sul em
Ariataguá já não era fato conhecido do MPF quando da propositura da ação civil pública ******? Se o MPF já àquela época já conhecia o desiderato do ÍBAMA em instalar o Porto Sul em Aritaguá, por qual motivo concordou com o Termo do Ajustamento de Conduta (TAC) ali firmado? Por qual motivo já não deduziu naquela demanda sua irresignação contra a localização do empreendimento?
9. De modo que, tendo em vista o princípio do deduzido e do dedutível assim também conhecido como princípio da consubstanciacão da demanda, a irresignação do MPF contra a localização do Porto Sul em Aritaguá já deveria ter sido deduzida quando da ação civil pública precedente, não se podendo renovar tal demanda nos presentes autos, já que preclusa a matéria pela eficácia preclusiva da coisa julgada.
10. Neste aspecto, entende o ****** que o Termo do Ajustamento de Conduta (TAC) lavrado entre as partes foi suficiente para pôr fim em definitivo à demanda que ora se renova. Não poderia o MPF querer renovar a querela quando teve a oportunidade de naquela época discutir a matéria.
11. Na hipótese aplicável o art. 473 e 474 do CPC, conforme se observa que,
“Art. 473. É defeso à parte discutir, no curso do processo, as questões já decididas, a cujo respeito se operou a preclusão.
Art. 474. Passada em julgado a sentença de mérito, reputar-se-ão deduzidas e repelidas todas as alegações e defesas.
que a parte podería opor assim ao acolhimento como à rejeicão do pedido’
“Note-se que agora, e especificamente para proteger a declaração transitada em jugada, todo o material relacionado com o primeiro julgado fica precluso, inviabilizando sua reapreciação judicial em ação subsequente. Todas as alegações deduzidas, bem como aquelas que seriam dedutíveis, porque mantêm relação direta com o material da primeira demanda (ainda que não tenham sido apresentadas em juízo ou apreciadas pelo magistrado presumem-se oferecidas e repelidas pelo órgão jurisdicional. Isso não quer dizer que os motivos da sentença transitam em julgado, mas apenas que, uma vez julgada a controvérsia, e elaborada a regra concreta do caso, todo o material utilizado como pressuposto para atingir essa declaração torna-se irrelevante e superado (mesmo que sobre ele, não se tenho o órgão jurisdicional manifestado expressamente, ou completamente).”
Av. Ilheus, No. 45, Center, Itabuna-BA, CEP 45600-045.
Tel (73) 3612-1438 Email: [email protected]
RECORD No.: 1899.68.2014.4.013301
******, federal autarchy, represented by the Federal Solicitor General (PGS), in case of the aforementioned record, through the undersigned Federal Solicitor, comes now before this Honorable Court to state the issues of fact and of law listed below.
1. This is a public civil action filed by the Federal Attorney General (MPF) against ******, ******, and ****** seeking, a) revocation of license for the facility at Porto Sul (Aritagua), as well as, b) preventing the granting of a license to operate for the enterprise.
2. To such end, upon receipt of the initial filing the honorable a quo court issued a summons for ****** to appear pursuant to the terms of Law 8.437/92, at the preliminary request of the MPF.
3. First of all, despite the best efforts of ******, and of the AGU/PGF, the 72 hour deadline set by law is utterly paltry for an analysis of the issue given that the initial filing comprises 85 (eighty-five) pages, along with 17 (seventeen) appendices, making a defense of the institution impossible.
4. Therefore, an immediate granting of a 10 (ten) day deadline is requested so that the preliminary suit may be duly evaluated by the legal department of the autarchy, at which time all the points mentioned in the initial motion shall be duly and individually contested.
5. Immediately, at first glance, 2 (two) obstacles to the admission of the MPF’s suit can be verified, a) the res judicata stemming from the Correction of Conduct Agreement (TAC), and b) the non-absolute nature of Art. 11 of the Atlantic Rain Forest Act, Law 11.428/2006.
6. As to the first point, lawsuits cannot be never-ending, they require finality.
7. From a quick reading of the lengthy initial filing, the refusal of the MPF to accept is fundamentally based on the location of Porto Sul in the district of Aritagua due to the significant environmental impacts arising from the installation of the port complex.
8. It must be asked, was not the location of Porto Sul in Ariatagua a fact already known to the MPF as of the filing of public civil action ******? If the MPF at that time was already aware of ******’s intent to construct in Porto Sul in Ariatagua, why did it agree to the Correction of Conduct Agreement (TAC) signed at that time? Why not state its refusal to accept the location of the enterprise in that suit?
9. So, considering the principle of what has been claimed, and what may be claimed, and cognizant of the principle of consubstantiation of the suit as well, the MPF’s refusal to accept the location of Porto Sul in Ariatagua should have already been claimed in the prior public civil action, and such a demand may not be revived in these pleadings, since such material is excluded by the preclusive effect of res judicata.
10. In this regard, ****** understands that the Correction of Conduct Agreement (TAC) reached between the parties was enough to put a definitive end to the suit that is now being revived. The MPF should not be able to renew the complaint when it had the opportunity to discuss the matters at that time.
11. In applicable circumstances, Art. 473 and 474 of the CPC (Código de Processo Civil, Code of Civil Procedure) observe,
“Art. 473. In the course of proceedings, a party is forbidden from disputing matters already adjudged, which shall be subject to preclusion.
Art. 474. Following a judgment of merit, all allegations and defenses to which a party could object are considered admitted and rejected, as well as the admission or rejection of the motion.”
“Note that now, and specifically to protect the statement transited into rem judicatam, all issues related to the first judgment are excluded, precluding their judicial reappraisal in subsequent actions. All stated allegations, as well as those that might be stated, because they are directly related to the issue of first suit (even though they have not been presented at trial or appraised by the magistrate) are presumed offered and rejected by the jurisdictional entity. This is not to say that the reasons for the ruling become rem judicatam, but rather that, once the dispute is adjudged, and a concrete ruling on the case is made, any issue used as an assumption to assert that statement becomes irrelevant and defeated (even when the jurisdictional entity has not expressly or completely ruled on it).”
Spanish to English: Radiation Protection Manual General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Manufacturing
Source text - Spanish 5 LINEAMIENTOS
5.1 Cuando un trabajador realice actividades laborales en una zona controlada, debe ser objeto de vigilancia radiológica individual.
5.2 Cuando un trabajador realice actividades laborales en una zona supervisada, no deberá ser necesaria su vigilancia radiológica individual, pero deberá evaluarse su exposición.
5.3 En todos los casos la exposición ocupacional del trabajador deberá evaluarse con base a los resultados de la vigilancia radiológica, información del puesto de trabajo, actividad de la fuente y el tiempo de exposición.
5.4 Con base en las actividades realizadas en *****, se debe considerar los siguientes tipos de vigilancia:
a. Vigilancia radiológica individual de la radiación externa.
b. Vigilancia radiológica de zonas y puestos de trabajo.
c. Vigilancia radiológica de la contaminación superficial.
d. Vigilancia de la Salud.
5.5 Se deberá llevar un registro con los resultados de cada una de las vigilancias radiológicas efectuadas considerando los elementos establecidos en el Anexo B de la Norma COVENIN 2258.
5.6 Las empresas que presten servicios relacionados con la vigilancia radiológica, deberán cumplir con las normas COVENIN 2258 y 2497 así como con lo establecido en la norma PR-H-14.
5.7 Vigilancia Radiológica Individual de la Radiación Externa
Todos los trabajadores y trabajadoras ocupacionalmente expuestos (POE), deben contar con vigilancia radiológica de acuerdo a los especificado en el Anexo "A" de este norma.
5.7.1 La dosimetría para el POE sólo podrá efectuarse por medio de dosímetros de película o termoluminiscentes. Estos deberán cumplir con los siguientes requisitos:
a. Proporcionar datos válidos, exactos y precisos.
b. Responder a radiaciones de diferentes tipos y energías:
-Radiación electromagnética de 30 a 2000 Kev.
-Radiación Beta de 80 a 2000 Kev.
c. Que permitan la identificación inequívoca del usuario.
d. Deberá ser capaz de registrar dosis entre 0,2 a 50 mSv.
5.7.2 Los dosímetros personales deben ser evaluados con una frecuencia mensual en situaciones normales de operación.
5.7.3 El informe de dosimetría personal deberá contener toda la información exigida en el Anexo "B" de este documento.
5.7.4 Los dosímetros electrónicos o de lectura directa serán utilizados en los siguientes casos:
a. Por el POE solo como dosímetros suplementarios.
b. En atención de emergencias radiológicas.
c. Por aquellos trabajadores que ingresan ocasionalmente a zonas controladas.
5.7.5 Los trabajadores de las empresas de radiografía industrial deben estar provistos, adicionalmente, de un dispositivo de alarma personal, capaz de emitir una señal audible y visible.
5.7.6 Los trabajadores de las empresas de perfilaje de pozos deben estar provistos, adicionalmente, de los dosímetros e instrumentos especiales para la detección de neutrones.
5.5.7 Durante el uso de los dosímetros se debe considerar lo siguiente:
a. No exponer el dosímetro a condiciones climáticas adversas.
b. El trabajador, solo debe colocarse el dosímetro mientras realice actividades con radiaciones ionizantes, finalizadas dichas actividades lo deberá guardar en un lugar seguro y retirado del sitio de exposición.
c. En caso de utilizar delantales plomados el dosímetro deberá ser colocado debajo de éste.
d. Para conocer la dosis en manos, cristalino u otra parte del cuerpo debe utilizarse un dosímetro específico para la vigilancia del órgano de interés, no se debe emplear el dosímetro personal para este propósito.
5.7.8 Durante emergencias radiológicas (véase norma PR-H-13), las personas involucradas en la misma deberán estar provistas de:
a. Dosímetros personales adicionales para determinar las dosis equivalentes en los ojos y en gónadas.
b. Dosímetros suplementarios con alarma acústica y visual que permita identificar cuando se alcanza un valor límite de dosis prefijada.
5.7.9 En los casos en los que se sospeche una sobreexposición, se debe evaluar el dosímetro en las 24 horas siguientes a la ocurrencia del evento. De registrarse una dosis 5 veces superior al límite anual de dosis, establecido en la Norma COVENIN 2259, debe llevarse a cabo una evaluación de los indicadores biológicos (análisis de sangre, espermático, genético, oftalmológico) para complementar las mediciones físicas.
5.7.10 La dosimetría personal debe ser llevada a cabo por laboratorios nacionales que cumplan con lo establecido en la Norma COVENIN 2497 y que estén debidamente acreditadas por autoridad competente.
Translation - English 5 GUIDELINES
5.1 When an employee performs work-related activity in a controlled area, he or she should be the subject of individual radiation monitoring.
5.2 When an employee performs work-related activities in a supervised area, individual radiation monitoring is not necessary, but exposure should be assessed.
5.3 In all cases the occupational exposure of the employee should be assessed on the basis of radiation monitoring results, information on the work location, source activity and exposure time.
5.4 Based on activities performed at *****, the following types of monitoring should be considered:
a. Individual radiation monitoring of external radiation.
b. Radiation monitoring of work areas and locations.
c. Radiation monitoring of surface contamination.
d. Health Monitoring.
5.5 A record should be kept of the results of each radiation monitoring performed, considering the factors set out in Annex B of COVENIN Regulation 2258.
5.6 Companies that provide services relating to radiation monitoring should comply with COVENIN Regulations 2258 and 2497, as well as with rule PR-H-14 standards.
5.7 Individual Radiation Monitoring for External Radiation
All employees who are occupationally exposed (OEP) should have radiation monitoring according to the guidelines established in Appendix "A" of these regulations.
5.7.1 OEP dosimetries should only be carried out using film or thermoluminescent dosimeters. These must meet the following requirements:
a. Provide valid, exact, and accurate data.
b. Respond to radiation of different types and energies:
-Electromagnetic radiation from 30 to 2000 Kev.
-Beta Radiation from 80 to 2000 Kev.
c. Allow for unmistakable identification of the user.
d. Be capable of recording doses between 0.2 to 50 mSv.
5.7.2 Personal dosimeters should be evaluated on a monthly basis in normal operating situations.
5.7.3 The personal dosimetry report must contain all the information required in Appendix "B" of this document.
5.7.4 Electronic or direct reading dosimeters shall be used in the following circumstances:
a. By the OEP only as supplementary dosimeters.
b. When attending to radiation emergencies.
c. By employees who occasionally enter controlled areas.
5.7.5 Employees of industrial radiography companies should be additionally provided with a personal alarm device, capable of emitting an audible and visible signal.
5.7.6 Employees of well profiling companies should be additionally provided with dosimeters and special instruments for the detection of neutrons.
5.5.7 The following should be considered during dosimeter use:
a. Do not expose the dosimeter to adverse weather conditions.
b. The employee should only wear the dosimeter when performing activities with ionizing radiation. When finished with such activities, he or she should store it in a secure place away from the site of exposure.
c. The dosimeter should be placed underneath leaded aprons, when used.
d. To measure dose on the hands, lens of the eye, or any other part of the body, a specific dosimeter for the monitoring of the organ in question should be used. Personal dosimeters should not be used for this purpose.
5.7.8 Persons involved in a radiation emergency should be provided with the following (see rule PR-H-13):
a. Additional personal dosimeters to determine the equivalent dose in the eyes and gonads.
b. Supplemental dosimeters with audible and visual alarm to identify when a pre-established dose limit value is reached.
5.7.9 When overexposure is suspected, the dosimeter should be evaluated within 24 hours following the event. When a dose 5 times higher than the annual dose limit is recorded, as established in COVENIN Regulation 2259, an assessment of biological indicators (blood, sperm, genetic, and ophthalmologic analyses) should be carried out to complement physical measurements.
5.7.10 Personal dosimetry should be carried out by national laboratories that comply with COVENIN Regulation 2497, and that are duly accredited by the competent authority.
English to Spanish: Instruction Manual - Industrial Grain Mill General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Engineering: Industrial
Source text - English WARNING!
Disc mills operate at very high speed rotation, creating inherent danger.
For personal safety and for safe-guarding the FQ-136E Disc Grind Mill from damage, all personnel involved with installation, operation, and maintenance of this mill need to be thoroughly familiar with the contents of this manual as well as with similar information for equipment used with the FQ-136E but not supplied by Fluid-Quip, Inc. (e.g., electric motors, motor starters, vibration and/or bearing temperature monitoring equipment, and E-stop systems). Safe operation of this equipment requires proper instruction and training of operating and maintenance personnel. Fluid-Quip, Inc. can provide full field service support for this disc mill and also provide training classes for its operation and maintenance.
Installing, operating or repairing the FQ-136E Disc Grind Mill in ways other than those specified in this manual can be extremely dangerous and voids all warranties.
This manual contains information for installation, operation and maintenance of the Fluid-Quip FQ-136E Wet Corn Single Disc Grind Mill. Illustrations and drawings referenced as Figures 1 - 19 are found within the manual's text, while Figures 20 - 25 are in Appendix B – Reference Drawings.
NOTE: To print manual with drawings at full size, when viewing manual from a PDF file, choose File> Print > Select “Choose paper source by PDF page size”.
1.1 Design Features
The FQ-136, 36" (914 mm) single revolving disc grind mill is designed for high capacity, heavy-duty operation in the 1st and 2nd stages of the wet corn grinding process.
Rotating elements are precision balanced and mounted in a massive one-piece steel weldment base, which maintains shaft and bearing alignment. Motor plate and support are heavy duty -weldments and part of the machine base. There is no need for additional motor support.
The FQ-136E mill features quick belt change capability. Belts can be changed without moving the mill shaft while maintaining proper disc and shaft alignment, resulting in less downtime.
All parts in contact with process material are 316 stainless steel for increased operating life. The disc is solid stainless steel with renewable parts at wear points. Mill plates are cast from special iron alloys in segments, for ease of replacement and low cost, and are balanced in sets. A wide variety of plate designs are available for various applications.
The heavy duty steel shaft is machined to close tolerances with ground bearing mounting surfaces. A hard-coated stainless steel shaft sleeve protects the shaft from process material and from packing that seals the case. The case is sealed around the shaft by packing in a stuffing box which is split for easy removal.
A quick-release, spring-loaded assembly maintains constant loading pressure between the grnding plates to allow foreign objects to pass through without damaging the plates. Plate position is adjusted by a manual control handwheel with dial indicator (read in thousandths of an inch) on the handwheel shaft to gauge the gap between the plates.
Bearings are grease lubricated and require additional grease only during annual maintenance. Inboard bearings, closest to the process material, are protected by a two-part dynamic seal consisting of a stator, press-fit into the bearing cap and held in place by a retaining ring, and a rotor attached to the shaft. Rotor and stator form a non-contact, compound labyrinth with no parts to wear out. The dynamic seal protects in two ways:
- Bearing lubricant captured in the inner portion of the labyrinth flows back into the housing.
- Outside contamination trying to enter the bearing cap is captured in the outer labyrinth paths and expelled through a port in the stator by centrifugal force and gravity.
The FQ-136E is designed to run in a dry and clean environment. To prevent corrosion, the ambient temperature should range from 70° - 110°F (21° - 43°C). Proper installation and care will maintain the FQ-136E for years of use.
Translation - Spanish ¡ADVERTENCIA!
Los molinos de disco giran a muy alta velocidad, creando un peligro intrínseco.
Para salvaguardar la seguridad personal y evitar daños en el Molino de Disco FQ-136E, es preciso que toda persona que instale, opere, o mantenga este Molino esté plenamente familiarizada con este manual, y con la correspondiente información sobre periféricos no proporcionados por Fluid-Quip, Inc. (p. ej. motores eléctricos, mecanismos de arranque, equipo para el control de vibración y/o temperatura de rodamientos, e interruptores de emergencia). Se requiere capacitación e instrucción adecuadas para todo el personal que opere o mantenga esta máquina para asegurar su uso cuidadoso. Fluid-Quip, Inc. puede prestar servicios integrales de apoyo en el local para este molino de disco, y también ofrece programas de capacitación sobre su uso y mantenimiento.
Instalar, operar, o reparar el Molino de Disco FQ-136E de forma no indicada en este manual puede causar peligro grave, y tendrá el efecto de anular toda garantía.
Este manual contiene información sobre la instalación, uso y mantenimiento del Molino de Disco Simple Fluid-Quip FQ-136E para la Molienda Húmeda de Maíz. Las ilustraciones y dibujos enumerados entre las Figuras 1 – 19 quedan integrados en el texto del manual, mientras que las Figuras 20 – 25 se encuentran en el Apéndice B – Ilustraciones de Referencia.
NOTA: Para imprimir el manual en formato PDF con dibujos a tamaño normal, elija Archivo> Imprimir > Elija “Elegir origen del papel por tamaño de página PDF”.
1.1 Características del Diseño
El Molino de Disco Rotativo Simple FQ-136, 36" (914 mm) está diseñado para cargas de alta capacidad y fuerte funcionamiento en las 1ª y 2ª etapas del proceso de molienda húmeda del maíz.
Los elementos rotativos están equilibrados con precisión y armados en una base de una pieza de acero soldada y sólida, la cual mantiene el alineamiento del eje y de los rodamientos. La placa del motor y soporte que forman parte de la base de la máquina son pesadas piezas soldadas. Soporte adicional para el motor no es necesario.
El molino FQ-136E se distingue por el rápido reemplazo de las correas. Las correas pueden reemplazarse sin mover el eje del molino, a la vez manteniendo el correcto alineamiento del disco y del eje, lo que reduce el tiempo inactivo.
Todos los componentes que entran en contacto con la materia prima están compuestos de acero inoxidable 316 para una mayor vida útil. El disco es de acero inoxidable macizo con elementos reemplazables en puntos de desgaste. Las placas moledoras están forjadas en segmentos de aleadas de hierro especiales, para el fácil reemplazo y bajo costo, y están equilibrados en series integrales. Se ofrece placas con una amplia variedad de diseños para diversos usos.
El eje de acero pesado está torneado con las superficies en que se montan los rodamientos mecanizadas a mínimas tolerancias. Una funda de acero inoxidable con capa dura protege el eje contra la materia prima y del relleno que sella la carcasa. Una carcasa encierra el eje y está sellada con prensaestopas de dos piezas que se sacan fácilmente.
Un mecanismo con resorte de desenganche rápido mantiene una presión de carga constante entre las placas moledoras que permite el paso de contaminantes sin causar daños en las placas. Se ajusta la posición de las placas a mano con un volante. Un dial en la vara del volante permite la medición del espacio entre las placas (en milipulgadas).
Los rodamientos están lubricados con grasa. Sólo se necesita añadir grasa adicional durante el mantenimiento anual. Un sello dinámico de dos piezas protege los rodamientos interiores, los que están más próximos a la materia prima. El sello consiste en un estator, ajustado a presión en la tapa del rodamiento y sujetado con un aro de retención, y un rotor fijado al eje. El rotor y el estator forman un laberinto compuesto, sin hacer contacto ni sin partes que se desgasten. El sello dinámico protege de dos formas:
- El lubricante de rodamientos que queda atrapado en el interior del laberinto se devuelve a la carcasa.
- Los contaminantes que tratan de penetrar la tapa del rodamiento quedan atrapados en las pistas exteriores del laberinto. La fuerza centrífuga y la gravedad luego los expulsan por un orificio en el estator.
El FQ-136E está diseñado para uso en un ambiente limpio y seco. Para evitar la corrosión, la temperatura ambiental debe estar dentro de un rango de 70° - 110°F (21° - 43°C). La correcta instalación y mantenimiento asegurarán que la vida útil del FQ-136E dure por años.
English to Spanish: Brochure for Gilda's Club General field: Marketing Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - English GILDA’S CLUB LOUISVILLE
A Free Program of Support Designed for Those Living with Cancer
Gilda’s Club Louisville is an affiliate of the Cancer Support Community, a network of clubhouses throughout the United States and the world. Together we are the largest provider of social and emotional support to persons who are living with cancer.
Our mission is to ensure that all people impacted by cancer are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action, and sustained by community. At Gilda’s Club Louisville you will find strength and comfort from members sharing their experiences and wisdom with each other. We are men, women, children, a small-but-mighty clubhouse team, a passionate board and a group of dedicated volunteers. Together we create a program of support unlike any other.
“It’s a very healing piece of my cancer experience and I feel very lucky to be a member. There is a magical quality that comes over everyone who enters the building that comes from warmth and heartfelt generosity.” — Member
Make yourself at home. Your clubhouse has cozy rooms for group meetings — specially designed for adults and youth — a large and flexible community room, kitchen, game room, play areas, art studio, garden deck and more.
If cancer has touched your life in any way, we cordially invite you to come to your clubhouse.
Gilda’s Club Louisville is named in memory of Saturday Night Live comedienne Gilda Radner who, when describing the emotional and social support she received when she had cancer, called for such places to be made available for all people living with cancer and their connected family and friends. Gilda died from her cancer in 1989 but her legacy and her whimsy live here at your Gilda’s Club. It’s a place where members are the experts at living with cancer and join with others to give and receive the benefits of love, laughter and walking this journey together.
“I know how to be a good cancer patient. But how am I supposed to be a good husband and father, co-worker, neighbor, and member of my faith community when cancer touches every aspect of my life? Gilda’s has helped me find that answer.” — Member
Your clubhouse offers opportunities to gather with other members who share a similar journey and to widen your circle of support:
• Wellness: Members who have a cancer diagnosis come together to share their collective wisdom so that each may make more informed choices about how he/she chooses to live with cancer.
• Family & Friends: Cancer doesn’t affect only the person with a diagnosis — it affects everyone in the family —whomever you define your family to be.
• Children & Teens: We offer the only specialized ongoing support for children of all ages who are affected by cancer — their own or that of a connected other.
• Networking: Specialized opportunities are created as needed to network with others who share a specific cancer concern or other shared interest.
• Bereavement Support Groups: Peer-based support is offered for those grieving a loss due to death.
• Family Focus: When your family needs extra support, we offer —by request —short-term, challenge-focused support.
Your clubhouse offers education about all aspects of living with cancer:
• Living day-to-day with cancer
• Relationships and cancer
• Parenting and cancer
• Addressing side effects
• Insurance and legal concerns
• Communicating with your medical team
• and more
Your clubhouse offers programs that feed your mind, body and spirit:
• Yoga, Tai Chi, QiGong, Pilates
• Exercise
• Guided imagery, breathing and relaxation
• Cooking and nutrition
• Creative arts: music, dance, art, craft, knitting and more
• Spirituality
Your clubhouse offers small and large group social events for support:
• Seasonal parties and potlucks
• Movie and game nights
• Lock-Ins and sleepovers
• Day camps
• Book clubs
• Gardening
• Special out-of-the-box programs for children and teens
• Personalized assistance with referral to support within the Cancer Support Community network and local cancer-care community
• Member library
• Information regarding national resources
“It’s nothing like what you expect — it’s much, much more!” — Member
“I thought it was up to me to get my family through this. I discovered that my kids are so strong . . . we are a team. We’ll get through this TOGETHER.” — Member
Anyone touched by cancer — any type of cancer — newly diagnosed or survivor, adults, children, their families and friends. Cancer doesn’t discriminate — and neither do we. Come as you are!
All clubhouse programs are offered at no cost to members and their guests.
Cancer being a part of your life is not your choice. How you live your life with cancer is. At Gilda’s Club, you will find support, understanding, information and a community to positively enhance your cancer journey.
Joining is easy! Call your clubhouse at 502-583-0075 to schedule an orientation and guided tour. Then we’ll sit with you and design a customized plan to provide the support that best suits your needs. If you have a large family or a group, we can schedule an orientation just for you.
To learn more about Gilda’s Club Louisville and our free programs, please visit
Gilda’s Club is located at 633 Baxter Avenue in the Highlands, minutes away from downtown Louisville. It is accessible by bus and located near major interchanges. Parking can be found behind the building (off Rogers Street) or in the lot directly across on Baxter.
Translation - Spanish GILDA’S CLUB LOUISVILLE
Un Programa de apoyo gratuito, diseñado para personas que viven con cáncer
Gilda’s Club Louisville es un filial de la Cancer Support Community, una red de casas club a través de los Estados Unidos y del mundo. Juntos formamos el mayor proveedor de apoyo social y emocional para personas que viven con cáncer.
Es nuestra meta asegurar que todos a los que les afecta el cáncer cuenten con la fortaleza del conocimiento, la fuerza de la acción, y el apoyo de una comunidad. Encontrarás en Gilda’s Club la fortaleza y el consuelo entre los otros miembros que comparten su experiencia y sabiduría. Somos hombres, mujeres, niños, un personal de pocos – ¡aunque con mucho ánimo! - una junta directiva entusiasmada y un conjunto de dedicados voluntarios. Juntos creamos un programa de apoyo sin par.
“Ha sido un aspecto muy terapéutico de mi experiencia con cáncer y me siento muy afortunado de ser miembro. Les da a todos que vienen a este lugar un sentido de magia que emana de la amistad y una sincera generosidad.” — Miembro
Ponte cómodo. Su casa club dispone de salas de reunión acogedoras — especialmente diseñadas para adultos y jóvenes — una sala común grande y multiuso, una cocina, una sala de juegos, zonas de jugar para niños, un estudio de arte, una terraza y mucho más.
Si el cáncer ha tocado tu vida de cualquier forma, te invitamos cordialmente a visitar nuestra casa club.
Gilda’s Club Louisville debe su nombre a la memoria de la comediante de Saturday Night Live Gilda Radner, quien, al describir el apoyo social y emocional que disfrutó cuando tuvo cáncer, hizo público su deseo de que todas las personas viviendo con cáncer, así como sus amistades y familiares, pudieran aprovechar una comunidad especial. Gilda falleció de su cáncer en 1989, pero su legado y su alegría siguen vivos aquí en tu Gilda’s Club. Es un lugar donde los miembros son expertos en vivir con cáncer, y donde se juntan con otros para compartir los beneficios del amor y de la risa, y para acompañarse juntos en este camino.
“Ya sé ser buen paciente con cáncer. Pero ¿cómo se supone que me hago buen esposo y padre, colega, vecino, y miembro de mi comunidad religiosa cuando el cáncer afecta toda parte de mi vida? Gilda’s me ha ayudado a encontrar la respuesta.” — Miembro
Tu casa club te ofrece oportunidades para unirte con otros miembros que comparten un camino semejante y para ampliar tu red de apoyo:
• Bienestar: Miembros con un diagnóstico de cáncer se juntan para compartir su sabiduría común para que cada uno pueda tomar decisiones informadas sobre cómo desea vivir con su cáncer.
• Familiares y amistades: Cáncer no sólo afecta a quien tiene el diagnóstico — afecta a toda la familia — según tú definas tu familia.
•Niños y adolescentes: Ofrecemos el único apoyo especializado y continuo para niños de toda edad afectados por cáncer — ya sea su cáncer, o el de otro ser querido.
•Contactos sociales: Se crean oportunidades especiales según se necesiten para establecer contactos con otros que comparten un interés específico sobre cáncer u otro interés común.
• Grupos de apoyo para el duelo: A los que hacen duelo por sus fallecidos, se les ofrece apoyo entre grupos de amigos y colegas con semejantes experiencias.
• Enfoque en la familia: Cuando tu familia necesita de más apoyo, ofrecemos a tu pedido apoyo a corto plazo con un enfoque en retos específicos.
Tu casa club ofrece clases sobre todo tema relacionado con una vida con cáncer:
• Vivir de día a día con cáncer
• Las relaciones y el cáncer
• Crianza y cáncer
• Efectos secundarios
• Seguro médico y temas legales
• Comunicarte con tu equipo médico
• y más
Tu casa club ofrece programas que alimentan tu intelecto, tu cuerpo, y tu ánimo:
• Yoga, Tai Chi, QiGong, Pilates
• Ejercicios
• Visualización guiada, respiración y relajación
• Cocina y nutrición
• Artes creativas: música, baile, arte, artesanías, tejer y más
• Espiritualidad
Tu casa club ofrece eventos sociales de todo tamaño para apoyo:
• Fiestas a cada temporada y comidas de traje
• Noches de cine y de juego
•Fiestas de pijama
• Campamento diurno
• Clubes de lectura
• Jardinería
• Programas extraordinarios para niños y adolescentes
• Ayuda personalizada con remisiones a apoyos dentro de la red de la Cancer Support Community y la comunidad de cuido para cáncer de tu localidad
• Biblioteca para miembros
• Información sobre recursos al nivel nacional
“No es lo que habrás imaginado — ¡es mucho, mucho más!” — Miembro
“Pensaba que me tocaba a mí hacer que mi familia superara esto. Descubrí que mis niños son tan fuertes . . . somos un equipo. UNIDOS superaremos esto.” — Miembro
Todos que hayan sido afectados por el cáncer — cualquier tipo de cáncer — ya sea un nuevo diagnóstico o un superviviente, adultos, niños, sus familiares y amistades. El cáncer no discrimina — nosotros tampoco. ¡Vengan tal cual!
Todos los programas de la casa club se ofrecen sin costo a los miembros y sus invitados.
No decidiste hacer el cáncer parte de tu vida. Pero sí puedes decidir cómo llevar tu vida con cáncer. En Gilda’s Club, encontrarás, compasión, información, y una comunidad que mejora tu camino con cáncer.
¡Unirte es fácil! Llama a tu casa club al 502-583-0075 para programar una orientación y una visita guiada. Luego nos reuniremos contigo y diseñaremos un plan personalizado para brindarte el apoyo que más satisfaga tus necesidades. Si tienes una familia grande o grupo, podemos programar una orientación para ti solo.
Para aprender más sobre Gilda’s Club Louisville y nuestros programas gratuitos, por favor visita
Gilda’s Club se ubica en 633 Baxter Avenue en los Highlands, a minutos del centro de Louisville. Se alcanza en autobús y está cerca de mayores cruces. El estacionamiento se halla detrás del edificio (se entra desde Rogers Street) o al cruzar la calle Baxter, directamente frente al edificio.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Indiana University Bloomington
Years of experience: 16. Registered at Nov 2013.
Spanish to English (American Translators Association, verified) Spanish to English (National Center for State Courts, verified) English to Spanish (National Center for State Courts, verified) English to Spanish (SDL Trados Studio 2014 Certified) Portuguese to English (American Translators Association)
Experienced, professional, trustworthy general practice translator and interpreter. Hands-on experience translating documents from Spanish to English and English to Spanish on a variety of topics, including marketing brochures, medical information forms, contracts, and industrial equipment manuals.
As a Certified Court Interpreter on staff at the Kentucky Court of Justice, I have extensive experience in all modes of interpreting, and am highly skilled in English>Spanish simultaneous interpreting. My strict adherence to the highest standards of accuracy, completeness, confidentiality, and ethical protocols brings an unmatched distinction of professionalism to my work. Interpreting subjects have included legal, insurance, human resources, safety training, industrial, tourism, medical visits, medical conference, IT conference, and more.
I am native English speaker with near-native fluency in Spanish. A Certified Court Interpreter through the National Center for State Courts with two years experience as a staff interpreter for the Kentucky Court of Justice and six+ years experience as a freelance translator and interpreter.
Areas of practice have included:
Courtroom proceedings, depositions, insurance statements, attorney conference, contract negotiation, human resources, safety meetings, IT conferences, medical, industrial/mechanical, NGO, tourism
I value professionalism and discretion with all my clients, and am experienced working on high-stakes projects with tight deadlines.