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Macedonian to English: Белото циганче од Видое Подгорец General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Macedonian Извадок од Белото циганче од Видое Подгорец
Циганскиот Крал Пенгла
“Во оние времиња одамнешни, на седмото небо, живеел големиот и семоќен Пенга, бог и крал на сите Цигани – почнуваше белокосиот Циган, со бавен жубор, кој навестуваше чудесни совети што се случуваат само во приказните и со онаа таинствена нишка во гласот што е карактеристична за сите старци, продолжуваше: - Два бели коња ја влечеле неговата златна кочија. Пенга, богат и славен, управувал не само со Циганите, туку и со сите други луѓе кои живееле на Земјата. Бидејќи имал големо богатство, ништо друго не работел, туку ќе ги качел своите многубројни деца во златната кочија и по цел ден ги шетал, надгледувајќи што работат оние долу на Земјата.
Арно ама, возејќи се тaка, еднаш едно тркало од неговата кочија се скршило и Пенга ниту умeел, ниту пак сакал да седне и да го поправи. Бидејќи колата не можела да оди на три тркала, од седмото небо паднала на Земјата. Паднала заедно со Пенга, заедно со сите негови деца. Седнал под едно дрво Пенга чекајќи да дојдат слугите и да го кренат, да го пренесат во дворецот. Чекал Пенгал, чекале така ден, два, три – ама никој не доаѓал. А Сонцето пече ли пече ,па белото лице на Пенга поцрнело, белите лица на децата исто така поцрнеле.
- Ете, деца, оттогаш Циганите се црни и мрзливи, - редеше Мулон. – Каде што ќе седнат лесно не стануваат, с`е додека не дојде некој силум да ги избрка.
И Пенга, кралот цигански и не само цигански, го избркале од тоа место каде што паднал. Дошол некој селанец и без да знае дека тој е богот и кралот Пенга, му се развикал:
- Не гледаш ли, слепецу ниеден, дека ти и твоите деца ми го испогазивте житото? Ајде, дигајте си го парталот и да ве нема од мојата нива!
Пенга му објаснувал на селанецот дека тој не е обичен скитник, туку бог – крал и дека му се случило несреќа со златната кочија и дека паднал од седмото небо, ама на кога ќе му објаснува. Селанецот не сакал ни да го чуе.
- Мене ништо не ме интересира, - протестирал селанецот и поостро му се напрчиле мустаќите со лута закана во секое влакно. – Станувај, кога ти велам, додека не ги сподберам кучињата партал да те направат.
Видел – не видел, циганскиот бог-крал ги подбрал децата пред себе и тргнал да го бара својот дворец. Ама она што си го загубил еднаш, се наоѓа ли лесно! Одел тој по патишта, барал, прашувал, молел – никаде ни дворец, ни седмо небо.
Па така и ние, неговите деца – воздивнува баба-Мулон – акаме по светот и бараме нешто: седмото небо ли, дворецот на нашиот Пенга ли, кој да ти знае!”
Сите ние со отворени усти ја слушаме чудесната приказна на добриот стар Мулон.
- И каде oтишол Пенга потоа? – праша Насиха.
- Пенга на отишол никаде, - одговори баба-Мулон – туку видел дека така не оди, и на своите деца, кои за тоа време веќе пораснале, им рекол:
- Е, деца мои, ние го загубивме кралството и сега сме ништо. Туку, за да се врзува крај со крај, треба да се јаде. А за да се јаде, треба нешто да се работи, оти ништо не паѓа од небото. И затоа еден од вас нека стане ковач. Тој занает не е лош и со него ќе може убаво да се поминува.
Мислејќи дека тој занает е најлесен, децата се испотепале кој од нив да го земе.
- Друг нека стане свирач, - рекол Пенга, богот без небо и кралот без кралство. – На луѓето им е потребна и веселба.
И така на сите свои деца Пенга им дал по еден занает.
Имал две најмали, но најтврдоглави деца. Тие со ништо не се согласувале и од ништо не биле задоволни.
Но на Пенга му паднало жал да ги остави сосем така, па им рекол:
- Мои рожби сте и не сакам да ме проколнувате во животот. Едниот нека ја зема оваа празна торба и нека тргне по светот да пита на тој начин да се прехранува. А другигот....
Тука Пенга се подзамислил. Што да му даде на својот најмaл син кога не останало ама баш ништо?
Биле наседнати близу до некоја гора. Во тој момент од гората излегла рунтава мечка и им се придружила.
Пенга се насмеал, зашто го решил прашањето и за својот најмал син:
- Еве ти тебе другар, синко мој! Поведи ја мечката и тргни по светот. Таа тебе ќе те храни, ти неа!”
Translation - English Excerpt from The white Gypsy by Vidoe Podgorec
Penga the Gypsy King
“In those days of yore, on the seventh heaven, there lived the great and mighty Penga, god and king of all the Gypsies – the white-haired Gypsy was beginning his tale with a slow ripple that foreboded miraculous advices that happen only in stories and with that mysterious voice thread typical of old men, he went on: - Two white horses pulled his golden carriage. Penga, wealthy and famous, commanded not only the Gypsies but all the people living on the Earth. And because he had immense fortune, he rode his many children on the carriage all day long and watched what those people down on the Earth were doing and did nothing else.
Unfortunately, one day while he was riding on his carriage, one of the carriage wheels broke, and Penga neither knew how nor wanted to mend it. Because the carriage couldn’t ride on three wheels, it had fallen from the seventh heaven onto the Earth. It had fallen along with Penga, along with all his children. Penga sat under a tree and waited for the servants to come and carry him to the castle. Penga waited and waited a day, two, three – but nobody came. And the Sun burnt and burnt, thus Penga’s white face turned dark brown, his children’s white faces turned dark brown as well.
- There, kids, ever since then, the Gypsies are dark brown and lazy, - Mulon went on. – Once they sit somewhere, they don’t get up so easily until someone comes and drives them away by force.
Even Penga, the king of the Gypsies and not only the Gypsies, got driven away from the place he had fallen. Some peasant farmer came and without recognizing Penga the god and king, he yelled at him:
- Are you blind, can’t you see that you and your lot stamped my wheat? Go on, take your tatters and be gone from my field!
Penga tried to explain to the peasant farmer that he was no ordinary vagrant, but a god and a king, and that he had suffered an accident with his golden carriage, that he had fallen from the seventh heaven, but in vain. The peasant farmer didn’t want to hear.
- I don’t care, - yelled the peasant farmed and his moustache got sharper, every hair bearing angry threat. – Come on, when I say, or I will unleash the hounds onto you and they will tear you apart.
Having no other choice, the gypsy god-king, took his children with him and began searching for his castle. But, is it hard to find something you have once lost it! He roamed the roads, inquired, and begged – but no sign of both the castle and the seventh heaven.
That is how we, his children – sighed baba-Mulоn* – roam the world and search for something: whether the seventh heaven, whether the castle of our Penga, no one knows what!”
We all listened to good old Mulon’s marvelous story with our mouths open.
- And where did Penga go afterwards? – Nasiha asked.
- Penga didn’t go anywhere, but he saw that he couldn’t go on like that and he said to his children, who were all grown up by then:
- My children, we had lost our kingdom and now we are nothing. Be that as it may, to meet ends meet, one must eat. And if one wants to eat, one needs to work, since nothing falls from the sky. Therefore, one of you shall be smith. It is an honest trade and it earns well.
Believing it the best trade of all, the children fought over which one of them to take it.
Another shall be a musician, Penga said, the god without a heaven and the king without a kingdom. – People need music and festivities.
Thus, Penga gave each child a trade.
His two youngest children were the most stubborn ones. They didn’t agree with anything and weren’t satisfied at all.
Penga felt sorry for them and didn’t want to leave them like that, so he said to them:
You are my seed and I don’t want you to curse me. One of you shall take this empty bag and he shall roam the world and beg for food. The other….
Penga hesitated for awhile. What shall he give to his youngest son when there was nothing else to give?
They were scattered near some wood. In that very moment, a furry bear came out of the wood and joined them.
Penga smiled, he solved the issue of his youngest son:
- Here is your companion, my son! Take this bear and walk the world. She shall provide for you, and you shall provide for her!”
*baba – Turkish word meaning father, elder, godfather
English to Macedonian: Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English Excerpt from Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta. She was Lo, plain Lo, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. She was Lola in slacks. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores on the dotted line. But in my arms she was always Lolita.
Did she have a precursor? She did, indeed she did. In point of fact, there might have been no Lolita at all had I not loved, one summer, a certain initial girl-child. In a princedom by the sea. Oh when? About as many years before Lolita was born as my age was that summer. You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, exhibit number one is what the seraphs, the misinformed, simple, noble-winged seraphs, envied. Look at this tangle of thorns.
Translation - Macedonian Извадок од Лолита од Владимир Набоков
Лолита, светлино на животов, огану в бедра. Греву мој, душо моја. Ло-ли-та: врвот на јазикот минува пат од три степени по непцето за на крај во забите да лупне. Ло. Ли. Та. Наутро беше Ло, обична Ло, со еден чорап, исправена, метро и половина. В панталони беше Лола. На училиште беше Доли. На хартија беше Долорес. Ама в моите раце секогаш беше Лолита.
Имаше ли друга пред неа? Имаше, и тоа како имаше. Всушност, можеби Лолита воопшто и не ќе ја имаше ако едно лето не љубев една зародишна девојка-дете. Во едно кнежество крај морето. Кога ли? Пред околу онолку години колку што имав тоа лето пред Лолита да се роди. Убиец секогаш го бива за китнест прозен стил.
Дами и господа поротници, доказ број 1 е она на кое серафимите, лошо-информираните, едноставните, благородно-крилестите серафими му завидуваа. Погледнете го клопчево трња.
Spanish to English: Ley de aguas nacionales General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Spanish Capítulo III
Derechos y Obligaciones de Concesionarios o Asignatarios
ARTÍCULO 28. Los concesionarios tendrán los siguientes derechos:
I. Explotar, usar o aprovechar las aguas nacionales y los bienes a que se refiere el Artículo 113 de la presente Ley, en los términos de la presente Ley y del título respectivo;
II. Realizar a su costa las obras o trabajos para ejercitar el derecho de explotación, uso o aprovechamiento del agua, en los términos de la presente Ley y demás disposiciones reglamentarias aplicables;
III. Obtener la constitución de las servidumbres legales en los terrenos indispensables para llevar a cabo el aprovechamiento de agua o su desalojo, tales como la de desagüe, de acueducto y las demás establecidas en la legislación respectiva o que se convengan;
IV. Cuando proceda en función de la reglamentación vigente, transmitir los derechos de los títulos que tengan, ajustándose a lo dispuesto por esta Ley;
V. Renunciar a las concesiones o asignaciones y a los derechos que de ellas se deriven;
VI. Solicitar correcciones administrativas o duplicados de sus títulos;
VII. Solicitar, y en su caso, obtener prórroga de los títulos que les hubiesen sido expedidos, hasta por igual término de vigencia por el que se hubieran emitido y bajo las condiciones del título vigente, de acuerdo con lo previsto en el Artículo 24 de la presente Ley, y
VIII. Las demás que le otorguen esta Ley y el reglamento regional respectivo derivado de dicha Ley.
Artículo reformado DOF 29-04-2004
ARTÍCULO 29. Los concesionarios tendrán las siguientes obligaciones, en adición a las demás asentadas en el presente Título:
I. Ejecutar las obras y trabajos de explotación, uso o aprovechamiento de aguas en los términos y condiciones que establece esta Ley y sus reglamentos, y comprobar su ejecución para prevenir efectos negativos a terceros o al desarrollo hídrico de las fuentes de abastecimiento o de la cuenca hidrológica; así como comprobar su ejecución dentro de los treinta días siguientes a la fecha de la conclusión del plazo otorgado para su realización a través de la presentación del aviso correspondiente;
II. Instalar dentro de los cuarenta y cinco días siguientes a la recepción del título respectivo por parte del interesado, los medidores de agua respectivos o los demás dispositivos o procedimientos de medición directa o indirecta que señalen las disposiciones legales y reglamentarias aplicables, así como las Normas Oficiales Mexicanas;
III. Conservar y mantener en buen estado de operación los medidores u otros dispositivos de medición del volumen de agua explotada, usada o aprovechada;
IV. Pagar puntualmente conforme a los regímenes que al efecto establezca la Ley correspondiente, los derechos fiscales que se deriven de las extracciones, consumo y descargas volumétricas que realice en relación con la explotación, uso o aprovechamiento de las aguas nacionales que le hayan sido concesionadas o asignadas; los concesionarios quedarán en conocimiento que el incumplimiento de esta fracción por más de un ejercicio fiscal será motivo suficiente para la suspensión y, en caso de reincidencia, la revocación de la concesión o asignación correspondiente;
V. Cubrir los pagos que les correspondan de acuerdo con lo establecido en la Ley Fiscal vigente y en las demás disposiciones aplicables;
VI. Sujetarse a las disposiciones generales y normas en materia de seguridad hidráulica y de equilibrio ecológico y protección al ambiente;
VII. Operar, mantener y conservar las obras que sean necesarias para la estabilidad y seguridad de presas, control de avenidas y otras que de acuerdo con las normas se requieran para seguridad hidráulica;
VIII. Permitir al personal de "la Autoridad del Agua" o, en su caso, de "la Procuraduría", según competa y conforme a esta Ley y sus reglamentos, la inspección de las obras hidráulicas para explotar, usar o aprovechar las aguas nacionales, incluyendo la perforación y alumbramiento de aguas del subsuelo; los bienes nacionales a su cargo; la perforación y alumbramiento de aguas nacionales del subsuelo; y permitir la lectura y verificación del funcionamiento y precisión de los medidores, y las demás actividades que se requieran para comprobar el cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en esta Ley y sus disposiciones reglamentarias, normas y títulos de concesión, de asignación o permiso de descarga;
IX. Proporcionar la información y documentación que les solicite "la Autoridad del Agua" o, en su caso "la Procuraduría", con estricto apego a los plazos que le sean fijados conforme al marco jurídico vigente, para verificar el cumplimiento de las disposiciones de esta Ley, del reglamento regional correspondiente, y las asentadas en los títulos de concesión, asignación o permiso de descarga a que se refiere la presente Ley;
X. Cumplir con los requisitos de uso eficiente del agua y realizar su reúso en los términos de las
Normas Oficiales Mexicanas o de las condiciones particulares que al efecto se emitan;
XI. No explotar, usar, aprovechar o descargar volúmenes mayores a los autorizados en los títulos de concesión;
XII. Permitir a "la Autoridad del Agua" con cargo al concesionario, asignatario o permisionario y con el carácter de crédito fiscal para su cobro, la instalación de dispositivos para la medición del agua explotada, usada o aprovechada, en el caso de que por sí mismos no la realicen, sin menoscabo de la aplicación de las sanciones previstas en esta Ley y sus respectivos reglamentos;
XIII. Dar aviso inmediato por escrito a "la Autoridad del Agua" en caso de que los dispositivos de medición dejen de funcionar, debiendo el concesionario o asignatario reparar o en su caso reemplazar dichos dispositivos dentro del plazo de 30 días naturales;
XIV. Realizar las medidas necesarias para prevenir la contaminación de las aguas concesionadas o asignadas y reintegrarlas en condiciones adecuadas conforme al título de descarga que ampare dichos vertidos, a fin de permitir su explotación, uso o aprovechamiento posterior en otras actividades o usos y mantener el equilibrio de los ecosistemas; el incumplimiento de esta disposición implicará: (1) la aplicación de sanciones, cuya severidad estará acorde con el daño ocasionado a la calidad del agua y al ambiente; (2) el pago de los derechos correspondientes a las descargas realizadas en volumen y calidad, y (3) se considerarán causales que puedan conducir a la suspensión o revocación de la concesión o asignación que corresponda;
XV. Mantener limpios y expeditos los cauces, en la porción que corresponda a su aprovechamiento, conforme al título de concesión o asignación respectivo;
XVI. Presentar cada dos años un informe que contenga los análisis cronológicos e indicadores de la calidad del agua que descarga realizados en laboratorio certificado por el Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua, y
XVII. Cumplir con las demás obligaciones establecidas en esta Ley y sus reglamentos, y demás normas aplicables y con las condiciones establecidas en los títulos de concesión o asignación.
Translation - English Chapter III
Rights and Obligations of Concessioners or Assigns
ARTICLE 28. Concessioners shall have the following rights:
I. Exploit, use and take advantage of national waters and goods to which Article 113 of this Law applies, in the terms of this Law and the respective title;
II. Carry out works in order to exercise of the right of exploitation at their own expense, use and take advantage of water, in the terms of this Law and other provisions of the applicable regulations;
III. Obtain constitution of legal easements on the land indispensable for the usage of water or its removal, such as drainage, aqueduct and others provided by the respective legislation or agree with;
IV. Where appropriate according to the current regulations, transfer their title rights, in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
V. Give up concessions or assignments and the rights associated with them;
VI. Request administrative corrections or duplicates of their titles;
VII. Request, and where appropriate, obtain extension of the titles that have been issued, for the same term of duration under which they were issued and under the conditions of the current title, in accordance with the provisions of Article 24 of this Law, and
VIII. Others provided by this Law and the respective regional regulations derived from this Law.
Article amended DOF 29.04.2004
ARTICLE 29. Concessioners shall have the following obligations, in addition to others established by this Title:
I. Carry out works for exploitation, use and taking advantage of waters in the terms and conditions established by this Law and its regulations, and verify their execution in order to prevent negative effects on third parties or on the development of water supply sources or on the drainage basin; as well as verify their execution within thirty (30) days from the deadline set for their realization by presenting corresponding notification;
II. Install, within forty-five (45) days from receiving the respective title by the party concerned, respective water meters or other devices or direct or indirect measurement procedures as outlined in the legal provisions and applicable regulations, as the Mexican Official Standards;
III. Preserve and maintain water meters and other devices measuring the volume of used or exploited water in good operating condition;
IV. Pay fiscal rights deriving from extractions, volumetric consumption and discharge carried out in relation to the exploitation, use and taking advantage of the national waters that have been granted to them in concession or assigned to; at the appropriate time according to the schemes established by the corresponding Law; concessioners will be informed that failure to comply with this fraction for more than one fiscal year will be sufficient basis for suspension, and in the case of recurrence, revocation of the corresponding concession or assignment;
V. Cover the payments corresponding thereto in accordance with the provisions establish by the current Tax Law and other provisions applicable;
VI. Abide by the general provisions and standards in terms of hydraulic safety, ecological balance and environmental protection;
VII. Operate, maintain and preserve works necessary for the stability and safety of the dams, flood control and others in accordance with the standards required for hydraulic safety;
VIII. Allow personnel of “Water Authority”, or, in this case, of “Attorney General Office” as appropriate and according to this Law and its regulations, the inspection of hydraulic works for exploitation, use and taking advantage of national waters, including drilling and discovering groundwater; national goods under their responsibility; drilling and discovery of national groundwater; and allow reading and verification of meters functioning and precision, and other activities that are required for checking compliance with the provisions of this Law and its provisions of the regulation, standards and concession titles, of assignment or permission for discharge;
IX. Provide information and documentation requested by “the Water Authority” or, in this case, “Attorney General Office” with strict adherence to the deadlines established by the existing legal framework, in order to verify the compliance with the provisions of this Law, corresponding regional regulations, and established by the titles of concession, assignation or permission for discharge referred to by this Law;
X. Comply with the requirements for efficient water use and carry out its reuse in the terms established by the Mexican Official Standards or in particular conditions issued for such purpose.
XI. Do not exploit, use, take advantage or discharge volume larger than the authorized in the concession titles;
XII. Allow “Water Authority” in charge of the concessionaire, assignee or the permittee and in relation to tax credit collection, to install measuring devices for exploited and used water, in case they fail to carry it out themselves, while ensuring the imposition of the sanctions provided by this Law and its respective regulations;
XIII. Promptly inform “Water Authority” in writing, in case the measuring devices stop working, the concessionaire or the assignee must repair or if applicable replace these devices within thirty (30) calendar days.
XIV. Perform the necessary measures to prevent contamination of or waters granted in concession or assigned, and reintegrate them into adequate conditions in accordance with the title of discharge covering such discharges, so as to allow their exploitation and use or later use in other activities or uses and maintain the balance of the ecosystems; failure to comply with this provision will imply: (1) imposition of sanctions the severity of which will be in accordance with the damage to water quality and the environment; (2) payment of the rights corresponding to the discharge made in volume and quality, and (3) shall be considered grounds which may lead to suspension or revocation of the corresponding concession or assignation.
XV. Maintain channels clean and unobstructed, in the portion corresponding to their use, in accordance with the respective concession or assignation title;
XVI. Every two years submit a report containing the chronological analysis and indicators of discharged water quality produced in a laboratory certified by the Mexican Institute of Water Technology, and
XVII. Comply with the obligations established by this Law and its regulations, and other applicable standards and in accordance with the conditions established by the concession and assignation titles.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Ss. Cyril & Methodius University of Skopje
Years of experience: 15. Registered at Mar 2014.
Macedonian to English (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology) English to Macedonian (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology) Spanish to English (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology) Spanish to Macedonian (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology)
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