Working languages:
English to Portuguese
Spanish to Portuguese
Portuguese to English

Renata Machado

São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil
Local time: 19:24 -03 (GMT-3)

Native in: Portuguese (Variant: Brazilian) 
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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified site user
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Interpreting, Translation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Copywriting, Training, Language instruction, Transcription, Project management, Native speaker conversation, Subtitling
Specializes in:
Business/Commerce (general)International Org/Dev/Coop
Astronomy & SpaceLaw (general)
Law: Taxation & CustomsLaw: Contract(s)
Education / PedagogyGovernment / Politics
Aerospace / Aviation / SpaceHuman Resources

Volunteer / Pro-bono work Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
All accepted currencies U. S. dollars (usd)
KudoZ activity (PRO) Questions answered: 6
Blue Board entries made by this user  0 entries
Payment methods accepted PayPal
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 2
Translation education Other - Pontifical Catholic University -PUC/SP
Experience Years of experience: 29. Registered at Dec 2013. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials Spanish to English (University of Michigan)
Memberships N/A
Software N/A
Forum posts 4 forum posts
CV/Resume Portuguese (PDF)
Events and training
Professional practices Renata Machado endorses's Professional Guidelines.
Professional objectives
  • Meet new translation company clients
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  • Work for non-profits or pro-bono clients
  • Screen new clients (risk management)
  • Network with other language professionals
  • Find trusted individuals to outsource work to
  • Build or grow a translation team
  • Get help with terminology and resources
  • Learn more about translation / improve my skills
  • Learn more about interpreting / improve my skills
  • Get help on technical issues / improve my technical skills
  • Learn more about additional services I can provide my clients
  • Learn more about the business side of freelancing
  • Find a mentor
  • Stay up to date on what is happening in the language industry
  • Help or teach others with what I have learned over the years
  • Transition from freelancer to agency owner
  • Transition from freelancer to another profession
  • Buy or learn new work-related software
  • Improve my productivity

Olá! Sou Renata Machado, brasileira, joseense com muito orgulho, Intérprete de Conferências (PUC), Tradutora (Universidade Gama Filho) & Intérprete Forense (Português <> Inglês <> Espanhol) pela Escola de Formação de Tradutores e Intérpretes ( i2B de Londrina), com habilitação em Direito com especialização em Direito Internacional e Espacial  (UNIVAP), certificada em Direito Penal Internacional (Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Case Western Reserve/ Cleveland, Ohio - USA), certificada em Proficiência em Inglês Americano (Universidade de Michigan) e Inglês Britânico (Universidade de Cambridge), Business English (Frances King) e Inglês Britânico (Edgware Academy), Licenciatura em Letras em Língua Inglesa e 2a Licenciatura em Língua Espanhola (ambas pela Universidade Estácio de Sá), certificada em proficiência em Espanhol pelo Instituto de Cervantes (Exame DELE), com mais de 28 anos de experiência na área corporativa e pedagógica, especialista em assuntos jurídicos e governamentais, filiada a NAJIT- National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators e ABRATES - Associação Brasileira de Tradutores. Faz parte do CME- Comissão das Mulheres Empreendedoras de São José dos Campos e é  diretora da empresa Renata Machado Consultoria de Língua Estrangeira, que faz parte do quadro de associados do IDEJ – Instituto para o Desenvolvimento do Empreendedorismo Joseense. Fundadora e diretora responsável pela Ativa- Agência de Tradução & Interpretação do Vale do Paraíba. Palestrante em diversos eventos, como: Evento do PROFT, para todos os tradutores e intérpretes do Estado de São Paulo, nas dependências do Hotel Pestana, nos dias 15 e 16 de novembro de 2019, no Brasil e ainda palestrante a nível internacional: ATA - American Translator Association, na PLD - Portuguese Language Division, PLD Webinar Series: "The Challenges of being a Translator and an Interpreter for the Brazilian Federal Courts", aos 08 de agosto de 2020, por exemplo. Professora-tutora linguística colaboradora do Curso de Interpretação Comunitária da UnB- Universidade de Brasília. Tradutora e Intérprete devidamente credenciada no Tribunal de Justiça Arbitral, Mediação e Conciliação Internacional dos Estados Brasileiros - CPTJAMC, realizando demandas arbitrais em território nacional, ou ainda, internacionalmente, nos termos da Lei Federal 9.307/96. Intérprete remota jurídica- médica, no canal de língua portuguesa para os Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, Irlanda e Escócia, para questões de imigração, departamento de polícia, atendimentos médicos e comunitários desde contextos escolares até serviços sociais, por exemplo. Entre em contato pelo +55 12 981621830 

#Security Check (SC) clearance for accessing sensitive documents or information.

#experienced translator and interpreter 
#Native in Portuguese (Brazilian)/ #Near native in English/#Fluent in Spanish 

#Over 25 years of experience as a translator and interpreter

#expressive amount of words translated
#BA in Translation #BA in Interpretation 
#Degree in my specialism (Legal)
#BA in Languages (English<> Portuguese and Spanish <> Portuguese)
#Full membership of renowned translation and interpretation institutions (NAJIT, ABRATES...)

Keywords: Portuguese, English, Spanish, Court, Legal, Medical, Games, Books, Projects, Conference. See more.Portuguese, English, Spanish, Court, Legal, Medical, Games, Books, Projects, Conference, Consecutive, Simultaneous, OVI, OPI, over the video, over the phone, remote, hybrid, events, technical, translator, translation, interpreter, interpretation, documentation, government, governamental, department, justice, localization, Brazil, Brazilian, American, Brittish, Police, Case, Prosecutor, Community, Hospital, appointment, lawyer, attorney, Law, Federal, Appeal, Superior Court, State, Report, counsel, defender, statement, decision, chief officer, evidence, representation, customs, civil, criminal, international, Police, judicial, military, secret, confidential, secrecy, witness, protected, minor, technical, maritime, air, airport, legislative, executive, judicial, judiciary, parental, general, economic, granted, right, clerck, internal revenue department, insurance, contract, surrogacy, surrogate, birth, compulsory, mixed, transport, private, doctor, clinic, health, policy, terrestrial, duty, tax, obligation, profit, divorce, judgment, sentence, life, prision, crime, criminal, offender, mule, traffic, suicide, arrest, violence, domestic, children, minority, women, family, foreigners, communication, disease, mental, physical, money, disposition, convict, appeal, conditional, kidnapping, human, encarcerated, imprisonment, piracy, patrimony, powers, spouses, social, assistance, work, furlough, easement, servitude, public, pasturage, conventional, necessity, indians, poor, immigrant, borders, patrol, drug, illegal, implied, irregular, domestic, corporation, legalized, foreign, eleemosynary, corporation, officvial, document, documentation, business, professional, perpetual, system, information, cost, legal, penalty, proocedings, privilege.. See less.

Profile last updated
Nov 4, 2023